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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 2 (


Interface JULovPanelInterface

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface JULovPanelInterface

Implements creation of a LOV dialog bound to a BC4J RowSet to display data. Also performs the display of help on the Lov Dialog (if the default LOV dialog is used). In the framework, an inner class implements this interface and displays itself in a JULovDialog. Applications should create their own implementation of this interface to customize the LOV Dialog display/functionality.

Method Summary
 void bindRowSetIterator(DCDataControl dc, RowSetIterator rsi, java.lang.String[] lovVODisplayedAttrNames)
          Sets display using data from this RowSet Iterator.
 void bindRowSetIterator(RowSetIterator rsi, java.lang.String[] lovVODisplayedAttrNames)
          Deprecated. since 9.0.5
 JULovDialogInterface createLovDialog(javax.swing.JComponent control)
          Creates a JDialog and returns a JULovDialogInterface that performs interaction with the JULovButtonBinding for display of LOV data.
 DCIteratorBinding getLovIteratorBinding()
 javax.swing.JPanel getPanel()
          Returns an instance of JPanel to add into an LOV dialog.
 java.lang.String getPanelTitle()
          Returns a String that is displayed in the default JULovDialog as the title of the LOV dialog.
 Row getSelectedRow()
          Returns the currently selected Row in the Lov Panel, so that the binding uses this row to update the target values.
 void helpAction(java.awt.event.ActionEvent ev)
          This method is invoked by the framework to display help on the LOV dialog.


Method Detail


void bindRowSetIterator(DCDataControl dc,
                        RowSetIterator rsi,
                        java.lang.String[] lovVODisplayedAttrNames)
Sets display using data from this RowSet Iterator. Note that on LOV action, this RowSet Iterator's current Row will be used to set the target Row's attributes.


DCIteratorBinding getLovIteratorBinding()


javax.swing.JPanel getPanel()
Returns an instance of JPanel to add into an LOV dialog. This method may return null if createLovDialog() is creating and adding a LOV panel into itself.


void helpAction(java.awt.event.ActionEvent ev)
This method is invoked by the framework to display help on the LOV dialog. If applications customize the Lov Panel interface and not the dialog, then this method will get invoked if no helpActionListener is established with the LovButtonBinding to control the help display.


JULovDialogInterface createLovDialog(javax.swing.JComponent control)
Creates a JDialog and returns a JULovDialogInterface that performs interaction with the JULovButtonBinding for display of LOV data.


java.lang.String getPanelTitle()
Returns a String that is displayed in the default JULovDialog as the title of the LOV dialog.


Row getSelectedRow()
Returns the currently selected Row in the Lov Panel, so that the binding uses this row to update the target values.


void bindRowSetIterator(RowSetIterator rsi,
                        java.lang.String[] lovVODisplayedAttrNames)
Deprecated. since 9.0.5

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 2 (


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