21 Major Technical Tables

This chapter lists the major technical tables in the Release 9.1 data sources. This chapter does not list any Release 9.1 application tables. All technical media storage objects (GTxxx) are listed at the end of this chart. Many tables exist in multiple data sources. Some tables exist in data sources not noted here.


The Local - pathcode data source refers only to local databases that are path code specific. In the chart below, Local - pathcode could represent more than one data source, depending on the number of path codes you use. Pathcode is one or more of the following path codes:
  • PY910

  • DV910

  • PS910

  • PD910

  • DEP910


The Local data source refers only to the local database on the Deployment Server, which is used by the planner environment.

* Specific tables in the list below reflect language information, and contain a language preference code that is translated by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.

Table Data Source Description Purpose
F0004D* Control Tables UDC - Alternate Language Contains the User Defined Code (UDC) key, language key, and text for headers in the F0004 table. Provides UDC type descriptions for alternate languages.
F0005D* Control Tables UDC - Alternate Language Contains UDC key, language key, and text for detail in the F0005 table. Provides UDC value descriptions for alternate languages.
F00165* Business Data - Data Dictionary - 910Object Librarian - 910 Business Data Local Data Dictionary Local Object Librarian Local Media Objects storage Stores text OLE references and image references. Stores glossary text and media objects for all languages.
F0092 System - 910

Planner - 910

System Local

Library List - User Contains one record per user with initial menu, initial program, and whether to enable fast path.
F00921* System - 910

Planner - 910

System Local

User Display Preferences Contains one record per user with date format, date separator, DW prefix, and language preference.
F00922 System - 910

Planner - 910

System Local

User Display Preferences Tagfile Contains one record per user with workstation configuration name. This table is used with the F00050 table.
F00924 System - 910

Planner - 910

System Local

User Install Packages Contains one record per user for each authorized package.
F0093 System - 910

Planner - 910

System Local

Library List Control Contains a list, by user, of authorized environments.
F0094 System - 910

Planner - 910

System Local

Library List Master file Contains master file information for an environment.
F00941 System - 910

Planner - 910

System Local

Environment Detail - EO Contains one record per environment, with release and path code.
F00942 System - 910

Planner - 910

System Local

Object Path Master file Contains one record per path code with the data source for the specification files and the server path for the other development objects (.DLL, source, headers).
F00945 System - 910

Planner - 910

System Local

Release Master Contains one record per release, with the data source for system tables and the environments server path.
F00946 System - 910

Planner - 910

System Local

Release Compatibility Map Contains information used to map major release levels to determine forward and backward compatibility.
F00948 System - 910

Planner - 910

System Local

Release Data Source Map Contains information used to map a specific type of data source to a release level, such as Object Librarian, data dictionary, or versions list data sources.
F00950 System - 910

System Local

Security Workbench table Stores security attributes (one record for each user or group).
F00960 System - 910

System Local

Machine/Group Identification Stores a list of all workstations that installed Release 8.9 to scheduled packages.
F83100* System - 910

System Local

Data Title Series of definitions of data titles. Each row is the definition or specification of the date title. Provides soft coded RDA text.
F83110* System - 910

System Local

Column Headings Gives each period number an associated description. Provides soft coded RDA text.
F9100 Control Table Task Master Lists Release 8.9 tasks (Solution Explorer only).
F9101 Control Table Task Relationships Groups tasks listed in the F9100 table in logical (parent/child) tree order (ActivEra only).
F9102 Control Table Task Descriptions Provides descriptions of tasks listed in the F9100 table (ActivEra only).
F9105 Control Table Variant Description Describes the attributes of variants listed in this table. A variant performs a series of designated tasks (nodes) within a tree order defined in the F9101 table (ActivEra only).
F9105D Control Table Alternate Variant Descriptions Provides translated text for descriptions listed in the F9105 table (ActivEra only).
F9106 Control Table Variant Detail Defines which nodes (tasks) are run within a variant and the names of any tasks dynamically renamed within a variant (ActivEra only).
F9106D Control Table Alternate Variant Detail Descriptions Provides translated text for descriptions listed in the F9106 table (ActivEra only).
F9010 Control Table Environment Setup Answers  
F9020 Control Table ActivEra Qualifier Rules Header Defines rule names used by ActivEra. Rules are applied to conditionally execute an individual task or task relationship (tree order).
F9022 Control Table ActivEra Qualifier Rules Detail Lists conditional statements within rules listed in the F9020 table (ActivEra only).
F9030 Control Table Documentation Cross-reference Stores indexes of HTML documents associated with specific tasks (ActivEra only).
F9050 Control Table Rough-cut Answer Dependency Defines the hierarchical means of eliminating system codes and subsequent applications which do not apply within a specified system configuration (ActivEra only).
F91100 System - 910 Favorites - Relationship Properties Categorizes business views on a parent/child format.
F91100D* System - 910 Favorites - All Descriptions Stores alternate descriptions for different languages.
F91300 System - 910 Scheduled Job Master  
F91310 System - 910 Scheduled Job Parameters  
F91320 System - 910 Job Schedule  
F91330 System - 910 Scheduled Job Override Printer Info  
F91400 System - 910 Report Director Templates Contains the design templates for reports that users can create.
F91410 System - 910 Report Director Templates Sequence Items Helps users manipulate data sequencing.
F91420 System - 910 Report Director Template Smart Field Activation Creates a list showing all data items belonging to a smart field template.
F91430 System - 910 Smart Field Template Criteria Stores a subset of selection criteria.
F91500 System - 910 Application Header for Tip of the Day Contains application names or tools names where tips reside.
F91510 System - 910 Tip Details for Tip of the Day Stores tip texts and a key to modify the sequence.
F9200 Data Dictionary

