20 Working with Reports

During the installation, upgrade, and cumulative update processes, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne creates reports that show detailed information about the plan and summarize the status of the environment builds. During upgrades and cumulative updates, additional reports summarize the status of tables merges.

This chapter discusses:

20.1 Installation Planner Validation Report (R9840B)


This report is used by installation, upgrade, and cumulative update customers.

All processes use version XJDE0001 of this report.

The Installation Planner Validation report summarizes the status of the installation plan and verifies that the plan information is correct before you run the Installation Workbench

20.1.1 Setting Processing Options

The Extra Info tab contains these options:

Option Value
Additional data source information flag Enter Y to include additional information.
OCM Information Flag Enter Y to see all Object Configuration Manager (OCM) information for the current data selection.

Enter D to select all default records.

Enter N to prevent OCM records from being displayed.

OCM Differences Flag Enter Y to see OCM differences between the new environment and the previous environment.
Path Code Information Flag Enter Y to display all path code information for the plan(s) in the data selection
Update the Plan Status (10 – 60) Enter 30

20.1.2 How to Read the Report

Use the Installation Planner Validation report summary section to review basic information about the installation, upgrade, or cumulative update; the number of records validated; and the types of processes run.

Review the main body of the report to verify that each data source, machine, and package build in the plan was created successfully. To verify, each detail line should have the value Record Validated in the far right column.

The report includes the status of the following record types:

  • Location

  • Data sources (listed by database type)

  • Environments

  • Path codes

  • Object Configuration Manager (OCM)

  • Machines

  • Table conversions

  • Control table merges

  • Specification table merges

  • Packages

A summary should appear at the end of the report verifying that all records were validated and the plan status was updated to 30.

20.2 Environment Database Creation Report (R98403)

Release 9.1 creates an Environment Database Creation report for each environment that is part of your plan. For each environment, you can choose to load either production or demonstration data.

Users performing installations and upgrades should run version XJDE0001.

Users performing cumulative updates should run version XJDE0004.

Upgrade users should run XJDE0005 because the update process updates only generic text. When running against pristine data, these users should run version XJDE0024.

The environment database creation copies the System data source (previous release) to the System - 910 data source. The System data source is release specific. The report is read and errors are processed in the same way as they are for the regular Environment Database Creation.

20.2.1 Setting Processing Options

These processing options are the typical processing options for each version of the Environment Database Creation report. Version XJDE0001 for Installations and Upgrades

The Environment Tab contains these options:

Option Values
Enter the Environment for the database to be created. Leave this field blank.
Enter the Data Source for the database to be created. Leave this field blank.
Enter a 1 to load Production Data or a 2 to load Demonstration Data. Enter 2. The default is 1.

If this report is called from another process, the system passes in this flag.

Enter the source Data Source for Loading of Data. Enter OneWorld Local.

If this report is called from another process, the system passes in this flag.

Enter the Source Environment for the database to be copied from. Leave this field blank.

If this report is called from another process, the system passes in this flag.

The Update Tab contains the following options:

Option Value
Enter a 1 for Proof Mode or a 2 to create the Environment Database. Enter 2.

The default is Proof Mode.

Enter a A to recreate existing tables in data sources that allow automatic table creation. Leave this field blank.

The default is not to recreate tables.

Enter a 1 to only copy tables that exist in the source data source. Leave this field blank.
Enter a Y to add records without clearing the target table. Leave this field blank.

This is used for language tables. The default is to clear the target table.

The Print Tab contains these options:

Option Value
Enter a 1 to only print exceptions. Leave this field blank.

The default is to print all lines.

The Licensing Tab contains these options:

Option Value
Enter a Y to create all tables or a N to create licensed tables only. Leave this field blank.

The default is to create all tables.

Enter a Y to print all tables in the report or an N to print licensed tables only. Leave this field blank.

The default is to print all tables. Version XJDE0004 for Updates

The Environment Tab contains these options:

Option Value
Enter the Environment for the database to be created. Leave this field blank.
Enter the Data Source for the database to be created. Leave this field blank.
Enter a 1 to load Production Data or a 2 to load Demonstration Data Enter 1.

The default is to load production data. If this report is called from another process, the system passes in this flag.

Enter the source Data Source for Loading of Data. Leave this field blank.

If this report is called from another process, the system passes in the data source.

Enter the Source Environment for the database to be copied from. Leave this field blank.

If this report is called from another process, the system passed in the Source Environment.

The Update Tab contains these options:

Option Value
Enter a 1 for Proof Mode or a 2 to create the Environment Database. Enter 2.

The default is Proof Mode.

Enter a A to recreate existing tables in data sources that allow automatic table creation Leave this field blank.

The default is not to recreate tables.

Enter a 1 to only copy tables that exist in the source data source Leave this field blank.

The default is to copy all tables.

Enter a Y to add records without clearing the target table. Enter N.

to indicate you do not want to add records without clearing the target table.

This is used for language tables. The default is to clear the target table.

The Print Tab contains this option:

Option Value
Enter a 1 to only print exceptions. Leave this field blank.

The default is to print all lines.

