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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 2 (


Class NClobDomain

  extended by oracle.jbo.domain.BaseLobDomain
      extended by oracle.jbo.domain.ClobDomain
          extended by oracle.jbo.domain.NClobDomain

All Implemented Interfaces:, BlobDomainInterface, DomainInterface, LobInterface, LobStreamInterface, MarshalledDomain, MutableDomainInterface, XMLDomainInterface, oracle.jdbc.internal.ObjectData, ORAData

public class NClobDomain
extends ClobDomain
implements LobStreamInterface,

This class provides a lightweight wrapper for oracle.sql.NClob, the Java representation of the NCLOB database type. This wrapper allows an instance of the oracle.sql.NClob to be used as a domain object.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary


Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class oracle.jbo.domain.BaseLobDomain


Field Summary


Fields inherited from class oracle.jbo.domain.BaseLobDomain
lob, mClient, mData, mDataModified, mIndexString, mNeedsServerSync, mOwner, relIdx, xAct


Constructor Summary
          Constructor for this class.
NClobDomain(char[] data)
          Constructs an instance of this class, given a char array.
NClobDomain(java.sql.Clob nclob)
          Constructs an instance of this class, given an NCLOB object.
NClobDomain(java.sql.Clob nclob, char[] nclobData)
          Internal: Applications should not use this constructor.
NClobDomain(NCLOB nclob)
          Deprecated. use NClobDomain(Clob) instead.
NClobDomain(NCLOB nclob, char[] nclobData)
          Deprecated. use NClobDomain(Clob, char[]) instead.
NClobDomain(NClobDomain nclob, char[] nclobData)
          Internal: Applications should not use this constructor.
NClobDomain(ResponseValues respVals)
NClobDomain(java.lang.String str)
          Constructs an instance of this class, given a string.


Method Summary
static XMLDomainFactory getXMLDomainFactory(java.lang.Class attrClass)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.


Methods inherited from class oracle.jbo.domain.ClobDomain
closeCharacterOutputStream, closeCharacterStream, closeOutputStream, createEmptyCLOB, equals, getAsciiOutputStream, getAsciiStream, getBufferSize, getCharacterOutputStream, getCharacterOutputStream, getCharacterStream, getCharacterStream, getData, getInputStream, getInternalDataStream, getInternalDataStream, getInternalOutputStream, getInternalStream, getInternalStream, getLength, getOutputStream, getStorageByteArray, getStorageByteArray, getStorageCharArray, getSubString, getTempClobBindVarVal, getXMLContentNode, marshal, prepareForDML, printXMLDefinition, readBytesFromLob, resetCachedData, saveToDatabase, saveToDatabase, setBytes, setChars, setIsBindVar, syncClientLob, syncLob, syncServerLob, toCharArray, toString, useCLOB, writeBytesToLob


Methods inherited from class oracle.jbo.domain.BaseLobDomain
closeInputStream, getInputStream, getInvokeDomainMethod, getOutputStream, getOwner, getOwnerAttributeIndex, getOwnerRow, getRemoteBufferSize, getRemoteIdString, getRemoteLength, getSize, isCacheDataModified, loadFromDatabase, setBytes, setContext, toByteArray, toDatum


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


Methods inherited from interface oracle.jbo.domain.LobStreamInterface
closeCharacterOutputStream, closeCharacterStream, closeInputStream, closeOutputStream, getCharacterOutputStream, getCharacterStream, getInputStream, getOutputStream


Methods inherited from interface oracle.jbo.domain.LobInterface
getOwner, getOwnerAttributeIndex, getRemoteIdString, getSize, syncClientLob, syncServerLob


Methods inherited from interface oracle.jbo.domain.BlobDomainInterface
loadFromDatabase, prepareForDML, saveToDatabase, saveToDatabase


Methods inherited from interface oracle.jbo.domain.DomainInterface
getData, setContext


Constructor Detail


public NClobDomain()
Constructor for this class.


public NClobDomain(java.lang.String str)
Constructs an instance of this class, given a string.
str - a string to be used for a NClobDomain.


public NClobDomain(char[] data)
Constructs an instance of this class, given a char array.
data - a char array to be used for a NClobDomain.


public NClobDomain(java.sql.Clob nclob)
Constructs an instance of this class, given an NCLOB object.
nclob - an NCLOB to be used for a ClobDomain.


public NClobDomain(NCLOB nclob)
Deprecated. use NClobDomain(Clob) instead.


public NClobDomain(java.sql.Clob nclob,
                   char[] nclobData)
Internal: Applications should not use this constructor.

Creates an instance of this class with data in nclobData argument and using the transaction context from nclob argument to use the NCLOB locator in the database.

nclob - name of the NCLOB to use as a NClobDomain.
nclobData - data to fill the NCLOB.


public NClobDomain(NCLOB nclob,
                   char[] nclobData)
Deprecated. use NClobDomain(Clob, char[]) instead.


public NClobDomain(NClobDomain nclob,
                   char[] nclobData)
Internal: Applications should not use this constructor.

Creates an instance of this class with data in nclobData argument and using the transaction context from nclob argument to use the NCLOB locator in the database.

nclob - name of the NCLOB to use as a NClobDomain.
nclobData - data to fill the NCLOB.


public NClobDomain(ResponseValues respVals)

Method Detail


public static XMLDomainFactory getXMLDomainFactory(java.lang.Class attrClass)
Internal: Applications should not use this method.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 2 (


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