This chapter describes how to deinstall the Development Client.
Be sure to follow the guidelines in the preceding sections of this guide entitled:To deinstall the Development Client:
From the Start button, navigate to Programs > Oracle - Oracle_Home_Name > Oracle Installation Products > Universal Installer
where Oracle_Home_Name is the name of the installation directory that you provided when installing the Development Client.
Click the Deinstall Products… button.
Turn on the check box next to the Development Client's Oracle Home.
At this step, you should select only the Oracle Home that is associated with this particular OUI. That is, the Oracle Home name that you select on this screen should match the Oracle Home name that you selected from Start > Programs.Click the Remove… button.
When prompted for confirmation, click the Yes button.
If you get the pop-up message box shown above, you can ignore it. Click the OK button.
Verify that the installation directory (Oracle Home) has been deleted. If it still exists, you can delete it.