The Licensing Tab contains these options:

Option Value
Enter a Y to create all tables or an N to create licensed tables only. Leave this field blank.

The default is to create all tables.

Enter a Y to print all tables in the report or an N to print licensed tables only. Leave this field blank.

The default is to print all tables. Version XJDE0024 for Running Pristine Data

The Environment Tab contains these options:

Option Value
Enter the Environment for the database to be created. Leave this field blank.
Enter the Data Source for the database to be created. Leave this field blank.
Enter a 1 to load Production Data or a 2 to load Demonstration Data. Enter 2.

The default is to load production data. If this report is called from another process, the system passes in this flag.

Enter the source Data Source for Loading of Data. Enter OneWorld Local.

If this report is called from another process, the system passes in the data source.

Enter the Source Environment for the database to be copied from. Leave this field blank.

If this report is called from another process, the system passes in the Source Environment .

The Update Tab contains these options:

Option Value
Enter a 1 for Proof Mode or a 2 to create the Environment Database. Enter 2.

The default is Proof Mode.

Enter a A to recreate existing tables in data sources that allow automatic table creation. Enter A.

The default is not to recreate tables.

Enter a 1 to only copy tables that exist in the source data source. Leave this field blank.

The default is to copy all tables.

Enter a Y to add records without clearing the target table. Leave this field blank.

This is used for language tables. The default is to clear the target table.

The Print Tab contains these options:

Option Value
Enter a 1 to only print exceptions. Leave this field blank.

The default is to print all lines.

The Licensing Tab contains the following options:

Option Value
Enter a Y to create all tables or a N to create licensed tables only. Leave this field blank.

The default is to create all tables.

Enter a Y to print all tables in the report or a N to print licensed tables only. Leave this field blank.

The default is to print all tables. How to Read the Report

Review the reports to make sure the environments were created and configured successfully. The report includes a status for each table:

  • Tables that have been created correctly have a status of Success.

  • Tables that had errors have a status of Failure.

  • Tables can have a status of No Action.

The Environment Database Creation report does not have a cover page. The reports list the following properties of each table (object) created:

Object headings Description
Syst Code System Code. Shows the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne product code for the database listed in the Member Description column.
Object Name Displays the alphanumeric name of the database.
Member Description Displays the full name of the database being created.
Data Source Displays the data source toward which this member points.
Crt Tbl Create Table. Shows whether tables are being created for this database.
Copy Data Shows whether the table was copied with data.
Rec Insrt Record Insert. Displays the number of records inserted.
Rec Fail Record Failure. Displays the number of records that failed.
Copied from Data Source Displays whether the table was copied with data and the data source from which it was copied.
Status Displays one of the following statuses for the table creation: Success, Failure, or No Action.
Source DS Warnings Displays any errors or warnings associated with the source data source.
Target DS Warnings Displays any errors or warnings associated with the target data source. Errors and How to Resolve Them

A report occasionally lists a status of Failure for tables that are created successfully. These failures are generally due to problems creating indices and are not critical for the successful installation of the software.

During an upgrade or cumulative update, you could receive failures for some tables. To confirm successful table creation, verify that the following tables were created successfully:

  • F0007Z1

  • F00092

  • F0086

  • F03B11

  • F03B14

  • F03B112

  • F060116

  • F06106

  • F08042

  • F08330

  • F0911

  • F1501B

  • F1721

  • F1731

  • F17111

  • F30006Z1

  • F3002Z1

  • F3003Z1

  • F3460Z1

  • F39062

  • F4077

  • F4106

  • F4111

  • F41508

  • F4600

  • F4812H

  • F5215

  • F7302

  • F986113

Reports frequently list a status of No Action for tables the system created successfully. This status is accompanied by source and target data source warnings for these tables to explain why no action was taken. These warnings are normal and you can ignore them. The most common reasons for the warnings are because the source and target data sources are the same or the table was created by a previously installed environment.

When the source and target are the same, the report lists the following warnings:

Source data source warning Target data source warning
Source Same as Target Existing table

This commonly occurs when the "copied from" data source is the same as the "target" data source (where the table is mapped), and often occurs for the following tables:

UDC tables Menu tables
F0004 and F0005 F0082, F00821, F0083, and F0084

If you load multiple environments that share the same mappings (for example, DV910 and TS910), the first environment loaded (DV910 in this case) lists the tables with a Success status. The second environment (TS910) lists any tables already created during the first environment load with a status of No Action and a target data source warning of Existing Table.

The No Action status and Existing Table warning for the second (TS910) environment are normal. You can verify that any table with a target data source warning of Existing Table has been created successfully by verifying it was created while loading a previous environment.

20.3 Index Recreation (R9698713)

The R9698713 program is run from Batch Versions after an install or upgrade. It compares database indexes versus Release 9.1 index specifications in F98712 and F98713. If you run the program in Update mode, it recreates incorrect indexes.

20.4 Pathcode Copy (R9800942)

Environment Workbench runs the R9800942 program for each custom environment whose path code is to be copied from an existing path code. It copies the directory structure of the existing path code on the Deployment Server. It also copies package.inf and records in the package definition tables F9603, F9631, F96021 and F96215, replacing the path code names in those items.