Managing Integration Gateways

This chapter provides an overview of integration gateway configuration and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Managing Integration Gateways

This chapter discusses managing integration gateways. This includes code examples to illustrate concepts and features of the integration gateway.

Note. The code examples in this chapter are for illustrative purposes only and are not intended for use in a production environment.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Integration Gateway Configuration

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIntegration Gateway Versions and Application Server Versions

Local and remote integration gateways must be at the same or higher version as the application servers with which they communicate.

Out of the box, PeopleTools 8.52 is delivered with a PeopleTools 8.52 integration gateway and a PeopleTools 8.52 application server, thus meeting this requirement

However, situations may arise where your integration environment is comprised of PeopleSoft systems running different versions of PeopleTools, or your integration partners are running different versions of PeopleTools. When this is the case, you must ensure that the integration gateway is at the same or higher version as the application server with which it communicates or integrations will fail.

The following list describes several compatible integration gateway/application server version combinations:

The following list describes several incompatible integration gateway/application server version combinations. Integrations will fail with these combinations:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLocal Gateway Compatibility

Because database administrator passwords and gateway keystore passwords are encrypted in the current PeopleTools release, the local gateway specified by a node in the current release of PeopleSoft Integration Broker must be from PeopleTools 8.52 or later to support encryption. If you upgrade PeopleTools and the integration engine from a release earlier than PeopleTools 8.52, you must also upgrade the local gateway.

Note. The current release of the integration gateway works with nodes that use PeopleTools 8.4x or later PeopleSoft Integration Broker.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTypes of Integration Gateway Configuration

An integration gateway requires several types of configuration:

Security configuration

You implement PeopleSoft Integration Broker security in several ways, including installing digital certificates on the gateway's web server and on the gateway itself to support Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption. To implement encryption, you should complete the certificate installation before continuing with the gateway configuration in this chapter.

Once the gateway's digital certificates are installed, you must enter several configuration parameters in the Integration Gateway Certificates Section of the file. The parameters you must set are the certificate alias name, the certificate alias password, the path to the keystore, and the keystore password.

See Installing Digital Certificates for SSL/TLS Encryption on Oracle WebLogic.

General configuration

This includes settings for the gateway version, class location, general communication parameters, node connection parameters, message and error logging, and gateway type and location. Most of these settings are entries in the file, but you set a few of them in the Gateways component.

Connector-specific configuration

The number of configuration settings and where they're applied depend on the connector. You configure most of the target connectors delivered with PeopleSoft Integration Broker by using the Gateways component, but some require settings in the file. A few require settings in both environments.

Note. You can override some target connector properties for an individual node.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicThe Gateways Component

Once the gateway has been installed, you use the Gateways component (IB_GATEWAY) to make it accessible to any node that uses it for messaging. You can also use it to override the gateway's default connector properties for individual nodes without having to directly edit the file on the gateway machine.

See Managing Integration Gateways.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMinimum Integration Gateway Setup Requirements

The minimum setup requirement to run an integration gateway are:

  1. Specify the gateway URL.

    See Defining Integration Gateways.

  2. Specify the Oracle Jolt connection string properties to enable communication with each PeopleSoft Integration Broker node that will be involved in an integration that uses a gateway.

    See Setting Oracle Jolt Connection Properties.

  3. Set and encrypt the keystore password.

    See Setting SSL/TLS Encryption Security Properties.

Click to jump to parent topicAdministering Integration Gateways

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Integration Gateways

Use the Gateways page (IB_GATEWAY) in the Gateways component (IB_GATEWAY) to specify the location of the gateway, update configuration settings, and register target connectors to be used with the gateway.

Note. A default local gateway definition is automatically created upon installation. If you plan to use only the local gateway, you do not need to create a new definition; however, you still must configure the gateway.

To access the Gateways page, select PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Configuration, Gateways. The following example shows the Gateways page:

To define and configure a gateway:

  1. Access the Gateways page (select PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Configuration, Gateways).

  2. (Optional.) Select Local Gateway to designate the gateway as local.

    Each PeopleSoft Integration Broker node requires exactly one local gateway, which is the application’s first point of contact with other PeopleSoft applications, third-party systems, Integration Broker hubs, and remote gateways.

    Note. You must open the definition of the designated local gateway and clear the Local Gateway check box before you can select that check box in another definition.

  3. Enter the gateway URL for the selected gateway’s PeopleSoft listening connector.

    Specify the URL with the format:


    In this case, machinename:port is the machine name and port, host name, or IP address of the web server hosting the gateway.

    By default the port number is 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS. If using the default port number, you do not need to specify it in the URL.

    For HTTPS, the URL should start with https.

    The integration gateway URL is case sensitive.

    The gateway uses the PeopleSoft listening connector to receive service operations from an integration engine node or a remote gateway.

