Setting Up the Performance Monitor

This chapter provides an overview of the configuration of the Performance Monitor and discusses how to:

Note. This chapter also covers the additional steps required for setting up the Usage Monitor.

Click to jump to parent topicConfiguration of the Performance Monitor

The configuration of the Performance Monitor involves enabling the required elements on the monitored system and the monitoring system.

When you have installed the PeopleTools CD and transferred the appropriate files to your web server, application server, and Process Scheduler server, all of the required elements are in place. You do not need to install additional modules for the Performance Monitor.

Note. If you are setting up a self-monitoring system, the monitored system and the monitoring system reside on the same host machine.

Note. In most cases, you will only require a self-monitoring system for the Usage Monitor.

Note. If you are setting up the Usage Monitor, in some sections of the setup instructions you will need to set additional settings. These additional settings are identified specifically for Usage Monitor configuration. If you are not setting up the Usage Monitor, you may skip the settings.

Click to jump to parent topicEnabling the Required Elements on the Monitoring System

This section covers the configuration of your monitoring system, which includes:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Performance Monitor Database

This step applies to:


Step Required?

Performance Monitor


Usage Monitor


The monitoring database requires the use of at least the PeopleTools System (PTSYS) database for the production monitoring system. Set this database up using the instructions in the PeopleTools Installation Guide.

Note. For the self-monitoring configuration, use the application database for your system. The application must be running on at least PeopleTools 8.44 for Performance Monitor and on at least PeopleTools 8.51 for Usage Monitor.

See Also

PeopleTools 8.52 Installation for your platform

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Application Server

This step applies to:


Step Required?

Performance Monitor


Usage Monitor


The application server on the monitoring system requires that the following server processes be enabled:

Default Server Processes

A typical default application server configuration is suitable for Performance Monitor activity.

The PSAPPSRV server process is the main server process of the PeopleSoft Application Server.

At least two PSAPPSRV server processes must be enabled. This ensures that the monitoring system can publish notifications of configuration changes through the PeopleSoft Integration Broker gateway. You can enable more PSAPPSRVs to meet increased demand.


The PSPPMSRV process receives the performance data from the monitor servlet and inserts it into the monitoring database.

The following table describes the ways that you can enable this server process using the PeopleSoft Server Administration interface (PSADMIN).



Quick Configure menu

You can use the Quick Configure menu in PSADMIN to enable the PSPPMSRV server process. Enable the Perf Collator option.

Custom Configuration menu

After you have scrolled through all of the configuration sections of the PSADMIN menu, the system prompts you to enable a variety of options. One of these prompts relates to enabling the PSPPMSRV server process. When prompted with the following:

Do you want Performance Collators configured? (y/n)

Enter y to indicate Yes.

To add additional PSPPMSRV server processes, use the [PSPPMSRV] configuration section in PSADMIN and adjust the settings. The [PSPPMSRV] configuration section contains the following parameters.

Min Instances (minimum instances)

Enter the minimum number of PSPPMSRV server processes that you want to start when the application server boots.

Max Instances (maximum instances)

Enter the maximum number of PSPPMSRV server processes that you want to start when the application server boots.

Note. For the PSPPMSRV server process, the values assigned to Min Instances and Max Instances must be equal. For example, if you want three PSPPMSRV server processes to start, set Min Instances=3 and Max Instances=3. Unlike PSAPPSRV, Tuxedo does not handle load balancing between PSPPMSRVs. Decide how many PSPPMSRV instances you need operating within the appropriate number of domains and boot all of them.

If you have more than one PSPPMSRV configured, the monitor servlet automatically implements load balancing across the multiple PSPPMSRVs. Also, if you configure multiple application server domains, each with its own PSPPMSRVs, the monitor servlet automatically implements load balancing and failover across the domains.

Additional Usage Monitor Application Server Settings

Make sure that the Usage Monitoring State parameter is set correctly for the application server domain.

See Usage Monitoring State.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Web Server for the Monitoring System

This step applies to:


Step Required?

Performance Monitor


Usage Monitor


By completing the internet portion of the PeopleSoft Multi-Platform Installer program, you have installed all of the elements that Performance Monitor requires on the web server. No additional installation procedures are required.

Performance Monitor servlets are not activated unless PSPPMSRVs register with them. Agent connections to a monitor are rejected until a PSPPMSRV on the monitoring system registers.

