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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Package oracle.ide.extension.rules.functions

Class Summary
AllSelectionsHaveAttribute Returns true if the given IDE Context contains a non empty Selection, and all of the Elements contained in the Selection have the expected attribute set.
AlwaysEnabled A RuleFunction implementation that always evaluates to true.
AnySelectionHasAttribute Returns true if the given IDE Context contains a non empty Selection, and at least one of the Elements contained in the Selection has the expected attribute set.
ContextHasElement Returns true if the given IDE Context contains an Element, and the Element matches the expected type.
ContextHasNode Returns true if the given IDE Context contains a Node, and the Node matches the expected type.
ContextHasProject Returns true if the IDE Context contains a Project
ContextHasView Returns true if the given IDE Context contains a View, and the View matches the expected type.
ContextHasWorkspace Returns true if the given IDE Context contains a workspace.
ElementHasAttribute Returns true if the given IDE Context contains an Element, and that Element has the expected attribute set.
ExtensionEnabled Determines whether or not an extension has been loaded, returns false if it has not been.
MultipleSelection Returns true if the IDE Context contains a Selection, and the Selection contains multiple Elements.
NodeIsDirty Returns true if the given IDE Context contains a Node, and the Node is currently dirty.
ProjectHasContent This rule implementation returns true from ProjectHasContent.evaluate(oracle.ide.extension.rules.RuleEvaluationContext, java.util.Map<java.lang.String, oracle.ide.extension.rules.RuleFunctionParameter>) if the given Context contains a Project and that Project has at least one file in the content set referenced by the rule parameter, .
ProjectPropertiesHasKey Returns true if the IDE Context contains a Project whose project properties contain the specified key.
PropertyHasValue Returns true if there is a system property with the supplied name whose value matches the expected value.
SingleSelection Returns true if the IDE Context contains a Selection, and the Selection contains a single Element.


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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