8 Custom Modifications and Packages

This chapter contains the following topics:

8.1 Understanding Custom Modifications and Packages

At this point, you are ready to retrofit your custom modifications into the objects delivered in the update. You may also choose to apply Oracle's suggested UDC description Data Dictionary glossary changes. This portion of the update process may involve several iterations of retrofitting and testing, so you will also be building update packages to deliver the modifications to the testing environments. This chapter also explains how to build and test the packages that you will deploy to the workstations.

If you made a backup of original specifications and business functions, you can restore this backup.

See Restoring a Backup.

8.2 Retrofitting Custom Modifications

This section provides an overview of retrofitting custom modifications, discusses prerequisites, and discusses how to retrofit custom modifications for:

  • Interactive applications

  • Reports

  • Table conversions

  • Tables

  • Named event rules

  • C business functions

8.2.1 Understanding Retrofitting Custom Modifications

Most users modify their software to make the functionality more applicable to their business situations. When you update to a new release, you need to transfer your modifications to the new release.

Because re-creating custom modifications each time you update the software would be a laborious process, this chapter explains how to integrate the custom modifications that you made in your current software into the updated software. This integration, called retrofitting, enables you to refit the customizations that can be merged into each new version of the software.

8.2.2 Prerequisites

To retrofit modifications, you need a workstation with the upgraded software and the development tools. These tools enable you to compare the customizations that your current software merged into the new software with any path code in the system. This enables you to easily compare the upgraded modifications with a version of your modifications before the upgrade or with the pristine environment of the new release.

This table lists the requirements to retrofit custom modifications.

Requirement Details
Personnel A programmer, preferably the same one who did the custom modifications, should perform this task.
Logon status You must be able to log on to the workstation on which you will retrofit object modifications, typically in the development or prototype environment.
Package The environment must be updated and a package must be built and deployed to the workstation being used.
Modified Objects The modified objects must be checked out.

See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Object Management Workbench Guide.

8.2.3 Retrofitting Custom Modifications for an Interactive Application

To retrofit custom modifications for an interactive application:

  1. From Object Management Workbench (OMW), use Form Design Aid (FDA) to copy custom objects into the target application.

    You can use Compare Mode, under the File menu, to help with this process. Everything custom must be copied in FDA, except for Event Rule (ER) variables and ER statements that do not reference any custom objects.

  2. Save your changes.

  3. Within FDA, select Edit and Event Rules.

    This option enables you to use EditER to reenter all ER statements that reference any custom objects other than custom ER variables.

  4. Save your work.

  5. Use the JD Edwards ER Compare tool (ER Compare button in OMW or ER Compare command in FDA) to compare the updated local specifications (target) with the original, customized (source) specifications.

  6. Copy ER variables and then ER statements from source to target.

    Do not copy any statements that reference objects that existed only in the source (customized) environment. Those should have been created in step 3.

  7. Validate the resulting ER. Save and exit JD Edwards ER Compare.

  8. When you finish retrofitting and testing the modifications, check them back in and rebuild the package.

  9. Test and fix the modifications, and then rebuild and redeploy the corrected package. Repeat this step until all the modifications are functioning properly.

8.2.4 Retrofitting Custom Modifications for a Report

To retrofit custom modifications for a report:

  1. From OMW, use Report Design Aid (RDA) to re-create all custom report objects in the target UBE (universal batch engine).

  2. Within RDA, select Edit and Event Rules.

    This option enables you to use EditER to reenter all ER statements that reference custom objects other than custom ER variables.

  3. Save your work.

  4. Use the JD Edwards ER Compare tool (ER Compare button in OMW) to compare the updated local specifications (target) with the original, customized (source) specifications.

  5. Copy ER variables and then ER statements from source to target.

    Do not copy any statements that reference objects that existed only in the source (customized) environment. Those should have been created in step 2.

  6. Validate the resulting ER. Save and exit JD Edwards ER Compare.

  7. When you finish retrofitting and testing the modifications, check them back in and rebuild the package.

  8. Test and fix the modifications, and then rebuild and redeploy the corrected package. Repeat this step until all the modifications are functioning properly.