The Performance Monitor servlets that run on the web server of the monitoring system are:

Note. Make note of the URL of the web server for the monitoring system. On the monitored system, you need to specify the appropriate URL to which to send performance data.

Note. If you elect to implement a production monitoring system, you should set up the monitoring system itself in self-monitoring mode so that you can detect alarm events that are generated from the monitoring web server. That is, while the monitoring system monitors one or more PeopleSoft application systems, it also monitors itself.

If you need to configure multiple web servers for scalability and failover, you need to configure a cluster.

Note. If you notice communication errors in the log files, even though the agents have registered successfully, check the keep-alive setting on the monitoring web server. The keep-alive timeout in the monitoring web server may need to be increased to 660 or higher to resolve these issues. After changing this setting, restart the web server.

See Also

Setting Global System Options

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating a PPMI User ID

This step applies to:


Step Required?

Performance Monitor


Usage Monitor


The PSPPMSRV application server process acts as the PPMI client when you record PeopleSoft performance data. To register as a client, the PSPPMSRV requires the appropriate permissions in PeopleTools Security.

Warning! Setting up PSPPMSRV authentication is required.

To set up PPMI authentication:

  1. Create a user profile with the name of your choice using PeopleTools Security.

  2. Add the deliveredPeopleTools Perfmon Client role to the user profile.

    The PeopleTools Perfmon Client role contains the PTPMCLNT permission list.

  3. Select PeopleTools, Performance Monitor, Administration, Global Administration and enter the user profile that you created and the associated password in the PPMI User ID and PPMI Password text boxes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying the PPMI URL and PPMI User ID

This step applies to:


Step Required?

Performance Monitor


Usage Monitor


PSPPMSRV processes must register with the PPMI servlet using the PPMI URL. The PSPPMSRV processes use the PPMI URL that is stored in the monitoring system's database to locate the PPMI servlet for registration.

The PSPPMSRV servers periodically read the PPMI value to determine the PPMI URL. When it is set to NONE, the monitoring system is disabled, which means that the PSPPMSRVs do not insert performance data into the monitoring database.

The PPMI user ID is required to authenticate the PSPPMSRV so that it can subscribe to performance data.

To specify the PPMI URL and PPMI user ID:

  1. Make sure that you have created a PPMI user ID with the appropriate permissions (as described in the previous section).

  2. Select PeopleTools, Performance Monitor, Administration, Global Administration.

  3. On the Global Administration page, enter the appropriate value in the PPMI URL edit box.

    The format is: http://host[:port]/ppmi/[site]/

    For example:

    Where ps is the name of the PeopleSoft site.

  4. Specify the PPMI user ID and password.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Click Ping Test to ensure that the URL that you entered is valid and the URL is available.

See Also

Performance Monitor Security Considerations

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying the Integration Gateway URL

This step applies to:


Step Required?

Performance Monitor


Usage Monitor


A gateway URL needs to be specified so that the monitoring system can notify the monitor servlet of configuration changes. The monitoring servlet in turn notifies the monitored agents of these changes when they next communicate with the servlet. This communication uses the gateway, which you specify in the Integration Broker administration pages.

When specifying the gateway URL:

See Also

Defining Integration Gateways

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Process Scheduler Server for the Monitoring System

This step applies to:


Step Required?

Performance Monitor


Usage Monitor


To invoke Performance Monitor Application Engine programs to maintain the performance data, set up a Process Scheduler server that connects to your monitoring database.

To set up a Process Scheduler server, follow the instructions that are provided in your PeopleTools Installation Guide.

See PeopleTools 8.52 Installation for your platform

The delivered PeopleSoft Application Engine programs that you schedule to run as part of Performance Monitor administration enable you to:

See Also

PeopleTools 8.52 Installation for your platform

Administering the Performance Monitor

Click to jump to parent topicEnabling the Required Elements on the Monitored System

This section covers enabling the required elements on the monitored system, which is the system for which you intend to collect performance data. A monitored system requires the following items to be in place:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Database of the Monitored System

This step applies to:


Step Required?

Performance Monitor


Usage Monitor


As long as your PeopleSoft application is running against your PeopleSoft database, no further database configuration is required for the Performance Monitor.

Note. The database must be running on PeopleTools 8.44 or higher.

Note. The database must be running on PeopleTools 8.51 or higher for Usage Monitor.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying the Monitor URL

This step applies to:


Step Required?

Performance Monitor


Usage Monitor


Specifying a monitor URL enables the Performance Monitor agents and identifies the monitor servlet.