Data Dictionary Local

Data Item Master Contains the relational breakdown of data dictionary.
F9202* Data Dictionary

Data Dictionary Local

Data Field Display Text Contains display text for each data field for language, data item, and product code reporting. Used when data items descriptions requested. Data dictionary row and column text for all languages* *

The language preference code for data dictionary applies to text only. Text includes row and column headings, a compressed description, and glossaries.

F9203* Data Dictionary

Data Dictionary Local

Data Item Alpha Descriptions Contains alpha descriptions and compressed descriptions of data items. Used when data items descriptions requested. Similar to the F9202 table. Contains data dictionary alpha descriptions for all languages.
F9207 Data Dictionary

Data Dictionary Local

DD Error Message Information Contains one record per error message.
F9210 Data Dictionary

Data Dictionary Local

Data Field Specifications Contains detailed information (specifications) for each data item. This table is accessed whenever a data item needs to be identified.
F9211 Data Dictionary

Data Dictionary Local

Data Dictionary - Smart Fields Contains information for Smart Fields.
F9212 Data Dictionary - 910 Data Dictionary Local Smart Field Criteria - Setup Rules  
F96021 System - 910 Software Package Build Header Stores the detail information from the definition process of package build.
F9603 System - 910 Software Package Build Header Stores information from the assembly process of package build.
F96210 System - 910

System Local

Package Build Validation Tables  
F96211 System - 910

System Local

Package Build Validation Detail  
F96215 System - 910

Planner - 910

System Local

Software Package Build Header History Contains the history record of the F96021 record. It stores statuses of the package each time it is built.
F9622 System - 910

Planner - 910

System Local

Software Package Build Detail Stores the option information from the definition process of package build. Each record is either the name of the specification file, the name of a .DLL file, the name of the compression directory, or the name of an object.
F96225 System - 910

Planner - 910

System Local

Software Package Build Detail History Contains the history record of the software build program (P9622). Stores the status of the build on the operation of that record when the package is finished.
F9631 System - 910

Planner - 910

System Local

Software Package Detail Stores the detail information for the assembly process of package build. Stores the object names, foundation name, data name, or helps name.
F9650 System - 910

Planner - 910

System Local

Machine Master Holds the default information regarding all machines used by JD Edwards EnterpriseOne.
F9651 System - 910

Planner - 910

System Local

Machine Detail Holds specific information about each machine defined in the machine master table by record type.
F9652 System - 910

Planner - 910

System Local

Deployment Group Header Specifies groups that can be used by the Release 9.1 administrator for deploying packages.
F9653 System - 910

Planner - 910

System Local

Deployment Group Detail Definitions Stores the users that belong to one or more groups that were defined in the deployment header file. In addition, groups of groups can be defined here.
F9654 System - 910

Planner - 910

System Local

Deployment Location Definitions Enables definition of one or more locations for deployment. This table is used primarily in multitier deployment.
F9660 System - 910

