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Oracle Advanced Monitoring and Resolution User's Guide,
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Part Number E24680-02
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Creating Change Management Tickets

Use one of the following procedures to create a Change Management (CM) ticket. When you create a CM ticket, you specify several attributes that define the type and scope of the change and its classification. You can also specify the target CIs and assets of the change and other information that helps define the change. A CM ticket proposes a change that you want made to one or more CIs that are registered to the Configuration Management System (CMS) in Oracle Advanced Monitoring and Resolution. The CM ticket sets the change process in motion.


Recurring maintenance activity must be added as recurring change requests by setting the Recurring flag to Yes. Oracle Advanced Monitoring and Resolution sends an automated e-mail when a recurring maintenance CM ticket is initially submitted, approved, and when the final instance of the CM ticket is completed.

The status of recurring CM tickets alternates between WIP (work-in-progress) and SCHEDULED until the final instance is completed. For information about recurring tickets, see Example of Simple Recurring CM ticket.

You can create a CM ticket using one of the following methods:

Create a New Change Management Ticket

Use this procedure to create a new CM ticket:

  1. Log in to Oracle Advanced Monitoring and Resolution.

    The Oracle Advanced Monitoring and Resolution Home appears.

  2. Click the Advanced Monitoring tab.

    The Advanced Monitoring page appears.

  3. From the Change menu, select Create CM Ticket.

    The Create CM Ticket page appears.

  4. In the Change Identification area, define the following information:

    1. From the Change Priority list, select the priority level, which determines the relative importance of the change in relation to other outstanding change requests:

      • Planned: Changes that follow the usual change management process, often referred to as work requests.

      • Urgent: Unplanned changes that are expedited and managed outside of the standard CM process, and may require to be implemented outside of the regular change maintenance window.


        Urgent changes are worked through the Control Center usually but not always.
      • Emergency: Changes resulting from incidents that impact the customer environment. Emergency CM tickets are implemented in real time, with approval not being necessary if the impact of the fix is less than or equal to the current impact to the customer environment.


        For Emergency CM tickets, customer approvals are bypassed and ­Oracle Advanced Monitoring and Resolution notifies the support center by e-mail. You must enter the related Incident Ticket ID on the CM page before you can submit an Emergency CM ticket.
    2. From the Change Category list, select the category of the CM ticket. The category determines the difficulty and impact of the CM ticket:

      • Major: Major changes to system functionality.

      • Minor: Has low impact and requires few resources.

      • Standard: Follows established and documented approach.

    3. From the Classification list, select the area that indicates the origin of the changes:

      • Build: Indicates changes from implementation or pre-production

      • Customer - OMP area: Indicates changes from the customer relating to a specific area of OM Platform.

      • Support - OMP area: Indicates changes from the Oracle Service Delivery team relating to a specific area of OM Platform.

    4. From the SubClass list, select a subclass to associate the classification selected in step c. For example, if you selected Customer - Account Management in step c, then the possible subclass values are:

      • Account Information Changes - Address, Contacts

      • Knowledge Article - Add, Delete, Update

      • User Accounts - Add, Invite, Delete Update

  5. In the Requestor area, define the following information:

    1. From the Owner list, select the individual responsible for the CM ticket (accepting requests for change and following established processes to implement the changes).


      The Owner is a registered user in Oracle Advanced Monitoring and Resolution, but the implementer of the CM ticket might not be a registered user.
    2. From the Implemented By list, select who is responsible for the individual implementation steps, including building and testing the change.


      The Service Provider option is for internal use only.
    3. Enter the user name of the person responsible for implementing the CM ticket.

    4. In the Implementer Contact box, enter the contact information for the person responsible for implementing the CM ticket.

    5. In the Support Resource box, enter the user name of the named support resource assigned to the CM ticket.

    6. In the Contact Info box, enter the contact information for the named support resource.

    7. From the Risk list, select the risk level associated with implementing the CM ticket. Choose one of the following options:

      • High: Major business impact or high user impact.

      • Medium: Minor impact to application and users and easy to back out.