The agents on the monitored system check the monitor URL value periodically. When the monitor URL value is set to NONE, the Performance Monitor components on the monitored system are disabled.

The monitor URL value must reflect the URL of the monitor servlet that is running on the monitoring system.

To specify the monitor URL:

  1. Select PeopleTools, Performance Monitor, Administration, Specify Monitor.

  2. On the Specify Monitor page, enter the appropriate value in the Monitor URL edit box.

    The format of the URL is http[s]://host[:port]/monitor/[site]/or NONE.

    For example, enter

    Where ps is the name of the PeopleSoft site.

  3. Click Ping Test to ensure that you entered a valid URL and that the URL is available.

  4. Click Save and Ping PPM to save the URL into the URL catalog, and to ensure that the associated agents are registered and able to share data with PPMI URL.

    If the URL you enter is different than the previous value, the system saves the new value to the URL catalog, performs registration, and displays status of the registered agents.

    In the case of a new registration, you must wait at least the duration of the Agent Heartbeat Interval.

    If the agents have successfully registered, the PPMConsole (a new browser window) displays a list of all registered agents along with the agent configuration information. If no agents have registered, no list appears.

    Note. In order for the new browser window (PPMConsole) to appear, the PPMConsole needs to be enabled on the Global Administration page.

    See Viewing Monitor Servlet Diagnostics.

    See Setting Global System Options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Web Server of the Monitored System

This step applies to:


Step Required?

Performance Monitor


Usage Monitor


No additional installation procedure is required.

When the monitor URL value is supplied, agents on every PeopleSoft site automatically become active and begin relaying performance data to the monitoring system.

Note. Ensure that the Enable PPM Agents option is selected on the General tab of the appropriate web profile. By default, this option is enabled.

Note. If you start the web server in safe mode, then the monitoring agents in the web server are disabled.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Application Server

This step applies to:


Step Required?

Performance Monitor


Usage Monitor


The following components run and are monitored on the application server of the monitored system:

No installation or configuration procedures are required.

When the monitored system is enabled, agents in every instrumented server process automatically become active and begin relaying performance data to the monitoring system.

Note. Ensure that the EnablePPM Agent parameter in the [PSTOOLS] section of PSADMIN is set to 1 (enabled). If the EnablePPM Agent parameter is commented out or set to 0, then the agents are disabled for this server domain.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEnabling the Usage Monitor

This step applies to:


Step Required?

Performance Monitor


Usage Monitor


Select the Enable Usage Monitoring check box on the System Defaults page (PeopleTools, Performance Monitor, Administration, System Defaults).

To Verify the Usage Monitor Configuration:

  1. On the System Defaults page, set the Buffer Size to 50.

    Note. Until the Buffer Size value is reached, no Usage Monitor data will be written to the database.

    Important! This buffer value of 50 is only for verifying the Usage Monitor configuration, ensuring that data will be quickly written to the Usage Monitor tables. When you are using the Usage Monitor, you need to increase the Buffer Size value to a more appropriate "production" value. The default is 2500. Refer to the System Defaults page documentation for further details on the Buffer Size field.

    Note. For Usage Monitor data collection, the Agent Filter Level does not need to be set to a particular value. Usage Monitor data will be collected with the level set to 01-Stanbdby, as long as the Enable Usage Monitor check box is selected. Setting the Agent Filter Level value to 01-Standby is the recommended setting for a Usage Monitor-only monitoring system.

  2. Shutdown and restart the application server domain and the PeopleSoft Internet Architecture.

  3. Login to that application with your browser and navigate through a few pages and menus in the application.

  4. With your SQL query tool, submit the following query on the monitoring database:


  5. Verify that data is present in the view and that the timestamps correspond to the time you verified the Usage Monitor configuration.

  6. Repeat the previous steps when setting the Buffer Size value to your production value.

See Also

Setting System Definition Defaults

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Process Scheduler Server

This step applies to:


Step Required?

Performance Monitor


Usage Monitor


The following components run and are monitored on the Process Scheduler server of the monitored system:

No installation or configuration procedures are required.

When the monitored system is enabled, agents in instrumented server processes automatically become active and begin relaying performance data to the monitoring system.

Note. Ensure that the EnablePPM Agent parameter in the [PSTOOLS] section of PSADMIN is set to 1 (enabled). By default, it is set to 1 (enabled) in the delivered domain templates. If the EnablePPM Agent parameter is commented out or set to 0, then the agents are disabled for this server domain.