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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Package oracle.ide.ceditor

The Code Editor package contains the code editing implementation of the JDeveloper IDE.


Interface Summary
CEToolTipProvider The CEToolTipProvider is an interface for the code editor to ask an editor client for an appropriate tooltip to display based on the given location of the mouse event.
CodeEditorViewSelectionSetter A class to drive the setting of ViewSelections (see @link ViewSelectionListener) in the code editor.
CodeMenuConstants The CodeMenuConstants define menu weights for all items for the dynamic Code Menu, regardless of whether the action is defined by the Code Editor or not.
CursorListener The CursorListener interface should be implemented by clients interested in receiving notifications of cursor movement in the code editor.
EditorPluginsFactory The EditorPluginsFactory defines an interface that allows clients of the Code Editor to indicate what EditorPlugins they are interested in installing when a new editor is opened.
ViewLimitProviderFactory A class to allow different clients to register interest in limiting the visible view area of the code editor.
ViewSelectionHelper Created by a ViewSelectionHelperFactory, the ViewSelectionHelper may monitor changes to the CodeEditor and set it's view selection.
ViewSelectionHelperFactory A class to allow different clients to register interest in determining the view selection of the code editor.


Class Summary
AbstractBrowseClickPlugin The AbstractBrowseClickPlugin is an assistance plugin that listens for Ctrl-Click's to perform "Go to declaration" functionality
AbstractEditingPlugin The AbstractEditingPlugin is an assistance plugin that helps with Java/JavaScript coding (basically, languages with descendants from C), to take care of the various tedious aspects of editing, such as lining up asterisks in multi-line comments, balancing comment start and ends, and so on.
AbstractEditorHoverPlugin The AbstractEditorHoverPlugin is an abstract plugin implementation that helps in performing code hover for Java-like languages
BreadcrumbsPlugin Plugin to add a breadcrumbs component to the editor.
CEScrollPaneLayout The CEScrollPaneLayout lays out a custom view that looks like this:
CodeEditor The CodeEditor is the integration layer between the IDE and the editor components to provide a code editor inside the IDE.
CodeEditorAddin The CodeEditorAddin does the work of plugging in this code editor into the IDE Addin framework.
CodeEditorConstants Class to store constants for CodeEditor abilities
CodeEditorController The CodeEditorController is the controller for the CodeEditor Addin.
CodeEditorGutter The CodeEditorGutter interface is an extension of the editor's Gutter interface to integrate with the JDev environment and provide Context information for other Addins.
CodeEditorGutterView The CodeEditorGutter has its own view in order to support the context menu properly.
CodeEditorMigrator The CodeEditorMigrator migrates the code editor's options from IdeSettings over to ClientSettings.
CodeEditorPluginsFactory Deprecated. declarative registration via the ceditor.plugin hook is preferred
CodeEditorPreloader The CodeEditorPreloader helps to speed up the process of bringing up a Code Editor by using the pre-load-on-idle facility put in by Kiks to initialize some of the dependent classes on an idle thread.
CodeNavigationPoint CodeNavigationPoint is a NavigationPoint implementation intended for registration with the NavigationManager as an EditorNavigationPoint for the CodeEditor class.
DropHandlerPlugin The DropHandlerPlugin is an abstract class that allows code editor clients to extend the drop functionality of Drag & Drop for the code editor to support additional data flavors or even custom drop behavior.
EditorPageableFactory The EditorPageableFactory is a PageableFactory implementation which generates a Pageable instance for printing the contents of a Code Editor.
Editors Editor utilities.
EditorStatusBar The StatusBarPlugin provides a status bar UI component that works with the BasicEditorPane.
EditorStatusBar.StatusBarCell The StatusBarCell is just a label that can be added to our status bar which takes care of making sure that its size remains fairly constant for the types of strings which can contain it (otherwise, it looks pretty bad for the cells to be changing in width, say when you switch between insert and overwrite mode.)
LineNavigationPoint NavigationPoint implementation which navigates to a given line within a CodeEditor.
NodeUpdater The NodeUpdater class is a class which takes care of the delayed notification in the idle time after a text buffer change occurs.
OffsetNavigationPoint NavigationPoint implementation which navigates to a given offset within a FindableEditor.
UndoableEditCommand An Ide command which wraps an undoable edit.
UndoWrapperCommand The UndoWrapperCommand class implements the IDE command and is used by the Code Editor to wrap undo messages generated by user typing.
ViewLimitProvider An provider to control the 'view limiting' of a CodeEditors editor pane.


Package oracle.ide.ceditor Description

The Code Editor package contains the code editing implementation of the JDeveloper IDE. You can use the CodeEditor API to manipulate a code editor instance programmatically, to associate custom Node types with specific syntax highlighting styles, and other services.

For information about the services available by a code editor, refer to the JavaDoc for the CodeEditor class.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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