Oracle Fusion Applications Java API Reference for Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Service
11g Release 1 (11.1.2)
Interface MetadataService

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface MetadataService

Metadata Service API.

The MetadataService interface is the main contract for accessing and manipulating the application metadata stored in the metadata repository. Access to the metadata objects is exposed only via the MetadataService interface.

The MetadataService is exposed as a stateless session EJB. External clients must access the service only through the corresponding EJB. Clients should not interact with the internal API layer directly.

Since clients access the metadata services through the stateless session EJB, all the methods in this interface accepts a reference to a MetadataServiceHandle argument that is used to store state across multiple calls, for example when multiple methods are to be called within a user transaction.

Clients don't need to access or manipulate the MetadataServiceHandle. They just need to hold on to the reference created by the open method and pass it in methods being called. Finally the handle must explicitly be closed by calling close method. Only upon calling the close method, any changes made using a given handle are committed (or aborted).

The MetadataService APIs allow partitioning of metadata into packages by providing the desired package while adding metadata. These packages follow the standard syntax of the form "/pkg1/pkg2" and so on. The leading "/" is optional.

For example, while creating a JobType, providing the package as "/test" will create the object under "/test" whereas a value of "demo/basic" will create the object under "/demo/basic". If null package is provided, the object gets created under "/".

Please note that the uniqueness of metadata objects are automatically within the scope of a given package (namespace). Therefore within a given package 2 metadata objects with the same name (obviously of the same type) cannot be created.

