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Oracle® Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide
12c Release 1 (

Part Number E24473-01
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1 Adding Targets

Oracle components that are managed and monitored by Cloud Control, such as an Oracle Database or an Oracle WebLogic Server domain, are known as “managed targets”.

Before a target can be managed, a Management Agent must first be installed on the host machine the target is running on. The target itself must then be assigned to a Management Agent, thereby promoting it to managed target status.

Cloud Control offers two modes for installing Management Agents to monitor and manage potential targets: Manually or using automatic target discovery.

The manual process is exactly that: You explicitly add a specific host or Oracle component as a target to bring under management.

In automatic discovery, you create an Enterprise Manager job that searches host machines for possible targets on a regularly-scheduled basis. A key benefit is that as new Oracle components are added to your infrastructure, they can be found and brought under management.

See the following sections for more information about discovering and adding new targets:

Configuring Automatic Discovery

Automatic discovery refers to the process of scanning host machines for Oracle components that can be managed and monitored by Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. You can decide upon a schedule for discovery, the target types to be discovered and the hosts to scan for targets. Discovered targets can then be promoted to managed target status, enabling Enterprise Manager to manage the targets.

Once automatic discovery has been configured, you can check the Auto Discovery Results page on a periodic basis to see what new targets have been discovered.

See the following sections for instructions on using the various self-discovery options:

Configuring Automatic Discovery of Un-Managed Host Machines Using IP Scan

In automatic host discovery, a single Management Agent is tasked to scan the entire network based on IP address ranges that you specify. It then returns a list of “un-managed” host machines - that is, host machines that do not yet have a Management Agent installed - with a list of ports in use that match the ranges you specified. The name of the service using each port is also returned.

By looking at the list of services and ports, you should be able to determine what types of Oracle components have been discovered. For example, if a host is returned with port 7001 in use, you can assume that this port is associated with an Oracle WebLogic Server domain that can be promoted to managed target status.

The next step is to deploy Management Agents to the hosts you want to promote to managed status. Once a Management Agent is deployed to the host, any Oracle components running on the host will be discovered and reported as potential targets. These components can then be promoted to managed target status, enabling them to be managed and monitored by Cloud Control.

To be most effective, automatic discovery should ideally be run by a network administrator with an overview of what Oracle components are running on what ports.

Note that because the network will be scanned, the Sudo Privilege Delegation must be set on the Management Agent host that will perform the scan. Typically you will use the Management Agent installed by default on the Oracle Management Service host that Cloud Control is running, which means you can set this privilege on the Cloud Control machine. Privileges are managed via the Manage Privilege Delegation Settings page, which is accessed by selecting Security>Privilege Delegation from the Setup menu. XXX LINK TO SECURITY CHAPTER

To discover and configure hosts using IP scan, follow these steps:

  1. Log into Enterprise Manager Cloud Control.

  2. Click Setup and then click Add Target followed by Configure Auto Discovery from the drop-down menus.

  3. Click the Configure icon in the Hosts and Virtual Server Discovery Using IP Scan in the Configure Auto Discovery table.

  4. Click Create. You will not create the discover job. By default, the Name field will be populated with a title including that date and time the job was created. Note that you can edit the discovery jobs and schedule discovery to run immediately or later.

  5. Click Add. You will now select the Management Agent that will perform the network scan. You can select the Management Agent that is installed by default on the Oracle Management Service host, or can select another Agent if desired.

    Note that because the entire network will be scanned, the Sudo Privilege Delegation must be set on the Management Agent host that will perform the scan.

  6. Select the agent in the IP Ranges for scan table, and enter the IP ranges to scan. You can specify any or even all of the following:

    • One or more absolute hostnames, each separated by a space; for example:

    • One or more IP addresses, each separated by a space

    • A range of addresses; for example: 10.0.0-255.1-250. Note that IP addresses and IP ranges must be separated by a comma; for example: 10.0.0-255.1-250

    • Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notations; for example:

    Separate each value with a space; for example: 10.0.0-255.1-250,254

  7. A default list of ports to scan within the IP ranges you specified is listed in the Configure Ports table. These are default ports typically used by the listed Oracle components.

    To modify the port values for a component, select the component in the table and change the values accordingly. Up to 10 ports and/or port ranges can be specified.

  8. If you want to add more component ports to the list, click Add. Enter the name of the service to include, and specify the port(s) or port range to scan.

  9. Click Save and Submit IP Scan when finished. The Job Details panel now opens. This is where you can specify:

    • The schedule at which the discovery job will run. Note that you can start the job immediately.

    • The credentials set on the Management Agent that will perform the scan.

      As noted, the Sudo Privilege Delegation must be set on the Management Agent host that will perform the scan. The named credential that will be used must be configured to run as root.

  10. After the discovery job executes, you can check for discovered hosts that may contain potential targets. You can do this two ways:

    • Select the job in the Host Discovery page, then click View Discovered Targets;


    • Select Add Target>Auto Discovery Results from the Setup menu.

  11. Click the Host Targets tab. All discovered hosts are listed, with the open ports and identifiable service names shown. Based on your understanding of the Oracle components deployed on your network, you should be able to determine the types of potential targets that have been discovered.

  12. Select a host in the table, then click Promote to promote the host to managed target status. The Add Host Targets wizard opens. You will use this wizard to install a Management Agent on the host.

    For instructions on installing a Management Agent, see "Installing Oracle Management Agent" in the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide.

  13. After the Management Agent has been successfully installed on the host, targets running on the host will be discovered as potential targets. See Checking For and Promoting Discovered Targets for details on promoting targets.

