Modifying the Portal Interface

You can edit HTML objects to control the appearance of your portal. This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Predefined Template HTML Objects

The following example shows a two-column layout that is used to display two pagelets side by side. You can see which part of the page each HTML object controls. The PORTAL_HP_USER_TEMPLATE object controls the overall page, and the PORTAL_HP_COMPONENT object controls the appearance of each pagelet. Similarly, the PORTAL_UNI_HEADER_NEW object controls the navigation header.

HTML objects that make up a template

This table describes the HTML objects:

HTML Object



Each user homepage is generated from this HTML object. Modify this object to add default components that are displayed to all users.


This is the HTML object for a three-column user homepage. The default column width is set to 33 percent for each column.


This is the HTML object for a two-column user homepage. The default column widths are set to 33 percent for column one and 66 percent for column two.


Use this HTML object to create all homepage pagelets. Modify it to change a pagelet’s appearance.

Do not move, delete, or change the first or last line of this HTML definition:

<!-- Begin Pagelet=%BIND(:6) -->. <!-- End Pagelet=%BIND(:6) -->

These special lines must exist exactly as shown. You must also ensure that all bind variables exactly match the bind variables that are used in the associated PeopleCode.


Use this HTML object to create the pagelet action bar. The default action bar buttons are Remove and Minimize/Restore.


Use this HTML object to create the Customize image button for the pagelet action bar. The image button is added only if you've defined an advanced personalization page.


This HTML object controls the universal header for the portal.

With the exception of the PORTAL_UNI_HEADER_NEW HTML object, all homepage HTML objects are built in the BuildStaticHPTemplate function.

This function is located in FUNCLIB_PORTAL.TEMPLATE_FUNC.FieldFormula.

The homepage modification functionality (minimize, maximize, and remove) is located in WEBLIB_PORTAL.PORTAL_HOMEPAGE.FieldFormula.

The iScripts are IScript_HPCompRemove, IScript_HPCompMinimize, and IScript_HPCompExpand.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Predefined Homepage HTML Objects

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConstructing Homepages

This example shows the layout that is used for displaying a homepage with a header, pagelets, and a menu:

This table describes the HTML objects that the system uses to construct homepages:

HTML Object



This is the HTML object for the homepage tab. This object contains the iScript reference to the universal header, a bind variable for the two-column or three-column layout HTML, and binds for the Powered by PeopleSoft image.


This HTML object contains all the HTML for the header portion of a homepage tab. The HTML object is set up in WEBLIB_PORTAL.PORTAL_HEADER.FieldFormula.GetUniHeaderHTML().


This HTML object contains all of the HTML for the iFrame header.


This HTML object contains the HTML for the drop-down navigation header.


This HTML object contains all the pagelet HTML for the two-column layout (columns 1 and 2).


This HTML object contains all the pagelet HTML for the two-column layout (columns 1 and 2) when the homepage is in Accessibility mode.


This HTML object contains all the pagelet HTML for the three-column layout (columns 1, 2 , and 3).


This HTML object contains all the pagelet HTML for the three-column layout (columns 1, 2 , and 3 when the homepage is in Accessibility mode.


This is the HTML object for pagelets.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConstructing Headers

This table describes the HTML objects that the system uses to construct headers:

HTML Object



This is the HTML object for all tabs. Use this HTML object when more than one system tab exists for a user. This HTML object is set up in WEBLIB_PORTAL.PORTAL_HOMEPAGE.FieldFormula.GetHPTabHTML().


This is the HTML object for the inactive tab. The inactive tab name is linked. This HTML object is set up in WEBLIB_PORTAL.PORTAL_HOMEPAGE.FieldFormula.GetHPTabHTML().


This is the HTML object for the active tab. Only one active tab can exist. The tab name is static text. This HTML object is set up in WEBLIB_PORTAL.PORTAL_HOMEPAGE.FieldFormula.GetHPTabHTML().


This is the HTML object for the Personalize Content and Personalize Layout links. This HTML object is used only when more than one system tab exists for a user. This HTML object is set up in WEBLIB_PORTAL.PORTAL_HOMEPAGE.FieldFormula.GetHPTabHTML().


This is the HTML object for the Personalize Content and Personalize Layout links. This HTML object is used only when one system tab exists for a user. This HTML object is set up in WEBLIB_PORTAL.PORTAL_HOMEPAGE.FieldFormula.GetHPTabHTML().