Nested Class Summary
static class MetadataService.CustomizableProperty
static class MetadataService.QueryField
          Metadata Query Fields
Method Summary
 MetadataObjectId addExclusionDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle, ExclusionsDefinition exclusion, java.lang.String packageName)
          Method to persist a Exclusion in to the scheduler metadata repository.
 MetadataObjectId addIncompatibility(MetadataServiceHandle handle, Incompatibility incompatibility, java.lang.String packageName)
          Method to persist an Incompatibility in the metadata repository.
 MetadataObjectId addJobDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle, JobDefinition jobDefn, java.lang.String packageName)
          Method to persist a JobDefinition in to the scheduler metadata repository.
 MetadataObjectId addJobSet(MetadataServiceHandle handle, JobSet jobset, java.lang.String packageName)
          Method to persist a JobSet in to the scheduler metadata repository.
 MetadataObjectId addJobType(MetadataServiceHandle handle, JobType jobType, java.lang.String packageName)
          Method to persist a JobType in the metadata repository.
 MetadataObjectId addScheduleDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle, Schedule schedule, java.lang.String packageName)
          Method to persist a Schedule in to the scheduler metadata repository.
 MetadataObjectId addTrigger(MetadataServiceHandle handle, Trigger trigger, java.lang.String packageName)
          Method to persist a Trigger in to the scheduler metadata repository.
 void close(MetadataServiceHandle handle)
          Method to close the session identified by an instance of MetadataServiceHandle.
 void close(MetadataServiceHandle handle, boolean abort)
          Method to close the session identified by an instance of MetadataServiceHandle.
 MetadataObjectId copyExclusionDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId, java.lang.String packageName, java.lang.String newName)
          Method to clone a Exclusion to another with the given name.
 MetadataObjectId copyIncompatibility(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId, java.lang.String packageName, java.lang.String newName)
          Method to clone an Incompatibility to another with the given name.
 MetadataObjectId copyJobDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId, java.lang.String packageName, java.lang.String newName)
          Method to clone a JobDefinition to another with the given name.
 MetadataObjectId copyJobSet(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId, java.lang.String packageName, java.lang.String newName)
          Method to clone a JobSet to another with the given name.
 MetadataObjectId copyJobType(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId, java.lang.String packageName, java.lang.String newName)
          Method to clone a JobType to another with the given name.
 MetadataObjectId copyScheduleDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId, java.lang.String packageName, java.lang.String newName)
          Method to clone a Schedule to another with the given name.
 MetadataObjectId copyTrigger(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId, java.lang.String packageName, java.lang.String newName)
          Method to clone a Trigger to another with the given name.
 void customizeJobDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle, JobDefinition jobDefinition, MetadataService.CustomizableProperty property, newValue)
 void customizeJobSet(MetadataServiceHandle handle, JobSet jobSet, MetadataService.CustomizableProperty property, newValue)
 void deleteExclusionDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId)
          Method delete a Exclusion from the scheduler metadata repository.
 void deleteIncompatibility(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId)
          Method delete an Incompatibility from the metadata repository.
 void deleteJobDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId)
          Method delete a JobDefinition from the scheduler metadata repository.
 void deleteJobSet(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId)
          Method delete a JobSet from the scheduler metadata repository.
 void deleteJobType(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId)
          Method delete a JobType from the scheduler metadata repository.
 void deleteScheduleDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId)
          Method delete a Schedule from the scheduler metadata repository.
 void deleteTrigger(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId)
          Method delete a Trigger from the scheduler metadata repository.
 java.util.Enumeration filterByPermission(MetadataServiceHandle handle, java.util.Enumeration objectIds, MetadataPermission.Action... actions)
          Method to filter or reduce a list of unqie idenifiers to only the ones for which the current user has to perform the given action.
 java.lang.String[] getCustomMDSNamespace(MetadataServiceHandle handle)
          Method to return the namespace that is configured in ESSAPP connections.xml.
 java.lang.String[] getCustomMDSNamespace(MetadataServiceHandle handle, java.lang.String domainName)
          Method to return the namespace that is configured in ESSAPP connections.xml.
 ExclusionsDefinition getExclusionDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId, boolean forUpdate)
          Method to retrieve a Exclusion from the scheduler metadata repository.
 ExclusionsDefinition[] getExclusionDefinitions(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId[] objectIds, boolean forUpdate)
          Method to retrieve an array of Exclusions from the scheduler metadata repository.
 java.util.Collection<Incompatibility> getIncompatibilities(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId entity)
 Incompatibility[] getIncompatibilities(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId[] objectIds, boolean forUpdate)
          Method to retrieve an array of Incompatibilities from the scheduler metadata repository.
 Incompatibility getIncompatibility(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId, boolean forUpdate)
          Method to retrieve an Incompatibility from the metadata repository.
 JobDefinition getJobDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId, boolean forUpdate)
          Method to retrieve a JobDefinition from the scheduler metadata repository.
 JobDefinition[] getJobDefinitions(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId[] objectIds, boolean forUpdate)
          Method to retrieve an array of JobDefinitions from the scheduler metadata repository.
 JobSet getJobSet(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId, boolean forUpdate)
          Method to retrieve a JobSet from the scheduler metadata repository.
 JobSet[] getJobSets(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId[] objectIds, boolean forUpdate)
          Method to retrieve an array of JobSets from the scheduler metadata repository.
 JobType getJobType(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId, boolean forUpdate)
          Method to retrieve a JobType from the scheduler metadata repository.
 JobType[] getJobTypes(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId[] objectIds, boolean forUpdate)
          Method to retrieve an array of JobTypes from the scheduler metadata repository.
getMetadata(MetadataServiceHandle handle, BaseMetadataType<METADATA_TYPE> metadataType, MetadataObjectId metadataObjectId, boolean forUpdate)
          A generic getter for any type of metadata.
 Schedule getScheduleDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId, boolean forUpdate)
          Method to retrieve a Schedule from the scheduler metadata repository.
 Schedule[] getScheduleDefinitions(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId[] objectIds, boolean forUpdate)
          Method to retrieve an array of Schedules from the scheduler metadata repository.
 Trigger getTrigger(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId, boolean forUpdate)
          Method to retrieve a Trigger from the scheduler metadata repository.
 Trigger[] getTriggers(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId[] objectIds, boolean forUpdate)
          Method to retrieve an array of Triggers from the scheduler metadata repository.
 boolean hasPermission(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId, MetadataPermission.Action... actions)
          Method to check if the current user has permission to perform an action on a given metadata object.
 boolean isInCustomMDSNamespace(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId)
          Method to check whether the namespace of the objectId matches with the custom MDS namespace.
 boolean isInCustomMDSNamespace(MetadataServiceHandle handle, java.lang.String packageName)
          Method to check whether the specified package name matches with the custom MDS namespace.
 MetadataServiceHandle open()
          Method to open a session with the MetadataService.
 MetadataServiceHandle open(java.util.Locale locale)
          Method to open a session with the MetadataService.
 java.util.Enumeration<ExclusionsDefinition> queryExclusionDefinitionObjects(MetadataServiceHandle handle, Filter filter, MetadataService.QueryField orderBy, boolean ascending)
          Method to query Exclusions that exist in the scheduler metadata repository.
 java.util.Enumeration<MetadataObjectId> queryExclusionDefinitions(MetadataServiceHandle handle, Filter filter, MetadataService.QueryField orderBy, boolean ascending)
          Method to query Exclusions that exist in the scheduler metadata repository.
 java.util.Enumeration<MetadataObjectId> queryIncompatibilities(MetadataServiceHandle handle, Filter filter, MetadataService.QueryField orderBy, boolean ascending)
          Method to query Incompatibilities that exist in the metadata repository.
 java.util.Enumeration<Incompatibility> queryIncompatibilityObjects(MetadataServiceHandle handle, Filter filter, MetadataService.QueryField orderBy, boolean ascending)
          Method to query Incompatibilities that exist in the metadata repository.
 java.util.Enumeration<JobDefinition> queryJobDefinitionObjects(MetadataServiceHandle handle, Filter filter, MetadataService.QueryField orderBy, boolean ascending)
          Method to query JobDefinition objects that exist in the scheduler metadata repository.
 java.util.Enumeration<JobDefinition> queryJobDefinitionObjects(MetadataServiceHandle handle, Filter filter, MetadataService.QueryField orderBy, boolean ascending, java.lang.String[] paramsToExclude)
          Method to query JobDefinition objects that exist in the scheduler metadata repository.
 java.util.Enumeration<MetadataObjectId> queryJobDefinitions(MetadataServiceHandle handle, Filter filter, MetadataService.QueryField orderBy, boolean ascending)
          Method to query JobDefinition objects that exist in the scheduler metadata repository.
 java.util.Enumeration<JobSet> queryJobSetObjects(MetadataServiceHandle handle, Filter filter, MetadataService.QueryField orderBy, boolean ascending)
          Method to query JobSets that exist in the scheduler metadata repository.
 java.util.Enumeration<JobSet> queryJobSetObjects(MetadataServiceHandle handle, Filter filter, MetadataService.QueryField orderBy, boolean ascending, java.lang.String[] paramsToExclude)
          Method to query JobSets that exist in the scheduler metadata repository.
 java.util.Enumeration<MetadataObjectId> queryJobSets(MetadataServiceHandle handle, Filter filter, MetadataService.QueryField orderBy, boolean ascending)
          Method to query JobSets that exist in the scheduler metadata repository.
 java.util.Enumeration<JobType> queryJobTypeObjects(MetadataServiceHandle handle, Filter filter, MetadataService.QueryField orderBy, boolean ascending)
          Method to query JobTypes.
 java.util.Enumeration<JobType> queryJobTypeObjects(MetadataServiceHandle handle, Filter filter, MetadataService.QueryField orderBy, boolean ascending, java.lang.String[] paramsToExclude)
          Method to query JobTypes.
 java.util.Enumeration<MetadataObjectId> queryJobTypes(MetadataServiceHandle handle, Filter filter, MetadataService.QueryField orderBy, boolean ascending)
          Method to query JobTypes.
queryMetadata(MetadataServiceHandle handle, BaseMetadataType<METADATA_TYPE> metadataType, MetadataQueryFilter<METADATA_TYPE> queryFilter, MetadataQueryField orderBy, boolean ascending)
          A generic query mechanism for any type of metadata.
queryMetadataObjects(MetadataServiceHandle handle, BaseMetadataType<METADATA_TYPE> metadataType, MetadataQueryFilter<METADATA_TYPE> queryFilter, MetadataQueryField orderBy, boolean ascending)
          A generic query mechanism for any type of metadata.
 java.util.Enumeration<Schedule> queryScheduleObjects(MetadataServiceHandle handle, Filter filter, MetadataService.QueryField orderBy, boolean ascending)
          Method to query Schedules that exist in the scheduler metadata repository.
 java.util.Enumeration<MetadataObjectId> querySchedules(MetadataServiceHandle handle, Filter filter, MetadataService.QueryField orderBy, boolean ascending)
          Method to query Schedules that exist in the scheduler metadata repository.
 java.util.Enumeration<Trigger> queryTriggerObjects(MetadataServiceHandle handle, Filter filter, MetadataService.QueryField orderBy, boolean ascending)
          Method to query Triggers that exist in the scheduler metadata repository.
 java.util.Enumeration<MetadataObjectId> queryTriggers(MetadataServiceHandle handle, Filter filter, MetadataService.QueryField orderBy, boolean ascending)
          Method to query Triggers that exist in the scheduler metadata repository.
 void updateExclusionDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId, ExclusionsDefinition exclusion)
          Method to update a given Exclusion.
 void updateIncompatibility(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId, Incompatibility incompatibility)
          Method to update a given Incompatibility.
 void updateJobDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId, JobDefinition jobDefn)
          Method to update a given JobDefinition.
 void updateJobSet(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId, JobSet jobset)
          Method to update a given JobSet.
 void updateJobType(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId, JobType jobType)
          Method to update a given JobType.
 void updateScheduleDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId, Schedule schedule)
          Method to update a given Schedule.
 void updateTrigger(MetadataServiceHandle handle, MetadataObjectId objectId, Trigger trigger)
          Method to update a given Trigger.

Method Detail


MetadataServiceHandle open()
                           throws MetadataServiceException
Method to open a session with the MetadataService. Relevant translatable fields will be retrieved with default locale.

The method creates and returns an instance of MetadataServiceHandle that represents a session (connection) to application's metadata repository. This handle must be used in subsequent method calls.

Eventually, this handle must be closed by calling one of the close calls to commit or rollback any changes made on this handle and to release any resources held by this handle.

- an instance of the MetadataServiceHandle representing a session to application's metadata repository.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


MetadataServiceHandle open(java.util.Locale locale)
                           throws MetadataServiceException
Method to open a session with the MetadataService. Relevant translatable fields will be retrieved in the given locale.

The method creates and returns an instance of MetadataServiceHandle that represents a session (connection) to application's metadata repository. This handle must be used in subsequent method calls.