Planner - 910

System Local

Task Breaks  
F96600 System - 910

Planner - 910

System Local

Deployment Features  
F96601 System - 910

Planner - 910

System Local

Deployment Registry  
F96602 System - 910

Planner - 910

System Local

Deployment Shortcut  
F96603 System - 910

Planner - 910

System Local

Deployment Execute  
F96604 System - 910

Planner - 910

System Local

Deployment Third Party  
F96605 System - 910

Planner - 910

System Local

Deployment Initialization  
F96605T System - 910

Planner - 910

System Local

Deployment Initialization  
F96606 System - 910

Planner - 910

System Local

Deployment File Set  
F966071 System - 910

Planner - 910

System Local

Deployment ODBC Data Source  
F966072 System - 910

Planner - 910

System Local

Deployment ODBC Data Source Attributes  
F9670 System - 910

Planner - 910

System Local

Software Update Master Table  
F9671 System - 910

Planner - 910

System Local

Software Update Detail Table  
F96710 System - 910

Planner - 910

System Local

Impact Analysis Results  
F9672 System - 910

Planner - 910

System Local

Software Update Pathcode Information  
F96761 System - 910

Planner - 910

System Local

Software Update Object Detail  
F967611 System - 910

Planner - 910

System Local

Software Update Language Table  
F9691100 System Local Change Table - Favorites Stores adds, changes, and deletes to favorites tables between releases.
F9691400 System Local Change Table - Report Director Template Header Stores adds/changes/deletes to the Report Director template header table between releases.
F9691410 System Local Change Table - Report Director Template Sequence Stores adds/changes/deletes to the Report Director Template Sequence table between releases.
F9691420 System Local Change Table - Smart Field Activity Stores adds/changes/deletes to the Smart Field Activity table between releases.
F9691430 System Local Change Table - Smart Field Criteria Stores adds/changes/deletes to the Smart Field Criteria table between releases.
F9746 System Local UDC Merge table Contains the UDC records changed or added from release to release. This table is used by the UDC merge program (R98741).
F960004 Control Tables - xxx Control Tables Local UDC Type  
F960005 Control Tables - xxx Control Tables Local UDC Codes  
F9755 Data Dictionary - 910 Data Dictionary Local Data Item Master Changes by Release Contains the data dictionary items changed or added from release to release. This table is used by the Data Dictionary merge program (R989200P).
F9757 Data Dictionary - 910 Data Dictionary Local Data Item Alpha Description Changes by Release Lists changes made to alpha descriptions of data items (F9203) between releases. This table is used in the data dictionary merge process.
F9759 Data Dictionary - 910 Data Dictionary Local Error Message Pgm Call Changes By Release Lists changes made to error messages (F9207) between releases. This table is used in the data dictionary merge process.
F9760 Data Dictionary - 910 Data Dictionary Local Data Field Specification Changes By Release Lists changes made to field specifications (F9210) between releases. This table is used in the data dictionary merges.
F980011 Central Objects - xxx Versions Local Cross ' Reference Relationships Lists cross-reference relationships for business views, event rules, and controls.
F980021 Central Objects - xxx Versions Local Cross ' Reference Field Relationships Lists cross-reference relationships for fields in an application.
F98101 System - 910

System Local

Imaging Constants Determines whether you are doing third-party imaging.
F983051 Versions - xxx Versions Local Versions List Contains one record per version (batch or interactive). For interactive, it stores processing option values. For batch, this table holds data selection, sequencing, and other template overrides.
F982xx System - 910

System Local

Planner - 910

Series (OMW)  
F98306* Central Objects - xxx Versions Local Processing Option Text Provides processing option text for all languages.
F9840 Version - 910

Planner - 910

Installation Plan Master table Contains general information for the installation plan with one record per plan name (description and status).
F98401 Version - 910

Planner - 910

Data Source Plan Detail table Lists data sources for each plan, and one record per plan record per data source associated with that plan.
F98402 Version - 910

Planner - 910

Host Plan Detail table Lists the Enterprise Server and hosts for each plan (one record per plan, per server).
F984021 Version - 910

Planner - 910

Location Plan Detail table Contains the last location for a plan.
F984022 Version - 910

Planner - 910

Replication Plan Detail table Stores replicated plan for remote locations, publisher, and subscriber tables.
F98403 Version - 910

Planner - 910

Environment Plan Detail table Lists environments for each plan. Holds flags for production data, demo data, and table conversions for an upgrade.
F984031* Version - 910

Planner - 910

Language and Environment Plan Detail table Lists language and the selected environments for each plan.
F98404 Version - 910

Planner - 910

Package Plan Detail table Lists packages and package definitions for each environment.
F98405 Version - 910

Planner - 910

Table Conversion Scheduler Lists table conversion information merged in Table Conversion Scheduler from Environment Planner and Table Conversion Planner. This table is similar to the F9843 table.
F984052 Version - 910

