Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Applications Core API Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class RosettaConstants

  extended by oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.rosetta.RosettaConstants

public class RosettaConstants
extends java.lang.Object

RosettaConstants provides a set of methods to retrieve some constants defined with FND. Those valuese are cached per JVM. The initialize method must be called before any attemp to get a constant.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String RCS_ID
          RCS_ID for release usage.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static java.math.BigDecimal decodeNum(java.math.BigDecimal x)
          this method is same as encodeNum.
static java.math.BigDecimal encodeNum(java.math.BigDecimal x)
          Public method to switch the g_miss number defined in FND_API and a special number defined by JTF.
static oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor getArrayDescriptor(java.lang.String name, java.sql.Connection conn)
          Initialize the JTF Types for a JDBC Connection It caches the types initialized in a Hashtable
static java.lang.String getGMissChar()
          Public method to retrieve the g_miss char defined in FND_API.
static java.sql.Timestamp getGMissDate()
          Public method to retrieve the g_miss date defined in FND_API.
static java.math.BigDecimal getGMissJtfNum()
          Returns g_miss_jtf_num (which is the value which is switched with g_miss_num when sent over the wire).
static java.math.BigDecimal getGMissNum()
          Public method to retrieve the g_miss number defined in FND_API.
static java.lang.String getGRetStsError()
          Public method to retrieve the g_ret_sts_error string defined in FND_API.
static java.lang.String getGRetStsSuccess()
          Public method to retrieve the g_ret_sts_success string defined in FND_API.
static java.lang.String getGRetStsUnexpError()
          Public method to retrieve the g_ret_sts_unexp_error string defined in FND_API.
static void initialize(java.sql.Connection conn)
          Several of the methods in this file, such as getGMissNum() and encodeNum(), rely on certain constant data being fetched from the database (in the package FND_API) and stored as static variables in this class.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String RCS_ID
RCS_ID for release usage. Please do not change it with your program.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public RosettaConstants()
Method Detail


public static void initialize(java.sql.Connection conn)
Several of the methods in this file, such as getGMissNum() and encodeNum(), rely on certain constant data being fetched from the database (in the package FND_API) and stored as static variables in this class. For most Rosetta clients , these data are gotten for them using the TransactionScope.getConnect() method (to get a connection from JTT's Connection cache) when they're needed. So most Rosetta clients do NOT need to call the initialize() method. If your environment is such that you're not using the TransactionScope.getConnect() method, then you need to initialize these data by calling the initialize() method before they're needed. Reasons why you might need to do this are: Please see package
  • oracle.apps.jtf.aom.transaction.TransactionScope for more information.

    conn - an Oracle connection from which to get the G_MISS info and other info.

  • encodeNum

    public static java.math.BigDecimal encodeNum(java.math.BigDecimal x)
    Public method to switch the g_miss number defined in FND_API and a special number defined by JTF.

    x - A BigDecimal to be processed.
    A BigDecimal. If the input equals to g_miss number defined in FND, then returns a special number defined by JTF. If it equals to that special number, then returns g_miss. If neither of those, return itself.


    public static java.math.BigDecimal decodeNum(java.math.BigDecimal x)
    this method is same as encodeNum.

    x - A BigDecimal to be processed
    A BigDecimal. If the input equals to g_miss number defined in FND, then returns a special number defined by JTF. If it equals to that special number, then returns g_miss. If neither of those, return itself.
    See Also:


    public static java.math.BigDecimal getGMissNum()
    Public method to retrieve the g_miss number defined in FND_API.

    A g_miss number. Null if g_miss has not been retrieved.


    public static java.lang.String getGMissChar()
    Public method to retrieve the g_miss char defined in FND_API.

    A g_miss char. Null if g_miss has not been retrieved.


    public static java.sql.Timestamp getGMissDate()
    Public method to retrieve the g_miss date defined in FND_API.

    A g_miss date. Null if g_miss has not been retrieved.


    public static java.lang.String getGRetStsSuccess()
    Public method to retrieve the g_ret_sts_success string defined in FND_API.

    A g_ret_sts_success string. Null if it has not been retrieved.


    public static java.lang.String getGRetStsError()
    Public method to retrieve the g_ret_sts_error string defined in FND_API.

    A g_ret_sts_error string. Null if it has not been retrieved.


    public static java.lang.String getGRetStsUnexpError()
    Public method to retrieve the g_ret_sts_unexp_error string defined in FND_API.

    A g_ret_sts_error string. Null if it has not been retrieved.


    public static java.math.BigDecimal getGMissJtfNum()
    Returns g_miss_jtf_num (which is the value which is switched with g_miss_num when sent over the wire).



    public static oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor getArrayDescriptor(java.lang.String name,
                                                                java.sql.Connection conn)
    Initialize the JTF Types for a JDBC Connection It caches the types initialized in a Hashtable

    name - JTF Types to be initialized
    conn - Oracle JDBC Connection
    an ArrayDescriptor for the given connection

    Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Applications Core API Reference
    11g Release 1 (


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