Eventually, this handle must be closed by calling one of the close calls to commit or rollback any changes made on this handle and to release any resources held by this handle.

- an instance of the MetadataServiceHandle representing a session to application's metadata repository.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


void close(MetadataServiceHandle handle)
           throws ConcurrentUpdateException,
Method to close the session identified by an instance of MetadataServiceHandle.

Calling this method commits any changes made on the handle being passed. However if a UserTransaction is active while this method is invoked, the actual commit will happen as per the UserTranaction being active.

MetadataService handles concurrent modifications of metadata via multiple sessions in an optimistic way. During commit, if concurrent * changes are detected (implying that the updates are not attempted on the latest version of an object in this session), an exception is thrown.

handle - - the MetadataServiceHandle to be closed.
ConcurrentUpdateException - - thrown if any metadata objects modified/created in this session are also modified/created by another session concurrently.
ValidationException - if validations of any changes done via the given handle fails.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the handle is null or the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


void close(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
           boolean abort)
           throws ConcurrentUpdateException,
Method to close the session identified by an instance of MetadataServiceHandle.

Calling this method commits or rolls back any changes made on the handle being passed. However if a UserTransaction is active while this method is invoked, the actual commit or rollback will happen as per the UserTranaction being active.

MetadataService handles concurrent modifications of metadata via multiple sessions in an optimistic way. During commit, if concurrent changes are detected (implying that the updates are not attempted on the * latest version of an object in this session), an exception is thrown.

handle - - the MetadataServiceHandle to be closed.
abort - - if true, the changes are rolled back otherwise committed.
ConcurrentUpdateException - - thrown if any metadata objects modified/created in this session are also modified/created by another session concurrently.
ValidationException - if validations of any changes done via the given handle fails.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures or if the handle is null.


<METADATA_TYPE extends BaseMetadata<METADATA_TYPE>> METADATA_TYPE getMetadata(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                                                                              BaseMetadataType<METADATA_TYPE> metadataType,
                                                                              MetadataObjectId metadataObjectId,
                                                                              boolean forUpdate)
                                                              throws MetadataServiceException,
A generic getter for any type of metadata. Added after JDK 1.5 uptake which included support for generics.

handle - the MetadataServiceHandle.
metadataType - the type of metadata to get (e.g. Trigger, Schedule, JobDefinition, JobType, etc)
metadataObjectId - the id of the object to get
forUpdate - this argument is more or less deprecated. Setting it to false will mark the underlying MDS object as read only. Since access to the underlying MDS object is not provided, this flag is essentially meaningless. It is recommended to pass false for performance reasons.
the metadata object as defined by metadataObjectId casted as defined by the generic type of metadataType.


<METADATA_TYPE extends BaseMetadata<METADATA_TYPE>> java.util.List<MetadataObjectId> queryMetadata(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                                                                                                   BaseMetadataType<METADATA_TYPE> metadataType,
                                                                                                   MetadataQueryFilter<METADATA_TYPE> queryFilter,
                                                                                                   MetadataQueryField orderBy,
                                                                                                   boolean ascending)
                                               throws MetadataServiceException
A generic query mechanism for any type of metadata. Added after JDK 1.5 uptake which included support for generics.

handle - the MetadataServiceHandle.
metadataType - the type of metadata to get (e.g. Trigger, Schedule, JobDefinition, JobType, etc)
queryFilter - used to filter the query results
orderBy - the field used to order the query results
ascending - whether to list the results a-z or z-a.
a list of MetadataObjectIds matching the filter criteria


<METADATA_TYPE extends BaseMetadata<METADATA_TYPE>> java.util.List<METADATA_TYPE> queryMetadataObjects(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                                                                                                       BaseMetadataType<METADATA_TYPE> metadataType,
                                                                                                       MetadataQueryFilter<METADATA_TYPE> queryFilter,
                                                                                                       MetadataQueryField orderBy,
                                                                                                       boolean ascending)
                                                                                       throws MetadataServiceException
A generic query mechanism for any type of metadata. Added after JDK 1.5 uptake which included support for generics.

handle - the MetadataServiceHandle.
metadataType - the type of metadata to get (e.g. Trigger, Schedule, JobDefinition, JobType, etc)
queryFilter - used to filter the query results
orderBy - the field used to order the query results
ascending - whether to list the results a-z or z-a.
a list of metadata objects as defined by metadataType that match the filter criteria


void customizeJobDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                            JobDefinition jobDefinition,
                            MetadataService.CustomizableProperty property,
                            throws ValidationException,

handle -
jobDefinition -
property -
newValue -


void customizeJobSet(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                     JobSet jobSet,
                     MetadataService.CustomizableProperty property,
                     throws ValidationException,
handle -
jobSet -
property -
newValue -


MetadataObjectId addJobType(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                            JobType jobType,
                            java.lang.String packageName)
                            throws ValidationException,
Method to persist a JobType in the metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
jobType - - the instance of the JobType to be persisted.
packageName - - optional the package (namespace) in which to create the object. It can be NULL or in the format "/pkg1/pkg2/..." as desired with or without leading "/". If specified, it allows further partitioning of the metadata objects.
- the unique identifier for accessing the newly created metadata object.
ValidationException - - thrown if the validation of the JobType fails.
AlreadyExistsException - - thrown if a JobType with the same name already exists.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


JobType getJobType(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                   MetadataObjectId objectId,
                   boolean forUpdate)
                   throws MetadataNotFoundException,
Method to retrieve a JobType from the scheduler metadata repository.

This method returns either a mutable or immutable instance of the given object * as desired. When changes are required to be made, a mutable instance must always be fetched.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
objectId - - the unique identifier of the JobType to be retrieved.
forUpdate - - flag to indicate whether a mutable or immutable instance should be fetched. If updates will be performed on the retrieved object, then a mutable instance must be fetched by specifying a value of true. Otherwise false should be specified for a read-only instance.
- instance of the JobType for the given name.
MetadataNotFoundException - - thrown if a JobType with the given name does not exist.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


JobType[] getJobTypes(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                      MetadataObjectId[] objectIds,
                      boolean forUpdate)
                      throws MetadataNotFoundException,
Method to retrieve an array of JobTypes from the scheduler metadata repository.

This method returns either mutable or immutable instances of the given metadata ids as desired. When changes are required to be made, a mutable instance must always be fetched.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
objectIds - - the unique identifiers of the JobTypes to be retrieved.
forUpdate - - flag to indicate whether a mutable or immutable instances should be fetched. If updates will be performed on the retrieved objects, then mutable instances must be fetched by specifying a value of true. Otherwise false should be specified for read-only instances.
- JobTypes for the given object ids.
MetadataNotFoundException - - thrown if a JobType with the given name does not exist.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


java.util.Enumeration<MetadataObjectId> queryJobTypes(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                                                      Filter filter,
                                                      MetadataService.QueryField orderBy,
                                                      boolean ascending)
                                                      throws MetadataServiceException
Method to query JobTypes.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
filter - - contains fields, comparators, and values to search for.
orderBy - - the field name to be used to sort the resultSet. If null, the no specific ordering will be applied. Only supported fields must be used.
ascending - - controls whether the orderBy argument should be used for ascending or descending order. If true, ascending otherwise descending.
- an enumeration of the metadata object id's.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