Planner - 910

Table Conversion - History Log Stores the logs for table conversions, control table merges, and specification merges.
F9843 System - 910 Table Conversion - JDE Scheduler Contains table conversions, control table merges, and specification merges for upgrades, updates, and coexistent installations.
F9843T System - 910    
F98511 System - 910

Planner - 910

REP Data Sources by Environment Lists default data sources by environment. This table is used during installation.
F9860 Object Librarian

Object Librarian Local

Object Librarian Master table Contains one record per object with description and object type.
F9861 Object Librarian

Object Librarian Local

Object Librarian - Status Detail Contains one record per object, per location, per path code. Each object has a server location plus locations for each person who checks it out to his machine.
F986101 System - 910

Server Map

Planner - 910

System Local

Object Configuration Master Contains all data sources for tables, batch applications, and business functions that run on the server. The only data sources not controlled through this file are the system data source in Release Master and the Development data source in object path master.
F98611 System - 910

Server Map

Planner - 910

System Local

Data Source Master Holds data source definitions. One record per data source with type, database, machine name, and foundation .DLL.
F986110 System - 910

Server Map

Planner - 910

System Local

  Contains one record for each job on the server with status information.
F986111 System - 910

Server Map

Planner - 910

System Local

Job Number Master Contains the next numbers table for server jobs.
F986113 System - 910

Server Map

Planner - 910

System Local

Subsystem Job Master Contains server job records, including status, location, and version.
F986115 System - 910

Server Map

Planner - 910

System Local

Table and Data Source Sizing table Holds storage, sizing, and location parameters for Oracle, with some general information for all data sources.
F986116 System - 910

Server Map

Planner - 910

System Local

MVS table and Data Source Sizing Holds storage, sizing, and location parameters for MVS. Similar to the F986115 table.
F98613 System - 910

Server Map

Planner - 910

System Local

Business View Environmental Server Lists cached tables.
F986150 System - 910

System Local

Server Transfer Package Contents Lists objects belonging to each server package. This table is used by the server package installation process (P986150).
F986151 System - 910

System Local

Server Package Transfer Lists the servers and path codes to which a given server package will be transferred. This table is used by the server package install process (P986150).
F986152 System - 910

System Local

Server Package Master Contains the master list of all service packages. This table is used by the server package install process (P986150).
F98616 System - 910

System Local

Printer Lists the printer definitions, including logical name, physical name, and conversion program, one record per printer.
F986161 System - 910

System Local

Default Printer table Lists default printer settings by user and environment.
F986162 System - 910

System Local

Paper Definition Lists paper sizes defined for each printer, one record per printer.
F986163 System - 910

System Local

Printer Capability Lists printer capabilities (paper orientation and size, type and location of printer) for each printer, one record per printer.
F986164 System - 910

System Local

Output Conversions Lists printer output conversions defined for each printer, one record per printer.
F986165 System Shared New Default Printer Table Stores the default printer information including the user, environment, host name, printer name, and the status.
F986167 System - 910

System Local

Printer Security Reserved for future use.
F9862 Object Librarian

Object Librarian Local

Object Librarian - Function Detail Lists one record for each function contained in the source file.
F9863 Object Librarian

Object Librarian Local

Object Librarian - Object Relationships Contains one record per business function per related object. This table is used when building business functions.
F9865 Object Librarian

Object Librarian Local

Form Information Contains one record per interactive form, including online help information.
F98710 Central Objects Specifications Table Header Holds table-specific information for tables created in TDA (BOBSPEC).
F98711 Central Objects Specifications Table Columns Holds all column information for the table in TDA (DDCLMN).
F98712 Central Objects Specifications Primary Index Header TDA - Information pertaining to the primary index.
F98713 Central Objects Specifications Primary Index Detail TDA - All fields that make up the primary index.
F98720 Central Objects Specifications Business View Specifications Holds all business-view specific information from BDA.
F98740 Central Objects Specifications Event Rules - Link Stores header file for event rules.
F98741 Central Objects Specifications Event Rules - Specification Contains actual event rules detail for a form.
F98743 Central Objects Specifications Data Structure Templates Contains one record for each template, for example, Data Structure for Business Function.
F98744 Central Objects Specifications Media Object Contains media object text for tools.
F98745 Central Objects Specifications Smart Field Named Mappings Contains smart field named mappings.
F98750* Central Objects Specifications FDA Text Information Contains form design text for all languages for any generated application.
F98751 Central Objects Specifications FDA Specification Information Contains specifications for an application.
F98752 Central Objects Specifications FDA/SVR Header Information Contains summary information about each application.
F98753 Central Objects Specifications FDA/SVR Detail Information Contains summary information about each form for each application.
F98760* Central Objects Specifications RDA Text Information Holds records that contain the report design aid text for all languages.
F98761 Central Objects Specifications RDA Specification Info Holds records that contain report design aid setup information.
F98762 Central Objects Specifications JDEBLC - Behavior Information Contains business function specifications.
F9882 System - 910

