This appendix lists the locations of the various log files that are created during the prerequisites check, installation, and configuration phases of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control components.
In particular, this appendix covers the following:
This section describes the following log files that are created while installing Enterprise Manager Cloud Control:
The following are the installation logs, which provide complete information on the installation status:
This section describes the following configuration logs:
The Oracle Management Service (OMS) configuration logs are located in the following location of the Oracle home of the OMS.
Table B-1 lists the configuration logs for different installation types.
Table B-1 General Configuration Logs
Installation Type | Location |
Install a new or Upgrade Enterprise Manager system |
Note: |
Add an additional Management Service |
Note: |
Install Oracle Management Agent |
Note: |
This section describes the following repository configuration logs:
The SYSMAN schema operation logs are available in the following location of the Oracle home of the OMS. Listed in this directory is an overall log file, emschema.log
, which logs all the actions performed by all the instances of RepManager run.
In this location, for each run of RepManager, a new subdirectory is created based on the time at which the RepManager was run.
For example, if the RepManager was run and an instance was created at 09/29/2007 12:50PM, then the following subdirectory is created.
An instance of RepManager (or equivalently RepManager) can have schema actions, mainly CREATE, DROP, UPGRADE, TRANSX, and RESUME_RETRY. For each action, a subdirectory is created.
For example, if a CREATE action is performed by a RepManager instance at 09/29/2006 12:51PM, then the following subdirectory is created. Listed under this subdirectory are RCU-related log files and emschema.log.CREATE
log file that logs the CREATE action-specific messages.
In general, in $<ORACLE_HOME>/sysman/log/schemananager/m_<time-stamp>/m_<time-stamp>.<schema-action>
, the following files are created:
RCU per component (i.e. init, common, modify, drop, config, outofbox, preupgrade log
RCU log
Schema action-specific RCU logs
TransX action-specific log (emrep_config.log
If the any of the schema operations (CREATE/UPGRADE/PREUPGRADE/DROP) fail in SQL execution, and if you retry the operation by clicking Retry, then a separate subdirectory titled m_<time-stamp>.RESUME_RETRY
is created.
The following shows the overall directory structure of repository operation logs for different schema actions:
$<ORACLE_HOME>/sysman/log/schemamanager emschema.log m_030210_0349_AM m_030210_0325_AM.TRANSX emrep_config.log emschema.log.TRANSX m_030210_0438_AM m_030210_0438_AM.DROP (Same structure for Drop and Dropall actions) rcu.log emschema.log.DROP em_repos_drop.log m_030210_0450_AM m_030210_0450_AM.CREATE custom_comp_create_tbs.log em_repos_common.log em_repos_init.log emrep_config.log.3 emrep_config.log.2 emrep_config.log.1 emrep_config.log emschema.log rcu.log emschema.log.CREATE em_repos_config.log m_030210_1006_PM m_030210_1006_PM.RESUME_RETRY emrep_config.log.3 emrep_config.log.2 emrep_config.log.1 emrep_config.log emschema.log rcu.log emschema.log.RESUME_RETRY em_repos_modify.log m_030210_1021_PM m_030210_1021_PM.UPGRADE em_repos_init.log emrep_config.log.3 emrep_config.log.2 emrep_config.log.1 emrep_config.log emschema.log rcu.log emschema.log.UPGRADE em_repos_modify.log m_030210_1100_PM m_030210_1100_PM.PREUPGRADE em_repos_preupgrade.log emschema.log.PREUPGRADE rcu.log em_repos_init.log emrep_config.log.3 emrep_config.log.2 emrep_config.log.1 emrep_config.log em_repos_common.log m_030210_1125_PM m_030210_1125_PM.MY_ORACLE_SUPPORT emschema.log.MY_ORACLE_SUPPORTm_030210_1135_PM m_030210_1135_PM.PLUGINPURGE emschema.log.PLUGINPURGE em_repos_pluginpurge.logrcu.log
For EMPrereqKit, the logs are available at the <oraInventoryLoc>/logs/
The details of execution of the prerequisites per prerequisite component location is available at:
For example,
The details of execution of the EMPrereqkit is available at:
The errors are located at:
For MDS schema creation operation, the following log is available in the Oracle home of the OMS:
For more information, review the following logs from the Oracle home of the OMS:
For MDS schema drop operation, the following logs are available in the location you specified by using the -logDir
argument while invoking the MDS schema drop command:
However, if you did not specify any custom location while invoking the MDS schema drop command, then the logs are created in the Oracle home of the OMS. For example, /scratch/OracleHomes/oms12c/mds.log
and /scratch/OracleHomes/oms12c/emmdsdrop_<timestamp>.log
For OMS, the following secure log is available in the OMS Instance Base location. Here, <oms_name>, for example, can be EMGC_OMS1.