Configuring Automatic Discovery of Targets On Managed Hosts

By default, automatic discovery of new Oracle targets on hosts that are already managed targets - that is, host machines that have a Management Agent installed - is pre-configured to run on each host. Automatic target discovery is the most efficient way to discover potential targets on managed hosts, as Cloud Control can search one or more hosts for multiple types of targets at the same time.

Automatic discovery is enabled for all supported target types by default except for Oracle Fusion Middleware, which requires that a search paramter be provided.

The automatic discovery configuration is defined within a"discovery module", which you can modify to suit your requirements. You can schedule discovery to run on all hosts in the discovery module at the same interval, or can configure separate schedules for each host.

To configure automatic discovery on one or more managed hosts, follow these steps:

  1. Login into Enterprise Manager Cloud Control.

  2. Select Add Target>Configure Auto Discovery from the Setup menu.

  3. Click the Configure icon in the Multiple Target-type Discovery on Single Host row in the Discovery table.

  4. Expand Search, then enter the hostname for the host you want to check for targets in the Agent Host Name field. The host must have a Management Agent installed on it.

  5. Click Search. The host will be added to the table below.

  6. Select the host in the table and click Configure.

  7. Set the schedule at which the discovery job will be run, in days. This schedule will be applied to all selected hosts. By default the job will run every 24 hours.

  8. Select the Oracle component types you want to search the host for. Note that you must supply search parameters for some target types. To specify a parameter, select the target type in the Discovery Module column and click Edit Parameters.

    • Oracle Cluster and High Availability Service: No parameters required

    • Oracle Database, Listener and Automatic Storage Management: Specify the path to the Clusterware Home.

    • Oracle Home Discovery: No parameters required.

    • Oracle Secure Backup: No parameters required.

    • Oracle Fusion Middleware: Specify * (the "star" character) to search all Middleware Homes, or specify the path to one or more Middleware Homes on the host, each separated by a comma.

  9. Click OK when finished. The host has been added to the discovery module.

  10. Repeat these steps for each additional host you want to add to the discovery module.

  11. Click Run Discovery Now to discover targets immediately.

    Note that the discovery job will also run at the scheduled daily interval.

  12. Once targets have been discovered, you can promote them to managed status. See Checking For and Promoting Discovered Targets for details on promoting targets.

Checking For and Promoting Discovered Targets

Once automatic discovery has been configured, you should check the Auto Discovery Results page on a regular basis to see what targets have been discovered. You can then promote targets to managed status.

To promote discovered targets to managed status, follow these steps:

  1. Log in into Enterprise Manager.

  2. After the discovery job executes, you can check for discovered hosts that may contain potential targets. You can do this two ways:

    • Select the job in the Host Discovery page, then click View Discovered Targets; or

    • Select Add Target>Auto Discovery Results from the Setup menu.

  3. Select a target to promote, then click Promote. A wizard specific to the target type you are promoting opens. Supply the required values.

  4. Click the Non-Host Targets.You can choose one or several targets to promote.

  5. Note that you can optionally click Ignore for a discovered target, essentially marking it to be processed at a later time.

    Ignored targets will be displayed in the Ignored Targets tab, and will remain in Cloud Control as un-managed targets until you decide to either promote or remove them.

  6. Check the target type home page to verify that the target is promoted as an Enterprise Manager target. Once a target is successfully promoted, the Management Agent installed on the target host will begin collecting metric data on the target.


Enterprise Manager does not support simultaneous promotion of multiple targets. Additionally, multiple selection of database targets has been disabled to avoid a user selecting RAC databases across clusters. This is similar to the user-guided discovery feature where a user cannot discover targets across a cluster in the same session.

Manually Adding Targets

In addition to automatic discovery, Cloud Control allows you to manually add hosts as well as a wide variety of Oracle software and components as managed targets. When you add a target manually, you do not need to go through the process of discovery by adding the target directly. Discovering targets in this way eliminates the need to consume resources on the agent to perform discovery when it is not needed.

You must be able to specify the properties of a target to be managed and create an Enterprise Manager managed target.

Not all target types can be manually added. During registration with the discovery framework, the target type owner indicates whether a target type can be manually added or not.

See the following sections for instructions:

Manually Adding Host Targets

A wizard guides you through the process of manually deploying a Management Agent to a new host target.

For instructions on installing a Management Agent, see "Installing Oracle Management Agent" in the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide.

Manually Adding Non-Host Targets

A configuration page or wizard based on target type metadata listing all the instance properties required to manage target is displayed.

You can specify a name for the target and provide the required configuration information.

To add targets manually to Enterprise Manager, follow these steps:

  1. Log in into Enterprise Manager.

  2. Click Setup, then click Add Target followed by Add Targets Manually from the drop-down menus. Enterprise Manager displays the Add Targets Manually page.

  3. Under the Add Targets Manually page, go to the Add Targets Manually sub-section and choose an option:

    • Add Non-Host Targets Using Guided Process

      Choose one of the target types to add, such as Oracle Cluster and High Availability Service, Oracle Database Machine, or WebLogic Domain Discovery. This process will also add related targets.

    • Add Non-Host Targets by Specifying Target Monitoring Properties

      Choose one of the target types to add, such as Fusion J2EE Application, Applications Utilities, or Supplier Portal.

  4. After you select the target type, you will follow a wizard specific to the target type to add the target.

    Upon confirmation, the target becomes a managed target in Enterprise Manager. Enterprise Manager simply accepts the information, performs validation of the supplied data where possible and starts monitoring the target.