Planner - 910

System Local

Checkout Log table Logs all transactions that take place to objects.
F98825 System - 910 Package Deployment Scheduling Contains information for deploying client packages, such as group user ID and package assignment.
F9883 System - 910 Release 9.1 Network Locations table Contains information for deploying server packages, such as package assignments.
F9885 System - 910

System Local

Install Package Header Contains one record per package.
F9886 System - 910

System Local

Install Package Detail Contains one record per package per product code or object to be included in the package.
F9887 System - 910

System Local

Install Package Build History Lists each time the package is built.
F9888 System - 910

Planner - 910

System Local

Merge Log Contains temporary message logging for merges.
F98800D* Control Tables Process Master - Alternative Description Contains multiple language information for the F98800 table.
F98800T Control Tables Process Master Supplemental Information Categorizes Composer processes.
F98810D* Control Tables Activity Master - Alternative Description Contains multiple language information for the F98810 table.
F98810 Control Tables Activity Master Contains workflow activity information.
F98811 Control Tables Activity Specifications Contains workflow activity specifications stored as event rules.
F98830 Control Tables Process Activity Associations Contains workflow activity relationships.
F98840 Control Tables Organizational Structure Master Contains the defining data for organizational models.
F98845 Control Tables Organizational Structure Rule Contains the data that ties workflows to organizational models.
F98860 Control Tables Process Instance Contains the instances of workflow processes.
F98865 Control Tables Activity Instance Contains the instances of workflow activities within processes.
F98881 System - 910

System - Local

Specification Merge Logging Contains logging information generated from the Specification Merge for upgrade, update, and the Specification Merge and Object Librarian Merge reports.
F9889 System - 910

System - Local

Deployment Location Master Lists records for each tier with system and help information. This table is used only for multitier deployment.
F98891 System - 910

System - Local

Deployment Location Path Code Lists records with packages and help information. This table is used only for multitier deployment.
F98892 System - 910

System - Local

Package Deployment Scheduling Lists scheduling information for a multitier environment.
F98950 Central Objects Specifications

System - Local

User Overrides table Contains application version information: application, version, and user who entered it.
F98980 System - 910

System - Local

Font Override by Language Lists languages with information on corresponding display fonts.
F98BLOB System - 910 DB2 BLOB Support  
F98CONST System - 910

System - Local

Table of Constants Lists constants for report design aid and form design aid.
F98DRENV System - 910

System - Planner

Data Replication Environment Mapping table Determines which path codes to update for data dictionary replication.
F98DRLOG System - 910

Server Map

System - Planner

Data Replication Change Log Contains one record for each replicated change. The table information is stored as a BLOB.
F98DRPCN System - 910

Server Map

System - Planner

Data Replication Pending Change Notifications Contains one record for each replicated change for each subscriber. Records are deleted as subscribers are notified.
F98DRPUB System - 910

System - Planner

Data Replication Publisher Lists definitions of published objects.
F98DRSUB System - 910

System - Planner

Data Replication Subscribers Defines each subscriber.
F98EVDTL System - 910

System - Local

Event Detail file Filters events displayed in Form Design Aid (FDA) or Universal Batch Engine (UBE) design.
F98EVHDR System - 910

System - Local

Event Header file Stores event description and event ID. This table is used for all event rules.
F98MOQUE System - 910

System - Local

Media Object Queues Contains path codes to locations of multimedia objects.
F98OWSEC System - 910

System - Local

Release 9.1 Security Contains the security tables that store the Release 9.1 user name and password for obtaining database user and password for certain data sources.
F98TMPL System - 910

System - Local

F98VAR System - 910

System - Local

Table of Variables Contains commonly used event rule variables.
GT92002 Data Dictionary Data Dictionary - Glossary Information Contains column in data dictionary with descriptions of data dictionary items.
GT9860A Object Librarian Object Librarian Generic Text Structure Contains notes for objects in the Object Librarian.
GT9862A Object Librarian Business Function Notes Contains notes for business functions.
GT98DSA Object Librarian Data Structure Notes - Structure and Item Contains notes for data structures.
GT98DSB Object Librarian Data Structure Notes - Structure and Item Contains notes for data structures.
GT98TMPL Object Librarian Media Object Templates Contains templates that can be used for any attachment.