java.util.Enumeration<JobType> queryJobTypeObjects(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                                                   Filter filter,
                                                   MetadataService.QueryField orderBy,
                                                   boolean ascending)
                                                   throws MetadataServiceException
Method to query JobTypes.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
filter - - contains fields, comparators, and values to search for.
orderBy - - the field name to be used to sort the resultSet. If null, the no specific ordering will be applied. Only supported fields must be used.
ascending - - controls whether the orderBy argument should be used for ascending or descending order. If true, ascending otherwise descending.
- an enumeration of the job types matching the query.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


java.util.Enumeration<JobType> queryJobTypeObjects(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                                                   Filter filter,
                                                   MetadataService.QueryField orderBy,
                                                   boolean ascending,
                                                   java.lang.String[] paramsToExclude)
                                                   throws MetadataServiceException
Method to query JobTypes.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
filter - - contains fields, comparators, and values to search for.
orderBy - - the field name to be used to sort the resultSet. If null, the no specific ordering will be applied. Only supported fields must be used.
ascending - - controls whether the orderBy argument should be used for ascending or descending order. If true, ascending otherwise descending.
paramsToExclude - - list of parameter names to exclude from the query results. For example, given ["param1", "param2"] as the value, any metadata containing a parameter in the ParameterList with the name "param1" or the name "param2" will be excluded from the query results.
- an enumeration of the job types matching the query.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


void updateJobType(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                   MetadataObjectId objectId,
                   JobType jobType)
                   throws MetadataNotFoundException,
Method to update a given JobType. The JobType supplied must already exist in the scheduler metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
objectId - - the unique identifier of the metadata object to be modified.
jobType - - the modified JobType that will be persisted.
MetadataNotFoundException - - thrown when the given JobType does not exist.
ValidationException - - thrown if given the JobType is not valid.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


MetadataObjectId copyJobType(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                             MetadataObjectId objectId,
                             java.lang.String packageName,
                             java.lang.String newName)
                             throws MetadataNotFoundException,
Method to clone a JobType to another with the given name.

The newly created JobType is automatically persisted in the scheduler metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
objectId - - the unique identifier of the JobType to be copied.
packageName - - optional the package (namespace) in which to create the object. It can be NULL or in the format "/pkg1/pkg2/..." as desired with or without leading "/". If specified, it allows further partitioning of the metadata objects.
newName - - the name to be assigned to the new JobType.
- the unique identifier for the newly created (copied) JobType.
MetadataNotFoundException - - thrown if the JobType to be copied does not exist.
ValidationException - - thrown if the validation of the JobType fails.
AlreadyExistsException - - thrown if a JobType with the newName already exists.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


void deleteJobType(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                   MetadataObjectId objectId)
                   throws MetadataServiceException
Method delete a JobType from the scheduler metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
objectId - - the unique identifier of the JobType to be deleted.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


MetadataObjectId addJobDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                                  JobDefinition jobDefn,
                                  java.lang.String packageName)
                                  throws MetadataNotFoundException,
Method to persist a JobDefinition in to the scheduler metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
jobDefn - - the instance of the JobDefinition to be persisted.
packageName - - optional the package (namespace) in which to create the object. It can be NULL or in the format "/pkg1/pkg2/..." as desired with or without leading "/". If specified, it allows further partitioning of the metadata objects.
- the unique identifier for accessing the newly created metadata object.
MetadataNotFoundException - - thrown if the JobType for the given JobDefinition does not exist.
ValidationException - - thrown if the validation of the JobDefinition fails.
AlreadyExistsException - - thrown if a JobDefinition with the same name already exists.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


JobDefinition getJobDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                               MetadataObjectId objectId,
                               boolean forUpdate)
                               throws MetadataNotFoundException,
Method to retrieve a JobDefinition from the scheduler metadata repository.

This method returns either a mutable or immutable instance of the given object as desired. When changes are required to be made, a mutable instance must always be fetched.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
objectId - - the unique identifier of the JobDefinition to be retrieved.
forUpdate - - flag to indicate whether a mutable or immutable instance should be fetched. If updates will be performed on the retrieved object, then a mutable instance must be fetched by specifying a value of true. Otherwise false should be specified for a read-only instance.
- instance of the JobDefinition for the given name.
MetadataNotFoundException - - thrown if a JobDefinition with the given name does not exist.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


JobDefinition[] getJobDefinitions(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                                  MetadataObjectId[] objectIds,
                                  boolean forUpdate)
                                  throws MetadataNotFoundException,
Method to retrieve an array of JobDefinitions from the scheduler metadata repository.

This method returns either mutable or immutable instances of the given metadata ids as desired. When changes are required to be made, a mutable instance must always be fetched.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
objectIds - - the unique identifiers of the JobDefinitions to be retrieved.
forUpdate - - flag to indicate whether a mutable or immutable instances should be fetched. If updates will be performed on the retrieved objects, then mutable instances must be fetched by specifying a value of true. Otherwise false should be specified for read-only instances.
- JobDefinitions for the given object ids.
MetadataNotFoundException - - thrown if a JobDefinition with the given name does not exist.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


java.util.Enumeration<MetadataObjectId> queryJobDefinitions(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                                                            Filter filter,
                                                            MetadataService.QueryField orderBy,
                                                            boolean ascending)
                                                            throws MetadataServiceException
Method to query JobDefinition objects that exist in the scheduler metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
filter - - contains fields, comparators, and values to search for.
orderBy - - the field name to be used to sort the resultSet. If null, the no specific ordering will be applied. Only supported fields must be used.
ascending - - controls whether the orderBy argument should be used for ascending or descending order. If true, ascending otherwise descending.
- an enumeration of the metadata object id's.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


java.util.Enumeration<JobDefinition> queryJobDefinitionObjects(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                                                               Filter filter,
                                                               MetadataService.QueryField orderBy,
                                                               boolean ascending)
                                                               throws MetadataServiceException
Method to query JobDefinition objects that exist in the scheduler metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
filter - - contains fields, comparators, and values to search for.
orderBy - - the field name to be used to sort the resultSet. If null, the no specific ordering will be applied. Only supported fields must be used.
ascending - - controls whether the orderBy argument should be used for ascending or descending order. If true, ascending otherwise descending.
- an enumeration of the JobDefinitions matching the query.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


java.util.Enumeration<JobDefinition> queryJobDefinitionObjects(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                                                               Filter filter,
                                                               MetadataService.QueryField orderBy,
                                                               boolean ascending,
                                                               java.lang.String[] paramsToExclude)
                                                               throws MetadataServiceException
Method to query JobDefinition objects that exist in the scheduler metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
filter - - contains fields, comparators, and values to search for.
orderBy - - the field name to be used to sort the resultSet. If null, the no specific ordering will be applied. Only supported fields must be used.
ascending - - controls whether the orderBy argument should be used for ascending or descending order. If true, ascending otherwise descending.
paramsToExclude - - list of parameter names to exclude from the query results. For example, given ["param1", "param2"] as the value, any metadata containing a parameter in the ParameterList with the name "param1" or the name "param2" will be excluded from the query results.
- an enumeration of the JobDefinitions matching the query.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


void updateJobDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                         MetadataObjectId objectId,
                         JobDefinition jobDefn)
                         throws MetadataNotFoundException,
Method to update a given JobDefinition. The JobDefinition supplied must already exist in the scheduler metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
objectId - - the unique identifier of the metadata object to be modified.
jobDefn - - the modified JobDefinition that will be persisted.
MetadataNotFoundException - - thrown when the given JobDefinition does not exist.
ValidationException - - thrown if the given JobDefinition is not valid.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


MetadataObjectId copyJobDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                                   MetadataObjectId objectId,
                                   java.lang.String packageName,
                                   java.lang.String newName)
                                   throws MetadataNotFoundException,
Method to clone a JobDefinition to another with the given name.

