Oracle® Business Transaction Management

Release Notes



April 2012

Oracle Business Transaction Management allows you to define and monitor transactions, and understand the business context of each transaction, including the transaction's consumers and business payload. You can also set performance targets for each transaction and monitor performance relative to those targets. You can trigger alert notifications when performance targets are breached or unusual conditions are met.

This document provides information about the changes introduced with release of Business Transaction Management. It is recommended that you review this document before installing the product or upgrading to this version of the product. This document contains the following sections:

New Capabilities

The following sections describe new capabilities introduced with Release

Monitoring Oracle fusion 11g RUP1 Applications

The fApps observer enables monitoring of the principal technologies that make up the infrastructure of Oracle Fusion 11g RUP1 Applications. The fApps observer package includes the following:

  • The SOA observer (including new probe for EDN)

  • The Java EE observer (except the JDBC probe)

  • New probes for ESS (Enterprise Scheduler Service) and ORA-WS (Oracle Infrastructure Web Services)

Observer Configuration: Monitoring Intermediate Endpoints

Depending on the technology, some messages flow directly from a client to a service, others flow through a host of intermediate endpoints before they reach their actual destination. Such intermediate endpoints might comprise the implementation of a messaging system, a job scheduling system, a distributed system, and so on. When installing probes for technologies that use intermediate endpoints, Business Transaction Management allows you to specify whether you want to monitor all endpoints or just the endpoints at the edge of such systems; often these are the endpoints that directly represent the business services of interest. Turning off the monitoring of intermediary endpoints can improve monitoring performance and eliminate data that is not essential to monitoring your distributed applications.

The observer communication policy gives you the option of controlling the monitoring of intermediate endpoints for SOA and EJB probes.  For additional information, see Business Transaction Management Installation Guide.

Platform Support Updates

This release adds the following support:

  • Introduces the Java EE observer EJB 3 probe on WLS 10.3.x.

  • Certifies support for the observers with SOA 11g PS5, OSB 11g PS5, and WLS 10.3 PS5.

Known Problems

The following problems have been observed:

  • Coexistence with ADP agent

    CR 13895330: The ADP agent and BTM observer cannot coexist in a single container until the planned ADP agent update to This is targeted for availability in mid-April 2012.

  • SOA Suite 11g PS5 bug impacting observer

    CR 13895209: INCORRECT WSDL FOR SOA PS5 WEB SERVICES. User Description: In SOA PS5, if WSDLs of different SOA web services import the same parent WSDL, a query WSDL of individual service might contain all endpoints from different services with the same address location. This affects BTM in that SOA web services importing the same parent WSDL might show more endpoints than they are supposed to have.

Bugs Fixed in Release

The following bugs were fixed in this release.


    User Description: When deployed in WebLogic 10.3.5, the JAXWS probe might generate a SOAPFault when an observed message contains an invalid WS-Addressing header (e.g. wsa:From at the wrong position).

  • CR 13804251: EJB2.1 Session Bean Client Outbound Missing

    User Description: If an EJB session bean is created using a facade pattern, which means that the remote bean interface (implementing EJBObject) is extended from a base interface (that does not implement EJBObject), then if calls to the remote EJB are made through the base interface, outbound measurements between EJB client and remote EJB are missed.


    User Description: When creating a Message Property on a managed object (server, endpoint, or operation), an IllegalStateException appears in the UI and the message property is not created. The error occurs on the screen that comes up when you select the menu option "Create->Message property on <object>". Also, the message "could not find the built in parent type ..." shows up in the server log. The problem occurs when you have nested restrictions of Simple types in the XSD describing the message for the operation.


    User Description: The BTM system automatically detects routers in a monitored environment. It adds a newly discovered router to the Sphere model. However the router existence information is not cached in memory. This causes excessive calls between the Monitor and Sphere.


    User Description: Selecting a header property as the property to be used for segmentation does not work.  The problem is that the code in the transaction server treats header and non-header properties differently and does not account for the possibility that a header could be used as a value for a segment.

Documentation Accessibility

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Access to Oracle Support

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Oracle Business Transaction Management Release Notes, Release for all platforms


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