      • Low: Routine day-to-day changes with minimal impact.

    8. From the Probability list, select the probability that the risk will occur.

  6. In the Description area, define the following information:

    1. In the Summary box, enter a descriptive title for the CM ticket being submitted. Use words that will aid in future searches and to link this CM ticket to others like it. ((Maximum of 80 alphanumeric characters.)

    2. In the Description box, enter a clear and concise description of the change including the nature and scope of the work to be performed

    3. In the Reason For Change box, enter a description of the reason for the change you want made.

  7. In the CI and CI Groups area, identify the configuration items impacted by the change.

    1. Click Add.

      The Select CI(s) window appears.

    2. From the filter list, select the appropriate CI parameter.

    3. In the list, click the item you want to use to narrow the search criteria.

    4. To apply the current filter criteria, click Show Results, or move to the next filter to specify the next search criteria.

      The list of CIs matching your search criteria appears in the Filtered Results area.

    5. Select the required CI, then click Add Selected.

    6. Repeat these steps until you have all the required CIs, then click SUBMIT.

      The Create CM page appears with a new row in the CI & CI Group table.

  8. In the Change Information area, define the following information as required:

    • Filter

      Select Filter to filter events for the CIs associated with this CM ticket from the Support Center screens. Events for the associated CIs will be ignored during the change process.

    • Timing is Critical

      Select Timing is Critical to enable Oracle Advanced Monitoring and Resolution to display a warning about impacts on the change process. When this option is selected, the scheduled period for implementation cannot be modified once the ticket has been approved. To reschedule the ticket, it must be reapproved.

    • Monitoring Impacted

      Select Monitoring Impacted to indicate that monitoring services are impacted as a result of this change request.

    • Inventory Impacted

      Select Inventory Impacted to indicate that inventory (CIs) are impacted as a result of this change request.

    • Backups Impacted

      Select Backups Impacted to indicate that backup services are impacted as a result of this change request.

  9. In the Scheduling area, define the following information:


    You must have appropriate privileges to enter the scheduling information for the CM ticket you are creating. Otherwise, you cannot enter scheduling information.
    1. Set Recurring to either Yes or No depending on whether the CM ticket requires recurring maintenance.

      You can create a recurring ticket to implement repetitive and planned tasks, such as backups and regular reboots, for CIs.

      If you indicate that the CM ticket is recurring, then Oracle Advanced Monitoring and Resolution filters alerts for the specified CIs.


      The status for recurring change requests alternates between WIP and Scheduled until the final scheduled implementation task is completed.

      If you selected Yes, then enter the following information:

      • In the Recurring Period box, enter how often the CM ticket requires maintenance and select the unit of time from the list.

      • Set Infinite Recurring to Yes or No depending on whether the CM ticket requires maintenance infinitely. If you select No, then the Recurring End Date field appears.

      • In the Recurring End Date box, click the Calendar icon beside the Recurring End Date box. In the Calendar, select the date on which recurring maintenance on the CM ticket will end.

    2. In the Requested Date box, click the Calendar icon beside the Requested Date box. In the Calendar, select the date that the change was requested, then click Apply.


      Oracle Advanced Monitoring and Resolution displays the local time zone abbreviation beside the date. This time zone is set from the My Preferences menu item in Accounts. For more information, see the Mission Critical Support Platform Customer User Administrator Guide.
    3. In the Scheduled Start Date box, click the Calendar icon beside the Scheduled Start Date box. In the Calendar, select the date on which work on the change request will begin, then click Apply.


      Oracle Advanced Monitoring and Resolution displays the local time zone abbreviation beside the date. This time zone is set from the My Preferences menu item in Accounts. For more information, see the Mission Critical Support Platform Customer User Administrator Guide.
    4. In the Scheduled Duration box, enter the amount of time scheduled to complete the CM ticket and select the unit of the time from the list.

    5. Click the time zone link beside Local Timezone for DST Calculation to set the local time zone for Daylight Saving Time (DST). ­Oracle Advanced Monitoring and Resolution displays a confirmation window, reminding you that this setting is for DST calculations only. Click OK to continue.

