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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Package oracle.ide.editor

Contains classes and interfaces that allow addins to add their own specialized editors to JDeveloper.


Interface Summary
EditorCreator Optional interface implemented by EditorAddins which create their own editor instances.
EditorInfo EditorInfo is the EditorManager representation of an Editor.
EditorListener The EditorListener interface should be implemented by clients that are interested in receiving notifications about Editor instances being opened, activated, deactivated, or closed in the IDE.
FileSaveListener Listener that gets notified when a "dirty" file is being closed.
TextEditor The text editor interface is implemented by any editor in the IDE which provides a plain text view.


Class Summary
AbstractEditor Deprecated. The Editor hierarchy has been collapsed
AbstractFlatEditor Deprecated. The Editor hierarchy has been collapsed
AbstractFlatEditorAddin Deprecated. Please use EditorAddin instead
AsynchronousEditor Base editor template for editors that load the UI model on a thread off the event dispatch thread.
Editor Editors such as code, gui, html editors should implements the Editor interface.
EditorAddin This class is used to declare an Editor with the EditorManager.
EditorManager The EditorManager serves as the registry for Editor that want to register themselves with specific Node types.
EditorPath Describes the path to an editor.
EditorsOptions This class was used to store the editors auto synchronize option.
FileSaveHook Hook that registers the listeners to be notified when a multiple files may need to be saved.
FilesToSaveGroup Contains a group of nodes to be saved together.
FlatEditor Deprecated. The Editor hierarchy has been collapsed
FlatEditorAddin Deprecated. Please use EditorAddin instead
OpenEditorOptions This class is used to specify how to open an editor.
SaveFilesEvent Event raised when one or more dirty nodes need to be saved.
SaveFilesResponse Response returned by implementations of FileSaveListener that indicates if there are any extra nodes to be saved before closing the ones selected by the user.


Exception Summary
OpenAbortedException Runtime exception thrown from if opening the editor should be aborted.


Package oracle.ide.editor Description

Contains classes and interfaces that allow addins to add their own specialized editors to JDeveloper.

Related Documentation

See Extending JDeveloper Using the Addin API for additional details.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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