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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 2 (


Package oracle.dss.graph

Interface Summary
Border The interfaces that defines the border properties for the graph.
CustomToolTipCallback This interface provides a callback for overriding the tool tips that the Graph provides by default.
DataErrorTextCallback Defines a callback for overriding the error message that the Graph displays when it is not provided with enough data to draw a graph.
DataFilter Interface for setting the measures to use in the Graph.
GraphConstants Graph Constants
GraphController Methods that the graph needs from a controller.
GraphFormatManager Methods for formatting the numbers that appear in a graph.
GraphModel Methods that the graph needs from a model.
GraphStyleManager Method that a style manager for a graph must implement.
GraphTypeConverter Methods required for translating between the graph types that the Graph understands and the graph types that are displayed in the user interface.
Line The interface that defines the line properties for the graph.
Rect Defines methods used to access a rectangle attribute.
TickLabelCallback Interface for customized axis labels.
UIGraphType Contains methods to set and get GraphType.
Visible The interface that defines the visible property for the graph.


Class Summary
Alert This class represents Alerts
Annotation This class
AreaMarker Represents a series of data in an area graph.
Base3DPanel The base class for the components that comprise the three-dimensional background for data in a 3-D graph.
BaseAxisTitle The abstract base class for the Graph axis title components.
BaseDataAxis The base class for data axes of the graph.
BaseDataComponent The base class for all data componets of the graph.
BaseFrame The base class for components that provide background for data in a two-dimensional graph.
BaseGraphComponent The base class for all of the graph components.
BaseGraphFrame Base class for components that provide a background for data in a graph.
BaseGraphTitle The abstract base class for the GraphTitle, GraphSubtitle, and GraphFootnote.
BaseLegendMarker A marker in the legend of a graph.
BaseLegendText Text in the legend of the graph.
BaseLine The base class for the base lines of the graph.
BaseText This is the base class for all graph components that display text.
BaseTickLabel Identifies a tick mark on an axis of the graph.
BaseTitle The abstract base class for the Graph title components.
Connector The Pie-bar connector of the graph.
DataEndPoints Class that contains the maximum and minimum data values for a data axis.
DataLine Represents a series of data in a line graph.
DataMarker Represents a data value in a point, line, scatter, or bubble graph.
DataTickLabelInfo Information about a tick label on a data axis.
DrillMarker Drill-up indicator in the legend.
DrillText Identifies the series value to which a user can drill up.
ExceptionalRiser The exceptional riser component of the graph.
Fitline The fitline component of the graph.
FunnelFrame The funnel frame or the plot area on the funnel graph.
Graph The graph bean class.
GraphBackground The background of the Graph.
GraphEventHandler Event Handler to support Graph interactivity (such as Zoom and Scroll) without the ADF Faces layer.
GraphFont Allows you to specify and retrieve font properties such as name, color, style, and size.
GraphFootnote Footnote for the graph.
GraphPrinter Printer for a Graph.
GraphSelectionSet This set is a mutable collection of GraphSelection objects.
GraphSubtitle The subtitle of the graph.
GraphTitle The title of the graph.
GraphTypeAndSubtype The main graph type and its subtype.
GraphXMLWriterCallback Defines a callback used for providing additional information while rendering Flash XML.
ImagemapComponent A representation of a graph component, for an imagemap.
LegendArea Represents the legend of the graph.
LegendMarker A marker in the legend.
LegendText Identifies a series of data in the legend of the graph.
LegendTitle This is the title that appears above the legend or instead of legend.
MarkerText Describes the marker in the plot area of all graphs except for pie, pie-bar, ring, and ring-bar.
NotEnoughData Information about why there is not enough data to display a graph.
O1Axis The ordinal axis on a line, bar, area, scatter, bubble, or stock market graph.
O1DrillLabel Identifies the group value to which a user can drill up.
O1MajorTick A mark along the O1-axis.
O1TickLabel Identifies a tick mark on the O1-axis of the graph.
O1Title Labels the O1-axis.
OrdinalTickLabelInfo Information about a tick label on an ordinal axis.
PanelGrid The base class for all of the panel grid components.
ParetoLine Implementation of the UIParetoLine interface.
ParetoMarker The marker along the pareto line.
PieFeeler The feeler for the pie graph.
PieFrame The pie frame on the pie or ring graph.
PieLabel Label of a pie in a pie or ring graph.
PlotArea The plot area of the graph.
QuadrantLine Divides the plot area of a bubble graph into sections.
ReferenceObject The class for reference objects of Data axes and Series.
ReferenceObjectMarker In the graph legend, a marker that identifies a reference Object.
ReferenceObjectText Text that dentifies a reference Object in the legend of the graph.
RingTotalLabel Label that is displayed in the center of a ring graph.
Scrollbar The Range Slider Object for the graph.
SelectPointLegendMarker Represents the SelectPointLegendMarker in case of LINE_SELECT_POINT graph type.
SelectPointLegendText Represents the SelectPointLegendText in case of LINE_SELECT_POINT graph type.
SelectPointMarker Represents the markers on the line in case of LINE_SELECT_POINT graph type.
Series The series component of the graph.
SFX Allows you to apply attributes for special effects to the graph.
Slice A slice of a pie in a pie or ring graph.
SliceLabel Describes a slice of a pie in a pie or ring graph.
SplitDivider The split divider of the split dual-Y graph.
StockMarker Represents data values in a stock market graph.
Subtype A subtype of a graph Type, such as a dual-Y stacked bar graph or a single pie graph.
ThreeDFloor The bottom of a 3-D graph.
ThreeDLeftWall The left wall of a 3-D graph.
ThreeDMarker Represents data on a 3-D graph.
ThreeDRightWall The right wall of a 3-D graph.
ThreeDViewMatrix Allows you to adjust the 3-D properties of the graph.
Threshold The threshold component of the funnel graph.
TickLabelInfo Information about a tick label.
TimeSelector The time selector component.
TimeSelectorEvent Event returned when the user manipulates the time selector.
ToolTipTextCallback The callback that provides tooltips to PFJ to display in the graph.
TwoDMarker Represents data in a bar graph.
Type A category of graph types, such as bar graphs or pie graphs.
UndefinedComponent A component that is not supported by the BI Beans graph.
VolumeMarker A bar in a stock graph that shows volume.
X1Axis The horizontal numeric axis on a line, bar, area, scatter, or bubble graph.
X1MajorTick A mark along the X1-axis.
X1MinorTick A mark along the X1-axis.
X1TickLabel Identifies a tick mark on the X1-axis of the graph.
X1Title Labels the X1-axis.
XPanelGrid A set of lines on the floor of a 3-D graph.
Y1Axis A numeric axis on a line, bar, area, scatter, bubble or stock market graph.
Y1BaseLine The base line for the Y1-axis of the graph.
Y1MajorTick A mark along the Y1-axis.
Y1MinorTick A mark along the Y1-axis.
Y1TickLabel Identifies a tick mark on the Y1-axis of the graph.
Y1Title Labels the Y1-axis.
Y1ZeroLine The zero line on the Y1-axis of the graph.
Y2Axis A numeric axis on a line, bar, area, scatter, or bubble graph.
Y2BaseLine The base line for the Y2-axis of the graph.
Y2MajorTick A mark along the Y2-axis.
Y2MinorTick A mark along the Y2-axis.
Y2TickLabel Identifies a tick mark of the Y2-axis of the graph.
Y2Title Labels the Y2-axis of the graph.
Y2ZeroLine The zero line on the Y2-axis of the graph.
Y3DMarkerGrid A set of lines on 3-D markers in the graph.
YPanelGrid A set of lines on the Y-axis wall of a 3-D graph.
ZDrillLabel Identifies the series value to which a user can drill up, in a three-dimensional graph.
ZPanelGrid A set of lines on the floor of a 3-D graph.
ZTickLabel Identifies a tick mark on the Z-axis of a 3-D graph.
ZTitle Labels the Z edge of a 3-D graph.