  4. (Optional.) To load the delivered target connectors, click the Load Gateway Connectors button.

    You can load the delivered target connectors at this point, or at a later time.

  5. Save the gateway definition.

  6. Click the Gateway Setup Properties link to configure additional gateway settings and connector properties.

See Also

Configuring Integration Gateways for Load Balancing When Using Third-Party Software

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPinging Integration Gateways

Use the Gateways page to ping an integration gateway to verify that it is running. Before you ping an integration gateway, you must define the gateway URL.

To ping an integration gateway:

  1. Access the Gateways page (select PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Configuration, Gateways).

  2. Select the integration gateway to ping.

    The Gateways page appears.

  3. Click the Ping Gateway button.

If the ping is successful a PeopleSoft Listening Gateway page appears that displays the PeopleTools release and a status of Active.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading Target Connectors

The Connectors grid on the Gateways page lists the target connectors registered with the current gateway. Initially, none of the delivered connectors are loaded and the grid is empty. You can load target connectors automatically by introspection or manually by entering information in the grid.

Note. You typically load and configure the gateway target connectors only when you configure a new gateway or install a new connector.

Loading Connectors by Introspection

If the connector was delivered with the PeopleSoft application or developed using the PeopleSoft Integration Broker Connector Software Development Kit (SDK), you can easily load it with the PeopleSoft Integration Broker connector introspection feature. Before you can register a new connector, you must install it.

See Using the Integration Broker Connector SDK.

To load connectors by introspection:

  1. Access the Gateways page (select PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Configuration, Gateways).

  2. Click the Load Gateway Connectors button to trigger introspection for the current gateway.

PeopleSoft Integration Broker examines the properties of all installed target connectors and loads those properties into the gateway definition. All the connectors appear in the Connectors grid, and the properties of each connector are updated to reflect its current state.

Note. The introspection never overrides existing information. It adds only missing information, so manually edited values are not affected. If you modified a connector, new and modified properties are loaded and do not interfere with existing properties.

Loading Connectors Manually

To load and configure a connector manually, you enter the connector ID, connector class name, and property information that’s hard-coded in the connector. This information is provided by PeopleSoft for all delivered connectors; information about connectors from any other source must be provided by that source.

To load a new connector manually:

  1. Access the Gateways page (select PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Configuration, Gateways).

  2. Add a new row in the Connectors grid.

  3. Enter the ID for the new connector.

  4. Enter the connector class name.

  5. Click Properties to edit the connector’s properties.

See Also

Using the Delivered Listening Connectors and Target Connectors

Using the Integration Broker Connector SDK

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEditing Connector Properties

Node-level target connector properties represent parameters that can be used by the connector. These properties are hard-coded in the connector class. The Connector Properties page (IB_CONNPROP) lists all of a connector’s available properties and their values. When you specify a connector in a node definition, only the properties that you are required to set and specify display.

Note. Available connector properties are automatically entered on the Connector Properties page when you register the connector.

Each property entry is defined by a combination of property ID and property name, both of which must already exist in the connector class. A single connector can handle service operations that adhere to different header formats, communication protocols, or other requirements. You can represent these variations on the Connector Properties page by entering multiple instances of the properties used, each with a different value.

Warning! Do not add new properties to any of the delivered connectors, as doing so requires changes to the delivered Java connector programs. Add connector properties only for custom connectors you have created.

The following example shows the Connector Properties page:

To add a new property instance:

  1. Access the Connector Properties page (select PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Configuration, Gateways to display the Gateways page).

  2. In the Connectors section locate the row that lists the target connector with which you want to work, and click the Properties link at the end of the row. The Connector Properties page displays.

  3. Select a Property ID.

    Available property IDs are specific to the connector that you’re configuring.

  4. Select a Property Name.

    The available property names are specific to the property ID that you selected.

  5. If the property is required for the connector to work properly, select the Required check box.

    All instances of a property (that is, all identical property ID and property name combinations) should have the same Required status.

  6. Enter an appropriate value for the property instance.

    Appropriate values might come from PeopleSoft, from the connector’s developer, or from your own experience and requirements.

  7. (Optional.) Select the Default check box.

    When you specify the connector in a node definition, only properties marked as both required and default appear automatically on the Connectors page of the Node Definitions component.

    Note. In most cases, only one instance (value) of a required property should be used by a given node; however, you might designate multiple values as default so that they all appear. Keep in mind which properties can be used with multiple values and which ones require a single value.

  8. Save the properties.

  9. Click OK.

    The Gateways page appears.

Click to jump to parent topicAccessing Gateway Setup Properties

To access gateway setup properties from the Gateways page, select PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Configuration, Gateways. The Gateways page appears. Click the Gateway Setup Properties link.