This is the HTML object for the Add To Favorites link. This HTML object is set up in WEBLIB_PORTAL.PORTAL_HEADER.FieldFormula.GetUniHeaderHTML().


This is the HTML object for the Add to Favorites form. This form contains the PortalActualURL and PortalContentURL hidden fields. The Add to Favorites page uses these hidden fields to construct the content reference to the page to which you are adding a favorite (PortalContentURL) and a link back to the actual page (PortalActualURL). This HTML object is set up in WEBLIB_PORTAL.PORTAL_HEADER.FieldFormula.GetUniHeaderHTML().


This is the HTML object for the View Worklist link. This HTML object is set up in WEBLIB_PORTAL.PORTAL_HEADER.FieldFormula.GetUniHeaderHTML().

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConstructing Pagelets

This table describes the HTML objects that the system uses to construct pagelets:

HTML Object



This is the HTML object for the pagelet action bar. For a personalized tab, the pagelet action bar always includes a Maximize image button. It may also contain up to three more image buttons (Remove, Edit, and Help). This HTML object is not populated for a pagelet on a system tab.


This is the HTML object for the Refresh image button on the pagelet action bar.


This is the HTML object for the Remove image button on the pagelet action bar.


This is the HTML object for the Edit image button on the pagelet action bar.


This is the HTML object for the Help image button on the pagelet action bar.


This is the HTML object for pagelets.


This is the HTML object for the pagelet label when the pagelet cannot be dragged.


This is the HTML object for the pagelet label when the pagelet can be dragged.


This is the HTML object for the banner pagelet.


This is the HTML object for the pagelet header image.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdapting Homepage and Pagelet Objects

This section discusses how to:

Building Portal Homepage Tabs by Using Fixed-Name HTML and Image Objects

PeopleSoft applications use fixed-name HTML and image objects to build portal homepage tabs. You can override default HTML objects and images that are used for homepage elements, such as tabs and pagelets, by adding attributes on the Content Ref Administration page.

Access the Content Ref Administration page (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Structure and Content. Click the Portal Objects link.)

To work with homepages, click the Homepages link, then the Tabs link. Click a homepage tab label.

To work with pagelets, click the Pagelets link, then a pagelet group name link. Click a pagelet label.

To override a default fixed-name HTML or image object:

  1. In the Content Reference group box at the bottom of the page, click the Edit link for a content reference.

  2. Scroll to the Content Reference Attributes group box for a content reference.

  3. In the Name field, enter the name of the default object that you want to change.

  4. Deselect the Translate check box.

    Note. You must deselect the Translate check box for the override to be successful.

  5. In the Attribute Value field, specify the new object value.

    Note. The value that you specify can consist of letters, digits, and underscores ( _ ). It cannot contain any spaces and cannot begin with a digit.

  6. Click Save.

You can omit the Label field value.

As shown in the example, to replace the Powered by PeopleSoft image on the homepage tab, add a nontranslatable attribute named PT_PORTAL_POWEREDBY with a new image object name in the database.

This table shows a list of default objects that you can change for a tab:

HTML or Image Object



Image name in database.


Image name in database.


Image name in database.


Image name in database.


Image name in database.


Image name in database.


Image name in database.


HTML object name in database.


HTML object name in database.


HTML object name in database.


HTML object name in database.


HTML object name in database.


HTML object name in database.


HTML object name in database.


HTML object name in database.


HTML object name in database.

Adding Images to Homepage Tabs

You can specify up to 15 extra images for a homepage by using %BIND variables on PORTAL_HP_COMPONENT and PORTAL_HP_ACTIONBAR_xxx HTML objects. Homepage generation logic replaces %BIND12 to %BIND26 on the homepage tab by the images that are specified as attributes.

Note. Bind variables for images and all HTML components (tab and pagelet) should be nontranslatable. To make an item nontranslatable, deselect the Translate check box.

The following %BIND variables can be replaced by the Homepage Generation service (specify bind variables in PeopleSoft Application Designer):

Bind Variable

Object Replaced


The PT_PORTAL_POWEREDBY image (Powered By PeopleSoft image).


The result of a function call to %Request.Full URI.


The result of a function call to %Request.GetHelpURL('PERSHOEPAGE').


The result of a function call to refreshonExpire.


The PT_PGLT_HELP image.


The result of a function call to %Request.GetHelpURL(&Pglt.HelpID).


