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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Class SettingsUIRegistry

  extended by oracle.ide.config.SettingsUIRegistry

public final class SettingsUIRegistry
extends java.lang.Object

The settings UI registry provides access to information gathered from extension manifests and roles about settings UI.


Method Summary
static SettingsCustomizations getCustomizations()
          Returns a SettingsCustomizations object which provides access to customizations to settings UI installed by roles or extensions.
static java.util.Collection<Navigable> getExtensionNavigables(java.lang.String dialogId)
          Returns a collection of Navigables for all pages registered as direct children of the specified dialog in the extension manifests of loaded extensions.
static SettingsPageCustomizationHelper getHelper(Traversable t, java.lang.String pageId)
          Returns a helper that can be used to automatically enable / disable and show / hide components on a page based on customization information.
static java.lang.String getObjectLabel(java.lang.String dialogId)
          Returns the object label for the specified dialog ID.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Method Detail


public static SettingsPageCustomizationHelper getHelper(Traversable t,
                                                        java.lang.String pageId)
Returns a helper that can be used to automatically enable / disable and show / hide components on a page based on customization information.
t - the traversable the helper will customize.
pageId - the id path of the page to customize.
a customization helper instance.


public static final SettingsCustomizations getCustomizations()
Returns a SettingsCustomizations object which provides access to customizations to settings UI installed by roles or extensions.
an instance of SettingsCustomizations.


public static final java.util.Collection<Navigable> getExtensionNavigables(java.lang.String dialogId)
Returns a collection of Navigables for all pages registered as direct children of the specified dialog in the extension manifests of loaded extensions.

The returned navigables are prepopulated with all children that are registered via extension manifests.

The returned collection of Navigables does not include any navigables registered programmatically with

dialogId - the id of a dialog registered in the settings-ui-hook. Must not be null.
an immutable collection of navigables registered as direct children of the specified dialog. If none are registered, returns an empty collection.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if dialogId is null.


public static final java.lang.String getObjectLabel(java.lang.String dialogId)
Returns the object label for the specified dialog ID.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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