Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Applications Core API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.2)


Interface OASeedDataService

All Known Implementing Classes:
ActivityStreamOptionWSAMImpl, ApplicationAMImpl, ApplSessionPageRootAMImpl, ApplTaxonomyAMImpl, ApplTaxonomyExtnAMImpl, ApplTaxonomyInternalAMImpl, ApplTaxonomyWSAMImpl, AppsLoggerAMImpl, AttachmentsAuthorizationWSAMImpl, AttachmentsDTAMImpl, AttachmentServiceAMImpl, AttachmentWSAMImpl, CentralTreeNodeAMImpl, CreateTreeAMImpl, CurrencyServiceAMImpl, CurrencyWSAMImpl, DataSecurityAMImpl, DataSecurityFilterUIAMImpl, DataSecurityGlobalUIAMImpl, DataSecuritySharedObjectAMImpl, DataSecurityUIAMImpl, DataSecurityWSAMImpl, DefaultTreeLoaderImpl, DescriptiveFlexfieldServiceAMImpl, DescriptiveFlexfieldWSAMImpl, DFFAdfdiUIAMImpl, DFFApplicationModuleImpl, DFFRegUIAMImpl, DFFSetupUIAMImpl, DocSeqServiceAMImpl, DocSeqWSAMImpl, EffCategoryAMImpl, EFFCategoryApplicationModuleImpl, EFFRuntimeAMImpl, FavRecentItemsAMImpl, FlexfieldApplicationModuleImpl, FlexMBeanSetupAMImpl, FndAuditVaultAMImpl, FndDataMigAdfDIAMImpl, FndDemoEmpAMImpl, FndDeploymentsAMImpl, FndDiagnosticsAMImpl, FndDocumentCategoriesAdminUIAMImpl, FndDocumentEntitiesAdminUIAMImpl, GroupSpaceBaseAMImpl, IndustryServiceAMImpl, IndustryWSAMImpl, IsoLanguageServiceAMImpl, IsoLanguageWSAMImpl, KeyFlexfieldServiceAMImpl, KeyFlexfieldWSAMImpl, KFFApplicationModuleImpl, KFFCombinationCreatorImpl, KFFMApplicationModuleImpl, KFFPApplicationModuleImpl, KFFSetupAMImpl, LanguageServiceAMImpl, LanguageWSAMImpl, LookupServiceAMImpl, LookupWSAMImpl, MenuCustomizationAMImpl, MessageRuntimeTestAMImpl, MessageServiceAMImpl, MessageUIAMImpl, MessageWSAMImpl, NaturalLanguageServiceAMImpl, NaturalLanguageWSAMImpl, OAApplicationModuleImpl, OAAppModuleImpl, PreferencesAMImpl, ProfileServiceAMImpl, ProfileWSAMImpl, ProfleSetupUIAMImpl, SetIdServiceAMImpl, SetIdWSAMImpl, TerritoryServiceAMImpl, TerritoryWSAMImpl, TimezoneServiceAMImpl, TimeZoneWSAMImpl, TreeAMImpl, TreeNodeServiceImpl, TreeServiceImpl, TreeStructureAMImpl, TreeStructureAuditAMImpl, TreeStructureServiceImpl, TreeStructureServiceImpl, TreeStructureWSAMImpl, TreesWSAMImpl, TreeWSAMImpl, ValueSetSetupAMImpl, ValueSetWSAMImpl

public interface OASeedDataService

Seed Data Service Interface.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String RCS_ID
          Oracle Applications internal source control identifier.
static boolean RCS_ID_RECORDED
          Oracle Applications internal source control identifier.
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getSeedContext()
          Returns the seed context associated with this instance.
 OASeedStatus seedExtract(java.lang.String viewName, java.util.Map seedArgs)
          Pass through stubs that call the seed data delegate.
 OASeedStatus seedUpload( is, java.util.Map seedArgs)
          Deprecated. This method is being retained only as stop gap measure till d8b4a RC7.
 OASeedStatus seedUpload(java.lang.String fileName, java.util.Map seedArgs)
          Pass through stubs that call the seed data delegate.
 OASeedStatus seedUpload( url, java.util.Map seedArgs)
          Pass through stubs that call the seed data delegate.

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String RCS_ID
Oracle Applications internal source control identifier.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final boolean RCS_ID_RECORDED
Oracle Applications internal source control identifier.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


OASeedStatus seedUpload(java.lang.String fileName,
                        java.util.Map seedArgs)
Pass through stubs that call the seed data delegate. This stub implements the SeedDataService interface. This Method invokes Seed data upload service.

fileName - file to be uploaded
seedArgs - parameters for the upload.
status of upload


OASeedStatus seedUpload( url,
                        java.util.Map seedArgs)
Pass through stubs that call the seed data delegate. This stub implements the SeedDataService interface. This Method invokes Seed data upload service.

url - URL abstracting the seed data file
seedArgs - parameters for the upload.
status of upload


OASeedStatus seedUpload( is,
                                   java.util.Map seedArgs)
Deprecated. This method is being retained only as stop gap measure till d8b4a RC7.

Pass through stubs that call the seed data delegate. This stub implements the SeedDataService interface. This Method invokes Seed data upload service.

is - Input Stream abstracting the seed data file
seedArgs - parameters for the upload.
status of upload


OASeedStatus seedExtract(java.lang.String viewName,
                         java.util.Map seedArgs)
Pass through stubs that call the seed data delegate. This stub implements the SeedDataService interface. This Method invokes Seed data extract service.

viewName - name of driver view
seedArgs - parameters for the extract.
status of extract


java.lang.String getSeedContext()
Returns the seed context associated with this instance.

a String representing a seed context ("J2EE", "Flex", "T2P", etc)

Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Applications Core API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1.2)


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