The PT_PORTAL_IC_EDIT image (edit image for a pagelet).


The result of a function call to SetRefreshPage.







%BIND(:12) to %BIND(:26)

The value of the tab attribute IMAGE_BIND_X, where X ranges from 12 to 26.



This code sample shows how to specify custom %BIND images to display custom images for the PORTAL_HP_COMPONENT HTML object:

<!-- Begin Pagelet=%BIND(:5) --> <!-- PageletState=MAX --> <TABLE id="" CLASS="PTPAGELET" WIDTH="100%"⇒ CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" BORDER="1"> <TR> ​ <TD> <!--Image 12 will be displayed here.--> <IMG SRC="%BIND(:12)" NAME="anything you like"> <!--Image 13 will be displayed here.--> <IMG SRC="%BIND(:13)" NAME="anything you like"> <!--Image 14 will be displayed here.--> <IMG SRC="%BIND(:14)" NAME="anything you like"> <!--Image 26 will be displayed here.--> <IMG SRC="%BIND(:26)" NAME="anything you like"> </TD> ​</TR> <TR> <TD CLASS="PTPAGELETHEADER"> %BIND(:1) %BIND(:2)</nobr> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD CLASS="PTPAGELETBODY" WIDTH="100%"> <Pagelet Name="%BIND(:2)"> <Source Pagelet="%BIND(:4)" href="%BIND(:3)" /> </Pagelet> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <BR> <!-- End Pagelet=%BIND(:5) -->

The HTML objects PORTAL_HP_2COL_LAYOUT and PORTAL_HP_3COL_LAYOUT HTML can be modified similarly to display extra images.

The Homepage Generation service replaces the image that is specified by the attribute IMAGE_BIND_12 in place of bind variable %BIND(:12), and so on.

Warning! Pagelet HTML is parsed by the portal servlet. Be sure that the HTML is properly formatted and that none of the matching tags are missing. Improperly formatted HTML and missing tags may result in unexpected web server behavior.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Custom Portal Headers

The following list presents custom headers that you can use with the portal:

These are valid parameters that you can pass with the PeopleCode GetParameter method. PortalContentURL retrieves the registered URL, while PortalActualURL retrieves the entire URL, including any additional query string parameters.

Click to jump to parent topicChanging Link Colors

Use the PSSTYLEDEF style sheet to change link colors.

To change the link color:

  1. Open the PSSTYLEDEF style sheet in PeopleSoft Application Designer.

  2. Locate and open the PSHYPERLINK class.

    1. Modify the attributes as appropriate.

    2. On the Properties page, modify the pseudo classes.

    3. Specify default font attributes for <A> and <TD> in your own style sheet or in an embedded style sheet at the top of PORTAL_UNI_HEADER_NEW.

      This applies font attributes to text that has no class associated with it. For example:

      <STYLE TYPE="text/css"> td { font-family:arial; font-size:9pt; } a:visited { font-family:arial; font-size:9pt; color: #5c93ae; ⇒ text-decoration:underline } a:link { font-family:arial; font-size:9pt; color: #5c93ae; ⇒ text-decoration: underline } a:hover { font-family:arial; font-size:9pt; color: #5c93ae; ⇒ text-decoration: underline } a:active { font-family:arial; font-size:9pt; color: #5c93ae; ⇒ text-decoration: underline } </STYLE>

Note. Oracle recommends that you do not alter the delivered PSSTYLESHEET style sheet definition. Make a copy of PSSTYLESHEET and modify the copy.

See Also

Creating Style Sheet Definitions

Click to jump to parent topicApplying Changes

To immediately view changes that you make to a page, click the browser Refresh button. This reloads the updated page, instead of waiting for the old page to expire and the new page to be loaded.

These functions, which are found in FUNCLIB_PORTAL.TEMPLATE_FUNC FieldFormula, are also available to force a refresh:



ForceRefreshPage (&url)

Refreshes the default tab for the current user.

&myPage = URLEncode ("?tab=DEFAULT&user=" | %userid);

Forces the page that is identified by the parameter to refresh. The parameter is the escaped query string of the page that is being refreshed, including the question mark.

ForceRefreshPage (&myPage);

Refreshes the default tab for the current user.

ForceRefreshHomePageTab (&tab)

Refreshes the homepage tab for the current user with the tab name that is passed in.

ForceRefreshHomePage ()

Refreshes the default homepage tab of the current user.