3.2. Adding Instances for Monitoring

After successfully deploying the plug-in, follow these steps to add the plug-in target to Cloud Control for central monitoring and management:

  1. Log in to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control as sysman or as a user that has the appropriate privileges.

  2. From the Setup menu, select Add Target, and then select Add Target Manually.

  3. On the Add Targets Manually page, select Add Non-Host Targets by Specifying Target Monitoring Properties.

  4. Choose Sun Ray Software for the Target Type.

  5. Click the magnifying glass in the Monitoring Agent field to select the agent on the Sun Ray server you want to monitor.

  6. Click Add Manually.

  7. On the Add Sun Ray Software page, enter a unique name for the Target Name and click OK.

    For example, you can use the naming convention of Sun Ray Software Plug-in on server_hostname.