Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Seed Data Framework
11g Release 1 (11.1.2)


Uses of Class

Packages that use SDViewNode

Uses of SDViewNode in oracle.apps.fnd.applseed.diagnostics.util.objects

Subclasses of SDViewNode in oracle.apps.fnd.applseed.diagnostics.util.objects
 class SDInheritedViewNode

Uses of SDViewNode in oracle.apps.fnd.applseed.rt.common.excep

Constructors in oracle.apps.fnd.applseed.rt.common.excep with parameters of type SDViewNode
SDBadReferenceException(java.lang.String attrName, SDViewNode node, SDViewNode refNode)

Uses of SDViewNode in oracle.apps.fnd.applseed.rt.common.mapper

Fields in oracle.apps.fnd.applseed.rt.common.mapper declared as SDViewNode
protected  SDViewNode Mapper.srcNode

Methods in oracle.apps.fnd.applseed.rt.common.mapper that return SDViewNode
 SDViewNode ReferenceMapper.getReferencedNode()

Methods in oracle.apps.fnd.applseed.rt.common.mapper with parameters of type SDViewNode
static java.lang.String ReferenceUtil.getAttributeValueFromVO(SDViewNode startNode, oracle.jbo.ViewObject destinationVO, java.lang.String attr, oracle.jbo.Row r)
          Find the given attribute value from the given VO by reverse traversing In case it is internal reference then it creates new VO's and uses them
static java.util.LinkedHashMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> ReferenceUtil.getKeyValuesFromCurrentRow(SDViewNode node)
          This method returns all the key attribute values for the given node.
static java.util.LinkedHashMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> ReferenceUtil.getKeyValuesFromCurrentRow(SDViewNode node, boolean includeRootPartitionKey)
static java.util.LinkedHashMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> ReferenceUtil.getKeyValuesFromGivenRow(SDViewNode node, oracle.jbo.Row row)
          This method returns the key attributes values for a given node from the given row The remaining behaviour is same as the getKeyValuesFromCurrentRow method
static java.util.LinkedHashMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> ReferenceUtil.getKeyValuesFromRowNoParents(SDViewNode node, oracle.jbo.Row row)
          Get the Row key values, with Surrogates, Foreign Keys, and LOVs dereferenced as needed for Upload.
static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> ReferenceUtil.getKeyValuesFromXML(SDViewNode node, SDDataEntity de, boolean isMandatory)
static boolean ReferenceUtil.lookupEntity(SDViewNode destNode, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> altKey, SDDataEntity de)

Constructors in oracle.apps.fnd.applseed.rt.common.mapper with parameters of type SDViewNode
InheritanceMapper(SDViewNode node, oracle.jbo.AttributeDef attr, SDCompositionUsage cu)
LOVMapper(SDViewNode srcNode, oracle.jbo.AttributeDef attr, SDLOVUsage lu)
Mapper(SDViewNode node, oracle.jbo.AttributeDef attr, int order)
ReferenceMapper(SDViewNode node, oracle.jbo.AttributeDef attr, SDReferenceUsage ru)
          Constructor for ReferenceMapper.
SurrogateMapper(SDViewNode node, oracle.jbo.AttributeDef attr)
          Constructor takes in the attribute that needs substitution and the link that identifies that parent child relationship.

Uses of SDViewNode in oracle.apps.fnd.applseed.rt.common.objects

Fields in oracle.apps.fnd.applseed.rt.common.objects declared as SDViewNode
protected  SDViewNode SDReferenceUsage.destNode
          Invalid mapping if atleast one attribute of primary key is not part of the derived attribute of LOV
protected  SDViewNode SDReferenceUsage.refDestNode
protected  SDViewNode SDReferenceUsage.srcNode

Fields in oracle.apps.fnd.applseed.rt.common.objects with type parameters of type SDViewNode
protected  java.util.List<SDViewNode> SDViewNode.childNodes

