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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 2 (


Interface BindingContainer

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
MutableRegionBinding, RegionBinding
All Known Implementing Classes:
DCBindingContainer, JUFormBinding, JUPanelBinding, JUShuttleModel

public interface BindingContainer
extends java.util.Map

The BindingContainer contains the Control Bindings for a reusable unit of View technology. For example, each individual Page, Region, or Panel refers to a unique BindingContainer with a set of Control Bindings that refer to the Model elements used by that Page. The BindingContainer interface is implemented by the data binding framework provider.

Nested Class Summary


Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface java.util.Map


Method Summary
 java.util.List getAttributeBindings()
          Return a list of all AttributeBinding and AttributesBinding in this RegionBinding.
 ControlBinding getControlBinding(java.lang.String name)
          Returns a control binding with the given name.
 java.util.List getControlBindings()
          Return a list of all control bindings in this RegionBinding.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Returns the name to identify this instance of the Region within it's container (BindingContext at the top level).
 OperationBinding getOperationBinding(java.lang.String name)
          Returns an operation binding with the given name.
 java.util.List getOperationBindings()
          Return a list of all Action bindings in this RegionBinding.
 java.lang.String getStateToken()
          Returns the state token.
 boolean isTokenValidationEnabled()
          Returns true if token validation is enabled for this RegionBinding.
 void refresh()
          Refreshes the DataControl by iteratively re-evaluating the executable bindings.
 void release()
          Releases this ControlBinding.
 void releaseObsoleteStateFromContext()
          Release any obsolete state information that may have been stored in the context.
 void validate()
          Calls DataControl validate() for each data control that has a collection to which an iterator binding in this container or it's containeeds are bound to.
 void validateToken(java.lang.String sState)
          Validates that this RegionBindings is in the same state as represented by the given string token.


Methods inherited from interface java.util.Map
clear, containsKey, containsValue, entrySet, equals, get, hashCode, isEmpty, keySet, put, putAll, remove, size, values


Method Detail


java.lang.String getName()
Returns the name to identify this instance of the Region within it's container (BindingContext at the top level).


void release()
Releases this ControlBinding. This method is called when the view component has finished using this ControlBinding.


void refresh()
Refreshes the DataControl by iteratively re-evaluating the executable bindings. This method is called by the Controller to initialize and perpare the Bindings. This method can be called anytime. If the bindings have already been evaluated, and no state has changed, they should not re-execute.


ControlBinding getControlBinding(java.lang.String name)
Returns a control binding with the given name. Returns null if name is not found.
name -
ControlBinding that matches the given name


OperationBinding getOperationBinding(java.lang.String name)
Returns an operation binding with the given name. Returns null if name is not found. This is a typed accessor that can be used instead of getControlBinding() to get to an action binding in this regionController.
name -
ControlBinding that matches the given name


java.util.List getControlBindings()
Return a list of all control bindings in this RegionBinding.


java.util.List getAttributeBindings()
Return a list of all AttributeBinding and AttributesBinding in this RegionBinding.


java.util.List getOperationBindings()
Return a list of all Action bindings in this RegionBinding.


void validate()
Calls DataControl validate() for each data control that has a collection to which an iterator binding in this container or it's containeeds are bound to.


boolean isTokenValidationEnabled()
Returns true if token validation is enabled for this RegionBinding. A token can be used to identify the current state of the Bindings.
For example, a token can be use in a web application to verify that the bindings are in the same state as the token implies, and only then are values updated. This also avoids multiple updates due to continuous button clicks that users tend to do in a web application.
true if token validation is enabled for this RegionBinding, false otherwise.


void validateToken(java.lang.String sState)
Validates that this RegionBindings is in the same state as represented by the given string token.
sState - State that this RegionBinding should be in.


java.lang.String getStateToken()
Returns the state token.
String The state token representing the current state of this RegionBinding.


void releaseObsoleteStateFromContext()
Release any obsolete state information that may have been stored in the context.
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
for framework use only!

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 2 (


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