Oracle Fusion Applications Java API Reference for Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Service
11g Release 1 (
Class Workshift

  extended by<Workshift>
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Workshift
extends BaseMetadata<Workshift>

This class defines a workshift for any Request Processor. A workshift indicates the operating (active) times for any Request Processor. Workshift is used for 2 main features with respect to a Request Processor: 1) Work assignments can be attached to a Request Processor on a per Workshift basis. 2) Resources of a Request Processor can be controlled on a per Workshift basis. The combination of the above two features gives the ability to exactly define what kind of requests a processor should process (work assignment) and how much resources should be given for processing. Finally multiple work assignments (each having a work shift) can be associated to a Request Processor to control and vary the kind of work that can be processed and the resources for it. For example a Request Processor can have 2 workshifts, dayshift and nighshift. Here the daytime workshift can have more resources for peak time while the nightshift can have very few. Workshifts are always associated with a work assignment first and the work assignment is then bound to a Request Processor.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static int NO_LIMIT
Constructor Summary
Workshift(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String description, MetadataObjectId schedule, int duration, int allocation)
          Creates a Workshift definition with no async limits.
Workshift(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String description, MetadataObjectId schedule, int duration, int allocation, int plsqlLimit, int asyncJavaLimit)
          Creates a fully-defined Workshift definition.
Workshift(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String description, MetadataObjectId schedule, int duration, int allocation, int plsqlLimit, int asyncJavaLimit, MetadataObjectId objectId)
          Constructs a new instance.
Workshift(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String description, MetadataObjectId schedule, int duration, int allocation, MetadataObjectId objectId)
          Constructs a new instance.
Workshift(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String displayNameKey, java.lang.String descriptionKey, MetadataObjectId schedule, int duration, int allocation, int plsqlLimit, int asyncJavaLimit, java.lang.String[] resourceBundleIDs)
          Creates a fully-defined Workshift definition and associated resource bundles.
Workshift(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String displayNameKey, java.lang.String descriptionKey, MetadataObjectId schedule, int duration, int allocation, java.lang.String[] resourceBundleIDs)
          Creates a Workshift definition with no async limits and with associated resource bundles.
Method Summary
 Workshift clone(java.lang.String newName)
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
          Compares an object for equality with this Workshift object.
static Workshift from( cd)
          Create an instance of the model specific class out of an associated CompositeData instance
 int getAllocation()
          Returns the allocation weighting factor for this Workshift.
 int getAsyncJavaLimit()
          Returns max number of asyncJava jobs that can be running concurrently for this (Workshift, IsolationGroup).
 BaseMetadataType<Workshift> getBaseMetadataType()
 int getDuration()
          Returns the duration in minutes of this Workshift.
 int getPlsqlLimit()
          Returns max number of PL/SQL jobs that can be running concurrently for this (Workshift, IsolationGroup).
 MetadataObjectId getSchedule()
          Returns the MetadataObjectId for the Schedule associated with this workshift.
protected  Workshift getSelf()
 void setAllocation(int allocation)
          Sets the allocation weighting factor for this Workshift.
 void setAsyncJavaLimit(int asyncJavaLimit)
          Sets the max number of asyncJava jobs that can be running concurrently for this (Workshift, IsolationGroup).
 void setDuration(int duration)
          Sets the duration.
 void setPlsqlLimit(int plsqlLimit)
          Sets the max number of PL/SQL jobs that can be running concurrently for this (Workshift, IsolationGroup).
 void setSchedule(MetadataObjectId schedule)
          Sets the Schedule for this Workshift. toCompositeData( ct)
static toCompositeType()
          Returns the CompositeType that describes this model specific class
 java.lang.String toDebugString()
          Returns a debug string representation for this Workshift object.
 java.lang.String toString()
protected  void validateCustom()
          Validates this instance of Workshift.
Methods inherited from class
from, getDescription, getDescriptionKey, getDisplayName, getDisplayNameKey, getMessages, getMetadataObjectId, getName, getResourceBundles, hashCode, localize, setDescription, setDescriptionKey, setDisplayName, setDisplayNameKey, setResourceBundles, toCompositeData, validate
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int NO_LIMIT
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public Workshift(java.lang.String name,
                 java.lang.String description,
                 MetadataObjectId schedule,
                 int duration,
                 int allocation)
Creates a Workshift definition with no async limits.