The newly created JobDefinition is automatically persisted in the scheduler metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
objectId - - the unique identifier of the JobDefinition to be copied.
packageName - - optional the package (namespace) in which to create the object. It can be NULL or in the format "/pkg1/pkg2/..." as desired with or without leading "/". If specified, it allows further partitioning of the metadata objects.
newName - - the name to be assigned to the new JobDefinition.
- the unique identifier for the newly created (copied) JobDefinition.
MetadataNotFoundException - - thrown if the JobDefinition to be copied does not exist.
ValidationException - - thrown if the validation of the JobDefinition fails.
AlreadyExistsException - - thrown if a JobDefinition with the newName already exists.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


void deleteJobDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                         MetadataObjectId objectId)
                         throws MetadataServiceException
Method delete a JobDefinition from the scheduler metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
objectId - - the unique identifier of the JobDefinition to be deleted.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


MetadataObjectId addJobSet(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                           JobSet jobset,
                           java.lang.String packageName)
                           throws MetadataNotFoundException,
Method to persist a JobSet in to the scheduler metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
jobset - - the instance of the JobSet to be persisted.
packageName - - optional the package (namespace) in which to create the object. It can be NULL or in the format "/pkg1/pkg2/..." as desired with or without leading "/". If specified, it allows further partitioning of the metadata objects.
- the unique identifier for accessing the newly created metadata object.
MetadataNotFoundException - - thrown if the given JobDefinition or the JobSet referenced in the supplied JobSet does not exist.
ValidationException - - thrown if the validation of the JobSet fails.
AlreadyExistsException - - thrown if a JobSet with the same name already exists.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


JobSet getJobSet(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                 MetadataObjectId objectId,
                 boolean forUpdate)
                 throws MetadataNotFoundException,
Method to retrieve a JobSet from the scheduler metadata repository.

This method returns either a mutable or immutable instance of the given object as desired. When changes are required to be made, a mutable instance must always be fetched.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
objectId - - the unique identifier of the JobSet to be retrieved.
forUpdate - - flag to indicate whether a mutable or immutable instance should be fetched. If updates will be performed on the retrieved object, then a mutable instance must be fetched by specifying a value of true. Otherwise false should be specified for a read-only instance.
- instance of the JobSet for the given name.
MetadataNotFoundException - - thrown if a JobSet with the given name does not exist.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


JobSet[] getJobSets(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                    MetadataObjectId[] objectIds,
                    boolean forUpdate)
                    throws MetadataNotFoundException,
Method to retrieve an array of JobSets from the scheduler metadata repository.

This method returns either mutable or immutable instances of the given metadata ids as desired. When changes are required to be made, a mutable instance must always be fetched.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
objectIds - - the unique identifiers of the JobSets to be retrieved.
forUpdate - - flag to indicate whether a mutable or immutable instances should be fetched. If updates will be performed on the retrieved objects, then mutable instances must be fetched by specifying a value of true. Otherwise false should be specified for read-only instances.
- JobSets for the given object ids.
MetadataNotFoundException - - thrown if a JobSet with the given name does not exist.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


java.util.Enumeration<MetadataObjectId> queryJobSets(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                                                     Filter filter,
                                                     MetadataService.QueryField orderBy,
                                                     boolean ascending)
                                                     throws MetadataServiceException
Method to query JobSets that exist in the scheduler metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
filter - - contains fields, comparators, and values to search for.
orderBy - - the field name to be used to sort the resultSet. If null, the no specific ordering will be applied. Only supported fields must be used.
ascending - - controls whether the orderBy argument should be used for ascending or descending order. If true, ascending otherwise descending.
- an enumeration of the metadata object id's.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


java.util.Enumeration<JobSet> queryJobSetObjects(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                                                 Filter filter,
                                                 MetadataService.QueryField orderBy,
                                                 boolean ascending)
                                                 throws MetadataServiceException
Method to query JobSets that exist in the scheduler metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
filter - - contains fields, comparators, and values to search for.
orderBy - - the field name to be used to sort the resultSet. If null, the no specific ordering will be applied. Only supported fields must be used.
ascending - - controls whether the orderBy argument should be used for ascending or descending order. If true, ascending otherwise descending.
- an enumeration of the JobSets matching the query.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


java.util.Enumeration<JobSet> queryJobSetObjects(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                                                 Filter filter,
                                                 MetadataService.QueryField orderBy,
                                                 boolean ascending,
                                                 java.lang.String[] paramsToExclude)
                                                 throws MetadataServiceException
Method to query JobSets that exist in the scheduler metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
filter - - contains fields, comparators, and values to search for.
orderBy - - the field name to be used to sort the resultSet. If null, the no specific ordering will be applied. Only supported fields must be used.
ascending - - controls whether the orderBy argument should be used for ascending or descending order. If true, ascending otherwise descending.
paramsToExclude - - list of parameter names to exclude from the query results. For example, given ["param1", "param2"] as the value, any metadata containing a parameter in the ParameterList with the name "param1" or the name "param2" will be excluded from the query results.
- an enumeration of the JobSets matching the query.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


void updateJobSet(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                  MetadataObjectId objectId,
                  JobSet jobset)
                  throws MetadataNotFoundException,
Method to update a given JobSet. The JobSet supplied must already exist in the scheduler metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
objectId - - the unique identifier of the metadata object to be modified.
jobset - - the modified JobSet that will be persisted.
MetadataNotFoundException - - thrown when the given JobSet does not exist.
ValidationException - - thrown if the given JobSet is not valid.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


MetadataObjectId copyJobSet(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                            MetadataObjectId objectId,
                            java.lang.String packageName,
                            java.lang.String newName)
                            throws MetadataNotFoundException,
Method to clone a JobSet to another with the given name.

The newly created JobSet is automatically persisted in the scheduler metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
objectId - - the unique identifier of the JobSet to be copied.
packageName - - optional the package (namespace) in which to create the object. It can be NULL or in the format "/pkg1/pkg2/..." as desired with or without leading "/". If specified, it allows further partitioning of the metadata objects.
newName - - the name to be assigned to the new JobSet.
- the unique identifier for the newly created (copied) JobSet.
MetadataNotFoundException - - thrown if the JobSet to be copied does not exist.
ValidationException - - thrown if the validation of the JobSet fails.
AlreadyExistsException - - thrown if a JobSet with the newName already exists.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


void deleteJobSet(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                  MetadataObjectId objectId)
                  throws MetadataServiceException
Method delete a JobSet from the scheduler metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
objectId - - the unique identifier of the JobSet to be deleted.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


MetadataObjectId addIncompatibility(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                                    Incompatibility incompatibility,
                                    java.lang.String packageName)
                                    throws MetadataNotFoundException,
Method to persist an Incompatibility in the metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
incompatibility - - the instance of the incompatibility to be persisted.
packageName - - optional the package (namespace) in which to create the object. It can be NULL or in the format "/pkg1/pkg2/..." as desired with or without leading "/". If specified, it allows further partitioning of the metadata objects.
- the unique identifier for accessing the newly created metadata object.
MetadataNotFoundException - - thrown if any JobDefinition or the JobSet definition referenced in the Incompatibility do not exist.
ValidationException - - thrown if the validation of the Incompatibility fails.
AlreadyExistsException - - thrown if an Incompatibility with the same name already exists.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


Incompatibility getIncompatibility(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                                   MetadataObjectId objectId,
                                   boolean forUpdate)
                                   throws MetadataNotFoundException,
Method to retrieve an Incompatibility from the metadata repository.