The Gateway Properties signon page (IBGWSIGNON) appears as shown in the following example:

The default user ID is administrator and the default password is password. Check the Change Password box to change the default password.

Note. You should change the default password as soon as possible.

You can reset the password in the gatewayUserProfile.xml file located in <PIA_HOME>\webserv\<DOMAIN>\applications\peoplesoft\PSIGW.war\WEB-INF. The password you enter in the gatewayUserProfile.xml file must be encrypted. You can use the PSCipher utility to encrypt the password.

After you successfully enter the user ID and password, the PeopleSoft Node Configuration page displays where you specify information about how to connect to nodes and access the file to establish additional gateway settings.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Oracle Jolt Connection Properties

The integration gateway communicates with PeopleSoft application server nodes using Oracle Jolt connections.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Oracle Jolt Connection Properties

This section discusses setting Oracle Jolt connection string properties using the PeopleSoft Node Configuration page. Setting these properties in the file is discussed later in this section.

The PeopleSoft Node Configuration page (PSGTWPROPS_SEC) provides grids for defining Oracle Jolt connection properties for unknown (default) and known nodes. When you save the properties you set on this page, they are written to the file. To edit or define these properties in the future, you can use the PeopleSoft Node Configuration page or the file.

Connection Settings When Target Nodes are not Known

Within any inbound message, the integration gateway requires only the names of the message and the requesting node. If the message is sent by a PeopleSoft Integration Broker system, it also includes the name of the target node. The gateway searches the file for the Jolt connect string properties for the specified target node, so it can properly direct the message.

However, the integration gateway cannot determine the target node in the following cases:

To handle these cases, you can specify a default application server to handle the message if no valid target node can be determined.

Connection Settings for Known Target Nodes

You must set four Oracle Jolt connect string properties for each PeopleSoft Integration Broker application server node with which the integration gateway communicates. The gateway uses this information to access each node's database through a Oracle Jolt connection with its PeopleSoft target connector.

Note. These properties apply only to communications that don't cross a firewall and for which the gateway uses the PeopleSoft target connector.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Oracle Jolt Connection String Properties

The PeopleSoft Node Configuration page provides a grid for setting Oracle Jolt connection string properties for unknown (default) target nodes and known target nodes.

To access the PeopleSoft Nodes Configuration page, select PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Configuration, Gateways. The Gateways page appears. Click the Gateway Setup Properties link. Enter the gateway user ID and password and click the OK button. The PeopleSoft Node Configuration page appears.

To define properties for unknown nodes use the Gateway Default Application Server grid on the PeopleSoft Node Configuration page. To define properties for known nodes use the PeopleSoft Node grid on the PeopleSoft Node Configuration page.

Note. Setting Oracle Jolt string connection properties for unknown nodes is optional.

App Server URL
(Application Server URL in the Gateway Default App Server Section)

Enter the machine name and Oracle Jolt port number of the default application server to use if no valid target node can be determined.

To determine the Jolt port of the application server, check the JOLTListener section in the psappsrv.cfg file. The file is located in <PS_CFG_HOME>\appserv\<DOMAIN_NAME>.

App Server URL
(Application Server URL in the PeopleSoft Nodes Section)

Enter the machine name and Oracle Jolt port number of the default application server to use if no valid target node can be determined.

Note. To determine the Jolt port of the application server, check the JOLTListener section in the psappsrv.cfg file. The file is located in <PS_CFG_HOME>\appserv\<DOMAIN_NAME>.

Domain Password

Enter the password for the domain as entered in PSAdmin.

Node Name

Enter name of the PeopleSoft node with which the integration gateway is to communicate.

User ID

Enter the user ID that you defined when you created the application server domain.


Enter the UserPswd that you defined when you created the application server domain.

PeopleSoft Integration Broker will automatically encrypt this password entry.

Tools Release

Enter PeopleTools version number installed on the application server.

Limit the number you enter to two decimal places. For example, 8.52.

If you are installing a patch build, include the patch number. For example, if you are installing PeopleTools 8.52 patch build 3, enter the following: 8.52.03

Virtual Server Node

This field is used in conjunction with inbound request processing using virtual server domains.

See Implementing Inbound Request Load Balancing Using Virtual Application Server Domains.

Enter a node name from the list of nodes in the PeopleSoft Nodes grid on the bottom of the page.

When utilizing virtual server domains, the system routes inbound requests that do not specify a “To” node to the this node.

The properties and values you set in the PeopleSoft Node Configuration page are located in the DELIVERED CONNECTOR CONFIGURATION Section of the file.

The properties you set for unknown nodes are in the subsection ## JOLT connect string setting for optional Default Application Server. The properties you set for known nodes are in the subsection ## JOLT connect string settings for Application Server(s) with known NODENAMEs.

