7 Understanding Standard Event Rules Guidelines

This chapter contains the following topics:

7.1 Standard Event Rules Guidelines

Use these guidelines when you create event rules (including Table I/O).

Ensure that you:

  • Set up the option to accept a numeric value rather than a character for options that are passed back from the business function (this is more acceptable internationally).

    For example, use 1 (rather than T or Y) for true and 0 (rather than F or N) for false.

  • Include a blank line before and after each comment; separate logical sections of event rules with a dashed line.

  • Use a grid variable if the work field is a grid column.

  • Do not use a hard-coded text string to load a field or variable; use a text variable instead.

  • Use the data item Program ID (PID) to update the database; for example, P01021 for an Address Book event rule from an interactive application.

  • Always use the directional arrows to attach business functions.

    If you do not use a parameter, then use the  symbol. This symbol identifies a parameter that is not used by the application that calls the business function. Additionally, it provides documentation to other readers of the code.

  • Include a revisions log at the top of DialogIsInitialized for the entry point form for an interactive application and InitializeSection for a batch application.

    The revisions log contains the date, user, and software action request (SAR) number of the modifications made to the application.