This method returns either a mutable or immutable instance of the given object as desired. When changes are required to be made, a mutable instance must always be fetched.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
objectId - - the unique identifier of the Incompatibility to be retrieved.
forUpdate - - flag to indicate whether a mutable or immutable instance should be fetched. If updates will be performed on the retrieved object, then a mutable instance must be fetched by specifying a value of true. Otherwise false should be specified for a read-only instance.
- instance of the Incompatibility for the given identifier.
MetadataNotFoundException - - thrown if Incompatibility with the given name does not exist.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


Incompatibility[] getIncompatibilities(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                                       MetadataObjectId[] objectIds,
                                       boolean forUpdate)
                                       throws MetadataNotFoundException,
Method to retrieve an array of Incompatibilities from the scheduler metadata repository.

This method returns either mutable or immutable instances of the given metadata ids as desired. When changes are required to be made, a mutable instance must always be fetched.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
objectIds - - the unique identifiers of the Incompatibilities to be retrieved.
forUpdate - - flag to indicate whether a mutable or immutable instances should be fetched. If updates will be performed on the retrieved objects, then mutable instances must be fetched by specifying a value of true. Otherwise false should be specified for read-only instances.
- Incompatibilities for the given object ids.
MetadataNotFoundException - - thrown if Incompatibility with the given name does not exist.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


java.util.Collection<Incompatibility> getIncompatibilities(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                                                                      MetadataObjectId entity)
                                                           throws MetadataServiceException

Method to retrieve all the Incompatibilities associated with a given JobDefinition or JobSet. The method should be used to directly retrieve all the JobDefinition or JobSets that are incompatible with a given Job or JobSet. Each Incompatibility returned will always contain the given JobDefinition or JobSet as one of the entity.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
entity - - the unique identifier of the JobDefinition or JobSet for which all the Incompatibilities will be returned.
- instances of the Incompatibilities for the given identifier.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


java.util.Enumeration<MetadataObjectId> queryIncompatibilities(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                                                               Filter filter,
                                                               MetadataService.QueryField orderBy,
                                                               boolean ascending)
                                                               throws MetadataServiceException
Method to query Incompatibilities that exist in the metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
filter - - contains fields, comparators, and values to search for.
orderBy - - the field name to be used to sort the resultSet. If null, the no specific ordering will be applied. Only supported fields must be used.
ascending - - controls whether the orderBy argument should be used for ascending or descending order. If true, ascending otherwise descending.
- an enumeration of the metadata object id's.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


java.util.Enumeration<Incompatibility> queryIncompatibilityObjects(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                                                                   Filter filter,
                                                                   MetadataService.QueryField orderBy,
                                                                   boolean ascending)
                                                                   throws MetadataServiceException
Method to query Incompatibilities that exist in the metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
filter - - contains fields, comparators, and values to search for.
orderBy - - the field name to be used to sort the resultSet. If null, the no specific ordering will be applied. Only supported fields must be used.
ascending - - controls whether the orderBy argument should be used for ascending or descending order. If true, ascending otherwise descending.
- an enumeration of the Incompatibilities matching the query.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


void updateIncompatibility(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                           MetadataObjectId objectId,
                           Incompatibility incompatibility)
                           throws MetadataNotFoundException,
Method to update a given Incompatibility. The Incompatibility specified must already exist in the metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
objectId - - the unique identifier of the metadata object to be modified.
incompatibility - - the modified Incompatibility that will be persisted.
MetadataNotFoundException - - thrown when the given Incompatibility does not exist.
ValidationException - - thrown if the validation of the updated Incompatibility fails.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


MetadataObjectId copyIncompatibility(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                                     MetadataObjectId objectId,
                                     java.lang.String packageName,
                                     java.lang.String newName)
                                     throws MetadataNotFoundException,
Method to clone an Incompatibility to another with the given name.

The newly created Incompatibility is automatically persisted in the metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
objectId - - the unique identifier of the Incompatibility to be copied.
packageName - - optional the package (namespace) in which to create the object. It can be NULL or in the format "/pkg1/pkg2/..." as desired with or without leading "/". If specified, it allows further partitioning of the metadata objects.
newName - - the name to be assigned to the new Incompatibility.
- the unique identifier for the newly created (copied) Incompatibility.
MetadataNotFoundException - - thrown if the Incompatibility to be copied does not exist.
ValidationException - - thrown if the validation of the Incompatibility fails.
AlreadyExistsException - - thrown if an Incompatibility with the newName already exists.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


void deleteIncompatibility(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                           MetadataObjectId objectId)
                           throws MetadataServiceException
Method delete an Incompatibility from the metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
objectId - - the unique identifier of the Incompatibility to be deleted.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


MetadataObjectId addScheduleDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                                       Schedule schedule,
                                       java.lang.String packageName)
                                       throws MetadataNotFoundException,
Method to persist a Schedule in to the scheduler metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
schedule - - the instance of the Schedule to be persisted.
packageName - - optional the package (namespace) in which to create the object. It can be NULL or in the format "/pkg1/pkg2/..." as desired with or without leading "/". If specified, it allows further partitioning of the metadata objects.
- the unique identifier for accessing the newly created metadata object.
MetadataNotFoundException - - thrown if any Exclusion(s) referenced by the given Schedule does not exist.
ValidationException - - thrown if the validation of the Schedule fails.
AlreadyExistsException - - thrown if a Schedule with the same name already exists.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


Schedule getScheduleDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                               MetadataObjectId objectId,
                               boolean forUpdate)
                               throws MetadataNotFoundException,
Method to retrieve a Schedule from the scheduler metadata repository.

This method returns either a mutable or immutable instance of the given object as desired. When changes are required to be made, a mutable instance must always be fetched.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
objectId - - the unique identifier of the Schedule to be retrieved.
forUpdate - - flag to indicate whether a mutable or immutable instance should be fetched. If updates will be performed on the retrieved object, then a mutable instance must be fetched by specifying a value of true. Otherwise false should be specified for a read-only instance.
- instance of the Schedule for the given name.
MetadataNotFoundException - - thrown if a Schedule with the given name does not exist.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


Schedule[] getScheduleDefinitions(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                                  MetadataObjectId[] objectIds,
                                  boolean forUpdate)
                                  throws MetadataNotFoundException,
Method to retrieve an array of Schedules from the scheduler metadata repository.