name - name of the Workshift.
description - optional description
schedule - name of a Schedule definition
duration - duration in minutes that the workshift is active for each date in the schedule
allocation - allocation weighting factor for resources.


public Workshift(java.lang.String name,
                 java.lang.String description,
                 MetadataObjectId schedule,
                 int duration,
                 int allocation,
                 int plsqlLimit,
                 int asyncJavaLimit)
Creates a fully-defined Workshift definition.

name - name of the Workshift.
description - optional description
schedule - name of a Schedule definition
duration - duration in minutes that the workshift is active for each date in the schedule
allocation - allocation weighting factor for resources.
plsqlLimit - global limit of PL/SQL jobs running in this workshift.
asyncJavaLimit - global limit of asyncJava jobs running in this workshift.


public Workshift(java.lang.String name,
                 java.lang.String displayNameKey,
                 java.lang.String descriptionKey,
                 MetadataObjectId schedule,
                 int duration,
                 int allocation,
                 java.lang.String[] resourceBundleIDs)
Creates a Workshift definition with no async limits and with associated resource bundles.

name - workshift name. The name is also used as the default display name unless otherwise specifially set.
displayNameKey - key of the entry in the resourcebundles to lookup the name. Optional.
descriptionKey - key of the entry in the resourcebundles to lookup the description. Optional.
schedule - name of a Schedule definition
duration - duration in minutes that the workshift is active for each date in the schedule
allocation - allocation weighting factor for resources.
resourceBundleIDs - array of resource bundle ids. Optional.


public Workshift(java.lang.String name,
                 java.lang.String displayNameKey,
                 java.lang.String descriptionKey,
                 MetadataObjectId schedule,
                 int duration,
                 int allocation,
                 int plsqlLimit,
                 int asyncJavaLimit,
                 java.lang.String[] resourceBundleIDs)
Creates a fully-defined Workshift definition and associated resource bundles.

name - workshift name. The name is also used as the default display name unless otherwise specifially set.
displayNameKey - key of the entry in the resourcebundles to lookup the name. Optional.
descriptionKey - key of the entry in the resourcebundles to lookup the description. Optional.
schedule - name of a Schedule definition
duration - duration in minutes that the workshift is active for each date in the schedule
allocation - allocation weighting factor for resources.
plsqlLimit - global limit of PL/SQL jobs running in this workshift.
asyncJavaLimit - global limit of asyncJava jobs running in this workshift.
resourceBundleIDs - array of resource bundle ids. Optional.


public Workshift(java.lang.String name,
                 java.lang.String description,
                 MetadataObjectId schedule,
                 int duration,
                 int allocation,
                 MetadataObjectId objectId)
Constructs a new instance. This constructor is for internal use ONLY and should not be used to construct a new instance. This constructor is used internally by the MetadataService to populate the unique identifier of this object(definition) within the metadata repository.

name - workshift name. The name is also used as the default display name unless otherwise specifially set.
description - optional description.
schedule - name of a Schedule definition.
duration - duration in minutes for each date in the schedule.
allocation - allocation weighting factor for resources.
objectId - unique metadata object id. Set only when this workshift was retrieved via MetadataService.


public Workshift(java.lang.String name,
                 java.lang.String description,
                 MetadataObjectId schedule,
                 int duration,
                 int allocation,
                 int plsqlLimit,
                 int asyncJavaLimit,
                 MetadataObjectId objectId)
Constructs a new instance. This constructor is for internal use ONLY and should not be used to construct a new instance. This constructor is used internally by the MetadataService to populate the unique identifier of this object(definition) within the metadata repository.