Methods in oracle.apps.fnd.applseed.rt.common.objects that return SDViewNode
static SDViewNode SDViewNode.findViewInstance(java.lang.String instanceName, oracle.jbo.ApplicationModule am)
          Finds the view object with the given instance name in the am
static SDViewNode SDViewNode.findViewNode(oracle.jbo.ApplicationModule refAM, oracle.jbo.ViewObject refVO)
static SDViewNode SDViewNode.findViewNodeByDBObject(oracle.jbo.ApplicationModule appModule, SDViewNode excludeNode, java.lang.String dBObject)
          find the view node which has the same DB Object as dBObject and is either a driver view node or is part of the hierarchy of a driver view node.
static SDViewNode SDViewNode.findViewNodeByDef(oracle.jbo.ApplicationModule appModule, SDViewNode excludeNode, java.lang.String viewDef)
          find the view node which has the same view definition as viewDef and is either a driver view node or is part of the hierarchy of a driver view node
 SDViewNode SDViewNode.getChildByDefName(java.lang.String defName)
 SDViewNode SDViewNode.getChildByName(java.lang.String name)
 SDViewNode SDCompositionUsage.getChildNode()
 SDViewNode SDViewNode.getContainedNodeForDBObject(java.lang.String dbObject)
 SDViewNode SDViewNode.getContainedNodeForDef(java.lang.String viewDef)
          Method returns contained child node that has the same view definition object as the viewDef.
 SDViewNode SDReferenceUsage.getDestination()
static SDViewNode SDViewNode.getDriver(oracle.jbo.ApplicationModule appModule, java.lang.String viewName)
          Convinience API.
static SDViewNode SDViewNode.getDriver(oracle.jbo.ApplicationModule appModule, java.lang.String viewName, java.lang.Class cls)
          Gets the seed driver view object for a given view name.
 SDViewNode SDViewNode.getDriverNode()
 SDViewNode SDViewNode.getExtensionNode(java.lang.String name)
          Looks up a polymorphic subtype of the current node.
 SDViewNode SDCompositionUsage.getParentNode()
 SDViewNode SDReferenceUsage.getRefDestNode()
 SDViewNode SDViewNode.getReferenceByName(java.lang.String name)
 SDViewNode SDReferenceUsage.getSource()

Methods in oracle.apps.fnd.applseed.rt.common.objects that return types with arguments of type SDViewNode
 java.util.List<SDViewNode> SDViewNode.getChildren()
          Returns a list of SDViewNode instances that are children of this node.
 java.util.List<SDViewNode> SDViewNode.getReferences()

Methods in oracle.apps.fnd.applseed.rt.common.objects with parameters of type SDViewNode
static boolean SDViewNode.areDriverNodesSame(SDViewNode node1, SDViewNode node2)
          Checks for given two ViewNodes whether the driver is same or not
static SDViewNode SDViewNode.findViewNodeByDBObject(oracle.jbo.ApplicationModule appModule, SDViewNode excludeNode, java.lang.String dBObject)
          find the view node which has the same DB Object as dBObject and is either a driver view node or is part of the hierarchy of a driver view node.
static SDViewNode SDViewNode.findViewNodeByDef(oracle.jbo.ApplicationModule appModule, SDViewNode excludeNode, java.lang.String viewDef)
          find the view node which has the same view definition as viewDef and is either a driver view node or is part of the hierarchy of a driver view node
static java.lang.String SDViewNode.getReferenceAttributeName(SDViewNode targetNode, java.lang.String attr)
static java.util.List<SDTableUsage> SDTableUsage.getTableUsageList(oracle.jbo.ApplicationModule am, SDViewNode root)
          Method returns the list of table usages for the selected root view.
static java.util.List<SDTableUsage> SDTableUsage.getTableUsageListForNode(oracle.jbo.ApplicationModule am, SDViewNode node)
          Method returns the list of table usages for the selected root view.

Constructors in oracle.apps.fnd.applseed.rt.common.objects with parameters of type SDViewNode
SDCompositionUsage(oracle.jbo.server.EntityAssociation ea, SDViewNode p, SDViewNode c)
SDLOVUsage(SDViewNode src, oracle.jbo.AttributeDef attrDef, oracle.jbo.server.ApplicationModuleImpl am)
SDReferenceUsage(SDViewNode src)
SDVLReferenceUsage(SDViewNode src, oracle.jbo.server.ViewLinkImpl vl, oracle.jbo.ApplicationModule am)
          Constructor of ViewLinkUsage.

