14 Discovering Targets

Discovery Icon Discovery refers to the process of identifying unmanaged hosts and targets in your environment. Once you discover these hosts and targets, you can promote them and add them to the Enterprise Manager system so that they can be monitored. Scan your network thoroughly, and identify the unmanaged targets you want to monitor.

Step 1: Scan Your Network Step 2: Promote and Monitor Hosts Step 3: Discover Targets
  1. From the Setup menu, select Add Target, then select Configure Auto Discovery.
  2. In the Configure Auto Discovery section, in the Network Scan-based Auto Discovery table, in the Configure Network Scan Discovery column, click the Configure icon.

  3. Click Create.

  4. In the Network Scans section, click Add. Select a Management Agent that can scan the network.

  5. Enter the IP ranges to scan.

    The range can contain absolute host names, IP addresses, a range of addresses, or/and Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notations.

  6. In the Schedule section, schedule the scan job to run immediately or on/at a particular date/time.

  7. In the Credentials section, enter the credentials of the Management Agent that you have selected for scanning the network.

  8. Click Save and Submit IP Scan.

  1. From the Setup menu, select Add Target, then select Auto Discovery Results.
  2. Click the Host Targets tab.

  3. In the table, select a host, then click Promote.

    The Add Host Targets wizard appears. Use this wizard to install a Management Agent on the discovered host.

  4. Repeat Step (3) for other hosts you want to monitor.

  1. From the Setup menu, select Add Target, then select Configure Auto Discovery.
  2. In the Configure Auto Discovery section, in the Auto Discovery table, against the All Discovery Modules row, in the Configure Auto Discovery column, click the Configure icon.

  3. In the table, select the host whose targets you want to discover, and click Configure.

  4. Set the frequency for the scan.

  5. Select the discovery modules you want to discover on the host.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Repeat Step (3) to Step (6) for other hosts.

  8. Click Run Discovery Now.

    The discovery job runs on the host immediately as well as at the set frequency.