See Also

Accessing Gateway Setup Properties

Using the File

Configuring Security and General Properties

Click to jump to parent topicUsing the File

To establish settings for the integration gateway and its delivered connectors, you use the file.

The file is a text file.

The property settings in the file are stored as name-value pairs in labeled sections, and the lines are commented out using the pound sign (#). Here's an example of a commented-out property setting:


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAccessing the File

You can access and edit the file using the Gateways component in the Pure Internet Architecture or using the text file located in the <PIA_HOME>\webserv directory.

Understanding Accessing the File

Most integration systems are configured such that the application server, integration gateway, and PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture are running the same PeopleTools versions.

However, there may be some instances where the integration system is configured such that there is a shared integration gateway working with application servers on different versions of PeopleTools. If this is the case, you must access and edit the in one of the following ways:

Accessing the File in the Pure Internet Architecture

Access to the file using the PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture is password-protected.

To access the file:

  1. Select PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Configuration, Gateway.

  2. Select a gateway with which to work.

  3. Click the Gateway Setup Properties link.

    The Sign on to access the file box displays.

  4. Enter the user ID and password and click the OK button.

  5. Click the Advanced Properties Page link.

The Gateway Properties page also provides access to the Password Encryption Utility and you can encrypt passwords required in the file directly from that page.

Accessing the File in the <PIA_HOME> Directory

The file is located in the following path in the PeopleSoft home directory:


When you access the file in directly in the <PIA_HOME> directory, you must restart the PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture for the changes to take effect.

See Also

Loading Target Connectors

Encrypting Passwords

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Values in the File

When entering values in the file that contain paths, you must use either double-backslashes (“\\”) or forward slashes (“/”) as path separators.

Note. Do not use backslashes (“\”) as path separators for directory names in the file. Backslashes are misinterpreted as escape characters by the Java processes that access the file.

To correctly specify a path in the file, you must use either double backslashes (“\\”) or single forward slashes (“/”) as separators; for example:

ig.transform1.XSL=C:\\XSLProgs\\MyTransform.xsl ig.transform1.XSL=C:/XSLProgs/MyTransform.xsl ig.transform1.XSL=/usr/xsls/MyTransform.xsl

Note. The one exception to this is when entering path separators for EIP test automation properties. When working with those properties you must enter path separators as backslashes.

Click to jump to parent topicEncrypting Passwords

The integration gateway properties file and target connectors feature required and optional passwords. All passwords must be encrypted.

PeopleSoft provides an encryption utility, PSCipher, that you can use to encrypt passwords. You can access the utility from the PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture or from a Java utility.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEncrypting Passwords in the PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture

The Password Encryption Utility dialog box displays in areas where required or optional passwords are specified.

To encrypt a password using the Password Encryption Utility:

  1. On the page where you are working, click the Password Encryption Utility arrow to display the dialog box.

  2. In the Password field, enter a password.

  3. In the Confirm Password field, enter the password again.

  4. Click the Encrypt button. The encrypted password displays in the Encrypted Password field.

  5. From the Encrypted Password field, cut the encrypted password and paste it into the appropriate location.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEncrypting Passwords Using the PSCipher Java Utility

You launch the PSCipher utility from the <PIA_HOME> directory.

To encrypt a password:

  1. Launch the PSCipher.bat file in the <PIA_HOME>\webserv\<DOMAIN>\bin directory.

  2. If using UNIX, change the script file’s permissions so that you can execute it.

  3. Execute the script file with your password as an argument.

    The utility returns the encrypted password as a string.

  4. Copy the encrypted string and paste it into the appropriate location.

Click to jump to parent topicConfiguring Security and General Properties

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting SSL/TLS Encryption Security Properties

You can implement several types of messaging security with PeopleSoft Integration Broker. One type is SSL/TLS encryption, which applies digital certificates from two keystores to encrypt inbound and outbound messages, respectively. The integration gateway manages the certificates in the keystore that supports outbound messaging.

You must first install the certificates in the keystore. Then you set the security properties, which you can find in the file section labeled Integration Gateway CERTIFICATE Section.

Warning! Integrations will fail if you do not set the path to the keystore using the secureFileKeystorePath property and enter an encrypted keystore password for the secureFileKeystorePasswd property.

You must set the following properties in so that the gateway can access the SSL/TLS encryption certificates.




Enter the name that you provided to identify the encryption key pair that you generated for the keystore on which the gateway's public key certificate is based.


Enter the password that you provided for the encryption key pair that you generated for the keystore. The certificate password must be encrypted.

See Encrypting Passwords.


Enter the full path and file name of the gateway keystore file, which is located in the web server directory structure. The path is <PIA_HOME>\webserv\<DOMAIN>\keystore.


Enter the keystore password. The default value is password.

In a production system, the keystore password should be changed to a unique, non-trivial value.

