In Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release 4 (, you can combine Management Agent binaries with Management Agent patches and plug-in patches, so that you do not have to apply these patches every time you deploy or upgrade a Management Agent. You can save the Management Agent one-off patches that you want to apply on a particular version of the Management Agent software, such that these patches are automatically applied on the software whenever a new Management Agent of the same version is deployed, or an old Management Agent is upgraded to that version. This is a one-time operation, that is, you do not have to perform this action every time you deploy or upgrade a Management Agent.
If you save the Management Agent one-off patches on the OMS host as described in this appendix, any Management Agent deployment or upgrade activity will automatically pick up these patches for the respective Management Agent versions and platforms. Hence, this feature saves you a considerable amount of time and effort.
For information on applying patches on a plug-in and ensuring that the patched plug-in is deployed on all the new Management Agents that you deploy, and all the old Management Agents that you upgrade, see Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administration Guide.
Ensure that you follow the steps mentioned in this appendix and the section referenced in the previous para before scheduling a Management Agent deployment or upgrade session, so that the patches that you want to apply on the Management Agent and plug-ins are applied automatically after the Management Agent deployment or upgrade.
This appendix contains the following sections:
To save Management Agent one-off patches to your OMS host, such that they are applied whenever a new Management Agent is deployed, or a Management Agent is upgraded, follow these steps:
Download the required Management Agent one-off patches from My Oracle Support, available at the following URL:
Ensure that the size of the patch zip file you downloaded is the same as what is displayed on the My Oracle Support page.
For information on how to download a patch from My Oracle Support, see Oracle Enterprise Manager Lifecycle Management Administrator's Guide.
Create the following directory on the OMS host, and transfer all the generic Management Agent one-off patches to it:
Here, <agent_version>
is the version of the Management Agent that the patch is for. Ensure that you use the five-digit Management Agent version while creating this directory.
For example, if you want to apply Patch 11180406, a generic Management Agent one-off patch for a Management Agent, whenever a Management Agent is deployed, or an old Management Agent is upgraded to, download this patch from My Oracle Support, create the following directory, then transfer the patch to it:
Create the following directories on the OMS host, and transfer all the platform-specific Management Agent one-off patches to them:
Here, <agent_version>
is the version of the Management Agent that the patch is for. Ensure that you use the five-digit Management Agent version while creating these directories.
is the platform directory name, which is different for different patch platforms. Table D-1 lists the platform directories that you must create for various patch platforms.
Table D-1 Platform Directory Names for Transferring Platform-Specific Management Agent Patches
Patch Platform | Platform Directory Name |
Linux x86 |
linux |
Linux x86-64 |
linux_x64 |
Oracle Solaris on SPARC (64-bit) |
solaris |
Oracle Solaris on x86-64 (64-bit) |
solaris_x64 |
HP-UX PA-RISC (64-bit) |
hpunix |
HP-UX Itanium |
hpi |
IBM S/390 Based Linux (31-bit) |
linux_zseries64 |
IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-bit) |
aix |
IBM: Linux on POWER Systems |
linux_ppc64 |
Microsoft Windows x64 (64-bit) |
windows_x64 |
Microsoft Windows (32-bit) |
win32 |
If you have a multi-OMS environment, ensure that you perform these steps on all the OMS hosts. Ensure that you download and transfer the same patches to the same directories on all the OMS hosts. Failing to do so may result in inconsistency and unexpected errors.For example, if you want to apply Patch 11878907 (which is for a Linux x86-64 Management Agent), and Patch 11993577 (which is for a Microsoft Windows x64 Management Agent), whenever these Management Agents are deployed, or older versions of these Management Agents are upgraded to, download these patches from My Oracle Support, create the following directories, then transfer the patches to them:
For Patch 11878907:
For Patch 11993577:
You can use these methods to verify whether the Management Agent one-off patches that you saved to your OMS host (described in Section D.1) have been applied on a Management Agent that you deployed or upgraded:
Run the following command from the Management Agent home:
$<AGENT_HOME>/OPatch/opatch lsinventory -oh <AGENT_HOME> -invPtrLoc <AGENT_HOME>/oraInst.loc
This command displays all the patches applied on the Management Agent.
In the Cloud Control console, from the Setup menu, select Manage Cloud Control, then select Agents. Click the name of the required Management Agent to navigate to its home page. In the Configuration section, click Oracle Home and Patch Details. The patches applied on the Management Agent are displayed in the Patches Applied section.