For Management Agents, the following secure log is available in the Oracle home of the Management Agent.
The following log files that provide information about the running OMS are available in the OMS Instance Base location. Here, <oms_name>, for example, can be EMGC_OMS1.
This section describes the locations for the following Add Host log files:
Table B-2 lists the initialization logs of the remote host and their locations. Note that <OMS_INSTANCE_HOME>
mentioned in this table refers to the OMS instance base directory (by default, it is gc_inst/em/EMGC_OMS1,
which is present in the parent directory of the middleware home, by default).
Table B-3 lists the application prerequisite logs and their locations. Note that <OMS_INSTANCE_HOME>
mentioned in this table refers to the OMS instance base directory (by default, it is gc_inst/em/EMGC_OMS1,
which is present in the parent directory of the middleware home, by default), and <install_type>
mentioned in this table refer to one of the installation types mentioned in Table B-4.
Log File | Location |
Table B-5 lists the system prerequisite logs and their locations. Note that <OMS_INSTANCE_HOME>
mentioned in this table refers to the OMS instance base directory (by default, it is gc_inst/em/EMGC_OMS1,
which is present in the parent directory of the middleware home, by default).
Table B-5 System Prerequisite Logs
Log File | Location |
Table B-6 lists the agent installation logs and their locations. Note that <OMS_INSTANCE_HOME>
mentioned in this table refers to the OMS instance base directory (by default, it is gc_inst/em/EMGC_OMS1,
which is present in the parent directory of the middleware home, by default).
Table B-6 Agent Installation Logs
Log File | Location | Description |
Fresh and Cloned Agent install logs |
Shared Agent installation logs |
Agent Configuration logs |
Table B-7 lists all the other installation logs that are created during an agent installation using the Add Host wizard. Note that <OMS_INSTANCE_HOME>
mentioned in this table refers to the OMS instance base directory (by default, it is gc_inst/em/EMGC_OMS1,
which is present in the parent directory of the middleware home, by default).
Logs | Location | Description |
Agent Deploy application logs. |
Logs of the remote interfaces layer. |
Add Host Deployment Framework logs |
Add Host User Interface logs. |
Table B-8 lists the installation logs that are created when a Management Agent is installed manually, that is, in silent mode. Note that <ORACLE_HOME>
mentioned in this table refers to the target Management Agent Oracle Home, that is, <AGENT_BASE_DIR>/core/
Table B-8 Manual Management Agent Installation Logs
Logs | Location | Description |
Installation logs |
Installation prerequisite logs |
Configuration logs |
Attach home logs |
Update home logs |
Clone action logs |
Table B-9 lists the installation logs that you can view when adding an OMS fails:
refers to the home for the new additional OMS. However, for Admin logs, ORACLE_HOME
refers to the home for the primary OMS.
refers to the OMS instance directory (that is, gc_inst,
which is present in the parent directory of the middleware home, by default).
Table B-9 Additional OMS Installation Logs
Logs | Location |
omsca failure |
Plug-in failure |
Managed server logs
Admin logs |
(If out of memory error or space issue occurs, this logs on the primary OMS) |
Deployment procedure output |
Deployment procedure screenshots |
Clone logs |