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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Uses of Interface

Packages that use Tree Various interfaces for use with Tree objects. The Java AST. 


Uses of Tree in


Methods in that return Tree
 Tree TreeLocator.getTree(Declaration d)
          Gets the Tree object that declares the given declaration, null if none.


Methods in with parameters of type Tree
 Declaration TreeResolver.getResolvedDeclaration(Tree tree)
          Resolves this tree into a declaration reference.
 TypeD TreeResolver.getResolvedType(Tree tree)
          Resolves this tree into a type reference.


Uses of Tree in


Subinterfaces of Tree in
 interface AnnotationExpressionT
          An expression wrapping an annotation.
 interface AnnotationT
          An annotation (not to be confused with annotation type).
 interface ArrayAccessExpressionT
          An array access expression.
 interface AssertStatementT
          An assert statement.
 interface AssignmentExpressionT
          An expression performing an assignment operation.
 interface BlockElementT
          Common supertype for elements that may be a child of a code block.
 interface BlockStatementT
          A statement wrapping a block.
 interface BlockT
          A code block.
 interface BreakStatementT
          A break statement.
 interface CatchClauseT
          A catch clause of a try statement.
 interface ClassBodyT
          A class body, sometimes called a class block.
 interface ClassInitializerT
          A static or instance initializer block for a class.
 interface ClassT
          A type declaration.
 interface CompoundStatementT
          Common supertype for statements that have children statements.
 interface ConditionalStatementT
          Common supertype for compound statements having (requiring) a conditional expression.
 interface ContinueStatementT
          A continue statement.
 interface DereferenceExpressionT
          Common supertype for expressions performing dereference operations.
 interface DocCommentT
          A doc comment (short for "documentation comment").
 interface DoStatementT
          A do statement.
 interface DotExpressionT
          A expression representing an identifier selector.
 interface ElseClauseT
          An else clause.
 interface EmptyStatementT
          An empty statement.
 interface EnumConstantT
          A field (or enum constant) variable.
 interface ExpressionStatementT
          An expression statement.
 interface ExpressionT
          Common supertypes for all expressions.
 interface FieldDeclT
          A field (or enum constant) declaration.
 interface FieldVariableT
          A field (or enum constant) variable.
 interface FileT
          The root of a source file, also called a compilation unit.
 interface FinallyClauseT
          A finally clause.
 interface FormalParameterListT
          A formal parameter list.
 interface FormalParameterT
          A formal parameter, also known as just "parameter".
 interface ForStatementT
          A for statement.
 interface HasModifiersT
          Common supertype for elements that may have modifiers.
 interface HasNameT
          Common supertype for elements have have a NameT.
 interface IdentifierExpressionT
          An expression representing an unqualified name.
 interface IfStatementT
          An if statement.
 interface ImportT
          An import declaration.
 interface InfixExpressionT
          An expression involving an infix operation (but not an assignment operation).
 interface InterfacesT
          An interfaces clause of a type declaration.
 interface InvokeExpressionT
          Common supertype for an expression that invokes a method.
 interface ListExpressionT
          An expression wrapping a list of expressions.
 interface LiteralExpressionT
          An expression representing a lexer literal.
 interface LocalVariableDeclT
          A local variable declaration.
 interface LocalVariableT
          A local variable, not a parameter.
 interface MemberT
          Common supertype for elements that may be a member of a type declaration.
 interface MemberVariableT
          A field (or enum constant) variable.
 interface MethodCallExpressionT
          An expression performing a method invocation or an explicit constructor invocation.
 interface MethodT
          A method or constructor declaration.
 interface NameT
          A name, simple or qualified.
 interface NewArrayExpressionT
          An expression creating a new array.
 interface NewClassExpressionT
          An expression creating a new instance of a class.
 interface OperatorExpressionT
          Common supertype for multi-operand operations.
 interface PackageT
          A package declaration.
 interface QuestionExpressionT
          An expression with the ?: operator, formally known as the "conditional operator".
 interface ReturnStatementT
          A return statement.
 interface SimpleStatementT
          Common supertype for statements that have no child statement but may optionally have expressions.
 interface StatementLabelT
          A label on a labeled statement.
 interface StatementT
          Common supertype of all statements.
 interface SuperclassT
          A superclass clause of a type declaration.
 interface SwitchLabelT
          A switch label, default or case.
 interface SwitchStatementT
          A switch statement.
 interface SynchStatementT
          A synchronized statement.
 interface ThrowsT
          A throws clause of a method or constructor declaration.
 interface ThrowStatementT
          A throw statement.
 interface TryStatementT
          A try statement.
 interface TypeArgumentT
          A type argument for a type reference.
 interface TypecastExpressionT
          An expression performing a typecast operation.
 interface TypeExpressionT
          An expression wrapping a type reference.
 interface TypeParameterT
          A type parameter declaration.
 interface TypeReferenceT
          A type reference.
 interface UnaryExpressionT
          An expression performing a prefix or postfix operation, but not a typecast operation.
 interface VariableDeclT
          Common supertype for field declarations and local variable declarations.
 interface VariableT
          Common supertype for field variables (and enum constant variables), local variables, and parameters.
 interface WhileStatementT
          A while statement.
 interface WrapperExpressionT
          An expression wrapping another one, either with parentheses or brackets.


Fields in declared as Tree
static Tree[] Tree.EMPTY_ARRAY


Methods in that return Tree
 Tree Tree.cloneSelf(FileT targetFile)
          Performs a deep-copy of this Tree but attached to the input FileT.
 Tree DocCommentT.getOwningDeclaration()
          Gets the declaration this doc element is associated with, null if none.
 Tree Tree.getParent()
          Gets the parent Tree to this.
 Tree Tree.getSiblingAfter()
          Gets the sibling after this.
 Tree Tree.getSiblingBefore()
          Gets the sibling before this.


Methods in with parameters of type Tree
 void Tree.addSelf(Tree parent)
          Performs an add (usually append) of this element to the parent.
 void Tree.addSelf(Tree sibling, boolean before)
          Performs an add of this element to the parent of the input sibling.
 void Tree.addSelfAfter(Tree sibling)
 void Tree.addSelfBefore(Tree sibling)
 void Tree.replaceSelf(Tree newElement)
          Performs a set of this element with the newElement.


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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