Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Seed Data Framework
11g Release 1 (11.1.2)

Class ReportManager

  extended by

public final class ReportManager
extends java.lang.Object

ReportManger class exposes programming interface to error reporting as well as reporting in general. The report Manager maintains a error/report item set. These report items are categorized as validation reports, migration progress reports, or or migration evaluation reports. The report items are further categorized by context that is defined while registering the report item. The calling programs may also register a predefined action that is appropriate for the error item. These report items are registered by the static methods setError or setReport. The ReportManager provides utility methods to display the report in a dialog box. Such display may be restricted to contexts. Also, the report manager manages a tree representation of all the error/report items in the log panel of JDeveloper.

Nested Class Summary
static class ReportManager.ReportType
          ReportType allows for classification of error/report items during reporting.
Field Summary
static java.lang.String ACT_DRAFT
          The action to be perfomed on the Configuration file.
static java.lang.String ACT_FIXNOW
          The action to be perfomed on the Configuration file.
static ReportManager.ReportType MIGRATION_ASSESSMENT
          Report items of this type indicate the work content to complete the migration from pre-fusion based Seeddata configuration file to the fusion configuration file.
static ReportManager.ReportType MIGRATION_CONFORMANCE
          Report items of this type indicate the progress of the migration from pre-fusion based Seeddata configuration file to the fusion configuration file.
          Report items of this type summarize the Seed Configuration.
static ReportManager.ReportType VALIDATION_REPORT
          Report items of this type are messages that have been generated by validation of the Seed Configuration.
Method Summary
static java.lang.StringBuilder buildMessage()
          Returns StringBuffer listing all the error and report items.
static java.lang.StringBuilder buildMessage(java.lang.String pcontext, java.lang.String pname)
          Returns StringBuffer listing all the validation error items.
static void clear()
          Clears the ReportItem collection and prepares the report for a new report.
static void clear(oracle.jbo.dt.ui.main.dlg.DtuWizardPanel panel)
          Remove all error/report items related to the panel.
static void clear(oracle.jbo.def.NamedObject namedObject)
          Remove all error/report items related to the named object.
static void clear(java.lang.String context, java.lang.String name)
          Clears the ReportItem collection of items that belong to the context of given name.
static int confirmEditOnErrorList()
          Shows error/message items in dialog box.
static java.util.Set getActionSet()
          Returns the Set of actions that have been registered with the error/report items.
static boolean isEmpty()
          Returns true if no error/report item is registered.
static boolean isEmpty(oracle.jbo.dt.ui.main.dlg.DtuWizardPanel panel)
          Returns true if no error/report item for context panel has been registered.
static boolean isEmpty(oracle.jbo.def.NamedObject namedObject)
          Returns true if no error/report item for context namedObject has been registered.
static boolean isEmpty(java.lang.String context, java.lang.String name)
          Returns true if no error/report item for named context has been registered.
static void log()
          Starts a new log page and displays all the error items in hierachical tree.
static void setAppModule(oracle.jbo.dt.objects.JboAppModule pam)
          Set Application Module the report will be based on.
static void setError(oracle.jbo.dt.ui.main.dlg.DtuWizardPanel panel, java.lang.String error)
          Register error item by the panel where the error can be fixed.
static void setError(oracle.jbo.dt.ui.main.dlg.DtuWizardPanel panel, java.lang.String error, java.lang.String action)
          Register error item by the panel where the error can be fixed.
static void setError(oracle.jbo.def.NamedObject namedObj, java.lang.String error)
          Register error item by the namedObj that has caused the error.
static void setError(oracle.jbo.def.NamedObject namedObj, java.lang.String error, java.lang.String action)
          Register error item by the namedObj that caused the error.
static void setError(java.lang.String context, java.lang.String contextName, java.lang.String error)
          Register error item by the context and contextName that has caused the error.
static void setError(java.lang.String context, java.lang.String contextName, java.lang.String error, java.lang.String action)
          Register error item by context and contextName.
static void setReport(java.lang.String context, java.lang.String contextName, ReportManager.ReportType type, javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode root)
          Register report item(s) by the context and contextName.
static void setReport(java.lang.String context, java.lang.String contextName, java.lang.String msg, ReportManager.ReportType type)
          Register report item by the context and contextName.
static void setReport(java.lang.String context, java.lang.String contextName, java.lang.String msg, ReportManager.ReportType type, java.lang.Object[] contextPath)
          Register report item by the context and contextName.
static void setTitle(java.lang.String ptitle)
          Sets the title for Dialog boxes.
static void showErrorList()
          Shows all validation error items in a dialog box.
static void showErrorList(oracle.jbo.dt.ui.main.dlg.DtuWizardPanel wiz)
          Shows all error and report items related to context wiz in a dialog box.
static void showErrorList(oracle.jbo.def.NamedObject namedObj)
          Shows all error and report items related to the context namedObj in a dialog box.
static int showErrorList(java.lang.StringBuilder buff, int ideButtons, int msgType, java.lang.String confirmation)
          Shows error and report items and returns user selection.
static void showErrorList(java.lang.String context, java.lang.String name)
          Shows all error and report items related to the named context in a dialog box.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String ACT_DRAFT
The action to be perfomed on the Configuration file. When DRAFT Action is specified on error, the configuration file remains in draft status. If