Enum Summary
DataStyleType Specifies a data style type.
UNDERLAY_SHAPE: The shape of the marker underlay.
UNDERLAY_COLOR: The color of the marker underlay.
DataStyleType.Shape Specified valid shapes for DataStyleType.MARKER_SHAPE and DataStyleType.UNDERLAY_SHAPE.
DataType Data types for getDataValue
GraphConstants.AnnotationLocation Specifies the location of an annotation.
FRONT: Annotation displayed above markers.
BACK: Annotation displayed behind markers.
GraphConstants.AnnotationPosition Specifies the position of an annotation.
DATA_VALUE: Associate the annotation with a series and group.
ABSOLUTE: Associate the annotation with a pair of X and Y values.
PERCENTAGE: Associate the annotation with a percentage of the current plotArea axisMin and axisMax.
GraphConstants.AxisScaledFromBaseline Defines the axis scaling behavior.
GraphConstants.BubbleMarkerSizing Specifies the type of scaling used for bubble markers.
RELATIVE: Scale bubble markers relative to each other.
PIXELS: Scale bubble markers using their Z values as absolute pixel sizes.
VIRTUAL: Scale bubble markers using their Z values as virtual coordinate sizes.
GraphConstants.DataSelection Specifies the data selection mode for this graph Valid enums are - none: no selection single: single selection
GraphConstants.FormFactor Specifies whether the graph should be rendered as a spark chart.
SPARKCHART: Render the graph as a spark chart if possible.
AUTO: Let the graph choose the form factor automatically.
GraphConstants.InteractiveSliceBehavior Specifies the types of interactivity behavior that are enabled for slices of the graph.
NONE: No interactive slice behavior enabled
EXPLODE: Click to explode slices in a pie graph
EXPLODE_ALL: Add explodeAll and uniteAll options to the context menu
Note: Interactivity behavior is only supported in the Flash imageFormat.
GraphConstants.InteractivityBehavior Deprecated. Use InteractiveSliceBehavior instead.
GraphConstants.Markers Specifies the types of markers to show on this graph.
NONE - does not display markers
AUTO - the graph decides whether to display markers and which markers to display
HIGH - displays a marker at the greatest value
LOW - displays a marker at the smallest value
FIRST - displays a marker at the first value
LAST - displays a marker at the last value Note: This is currently only supported for Sparkcharts.
GraphConstants.MinorGridStepType MinorGridStepType: The Step Type
GraphConstants.ScatterLineType Specifies the type of line connector that is drawn between scatter and bubble graph markers.
NONE: Do not draw any connectors.
LINE: Draw a line to connect all markers in a series.
ARROW: Draw a line with arrow to connect each pair of consecutive markers in a series.
GraphSelection.SelectionType Specifies the graph selection type
data: data components like bars, data markers, etc., can be selected
series: series components like legend markers, dataline, etc., can be selected
group: group components y1TickLabels, y1MajorTick, etc., can be selected
non_data: data components like Title, Subtitle, etc., can be selected.


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 2 (


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