8.2.5 Retrofitting Custom Modifications for a Table Conversion

To retrofit custom modifications for a table conversion (TC):

  1. Within OMW, use Table Conversion Design Aid to re-create all custom parts of the target UBE.

  2. Within Table Conversion Design Aid, click the Advanced ER button within the Mapping dialog.

    This option enables you to use EditER to reenter all ER statements that reference custom objects other than custom ER variables.

  3. Use the JD Edwards ER Compare tool (ER Compare button in OMW) to compare the updated local specifications (target) with the original, customized (source) specifications.

  4. Copy ER variables and then ER statements from source to target.

    Do not copy any statements that reference objects that existed only in the source (customized) environment. Those should have been created in step 2.

  5. Validate the resulting ER. Save and exit JD Edwards ER Compare.

  6. When you finish retrofitting and testing the modifications, check them back in and rebuild the package.

  7. Test and fix the modifications, and then rebuild and redeploy the corrected package. Repeat this step until all the modifications are functioning properly.

8.2.6 Retrofitting Custom Modifications for a Table

To retrofit custom modifications for a table:

  1. Within OMW, on the Design Tools tab, click the Table Trigger Design Aid button and use EditER to reenter all ER statements that reference custom objects other than custom ER variables.

  2. Use the JD Edwards ER Compare tool (ER Compare button in OMW) to compare the updated local specifications (target) with the original, customized (source) specifications.

  3. Copy the ER variables and then the ER statements from the source to the target.

    Do not copy any statements that reference objects that existed only in the source (customized) environment. Those should have been created in step 1.

  4. Validate the resulting ER. Save and exit JD Edwards ER Compare.

  5. Use the Table Design Aid tool within OMW to update each table that needs further work.

  6. When you finish retrofitting and testing the modifications, check them back in and rebuild the package.

  7. Test and fix the modifications, and then rebuild and redeploy the corrected package. Repeat this step until all the modifications are functioning properly.

8.2.7 Retrofitting Custom Modifications for a Named Event Rule

To retrofit custom modifications for a named event rule (NER):

  1. Within OMW, use the JD Edwards ER Compare tool to compare the updated local specifications (target) with the original, customized (source) specifications.

  2. Copy the ER variables and then the ER statements from the source to the target.

    Do not copy any statements that reference objects that exist only in the source (customized) environment.

  3. Save and exit JD Edwards ER Compare.

  4. Use the Business Function Design Aid tool from OMW to select and update each business function that needs further work.

  5. Within the Business Function Design Aid tool, select Form and Edit.

    The edit option enables you to use EditER to reenter ER statements that reference custom objects. Save your work.

  6. Validate the resulting ER.

  7. When you finish retrofitting and testing the modifications, check them back in and rebuild the package.

  8. Test and fix the modifications, and then rebuild and redeploy the corrected package. Repeat this step until all the modifications are functioning properly.

8.2.8 Retrofitting Custom Modifications for a C Business Function

To retrofit custom modifications for a C business function:

  1. Within OMW, use the JD Edwards ER Compare tool to compare the updated local business function source code (target) with the original, customized (source) code.

  2. Select Edit, Auto Merge Application to merge the code. Save and exit JD Edwards ER Compare.

  3. Start the Business Function Design Aid tool from OMW.

  4. Select Form and Edit to use Microsoft Visual Studio to finish editing the code.

  5. Select the Build Business Function button in OMW to build the business function.

  6. When you finish retrofitting and testing the modifications, check them back in and rebuild the package.

  7. Test and fix the modifications, and then rebuild and redeploy the corrected package. Repeat this step until all the modifications are functioning properly.

8.3 Using JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Package Management

The package management process provides a means to create a package, to define and build a package, and to deploy packages to both servers and workstations using a step-by-step director process.


The software update process creates the package definition; you simply build and test the package.

Several instances occur in which you will need to update or set up a workstation or server with the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software. You might need to set up a new workstation, deploy custom solutions to all or to selected users, create a new path code for development, or deploy a fix.

To include any modifications (changed or added business functions or applications) into a package for deployment to workstations (for example, DV900FB or DV900PB), you must define and build one of your own.