See Also:
setError(String , String , String , String ), Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String ACT_FIXNOW
The action to be perfomed on the Configuration file. When FIXNOW Action is specified on error, the wizard does not save, but will prompt the user to fix the error before the save can be performed.

See Also:
setError(String , String , String , String ), Constant Field Values


public static final ReportManager.ReportType VALIDATION_REPORT
Report items of this type are messages that have been generated by validation of the Seed Configuration. All errors that are used by the function call setError or any other flavor of setError function will create error items of ValidationReport type. Report Items of this type can also be registered by call to \ setReport or its variations. This ReportType has an order value of 10.


public static final ReportManager.ReportType MIGRATION_ASSESSMENT
Report items of this type indicate the work content to complete the migration from pre-fusion based Seeddata configuration file to the fusion configuration file. Report Items of this type can be registered by call to \ setReport or its variations. This ReportType has an order value of 20.


public static final ReportManager.ReportType MIGRATION_CONFORMANCE
Report items of this type indicate the progress of the migration from pre-fusion based Seeddata configuration file to the fusion configuration file. Report Items of this type can be registered by call to \ setReport or its variations. This ReportType has an order value of 30.


public static final ReportManager.ReportType MIGRATION_CONFORMANCE_SUMMARY
Report items of this type summarize the Seed Configuration. Report Items of this type can be registered by call to \ setReport or its variations. This ReportType has an order value of 40.

Method Detail


public static void setTitle(java.lang.String ptitle)
Sets the title for Dialog boxes. Default value is Seed Data Management.

ptitle - title of the dialog box


public static void clear()
Clears the ReportItem collection and prepares the report for a new report.


public static void clear(java.lang.String context,
                         java.lang.String name)
Clears the ReportItem collection of items that belong to the context of given name. Call to this method will prepare the ReportManager to reevaluate errors/report items belonging to the given context.

context - context to be cleared
name - context name


public static void setError(oracle.jbo.dt.ui.main.dlg.DtuWizardPanel panel,
                            java.lang.String error)
Register error item by the panel where the error can be fixed.

panel - panel related to the error
error - error message


public static void setError(oracle.jbo.def.NamedObject namedObj,
                            java.lang.String error)
Register error item by the namedObj that has caused the error.

namedObj - named object related to the error
error - error message


public static void setError(java.lang.String context,
                            java.lang.String contextName,
                            java.lang.String error)
Register error item by the context and contextName that has caused the error.

context - context related to the error
contextName - name of the context
error - error message


public static void setReport(java.lang.String context,
                             java.lang.String contextName,
                             ReportManager.ReportType type,
                             javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode root)
Register report item(s) by the context and contextName. The report items will be sorted by type. The report item(s) will be the leaf nodes of the root node. All the leaf nodes will be added to the ReportManager. The report items will show up in the report in the path defined by the path between the root and the leaf node.

context - context of the report item(s)
contextName - name of the context
type - report type of the report item(s)
root - root of the tree containing all report items


public static void setReport(java.lang.String context,
                             java.lang.String contextName,
                             java.lang.String msg,
                             ReportManager.ReportType type,
                             java.lang.Object[] contextPath)
Register report item by the context and contextName. The report item will be sorted by type. The report items will show up in the report in the path defined by the contextPath. If report item is null, the last item in the contextPath will be shown.

context - context of the report item
contextName - name of the context
msg - report item
type - report type of the report item
contextPath - object array under which the report item will be displayed


public static void setReport(java.lang.String context,
                             java.lang.String contextName,
                             java.lang.String msg,
                             ReportManager.ReportType type)
Register report item by the context and contextName. The report item will be sorted by type. The report items will show up in the report in the path defined by context and contextName.

