Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Applications Core API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.2)


Uses of Interface

Packages that use SearchResult
oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.globalSearch.ui This package is for Global Search UI classes. 
oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.globalSearch.ui.ecsf This package is for classes implementing ECSF specific searching within Global Search. 
oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.globalSearch.ui.managed This package is for Global Search managed bean classes. 

Uses of SearchResult in oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.globalSearch.ui

Classes in oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.globalSearch.ui that implement SearchResult
 class AbstractSearchResult
          An abstract base class for Search Results.

Methods in oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.globalSearch.ui that return SearchResult
 SearchResult SearchResult.copySearch()
          Copy the search criteria, but do not perform a search.
abstract  SearchResult AbstractSearchableFactory.createSavedSearchResult(BaseSavedSearch ss, CategoryGroup cg, java.lang.String searchString, java.lang.String callerContext, boolean performInitialSearch)
          Create a specific Search result for the given arguments for the search strategy.
abstract  SearchResult AbstractSearchableFactory.createSearchResult(CategoryGroup cg, java.lang.String searchString, java.lang.String callerContext, boolean performInitialSearch)
          Create a specific Search result for the given arguments for the search strategy.
 SearchResult FilteredResultCache.getCurrent()
          Get the current SearchResult.
 SearchResult SplitSearchResult.getDisplayedResult()
          Gets the current results displayed from the cache.
 SearchResult FilteredResultCache.runAndCacheResult(SearchResult sr)
          If the passed search result which likely just contains filter items as pk identifiers has already been run, return the existing result, and point to it.

Methods in oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.globalSearch.ui with parameters of type SearchResult
abstract  BaseSavedSearch AbstractSearchableFactory.createSavedSearch(java.lang.String searchName, SearchResult sr)
          Turn a search result into a bean representing the saved search of given name, such that it can be stored in the list of saved searches.
static void SearchUtils.discloseSR(SearchResult sr, org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.RowKeySet disclosedRows)
          For the given Search result, add to the disclosed rows any filters, or the default disclosure (first category opened).
static void SearchUtils.resetDisclosedTreeState(SearchResult sr)
          Clear and reset the tree's disclosed state so that it does not remember any unwanted information about previous searches, then redisclose the first level.
 SearchResult FilteredResultCache.runAndCacheResult(SearchResult sr)
          If the passed search result which likely just contains filter items as pk identifiers has already been run, return the existing result, and point to it.
 boolean BaseSavedSearch.update(SearchResult sr)
          Updates the saved search based upon the details from the search result.

Constructors in oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.globalSearch.ui with parameters of type SearchResult
FilteredResultCache(SearchResult sr)
          Construct this class passing in a search result.
SearchResultCM(SearchResult sr)
          Public Constructor.

Uses of SearchResult in oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.globalSearch.ui.ecsf

Classes in oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.globalSearch.ui.ecsf that implement SearchResult
 class ECSFSearchResultAdapter
          ECSF specific Search Results.

Methods in oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.globalSearch.ui.ecsf that return SearchResult
 SearchResult ECSFSearchResultAdapter.copySearch()
          Copy the search criteria, but do not perform a search.
 SearchResult ECSFSearchableFactory.createSavedSearchResult(BaseSavedSearch ss, CategoryGroup cg, java.lang.String searchString, java.lang.String callerContext, boolean performInitialSearch)
          Create a specific Search result for the given arguments for the search strategy.
 SearchResult ECSFSearchableFactory.createSearchResult(CategoryGroup cg, java.lang.String searchString, java.lang.String callerContext, boolean performInitialSearch)
          Create a specific Search result for the given arguments for the search strategy.

Methods in oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.globalSearch.ui.ecsf with parameters of type SearchResult
static void ECSFSearchUtils.addQueryWarnings(SearchResult sr, oracle.ecsf.HitsMetaData hmd)
          Check to see if there were problems with the search and if so report them.
 BaseSavedSearch ECSFSearchableFactory.createSavedSearch(java.lang.String searchName, SearchResult sr)
          Turn a search result into a bean representing the saved search of given name, such that it can be stored in the list of saved searches.
static void ECSFSearchUtils.fillFacetTreePaths(oracle.ecsf.SearchContext searchContext, SearchResult sr)
          For the given Search Result, run phantom queries up all FACET_ITEM selection paths to flesh out the tree with siblings (including counts).
static void ECSFSearchUtils.populateSavedSearchFacetTree(oracle.ecsf.SearchContext searchContext, SearchResult sr)
          In cases where a saved search has been run and searchable object and facet selections have been made, this method fills the facet tree along the facet path using phantom queries.
static void ECSFSearchUtils.runPhantomQuery(oracle.ecsf.SearchContext searchContext, SearchResult sr, TreeItem ti)
          Run a phantom query within the context of the given search result and Attribute tree item.
static void ECSFSearchUtils.runPhantomQuery(SearchResult sr, TreeItem ti)
          Run a phantom query within the context of the given search result and Attribute tree item.
 boolean ECSFSavedSearch.update(SearchResult sr)
          Updates the saved search based upon the details from the search result.

Constructors in oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.globalSearch.ui.ecsf with parameters of type SearchResult
ECSFSearchResultAdapter(SearchResult base)
          Copy constructor that will duplicate the search structure, but not do a search.

Uses of SearchResult in oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.globalSearch.ui.managed

Methods in oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.globalSearch.ui.managed with parameters of type SearchResult
 void GlobalSearchResultTabBean.categoryNodeClicked(SearchResult sr, TreeItem selectedNode)
          A category node was clicked.
 void GlobalSearchResultTabBean.facetItemNodeClicked(SearchResult sr, TreeItem selectedFINode)
          A facet item node was clicked.
 void GlobalSearchResultTabBean.searchableObjectNodeClicked(SearchResult sr, TreeItem selectedSONode)
          A searchable object node was clicked.

Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Applications Core API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.2)


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