This method returns either mutable or immutable instances of the given metadata ids as desired. When changes are required to be made, a mutable instance must always be fetched.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
objectIds - - the unique identifiers of the Schedules to be retrieved.
forUpdate - - flag to indicate whether a mutable or immutable instances should be fetched. If updates will be performed on the retrieved objects, then mutable instances must be fetched by specifying a value of true. Otherwise false should be specified for read-only instances.
- Schedules for the given object ids.
MetadataNotFoundException - - thrown if a Schedule with the given name does not exist.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


java.util.Enumeration<MetadataObjectId> querySchedules(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                                                       Filter filter,
                                                       MetadataService.QueryField orderBy,
                                                       boolean ascending)
                                                       throws MetadataServiceException
Method to query Schedules that exist in the scheduler metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
filter - - contains fields, comparators, and values to search for.
orderBy - - the field name to be used to sort the resultSet. If null, the no specific ordering will be applied. Only supported fields must be used.
ascending - - controls whether the orderBy argument should be used for ascending or descending order. If true, ascending otherwise descending.
- an enumeration of the metadata object id's.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


java.util.Enumeration<Schedule> queryScheduleObjects(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                                                     Filter filter,
                                                     MetadataService.QueryField orderBy,
                                                     boolean ascending)
                                                     throws MetadataServiceException
Method to query Schedules that exist in the scheduler metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
filter - - contains fields, comparators, and values to search for.
orderBy - - the field name to be used to sort the resultSet. If null, the no specific ordering will be applied. Only supported fields must be used.
ascending - - controls whether the orderBy argument should be used for ascending or descending order. If true, ascending otherwise descending.
- an enumeration of the Schedules matching the query.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


void updateScheduleDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                              MetadataObjectId objectId,
                              Schedule schedule)
                              throws MetadataNotFoundException,
Method to update a given Schedule. The Schedule supplied must already exist in the scheduler metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
objectId - - the unique identifier of the metadata object to be modified.
schedule - - the modified Schedule that will be persisted.
MetadataNotFoundException - - thrown when the given Schedule does not exist.
ValidationException - - thrown if the given Schedule is invalid.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


MetadataObjectId copyScheduleDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                                        MetadataObjectId objectId,
                                        java.lang.String packageName,
                                        java.lang.String newName)
                                        throws MetadataNotFoundException,
Method to clone a Schedule to another with the given name.

The newly created Schedule is automatically persisted in the scheduler metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
objectId - - the unique identifier of the Schedule to be copied.
packageName - - optional the package (namespace) in which to create the object. It can be NULL or in the format "/pkg1/pkg2/..." as desired with or without leading "/". If specified, it allows further partitioning of the metadata objects.
newName - - the name to be assigned to the new Schedule.
- the unique identifier for the newly created (copied) Schedule.
MetadataNotFoundException - - thrown if the Schedule to be copied does not exist.
ValidationException - - thrown if the validation of the Schedule fails.
AlreadyExistsException - - thrown if a Schedule with the newName already exists.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


void deleteScheduleDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                              MetadataObjectId objectId)
                              throws MetadataServiceException
Method delete a Schedule from the scheduler metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
objectId - - the unique identifier of the Schedule to be deleted.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


MetadataObjectId addExclusionDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                                        ExclusionsDefinition exclusion,
                                        java.lang.String packageName)
                                        throws ValidationException,
Method to persist a Exclusion in to the scheduler metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
exclusion - - the instance of the Exclusion to be persisted.
packageName - - optional the package (namespace) in which to create the object. It can be NULL or in the format "/pkg1/pkg2/..." as desired with or without leading "/". If specified, it allows further partitioning of the metadata objects.
- the unique identifier for accessing the newly created metadata object.
ValidationException - - thrown if the validation of the Exclusion fails.
AlreadyExistsException - - thrown if an Exclusion with the same name already exists.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


ExclusionsDefinition getExclusionDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                                            MetadataObjectId objectId,
                                            boolean forUpdate)
                                            throws MetadataNotFoundException,
Method to retrieve a Exclusion from the scheduler metadata repository.

This method returns either a mutable or immutable instance of the given object as desired. When changes are required to be made, a mutable instance must always be fetched.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
objectId - - the unique identifier of the ExclusionsDefinition to be retrieved.
forUpdate - - flag to indicate whether a mutable or immutable instance should be fetched. If updates will be performed on the retrieved object, then a mutable instance must be fetched by specifying a value of true. Otherwise false should be specified for a read-only instance.
- instance of the Exclusion for the given name.
MetadataNotFoundException - - thrown if a Exclusion with the given name does not exist.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


ExclusionsDefinition[] getExclusionDefinitions(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                                               MetadataObjectId[] objectIds,
                                               boolean forUpdate)
                                               throws MetadataNotFoundException,
Method to retrieve an array of Exclusions from the scheduler metadata repository.

This method returns either mutable or immutable instances of the given metadata ids as desired. When changes are required to be made, a mutable instance must always be fetched.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
objectIds - - the unique identifiers of the Exclusions to be retrieved.
forUpdate - - flag to indicate whether a mutable or immutable instances should be fetched. If updates will be performed on the retrieved objects, then mutable instances must be fetched by specifying a value of true. Otherwise false should be specified for read-only instances.
- Exclusions for the given object ids.
MetadataNotFoundException - - thrown if a Exclusion with the given name does not exist.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


java.util.Enumeration<MetadataObjectId> queryExclusionDefinitions(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                                                                  Filter filter,
                                                                  MetadataService.QueryField orderBy,
                                                                  boolean ascending)
                                                                  throws MetadataServiceException
Method to query Exclusions that exist in the scheduler metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
filter - - contains fields, comparators, and values to search for.
orderBy - - the field name to be used to sort the resultSet. If null, the no specific ordering will be applied. Only supported fields must be used.
ascending - - controls whether the orderBy argument should be used for ascending or descending order. If true, ascending otherwise descending.
- an enumeration of the metadata object id's.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


java.util.Enumeration<ExclusionsDefinition> queryExclusionDefinitionObjects(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                                                                            Filter filter,
                                                                            MetadataService.QueryField orderBy,
                                                                            boolean ascending)
                                                                            throws MetadataServiceException
Method to query Exclusions that exist in the scheduler metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
filter - - contains fields, comparators, and values to search for.
orderBy - - the field name to be used to sort the resultSet. If null, the no specific ordering will be applied. Only supported fields must be used.
ascending - - controls whether the orderBy argument should be used for ascending or descending order. If true, ascending otherwise descending.
- an enumeration of the ExclusionsDefinitions matching the query.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


void updateExclusionDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                               MetadataObjectId objectId,
                               ExclusionsDefinition exclusion)
                               throws MetadataNotFoundException,
Method to update a given Exclusion. The Exclusion supplied must already exist in the scheduler metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
objectId - - the unique identifier of the metadata object to be modified.
exclusion - - the modified Exclusion that will be persisted.
MetadataNotFoundException - - thrown when the given Exclusion does not exist.
ValidationException - - thrown if the given Exclusion is invalid.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


MetadataObjectId copyExclusionDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                                         MetadataObjectId objectId,
                                         java.lang.String packageName,
                                         java.lang.String newName)
                                         throws MetadataNotFoundException,
Method to clone a Exclusion to another with the given name.