This password must be encrypted.

See Encrypting Passwords.

See Also

Setting Up Secure Integration Environments

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying the Gateway Version

The gateway version property, ig.version, indicates the version of PeopleTools from which the integration gateway is installed.

The integration gateway version must be the same or higher version than the version of the application server with which you want to communicate. For example, you can use a PeopleTools 8.52 integration gateway to communicate with a PeopleTools 8.52 application server or to communicate with a PeopleTools 8.47 application server.

Integration gateways cannot communicate with application servers on higher versions. For example a PeopleTools 8.47 integration gateway cannot directly communicate with a PeopleTools 8.52 application server. If this kind of communication is required, then the communication should be setup where the 8.47 gateway is set up as a remote gateway.

The version property is located in the file in the section labeled Integration Gateway VERSION Section. Specify the version as follows:


where version_number is the version of PeopleTools with two decimal places; for example, 8.52.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting General Connection Properties

This section discusses:

The general connection properties include default connector properties and Oracle Jolt connect strings for nodes that designate this gateway as their local gateway. You can find these properties in the section of the file labeled DELIVERED CONNECTOR CONFIGURATION Section.

Default Connector Properties




Identifies the universal resource indicator (URI) prefix added to any target connector name. This property instantiates the connector classes on the system. The default connector prefix is: targetconnector.

Note. Do not change this value.


Identifies the connector that the gateway uses to send messages to a remote gateway. The default value of this property is:


Note. Do not change this value.


Identifies the connector that the gateway uses by default to send messages to a PeopleSoft Integration Broker application server node. The gateway uses this connector to link to the integration engine running on the node's application server. When the content of a message reaching the gateway doesn't specify a connector (this is often the case with third-party senders), the gateway automatically uses the connector specified by this property. The default value is:


Note. Do not change this value.

Default Oracle Jolt Connect String Properties

Within any inbound message, the integration gateway requires only the names of the message and the requesting node. If the message was sent by a PeopleSoft Integration Broker system, it also includes the name of the target node. The gateway searches the file for the Jolt connect string properties for the specified target node, so it can properly direct the message.

However, the integration gateway cannot determine the target node in the following cases:

To handle these cases, you can specify a default target node for the gateway if no valid target node can be determined.

Use the default Jolt connect string properties:

#ig.isc.serverURL=//<machine name>:<jolt port> #ig.isc.userid=<database user id> #ig.isc.password=<database password> #ig.isc.toolsRel=<peopletools release version>

Uncomment these four lines and enter values to designate a PeopleSoft Integration Broker node as the gateway's default (backup) target node. It typically is one of the nodes for which you already created node-specific Jolt connect string properties.

There's only one set of these default properties. They specify the same parameters as the node-specific properties, except that you don't include a node name; for example:

ig.isc.serverURL=//MYMACHINE:9000 ig.isc.userid=TOPDOG ig.isc.password=VOBN5KcQZMg ig.isc.toolsRel=8.52

See Oracle Jolt Connect String Properties for Known Nodes.

Oracle Jolt Connect String Properties for Known Nodes

You must set four Oracle Jolt connect string properties for each PeopleSoft Integration Broker application server node with which the integration gateway communicates. The gateway uses this information to access each node's database through a Oracle Jolt connection with its PeopleSoft target connector.

Note. These properties apply only to communications that don't cross a firewall and for which the gateway uses the PeopleSoft target connector.

The file contains a template for these properties:

ig.isc.$NODENAME.serverURL=//<machine name>:<jolt port> ig.isc.$NODENAME.userid=<application server user id> ig.isc.$NODENAME.password=<application server password> ig.isc.$NODENAME.toolsRel=<peopletools release version>

For each node, make a copy of this template and replace $NODENAME with the name of the node definition. Enter appropriate values for each property as described in the following table:




Enter the URL of the application server node, consisting of the machine name and Oracle Jolt port; for example:


Note. You can determine the Jolt port of the application server by examining the JOLT Listener section in the psappsrv.cfg file located in <PS_CFG_HOME>\appserv\<DOMAIN_NAME>.


Enter the UserID that you defined when you created the application server domain; for example:



Enter UserPswd that you defined when you created the application server domain. This password must be encrypted; for example:


See Encrypting Passwords.


Enter the version number of PeopleTools installed on the application server node to two decimal places; for example:


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Logging Properties

This section discusses:

The logging properties specify parameters for logging messaging activity and errors. You can find these properties in the section of the file labeled LOGGING Section.

General Logging Properties




Enter a numeric value to specify the desired level of gateway logging and exception handling.

Values are:

  • −100: Suppresses message logging. The property is preset to this value.

  • −1: Logs language exceptions only.

  • 1: Logs language and standard exceptions.