name - workshift name. The name is also used as the default display name unless otherwise specifially set.
description - optional description.
schedule - name of a Schedule definition.
duration - duration in minutes for each date in the schedule.
allocation - allocation weighting factor for resources.
plsqlLimit - global limit of PL/SQL jobs running in this workshift.
asyncJavaLimit - global limit of asyncJava jobs running in this workshift.
objectId - unique metadata object id. Set only when this workshift was retrieved via MetadataService.
Method Detail


public int getAllocation()
Returns the allocation weighting factor for this Workshift.

allocation weighting factor of this Workshift


public void setAllocation(int allocation)
Sets the allocation weighting factor for this Workshift.

allocation - weighting factor of this Workshift.


public int getPlsqlLimit()
Returns max number of PL/SQL jobs that can be running concurrently for this (Workshift, IsolationGroup).

PL/SQL job limit


public void setPlsqlLimit(int plsqlLimit)
Sets the max number of PL/SQL jobs that can be running concurrently for this (Workshift, IsolationGroup).

plsqlLimit - concurrent PL/SQL jobs


public int getAsyncJavaLimit()
Returns max number of asyncJava jobs that can be running concurrently for this (Workshift, IsolationGroup).

asyncJava job limit


public void setAsyncJavaLimit(int asyncJavaLimit)
Sets the max number of asyncJava jobs that can be running concurrently for this (Workshift, IsolationGroup).

asyncJavaLimit - concurrent asyncJava jobs


public MetadataObjectId getSchedule()
Returns the MetadataObjectId for the Schedule associated with this workshift.

To retrieve the Schedule definition itself, getSchedule() method in the scheduler metadata services can be used passing the name returned by this method.

metadata object id of Schedule definition or null if no schedule is specified


public void setSchedule(MetadataObjectId schedule)
Sets the Schedule for this Workshift. When this Workshift is added to the system via the call to addWorkshift() in the schedule metadata services, the metadata service will verify that a Schedule definition referred by the name given in this method exists in the metadata repository.

schedule - identifier of the Schedule definition.


public int getDuration()
Returns the duration in minutes of this Workshift.

duration in minutes.


public void setDuration(int duration)
Sets the duration.

duration - duration in minutes.


protected void validateCustom()
                       throws ValidationException
Validates this instance of Workshift.

The method performs checks that are possible on this object. It does not ensure the existence of objects referenced by this definition. Such references and related validations are done by the MetadataService at the time of object persistence. MetadataService also calls this method to ensure only valid objects are persisted.

Specified by:
validateCustom in class BaseMetadata<Workshift>
ValidationException - If any invalid data is detected.


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
Compares an object for equality with this Workshift object.

equals in class java.lang.Object
obj - object to compare with this Workshift.
true if the object passed in is an instance of Workshift and is equal to this Workshift, false otherwise.


public java.lang.String toDebugString()
Returns a debug string representation for this Workshift object.

String debug representation.


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class BaseMetadata<Workshift>


public static toCompositeType()
Returns the CompositeType that describes this model specific class


public toCompositeData( ct)
Specified by:
toCompositeData in class BaseMetadata<Workshift>


public static Workshift from( cd)
                      throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Create an instance of the model specific class out of an associated CompositeData instance



protected Workshift getSelf()
Specified by:
getSelf in class BaseMetadata<Workshift>


public BaseMetadataType<Workshift> getBaseMetadataType()
Specified by:
getBaseMetadataType in class BaseMetadata<Workshift>


public Workshift clone(java.lang.String newName)
Specified by:
clone in class BaseMetadata<Workshift>

Oracle Fusion Applications Java API Reference for Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Service
11g Release 1 (

Copyright © 2008, 2012 Oracle. All rights reserved.