  10. In the Related Tickets area, define the following information:

    1. In the Related ID box, enter the ID of the related Incident ticket.

    2. In the External ID box, enter the ID of an external related ticket from a third-party ticketing system.

  11. In the Plan area, define the following information if required:

    1. In the Implementation Plan box, describe how the CM ticket will be implemented.

    2. In the Test Plan box, describe how the CM ticket will be tested including detailed test scenarios, expected results, actual results, pass or fail.

    3. In the Backout Plan box, describe how to restore back to the original state if the implementation plan fails

    4. In the Dependencies box, list the items that are required and their relationships, which are dependent on each other and potentially impact each other during the CM ticket implementation.

  12. You can save the CM ticket as a draft or submit the CM ticket.

    • To save the CM ticket, click SAVE AS DRAFT.

      Oracle Advanced Monitoring and Resolution performs the following actions on the CM ticket you created:

      • Saves the CM ticket in the database.

      • Adds the name of the submitter and the submission date to the CM ticket.

      • Assigns an ID to the CM ticket.

      • Advances the CM ticket to Draft status.

      • Notifies the Change Implementer.

        The e-mail notification contains an embedded hyperlink to the CM ticket.

    • To submit the CM ticket, click SUBMIT.

      Oracle Advanced Monitoring and Resolution performs the following actions on the CM ticket you created:

      • Saves the CM ticket in the database.

      • Adds the name of the submitter and the submission date to the CM ticket.

      • Assigns an ID to the CM ticket.

      • Advances the CM ticket to the next step in the work flow.

      • Notifies the following parties:

        Change Implementers

        Change Owner

        Change Requester

        E-mail Subscriber List

        The e-mail notification contains an embedded hyperlink to the CM ticket.

Clone a Change Management Ticket

Cloning enables you to copy an existing CM ticket to create a new CM ticket for a customer organization. When you clone a CM ticket, Oracle Advanced Monitoring and Resolution displays the Create CM Ticket page with all the fields pre populated from the existing CM ticket you cloned. You must review the information on the page and modify the data as appropriate.

To clone a CM ticket:

  1. Log in to Oracle Advanced Monitoring and Resolution.

    The Oracle Advanced Monitoring and Resolution Home appears.

  2. Click the Advanced Monitoring tab.

    The Advanced Monitoring page appears.

  3. From the Change menu, select Change.

    The Change Management page appears.

  4. Locate the CM ticket that you want to clone, then click View or Update.

    The View CM Ticket or Update CM Ticket page appears.

  5. Click CLONE.

    The Create CM Ticket page appears with the information copied from the existing CM ticket you cloned.


    Oracle Advanced Monitoring and Resolution does not copy any time or date information or schedule-related data from the existing CM ticket.
  6. Review and modify the information on the Create CM Ticket page as required. For more information about the data on this page, see Create a New Change Management Ticket.

  7. You can save the CM ticket as a draft or submit the CM ticket.

    • To save the CM ticket, click SAVE AS DRAFT.

      Oracle Advanced Monitoring and Resolution performs the following actions on the CM ticket you created:

      • Saves the CM ticket in the database.

      • Adds the name of the submitter and the submission date to the CM ticket.

      • Assigns an ID to the CM ticket.

      • Advances the CM ticket to Draft status.

      • Notifies the Change Implementer.

        The e-mail notification contains an embedded hyperlink to the CM ticket.

    • To submit the CM ticket, click SUBMIT.

      Oracle Advanced Monitoring and Resolution performs the following actions on the CM ticket you created:

      • Saves the CM ticket in the database.

      • Adds the name of the submitter and the submission date to the CM ticket.

      • Assigns an ID to the CM ticket.

      • Advances the CM ticket to the next step in the work flow.

      • Notifies the following parties:

        Change Implementers

        Change Owner

        Change Requester

        E-mail Subscriber List

        The e-mail notification contains an embedded hyperlink to the CM ticket.