  • 2: Logs all errors and warnings.

  • 3: Logs errors, warnings, and important information. This is the default if you don't specify a value for this property.

  • 4: Log errors, warnings, and important and standard information.

  • 5: Logs errors, warnings, and important, standard, and low-importance information.

Note. Set the log level to 5 to capture the entire contents of incoming HTTP requests, including HTTP headers, in the integration gateway message log file.


Specify the background image to use when displaying error and message log documents. The image must be in jpg format. The default location and image name PSbackground.jpg.

By default it is located in <PIA_HOME>\webserv\<DOMAIN>\applications\peoplesoft\PSIGW.war.

Images in the default location don't require a path, but you can specify a full path to an image file in any other location.

Message Logging Properties




Enter the full path and file name of an HTML file to use as a message log. This property is preset to <PIA_HOME>\webserv\<DOMAIN>\applications\peoplesoft


Specify the maximum size of the message log, in kilobytes (KB). This property is preset to 10000, or 10 megabytes (MB). When this limit is reached, the log is archived, and a timestamp is appended to the file name.


Specify the number of archived files to keep on disk. Use the value 0 to retain all backed up files. This property is preset to 5.

Error Logging Properties




Enter the full path and file name of an HTML file to use as an error log. This property is preset to <PIA_HOME>\webserv\<DOMAIN>\applications\peoplesoft


Specify the maximum size of the error log in kilobytes (KB). This property is preset to 1000, or 1 MB. When this limit is reached, the log is archived, and a timestamp is appended to the file name.


Specify the number of archived error files to keep on disk. Use the value 0 to retain all backed up files. This property is preset to 5.

See Also

Understanding Error Handling, Logging, Tracing and Debugging

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOverriding the IP Address Used for Gateway Logging

The gateway captures its own IP address and returns this information in responses sent to the application server. The application server uses the address to locate the physical machine where the gateway runs; this is where the various gateway logs are stored.

In certain instances, the value of the IP address captured may be incorrect, due to issues with the underlying web server. For example, the address may show up as, which from the gateway's perspective is correct (since that's the IP loopback address ) but this value is not useful to the application server as it needs the actual IP of the gateway.

PeopleSoft provides the following property that enables you to override the IP address that the gateway captures and hardcode the IP address used for gateway logging:


This property is located in the Gateway IP Address Override section in the file.

To use the property, set it equal to the IP address of the machine running the integration gateway.

Note that the actual machine that writes the logs does not change. If set the value to one that is not the IP address of the machine that the gateway is actually on, when the application server creates links to display log info, those links will not point to the actual log files.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting DTD Validation Properties

You can validate XML request messages and response messages against associated document type definitions (DTD) by enabling DTD validation on the integration gateway.

When you set the ig.dtdLookup property equal to True (default), request and response messages are validated against any associated DTD.

References to DTDs may be inline pointers to files or references to URLs.

When you set the ig.dtdLookup property equal to False, no validation takes place—even if a DTD reference is supplied.

If the ig.dtdLookup property is removed or otherwise missing from the file, the system responds as if the property is set to True, and request and response messages are validated against any associated DTD.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Oracle Jolt Session Pooling Parameters

The integration gateway maintains a pool of jolt sessions to handle requests between itself and the integration engine. The integration gateway issues a jolt session from the pool, uses it for the connection, and then returns the session to the pool once it receives the response from the integration engine.

The number of sessions to maintain in the session pool is defined in the file using the following property:


Set this property equal to the maximum number of sessions to maintain in the pool. The default value is 10.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting the Namespace for Generic SOAP Faults

The system generates generic SOAP faults for framework-level errors, such as when it cannot find a routing for an integration.

To specify the namespace to use for generic SOAP faults, set the following property in the file equal to the namespace to use:


Click to jump to parent topicMasking Gateway Log File Elements

This section provides and overview of masking gateway log file elements and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Masking Gateway Log File Elements

You can mask, or hide, elements that appear in the integration gateway log files, thereby prohibiting sensitive information from displaying in the generated logs.

Note. The system applies gateway log masks and messages to both the integration gateway message log file (MsgLog.html) and the integration gateway error log file (ErrorLog.html).

Global and Custom Mask Messages

By default, all masked elements have a global mask message applied to them, whereby every element you mask is replaced with a standardized message. You can also create custom mask messages for specific elements. You can use a combination of global and custom mask messages.

The default global mask message is *** deleted for security purposes ***. You can change the global mask as you wish to a message that best suits your business needs.

Default Masks

Several gateway log masks are implemented by default. They include, but are not limited to, the following elements:

You can disable any of these masks in the file. File

To mask and unmask gateway log file elements use the file.

To use the file to specify the element names, attribute names, and element namespaces to mask. You can also use the file to change the global mask message and set up custom mask messages.

