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Oracle® Application Testing Suite Getting Started Guide
Version 9.00 for Microsoft Windows (32-Bit)

Part Number E15487-01
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accept a new baseline script, 3.5.2
Accept Tested Page, 3.5.2
Active Virtual Users performance statistics, 5.5.2
Add Binding option, 3.7.4
Add Mapping option, 3.7.3
Add per step option, 5.5.1
Add to Autopilot option, 5.1.2
Add to Scenario option, 5.1.2
Add Variable option, 3.7.3
address line, 2.2
Address node, 3.3
Allow Blocked Content option, 3.4
Auto generate timers for all resources option, 5.4.2
automatic tests, 3.3.2
adding scenarios, 5.5.1
running scenario profiles, 5.5.1
setting up, 2.4.2, 5.1.3
starting, 5.1.3
stopping, 5.1.3
Available Data Series settings, 5.7.1


browser pane, 2.2, 2.2.2
Build Scenarios
overview of, 2.4.1


Caching Emulation setting, 5.4.1
Clear Results Window option, 3.5.3, 3.7.9, 3.8.9
Collection Interval, 5.3
comma-delimited files, 3.7.4
adding, 5.2
testing, 5.2
Configure Parameters list, 5.1.2, 5.4.1
Content Tests
enabling, 3.3.3
CSV files, 3.7.4


Data Bank Fields list, 3.7.4
Data Bank file
opening, 3.7.4, 3.8.5
selecting, 3.7.4, 3.8.5
using in load test, 5.4.1
Data Bank Wizard
auto-binding variables, 3.8.5
auto-mapping variables, 3.8.4
binding variables, 3.7.4, 3.8.5
Fetch Record option, 3.7.4
going to a specific record, 3.7.8
mapping variables, 3.7.3, 3.8.4
using with forms, 3.7, 3.8
Data Binding tab, 3.7.4
Data Collector, 5.2
Data Mapping tab, 3.7.3
Data Sources
adding, 5.2
editing, 5.3
Default Profiles list, 5.4.1
default tests
modifying, 3.3.3, 3.3.3
Different HTML Script node, 3.5.1
Discard Tested Page, 3.5.3
Duration node, 3.3


email notifications, 4.1.4
Epilog section in user-defined profiles, 5.8
error notifications, 4.1.3
Errors section in user-defined profiles, 5.8
expanding script pages, 3.3
exporting reports, 5.7.2


failure markers, 3.5
Failures Only option, 3.8.7
functional testing, 1.1.1, 2.2
Job Scheduler, 1.2.1, 2.3
load testing, 1.3.1, 2.4
Fetch Record option, 3.7.4, 3.7.4, 3.8.5, 3.8.5
Find Next Failure option, 3.5
Form Element script nodes, 3.6.5
Form Element tests
inserting, 3.6.5
properties, 3.6.5
script node, 3.6.5
Frame node, 3.3


Goto Page option, 3.6.3, 3.6.6
opening in Microsoft Excel, 5.7.2
Performance vs. Time report, 5.5.3
Performance vs. Users report, 5.5.3
sample session report, 5.7.1
Statistics vs. Time report, 5.5.3
Users vs. Time report, 5.5.3
viewing, 5.5.2, 5.5.3


Hits Per Second performance statistics, 5.5.2
Hits performance statistics, 5.5.2
HTML node, 3.3


Ignore This Failure option, 3.5.1
Images node, 3.3
Insert Table Test option, 3.6.6
installation, 2.1
introduction, 1
playing back with, 3.7.7


Job pane, 2.3.1
Job results pane, 2.3.2
Job Scheduler
activating schedules, 4.1.8
deactivating schedules, 4.1.8
editing jobs, 4.2
editing schedules, 4.3
overview of, 2.3
playing back jobs, 4.1.7
saving schedules, 4.1.6
selecting scripts, 4.1.2
specifying notifications, 4.1.3
specifying schedule time, 4.1.5
starting, 4.1.1
tutorial, 4
using schedules, 2.3.3, 4.1.5
viewing results, 2.3.1, 2.3.2, 4.1.7
Job Scheduler Wizard, 2.3.3, 4.1.2
starting, 4.1.1