Uses of SDViewNode in oracle.apps.fnd.applseed.rt.common.util

Methods in oracle.apps.fnd.applseed.rt.common.util with parameters of type SDViewNode
static java.lang.String SDConfigUtil.getAlternateKeyName(SDViewNode node)
          Method returns the Alternate Key name for this ViewNode if this property is declared.
static java.util.List<java.lang.String> SDConfigUtil.getAttrExclusionList(SDViewNode node)
          Get list of attribute names for the node that are to be excluded from extract.
static java.util.List<java.lang.String> SDConfigUtil.getChildOrder(SDViewNode node)
          Return any pre-defined child ordering for the given node, as ordered list.
static java.lang.Integer SDConfigUtil.getCommitSize(SDViewNode node)
          Return any custom commit size value set for passed node.
static java.lang.String SDConfigUtil.getConnectByClause(SDViewNode node)
          gets the connect by clause defined for a given SDViewNode
static java.lang.String SDConfigUtil.getCVN(SDViewNode node)
          Method returns the Config Version Number (CVN) for this ViewNode.
static java.util.List<java.lang.String> SDConfigUtil.getExclusionLinkList(SDViewNode node)
          Return the list of links from given node that are to be excluded from extract/upload.
static java.util.List<java.lang.String> SDConfigUtil.getExtRefsList(SDViewNode node)
          Get list of static external references defined for this node.
static java.lang.String SDConfigUtil.getHandlerContext(SDViewNode node)
static java.lang.String SDConfigUtil.getHandlerText(SDViewNode node)
          Method returns the appropriate handler for upload types bulk and custom.
static java.lang.String SDConfigUtil.getHandlerType(SDViewNode node)
          Method returns the upload handler type.
static java.lang.String SDHashUtil.getHashValue(SDViewNode node, oracle.jbo.Row row, java.lang.StringBuilder hashinput)
          Get the MD5 hash value for the passed row, based on all persistent, non-reference, non-key, non-history attributes.
static java.lang.String SDConfigUtil.getIdentifierKey(java.lang.String baseKey, SDViewNode node)
          Method returns the transformed based key that identifies the driver view.
static java.util.List<java.lang.String> SDConfigUtil.getIgnoreRefDataValidationList(SDViewNode node)
static java.util.List<java.lang.String> SDConfigUtil.getLOVExclusionList(SDViewNode node)
          return the list of LOV's from a given node that are to be excluded from extract/upload
static java.lang.String SDConfigUtil.getMultiTenantColumnName(SDViewNode node)
          Get the multi-tenant enterprise id column name.
static java.util.List<java.lang.String> SDConfigUtil.getRefVAList(SDViewNode node)
          Return the list of View Accesor's (VA's) that should be used for external reference processing if the are used in a LOV
static java.lang.String SDConfigUtil.getSeedChangeIndicator(SDViewNode node)
          Return the name of the seed data change indicator attribute.
static java.lang.String SDConfigUtil.getStagingTableName(SDViewNode node)
          Method returns the staging table name for the ViewNode if the upload mode is bulk mode.
static java.lang.String SDConfigUtil.getSurrogate(SDViewNode node)
          Get the Surrogate Id property value.
static java.util.List<java.lang.String> SDConfigUtil.getTransientAttrExtractList(SDViewNode node)
          Get the list of attributes for the given node that should be extracted, regardless of the Transient or Derived properties.
static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> SDConfigUtil.getVAPVOMaping(SDViewNode node)
          VA TO PVO Mapping format; VA:PVO,VA:PVO
static boolean SDConfigUtil.isBulkValidate(SDViewNode node)
static boolean SDConfigUtil.isDraft(SDViewNode node)
          Method returns true if the Application Module is in draft status.
static boolean SDConfigUtil.isIncrMidTier(SDViewNode node)
          Check if incremental load and mid-tier hashing has been enabled for this node.
static boolean SDConfigUtil.isMultiTenant(SDViewNode node)
          Check if node is multi-tenant aware.
static boolean SDConfigUtil.isMultiTenantPropsDefined(SDViewNode node)
          Checks if MTS is being enabled via custom properties.
static java.lang.String SDConfigUtil.isNoDynamicExtRefs(SDViewNode node)
          gets the no dynamic ext refs property value for a given SDViewNode
static boolean SDConfigUtil.isTranslationIncrLoad(SDViewNode node)
          Translation incremental load property.
static java.lang.String SDConfigUtil.isUseADFForNLSUpload(SDViewNode node)

Uses of SDViewNode in oracle.apps.fnd.applseed.rt.extract.common

Subclasses of SDViewNode in oracle.apps.fnd.applseed.rt.extract.common
 class SDExtractViewNode
          SDExtractViewNode extends SDViewNode to add specific Extract functionality.

Methods in oracle.apps.fnd.applseed.rt.extract.common that return SDViewNode
 SDViewNode RowKeyBuilder.getNode()
          Get the view node for this builder.

Methods in oracle.apps.fnd.applseed.rt.extract.common with parameters of type SDViewNode
static SDSqlGenerator SDSqlGenerator.createSqlGenerator(SDViewNode viewNode)
          creates the instance of the SDSqlGenerator
static RowKeyBuilder RowKeyBuilder.getBuilder(SDViewNode node)
          Get the RowKeyBuilder object for the passed node.
static java.lang.String SDSqlGenerator.getReferenceAttributeName(SDViewNode node, java.lang.String attrName)
 RowKeyBuilder RowKeyBuilderFactory.getRowKeyBuilder(SDViewNode node)
          Get the RowKeyBuilder object for this ViewNode.
 RowKeyBuilder RowKeyBuilderFactory.getRowKeyBuilder(SDViewNode node, oracle.jbo.Row row)
          Get the RowKeyBuilder object for this ViewNode and Row.
static RowVersion RowVersion.valueOf(SDViewNode node, oracle.jbo.Row row, int version)
          Return a RowVersion object from given SDViewNode, row, and version.