The newly created Exclusion is automatically persisted in the scheduler metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
objectId - - the unique identifier of the ExclusionsDefinition to be copied.
packageName - - optional the package (namespace) in which to create the object. It can be NULL or in the format "/pkg1/pkg2/..." as desired with or without leading "/". If specified, it allows further partitioning of the metadata objects.
newName - - the name to be assigned to the new Exclusion.
- the unique identifier for the newly created (copied) Exclusion.
MetadataNotFoundException - - thrown if the Exclusion to be copied does not exist.
ValidationException - - thrown if the validation of the Exclusion fails.
AlreadyExistsException - - thrown if a Exclusion with the newName already exists.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


void deleteExclusionDefinition(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                               MetadataObjectId objectId)
                               throws MetadataServiceException
Method delete a Exclusion from the scheduler metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
objectId - - the unique identifier of the ExclusionsDefinition to be deleted.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


MetadataObjectId addTrigger(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                            Trigger trigger,
                            java.lang.String packageName)
                            throws ValidationException,
Method to persist a Trigger in to the scheduler metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
trigger - - the instance of the Trigger to be persisted.
packageName - - optional the package (namespace) in which to create the object. It can be NULL or in the format "/pkg1/pkg2/..." as desired with or without leading "/". If specified, it allows further partitioning of the metadata objects.
- the unique identifier for accessing the newly created metadata object.
ValidationException - - thrown if the validation of the Trigger fails.
AlreadyExistsException - - thrown if a Trigger with the same name already exists.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


Trigger getTrigger(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                   MetadataObjectId objectId,
                   boolean forUpdate)
                   throws MetadataNotFoundException,
Method to retrieve a Trigger from the scheduler metadata repository.

This method returns either a mutable or immutable instance of the given object as desired. When changes are required to be made, a mutable instance must always be fetched.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
objectId - - the unique identifier of the Trigger to be retrieved.
forUpdate - - flag to indicate whether a mutable or immutable instance should be fetched. If updates will be performed on the retrieved object, then a mutable instance must be fetched by specifying a value of true. Otherwise false should be specified for a read-only instance.
- instance of the Trigger for the given name.
MetadataNotFoundException - - thrown if a Trigger with the given name does not exist.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


Trigger[] getTriggers(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                      MetadataObjectId[] objectIds,
                      boolean forUpdate)
                      throws MetadataNotFoundException,
Method to retrieve an array of Triggers from the scheduler metadata repository.

This method returns either mutable or immutable instances of the given metadata ids as desired. When changes are required to be made, a mutable instance must always be fetched.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
objectIds - - the unique identifiers of the Triggers to be retrieved.
forUpdate - - flag to indicate whether a mutable or immutable instances should be fetched. If updates will be performed on the retrieved objects, then mutable instances must be fetched by specifying a value of true. Otherwise false should be specified for read-only instances.
- Triggers for the given object ids.
MetadataNotFoundException - - thrown if a Trigger with the given name does not exist.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


java.util.Enumeration<MetadataObjectId> queryTriggers(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                                                      Filter filter,
                                                      MetadataService.QueryField orderBy,
                                                      boolean ascending)
                                                      throws MetadataServiceException
Method to query Triggers that exist in the scheduler metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
filter - - contains fields, comparators, and values to search for.
orderBy - - the field name to be used to sort the resultSet. If null, the no specific ordering will be applied. Only supported fields must be used.
ascending - - controls whether the orderBy argument should be used for ascending or descending order. If true, ascending otherwise descending.
- an enumeration of the metadata object id's.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


java.util.Enumeration<Trigger> queryTriggerObjects(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                                                   Filter filter,
                                                   MetadataService.QueryField orderBy,
                                                   boolean ascending)
                                                   throws MetadataServiceException
Method to query Triggers that exist in the scheduler metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
filter - - contains fields, comparators, and values to search for.
orderBy - - the field name to be used to sort the resultSet. If null, the no specific ordering will be applied. Only supported fields must be used.
ascending - - controls whether the orderBy argument should be used for ascending or descending order. If true, ascending otherwise descending.
- an enumeration of the Triggers matching the query.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


void updateTrigger(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                   MetadataObjectId objectId,
                   Trigger trigger)
                   throws MetadataNotFoundException,
Method to update a given Trigger. The Trigger supplied must already exist in the scheduler metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
objectId - - the unique identifier of the metadata object to be modified.
trigger - - the modified Trigger that will be persisted.
MetadataNotFoundException - - thrown when the given Trigger does not exist.
ValidationException - - thrown if the given Trigger is invalid.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


MetadataObjectId copyTrigger(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                             MetadataObjectId objectId,
                             java.lang.String packageName,
                             java.lang.String newName)
                             throws MetadataNotFoundException,
Method to clone a Trigger to another with the given name.

The newly created Trigger is automatically persisted in the scheduler metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
objectId - - the unique identifier of the Trigger to be copied.
packageName - - optional the package (namespace) in which to create the object. It can be NULL or in the format "/pkg1/pkg2/..." as desired with or without leading "/". If specified, it allows further partitioning of the metadata objects.
newName - - the name to be assigned to the new Trigger.
- the unique identifier for the newly created (copied) Trigger.
MetadataNotFoundException - - thrown if the Trigger to be copied does not exist.
ValidationException - - thrown if the validation of the Trigger fails.
AlreadyExistsException - - thrown if a Trigger with the newName already exists.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


void deleteTrigger(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                   MetadataObjectId objectId)
                   throws MetadataServiceException
Method delete a Trigger from the scheduler metadata repository.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
objectId - - the unique identifier of the Trigger to be deleted.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


boolean hasPermission(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                      MetadataObjectId objectId,
                      MetadataPermission.Action... actions)
                      throws MetadataServiceException
Method to check if the current user has permission to perform an action on a given metadata object.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
objectId - - The unique idenitifer (MetadataObjectId) for which we are checking permissions.
actions - - The permission action to check.
true if the current user has permissions to perform all the actions listed on the objectId
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


java.util.Enumeration filterByPermission(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                                         java.util.Enumeration objectIds,
                                         MetadataPermission.Action... actions)
                                         throws MetadataServiceException
Method to filter or reduce a list of unqie idenifiers to only the ones for which the current user has to perform the given action. In other words, each identitfier in the objectIds list is checked as in hasPermission. Only the items which do have permission for the listed actions will appear returned list.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
objectIds - - A list of unique identifiers (MetadataObjectIds) to be filtered.
actions - - The permission action to check.
A list of unque identifiers for which the current user has permission.
MetadataServiceException - - thrown if the metadata sub-system encounters failures.


java.lang.String[] getCustomMDSNamespace(MetadataServiceHandle handle)
                                         throws MetadataServiceException
Method to return the namespace that is configured in ESSAPP connections.xml.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
array of custom MDS namespaces configured in different connections.xml across domains


java.lang.String[] getCustomMDSNamespace(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                                         java.lang.String domainName)
                                         throws MetadataServiceException
Method to return the namespace that is configured in ESSAPP connections.xml.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
domainName - domain name
array of custom MDS namespaces configured in different connections.xml


boolean isInCustomMDSNamespace(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                               MetadataObjectId objectId)
                               throws MetadataServiceException
Method to check whether the namespace of the objectId matches with the custom MDS namespace.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
objectId - unique identifier of the Ess metadata.
true if the objectId's namespace is a custom MDS namespace


boolean isInCustomMDSNamespace(MetadataServiceHandle handle,
                               java.lang.String packageName)
                               throws MetadataServiceException
Method to check whether the specified package name matches with the custom MDS namespace.

handle - - reference to the instance of MetadataServiceHandle to be used.
packageName - package name of the Ess Metadata
true if the objectId's namespace is a custom MDS namespace

Oracle Fusion Applications Java API Reference for Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Service
11g Release 1 (11.1.2)

Copyright © 2008, 2011 Oracle. All rights reserved.