Note. After you make any changes to the file, you must reboot the webserver for the changes to take effect.

Property Types

The following table lists the property types with which you can work in the file:

Note. The examples provided in this section show property names appended with a number. These numbers are property indexes and are discussed elsewhere in this section.




Set this property equal to an attribute of an element to mask.


Set this property equal to an element name to mask.


Use this property to mask an element and all child tags of the element.


Use the Namespace property in conjunction with the ElementName property to specify the namespace of the element to mask.

Property Indexes

All properties in the file are appended with an index number. Indexes group related properties and their values. The following example shows an excerpt from the file and the ElementName.<index_number> naming scheme.

#IBInfo NodePassword ​ElementName.2=NodePassword #IBInfo ExternalUserPassword ​ElementName.3=ExternalUserPassword #XML format request with Password ​ElementName.4=Password

You can use any number as an index number. Index numbers do not have to be used in sequence. Using the previous example, if you were to add a new element name to the file, you would not have to name it ElementName.5. You could use any number not already in use, such as ElementName.72.

Properties can appear in any order in the file and do not have to appear in sequential index order. As an example, ElementName.72 could appear first in the file, followed by ElementName.3, followed by ElementName.1, followed by ElementName.12, and so on.

Mask Variables

PeopleSoft Integration Broker provides the following mask variables:

Mask Variable



By default the system assigns the value of this variable to all asked elements.

The default global mask message is:

***deleted for security purposes***


Use this variable to override the global mask value for a specific element and set a custom mask message.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAccessing the File

The file is located in the following path in the PeopleSoft home directory:

<PIA_HOME>\webserv\<DOMAIN>\applications\peoplesoft\PSIGW.war\ WEB-INF\

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMasking Element Names Not Contained in Namespaces

Use the ElementName property to mask an element name that is not contained in a namespace.

To mask an element name that is not contained in a namespace, enter the element name to mask in file in the following format:


Be sure to specify a unique index number.

An example of a mask for an element name is shown in the following example.


If you are using the default global mask, the element appears as follows in the gateway log files:

<NodePassword>*** deleted for security purposes ***</NodePassword>

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMasking Element Names Contained Within Namespaces

Use the ElementName property and the Namespace property to mask elements contained within namespaces.

To mask an element name contain within a namespace, enter the element name to mask and namespace in which it is contained in the file in the following format:

ElementName.<index_number>=<Element_to_mask> Namespace.<index_number>=<Namespace_that_contains_element>

The ElementName and Namespace properties must use the same unique index number.

The following example shows how to enter a mask for the Username element contained in a namespace:

ElementName.9=Username Namespace.9= oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd

If you are using the default global mask, the element appears as follows in the gateway log files:

<Username>*** deleted for security purposes ***</Username>

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMasking Attributes of Element Names

Use the ElementName property and the AttributeName property to mask an attribute of an element.

To mask an attribute of an element, enter the element name and attribute name in the file in the following format:

ElementName.<index_number>=<Element_name> AttributeName.<index_number>=<Attribute_of_element_to_mask>

The ElementName and AttributeName properties must share the same unique index number.

The following example show the default mask for the password from the requesting node of a PeopleSoft 8.1x system:

#8.1x from node password ElementName.6=from AttributeName.6=password

An example request before masking is:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <request version="1.0"> <from node="PSFT_HR" password="my_password"/> <to node="QE_LOCAL"/>

When the mask is applied, the request looks as follows:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <request version="1.0"> <from node="PSFT_HR" password="*** Deleted for security purposes ***"/> <to node="QE_LOCAL"/>

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMasking Child Element Names

Use and set the IsLeaf property equal to false to mask an element and all child elements. By default, child tags are not masked.

To mask an element and all child elements, enter the element name and set the IsLeaf property in the file in the following format:

ElementName.<index_number>=<Element_name_(and_child_elements)_to_mask> IsLeaf.<index_number>=false

The ElementName and IsLeaf properties must use the same unique index number.

As an example an address element could contain street number, street name, city, state, and zip code tags, as shown in the following example:

<address> <streetnumber>4433</streetnumber> <street>Oracle Lane</street> <city>Pleasanton</city> <state>California></state> <zipcode>94588</zipcode> </address>

The following example shows how to mask the address element and all children of the element:

ElementName.11=address IsLeaf.11=false

If you are using the default global mask, the element appears as follows in the gateway log files:

<address>***deleted for security purposes***</address>

However, if you wanted to mask just one of the child elements such as zip code, you would do so as shown in the following example:


The following example shows how the zip code tag would appear in the gateway logs if using the default global mask:

<address> <streetnumber>4433</streetnumber> <street>Oracle Lane</street> <city>Pleasanton</city> <state>California></state> <zipcode>***deleted for security purposes***</zipcode> </address>

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicChanging the Global Mask Message

The value of the GlobalReplaceWith variable located in the file determines the default global mask message. The default value is:

GlobalReplaceWith=***deleted for security purposes***

You can change this value as necessary to suit your business needs by setting the GlobalReplaceWith variable equal to another value. For example:

GlobalReplaceWith=#### PeopleSoft Confidential Information ####

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Custom Mask Messages

You can override the global mask message on an element-by-element basis by setting the RepalceWith variable equal to a custom mask message.