Constructors in oracle.apps.fnd.applseed.rt.extract.common with parameters of type SDViewNode
RowKeyBuilder(SDViewNode node)
          Constructor for building keys for SDViewNode objects.
RowKeyBuilder(SDViewNode node, oracle.jbo.Row rowP)
          Constructor for building keys for one VO and Row.
SDSqlGenerator(oracle.jbo.server.EntityDefImpl vlEntityDef, oracle.jbo.server.EntityDefImpl transEntityDef, SDViewNode viewNode)

Uses of SDViewNode in oracle.apps.fnd.applseed.rt.extract.util

Methods in oracle.apps.fnd.applseed.rt.extract.util with parameters of type SDViewNode
static void ExUtil.executeViewQuery(SDViewNode viewNode)
          Execute a ViewObject's query.
static java.lang.String ExUtil.getConnectBy(SDViewNode viewNode)
          This method return back the connect by string that needs to be used in the query for ordering the hierarchical data.
static java.lang.String ExUtil.getResolvedRowKeyValue(oracle.jbo.Row row, SDViewNode viewNode)
          Get a String of resolved key values, delimited.
static java.lang.String ExUtil.getRowKeys(oracle.jbo.Row row, SDViewNode viewNode)
          Get a String of the current row keys in format [ key=value ...
static java.lang.String ExUtil.getRowKeys(SDViewNode viewNode)
          Get a String of the row keys of node's current row.

Uses of SDViewNode in oracle.apps.fnd.applseed.rt.extract.util.taxonomy

Methods in oracle.apps.fnd.applseed.rt.extract.util.taxonomy with parameters of type SDViewNode
static PartitionHelper PartitionHelperFactory.getPartitionHelper(SDViewNode viewNode)
          Get or initialize PartitionHelper for the requested view node.
static PartitionHelper PartitionHelperFactory.getPartitionHelper(SDViewNode viewNode, boolean ignoreExclusiveNode)

Uses of SDViewNode in oracle.apps.fnd.applseed.rt.extract.util.xml

Methods in oracle.apps.fnd.applseed.rt.extract.util.xml with parameters of type SDViewNode
 void SDExtractXliff.addJdbcUpdateProperties(SDViewNode viewnode, SDNodeAttributes properties)
 void SDExtractXliff.endViewRow(SDViewNode node)
          End the current view row, only end those nodes created with newViewRow().
 void SDExtractXml.endViewRow(SDViewNode node, oracle.jbo.Row row)
          End the named view row.
 void SDExtractXliff.newViewRow(SDViewNode node, oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.oaext.model.OAViewRowImpl row)
          Create new view row in the xliff document.
 void SDExtractXml.newViewRow(SDViewNode parentNode, SDViewNode extensionNode, oracle.jbo.Row row)
          Add a new row for named node.

Uses of SDViewNode in oracle.apps.fnd.applseed.rt.loader.core

Subclasses of SDViewNode in oracle.apps.fnd.applseed.rt.loader.core
 class SDLoaderViewNode
          This class represents a generic SeedViewObject.

Uses of SDViewNode in

Methods in with parameters of type SDViewNode
protected  java.lang.String SDBC4JDataHandler.getRowHashValue(SDViewNode node, oracle.jbo.Row row)
          Get the row hash value depending on the calculating type, db or mid-tier.
protected  long SDBC4JDataHandler.removeChildRows(SDViewNode viewNode, int indent)

Uses of SDViewNode in oracle.apps.fnd.applseed.test.junit.mock.rt.common.mapper

Constructors in oracle.apps.fnd.applseed.test.junit.mock.rt.common.mapper with parameters of type SDViewNode
MapperTest.TestMapper(SDViewNode node, oracle.jbo.AttributeDef attr, int order)

Uses of SDViewNode in oracle.apps.fnd.applseed.test.junit.mock.rt.common.objects

Constructors in oracle.apps.fnd.applseed.test.junit.mock.rt.common.objects with parameters of type SDViewNode
SDReferenceUsageTest.TestSDReferenceUsage(SDViewNode node)

Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Seed Data Framework
11g Release 1 (11.1.2)


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