context - context of the report
contextName - context name
msg - report item
type - report type of the report item


public static void setError(oracle.jbo.dt.ui.main.dlg.DtuWizardPanel panel,
                            java.lang.String error,
                            java.lang.String action)
Register error item by the panel where the error can be fixed. The action determines the wizard behavior. See the predefined fields of this class that qualify as actions.

panel - panel related to the error item
error - error message
action - action to be performed by the wizard


public static void setError(oracle.jbo.def.NamedObject namedObj,
                            java.lang.String error,
                            java.lang.String action)
Register error item by the namedObj that caused the error. The action determines the wizard behavior. See the predefined fields of this class that qualify as actions.

namedObj - named object realted to the error item
error - error message
action - action to be performed by the wizard


public static void setError(java.lang.String context,
                            java.lang.String contextName,
                            java.lang.String error,
                            java.lang.String action)
Register error item by context and contextName. The action determines the wizard behavior. See the predefined fields of this class that qualify as actions.

context - context of the error item
contextName - name of the context
error - error message
action - action to be performed by the wizard


public static java.lang.StringBuilder buildMessage()
Returns StringBuffer listing all the error and report items. This method is intended to be used as a testing aid only. Actually reporting should be done using the show methods or log() method of this class.

StringBuilder listing all the error/report items.


public static java.util.Set getActionSet()
Returns the Set of actions that have been registered with the error/report items.

Set of actions


public static java.lang.StringBuilder buildMessage(java.lang.String pcontext,
                                                   java.lang.String pname)
Returns StringBuffer listing all the validation error items. This method is intended to be used as a testing aid only. Actually reporting should be done using the show methods of this class.

pcontext - context for which error items are listed
pname - name of context
StringBuilder listing error/report items.


public static void showErrorList()
Shows all validation error items in a dialog box. Also, generate log page containing the error items, as well as any report items registered in the respective hierarchy.


public static void showErrorList(oracle.jbo.dt.ui.main.dlg.DtuWizardPanel wiz)
Shows all error and report items related to context wiz in a dialog box.

wiz - error/report items related to wizard panel are show


public static void showErrorList(oracle.jbo.def.NamedObject namedObj)
Shows all error and report items related to the context namedObj in a dialog box.

namedObj - error/report items related to named object are show


public static void showErrorList(java.lang.String context,
                                 java.lang.String name)
Shows all error and report items related to the named context in a dialog box.

context - context of error/report items to be shown
name - name of the context


public static void setAppModule(oracle.jbo.dt.objects.JboAppModule pam)
Set Application Module the report will be based on.

pam - Application Module the report is based on


public static void log()
Starts a new log page and displays all the error items in hierachical tree.


public static int showErrorList(java.lang.StringBuilder buff,
                                int ideButtons,
                                int msgType,
                                java.lang.String confirmation)
Shows error and report items and returns user selection. The user is prompted with buttons provided in the ideButtons. See SysIde for list of buttons. The dialog box shows a prompt message of type msgType. The selected button code is returned.

buff - StringBuffer containing list of messages
ideButtons - buttons to display in the dialog window
msgType - Type of messsage
confirmation - confirmation message
returns user selection


public static int confirmEditOnErrorList()
Shows error/message items in dialog box. Gets user confirmation to proceed based on OK and CANCEL buttons. If OK is selected, show report page in log window. Possible returned codes are SysIde.BTN_OK or SysIde.BTN_Cancel

user confirmation


public static boolean isEmpty()
Returns true if no error/report item is registered.

true if no error/report item is registered


public static boolean isEmpty(oracle.jbo.dt.ui.main.dlg.DtuWizardPanel panel)
Returns true if no error/report item for context panel has been registered.

panel - panel for which the operation is to be performed
true if no error/report item for context panel has been registered


public static boolean isEmpty(oracle.jbo.def.NamedObject namedObject)
Returns true if no error/report item for context namedObject has been registered.

namedObject - named object for which the operation is to be performed
true if no error/report item for named object has been registered


public static boolean isEmpty(java.lang.String context,
                              java.lang.String name)
Returns true if no error/report item for named context has been registered.

context - existance of error/report item related to named context tested
name - name of the context
true if no error/report item for named context has been registered


public static void clear(oracle.jbo.dt.ui.main.dlg.DtuWizardPanel panel)
Remove all error/report items related to the panel.

panel - panel for which the operation is to be performed


public static void clear(oracle.jbo.def.NamedObject namedObject)
Remove all error/report items related to the named object.

namedObject - named object for which the operation is to be performed

Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Seed Data Framework
11g Release 1 (11.1.2)


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