Kilobytes Per Second performance statistics, 5.5.2
Kilobytes performance statistics, 5.5.2


Links node, 3.3
load scenarios
building, 2.4.1, 5.1.2
setting up autopilot, 2.4.2, 5.1.3
Log Message Format notification, 4.1.3


Mail Server
configuring, 4.1.4
Maps node, 3.3
Master node, 3.5.1
Maximum Time Allowed for Playback setting, 3.6.4
Minimum Time setting, 3.6.4
modifying default tests, 3.3.3, 3.3.3
Monitored System, 5.2
adding, 5.2
editing, 5.3


New Links script node, 3.5.1
New Script option, 3.6.1
Next Difference option, 3.5.2
specifying for email, 4.1.4
specifying for results log, 4.1.3


Oracle Functional Testing for Web Applications tutorial, 3
Oracle Load Testing for Web Applications tutorial, 5


Page Content Tests Manager, 3.3.3
Pages Per Second performance statistics, 5.5.2
Pages performance statistics, 5.5.2
Parameters, 3.7.2, 3.7.5, 3.8.3
Data Bank script node, 3.7.5
script node, 3.7.2
Pass when property, 3.6.3, 3.7.6, 3.8.2
Perfmon (Windows Performance Monitor), 5.2
selecting counters, 5.2
specifying instances, 5.2
Performance object list, 5.2
performance statistics
categories of, 5.5.2
viewing, 5.5.2
analyzing failures, 3.5, 3.7.8, 3.8.8
playing with iterations, 3.7.7, 3.8.7
starting, 3.4
starting jobs, 4.1.7
using all records, 3.7.7
using Data Bank, 3.7.7, 3.8.7
viewing results, 2.2.3, 3.4
playing back Visual Scripts, 3.4
Profile performance statistics, 5.5.2
adding scripts, 5.8
adding synchronization points, 5.8.2
creating user-defined, 5.8
editing, 5.8.4
moving scripts, 5.8.3
Prolog section in user-defined profiles, 5.8


recording Visual Scripts, 3.2
starting, 3.2.2, 3.7.1, 3.8.1
stopping, 3.2.4, 3.7.1, 3.8.2
saving data, 5.4.2, 5.7
setting options, 5.4.2
creating, 2.4.5
exporting, 5.7.2
generating, 5.7
Performance vs. Time report, 5.5.3
Performance vs. Users report, 5.5.3
sample session report, 5.7.1
Statistics vs. Time report, 5.5.3
test results, 3.4
Users vs. Time report, 5.5.3
viewing scenario reports, 5.7.3
viewing session reports, 5.7.3
resizing Visual Scripts, 3.3
Resource Validation
overview of, 3.4
running automatically, 3.4
Results Log
appending to, 3.4
disabling, 3.4
enabling, 3.4
saving, 3.7.9, 3.8.9
Results Report
overview of, 3.4
running automatically, 3.4
run graphs
viewing, 2.4.4, 5.5.2
Run section in user-defined profiles, 5.8
Run Test button, 5.1.3, 5.5.1


Save data for reporting option, 5.4.2
Save Output Log As option, 3.5.3
Save Schedule As option, 4.1.6
saving Results logs, 3.7.9
adding Virtual User profiles, 5.4.1
running multiple profiles, 5.5
running tests, 5.1.3, 5.5.1
saving, 5.4.3
setting up autopilot, 5.1.3
specifying profiles, 5.1.2
viewing reports, 5.7.3
schedule window, 2.3.3, 4.1.5
activating, 4.1.8
creating, 4.1
deactivating, 4.1.8
editing, 4.3
saving, 4.1.6
specifying, 4.1.5
Script Content Tests options, 3.3.3
Scripts node, 3.3
Select Property setting, 3.6.5
Select Table Element, 3.6.6
Select Test Criteria setting, 3.6.5
Selected text is present setting, 3.6.3, 3.7.6, 3.8.2
Send HTML Summary option, 4.1.4
Send Text Log option, 4.1.4
Server Response tests
inserting, 3.6.4
properties, 3.6.4
script node, 3.6.4
adding monitors, 5.2
configuring, 5.2
editing configurations, 5.3
overview of, 2.4.6
testing configurations, 5.2
using configurations, 5.5.1
saving data, 5.5.1
starting and stopping options, 5.4.2, 5.5.1
viewing reports, 5.7.3
setting script options, 3.3.3
Specify Expression setting, 3.6.5
status line, 2.2
submit my entry button, 3.6.1
Submitted Scenario Profiles list, 5.1.2
synchronization points
adding to user-defined profiles, 5.8.2
moving in user-defined profiles, 5.8.3


