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Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher (Oracle Fusion Applications Edition)
Release 11g (11.1.1)
Part Number E20837-01
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Setting Up Print Servers

Print Server Options for BI Publisher

Setting Up CUPS

The delivery manager requires Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS) to print and fax documents. This section describes how to set up CUPS for printing and faxing on RedHat Linux.

The following diagram shows the integration between BIPublisher and CUPS:

the picture is described in the document text

The following procedures describe how to add a printer or fax to CUPS and how to test your setup. For more information, see the CUPS Software Administrators Manual ( and the Redhat Advanced Server online help.


Setting Up a Printer on CUPS

The RedHat Advanced Server provides a configuration wizard to help you set up your printers. The RedHat process is summarized below:

Using the RedHat Printer Configuration Wizard

  1. Run "redhat-config-printer"

    While logged on as the root user, open a terminal and execute "redhat-config-printer". This invokes the Printer configuration window.

  2. Select the New tab to launch the Add a new print queue wizard.

  3. Follow the wizard prompts to:

  4. Your new queue now displays in the Printer configuration window.

Test Your Printer on CUPS

  1. Launch a browser on RedHat and enter the following URL:


  2. Select the Printers tab. The printer you just created will be listed.

    To use your Windows browser to access this page, see Making CUPS Accessible from Other Machines.

  3. Select Print Test Page to test your printer setup. If the test page does not print, repeat the configuration steps. Ensure that your printer type and model selections are correct.

Installing and Setting Up Fax for CUPS

This section describes how to install efax-0.9 software and configure it for CUPS.

Install the Fax Software

  1. Download efax-0.9 from one of the following locations:

  2. Extract the files to a working directory using the following commands:

  3. Compile and install using the following commands (refer to the Readme for more information):

    Note: You must have make and gcc installed in your RedHat AS.

  4. Test the fax.

    Enter the following command:

    fax send <fax_number><tiff file>

    For example:

    fax send 1234567 test.tiff

    The fax is successful if you get the return code:

    done, returning 0 (success)

  5. Download fax4CUPs. It is available from the following site:

  6. Install fax4CUPS as follows:

  7. Restart CUPS using the following command:

    /etc/rc.d/init.d/cups restart

Setting Up a Fax on CUPS

  1. Launch a browser and go to the following URL: http://localhost:631/admin

  2. Enter the admin username and password in the dialog that launches.

  3. From the Admin page, select Add Printer.

  4. Add a Fax queue as follows:

    In the Add New Printer region, enter the following fields:

  5. Select a device for the fax queue.

    Select "Faxmodem (efax on /dev/modem)". In some cases, "/dev/ttySxx" will be shown instead.

  6. Select a model for the fax queue.

    Select "efax". You can also select either "HylaFAX" or "mgetty-fax" if these have been installed.

  7. Select the driver for the fax queue.

    Select "efax (en)".

  8. Verify that the new fax queue appears on the CUPS Admin Web page.

  9. Text the fax on CUPS.

    Enter the following command to test the fax:

    /usr/bin/lp -d <printer name> -t <phone#> test.pdf


    /usr/bin/lp -d efax1 -t 5556231 myfax.pdf

Making CUPS Accessible from Other Machines

By default, CUPS does not allow access from other network machines. However, it can be configured to allow access, as follows:

  1. Open a CUPS configuration file using the following command:

    Open /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
  2. Add a "Listen" instruction.

  3. Configure each printer.

  4. Save the configuration file and restart CUPS.

  5. Test the accessibility from other machines.

    Launch a browser from another machine and enter one of the following URLs to ensure that the CUPS web page can be accessed:

Setting UP Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) on Windows

This section describes how to set up Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) on a Windows XP server.

Setting Up IPP Printers on Windows XP Professional

  1. Install Internet Information Services (IIS).

  2. Restart Windows XP.

  3. Share the printers.

  4. Configure the Windows Firewall to open a port to your XMLP Server:

  5. Change the virtual directory security setting.

  6. Open a browser in a remote machine and enter the following URL: http://<your server name>/printers

    You will see the list of shared printers.