The format is:

ElementName.<index.number>=<Element_to_mask> ReplaceWith.<index_number>=<Custom_mask_message>

The index number you set must be the same unique index number used for the element, namespace, and/or attribute entry.

The following code snippet shows an example of overriding the default global mask message with a custom message:

#PSFT AuthToken ElementName.7=AuthToken ReplaceWith.7=-->Proprietary Information<--

When the gateway logs are generated the mask for this element will look as follows:

<AuthToken>-->Proprietary Information<--</AuthToken>

The following code example was shown earlier in this section. It has been modified to show how to override the default global mask message with a custom message:

ElementName.9=Username Namespace.9= oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd ReplaceWith.9=** Data removed per company security policy **

When the gateway logs are generated the mask for this element will appear as follows:

<Username>** Data removed per company security policy **</Username>

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDisabling Gateway Log Masks

You can disable a mask for any element by commenting out the mask data in the file.

For example, the following sample mask entry could appear in the file:

#Sample Mask Entry ElementName.44=NodeName Namespace.44=http://my_namespace.xsd ReplaceWith.44=--->Confidential/Proprietary Information<---

To disable the entry comment out all lines as shown in the following example:

#Sample Mask Entry #ElementName.44=NodeName #Namespace.44=http://my_namespace.xsd #ReplaceWith.44=--->Confidential/Proprietary Information<---

Click to jump to parent topicRefreshing Integration Gateway Properties

If you modify integration gateway properties by accessing and directly modifying the file located in the <PIA_HOME> directory, you must restart the web server for the changes to take effect.

If you modify integration gateway properties in the PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture, any changes you make take effect when you save the changes or click the OK button. This includes changes you make to the file, but only if you access the file through the PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture using the Gateways Properties page.

Click to jump to parent topicBypassing Integration Engines to Send Messages

You can use the PeopleCode built-in functions ConnectorRequest and ConnectorRequestURL to send synchronous requests directly to the integration gateway, without any message processing taking place on the integration broker engine, thereby eliminating the need for transactions.

Note. ConnectorRequest and ConnectorRequestURL are for use with synchronous requests only.

To use any of these methods, the integration gateway must be configured and running.

When you use either of these functions, errors and messages are written to the integration gateway logs.

See Also

Generating and Sending Messages

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the ConnectorRequest Built-In Function

The ConnectorRequest function enables you to build a message object and perform a POST or GET using any target connector. With this function, you use the Message object to populate connector values.

Response messages are returned unstructured in the IB_GENERIC message. The IB_GENERIC message is delivered out-of-the-box.

The following example shows using the ConnectorRequest function to perform a GET to obtain a stock quote.

Local XmlDoc &Output; Local Message &MSG1, &MSG2; &MSG = CreateMessage(OPERATION.QE_FLIGHTPLAN); &MSG.IBInfo.IBConnectorInfo.ConnectorName = "HTTPTARGET"; &MSG.IBInfo.IBConnectorInfo.ConnectorClassName = "HttpTargetConnector"; &nReturn = &MSG.IBinfo.IBConnectorInfo.AddConnectorProperties ("Method", "GET", %HttpProperty); &nReturn = &MSG.IBinfo.IBConnectorInfo.AddConnectorProperties ("URL", " =PSFT&format=l1c1d1t1", %HttpProperty); &MSG2 = %IntBroker.ConnectorRequest(&MSG); &Output = &MSG2.GetXmlDoc(); // Get the data out of the message

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the ConnectorRequestURL Built-In Function

The ConnectorRequestURL function enables you to use HTTP or FTP to perform a GET using a query string.

Based on the format of the string you provide, the integration gateway uses the HTTP target connector or FTP target connector to perform the GET.

Response messages are returned in a string.

Using ConnectorRequestURL with HTTP

The following example shows using the ConnectorRequestURL function to perform a GET to obtain a stock quote using HTTP.

&Output = %IntBroker.ConnectorRequestURL(" ?symbols=PSFT&format=l1c1d1t1");

Using ConnectorRequestURL with FTP

The syntax of the FTP URL is:


The following example shows using the ConnectorRequestURL function to perform a GET to obtain a stock quote using FTP.

&Output = %IntBroker.ConnectorRequestURL(" 200/tmp/hello.xml;type=a");