Table Tests
creating, 3.6.6
inserting, 3.6.6
script node, 3.6.6
selecting elements, 3.6.6
selecting fields, 3.6.6
Terminate all agents at end of session option, 5.4.2
test cases
adding to Visual Scripts, 3.6
inserting Form Element tests, 3.6.5
inserting Server Response tests, 3.6.4
inserting Table Tests, 3.6.6
inserting Text Matching tests, 3.6.3, 3.7.6
test failures, 3.5
analyzing, 3.5
finding different images, 3.5.3
ignoring, 3.5.1
rejecting, 3.5.3
Tested node, 3.5.1
Text Matching tests
inserting, 3.6.3, 3.7.6, 3.8.2
properties, 3.6.3
script node, 3.6.3
Timer performance statistics, 5.5.2
Transactions Per Second performance statistics, 5.5.2
Transactions performance statistics, 5.5.2
Transactions with Errors performance statistics, 5.5.2
initializing, 3.1
Job Scheduler, 4
Oracle Functional Testing for Web Applications, 3
Oracle Load Testing for Web Applications, 5


URL dropdown, 2.2
Use Databanks setting, 5.4.1
User Mode setting, 5.4.1
user-defined profiles
adding scripts, 5.8
adding synchronization points, 5.8.2
creating, 5.8
editing, 5.8.4
moving scripts, 5.8.3
using Data Banks, 3.7, 3.8


auto-binding in Data Bank Wizard, 3.8.5
auto-mapping in Data Bank Wizard, 3.8.4
binding in Data Bank Wizard, 3.7.4, 3.8.5
mapping in Data Bank Wizard, 3.7.3, 3.8.4
View All Responses option, 5.4.2
viewing failure markers, 3.5
viewing in scripts, 3.7.2, 3.7.5, 3.8.3
Virtual User (VU) Ramp-up options, 5.5.1, 5.5.1
Virtual User Display, 5.6.2
Virtual User Grid, 2.4.3
Virtual User Pacing setting, 5.4.1
virtual users
aborting all, 5.6.6
aborting individual, 5.6.4
adding per step, 5.5.1
controlling, 5.6
creating user-defined profiles, 5.8
editing user-defined profiles, 5.8.4
modifying run attributes, 5.6.1
navigating, 5.6.2
ramping up, 5.1.3
setting number of, 5.4.1
stopping all, 5.6.5
stopping individual, 5.6.3
viewing, 2.4.3
viewing status, 5.1.3
viewing user actions, 5.6.2
watching, 5.6.2
watching currently running, 2.4.3
Virtual Users with Errors performance statistics, 5.5.2
Visual Script Parameters
viewing, 3.7.2, 3.7.5, 3.8.3
Visual Scripts
adding test cases, 3.6
analyzing playback failures, 3.8.8
collapsing, 2.2.1
displaying properties, 3.3.1
expanding, 2.2.1
expanding pages, 3.3
playing back, 3.4
recording, 3.2
rejecting problems, 3.5.3
resizing, 2.2.1, 3.3
saving, 3.2.5, 3.7.9, 3.8.2
test flags, 2.2.1
viewing, 2.2.1
VUs performance statistics, 5.5.2


Watch Virtual User Grid tab, 2.4.3