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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Uses of Class

Packages that use ExternalTool
oracle.ide.externaltools Contains interfaces and classes that allow external tools in the IDE to be invoked, manipulated and extended by extensions. 


Uses of ExternalTool in oracle.ide.externaltools


Subclasses of ExternalTool in oracle.ide.externaltools
 class LazyExternalTool


Methods in oracle.ide.externaltools that return ExternalTool
 ExternalTool ExternalToolType.createExternalTool()
          Note: this method should not be overridden by declarative implementations
 ExternalTool ExternalToolFactory.createProgramTool()
          Creates an external tool that can be used to invoke an external program.
abstract  ExternalTool[] ExternalToolScanner.findTools(java.util.Collection<ExternalTool> existingTools)
          Search for external tools.
 ExternalTool LazyExternalTool.getInstance()
 ExternalTool ExternalToolOptionsEnvironment.getTool()
          Get the external tool being created or edited.
 ExternalTool ExternalToolEvent.getTool()
          Returns the external tool this event applies to.
abstract  ExternalTool ExternalToolManager.invokeCreateWizard(java.awt.Component parent, ExternalToolType type)
          Invokes the Define External Tool wizard programmatically.


Methods in oracle.ide.externaltools that return types with arguments of type ExternalTool
 java.util.Iterator<ExternalTool> ExternalToolManager.getAllExternalTools()
          Deprecated. since Use
 java.util.Iterator<ExternalTool> ExternalToolManager.getExternalToolsByType(ExternalToolType type)
          Deprecated. since Use ExternalToolManager.toolsOfType(ExternalToolType).
abstract  java.util.Collection<ExternalTool>
          Returns all defined external tools.
abstract  java.util.Collection<ExternalTool> ExternalToolManager.toolsOfType(ExternalToolType type)
          Returns external tools of a specific type.


Methods in oracle.ide.externaltools with parameters of type ExternalTool
abstract  void ExternalToolManager.addExternalTool(ExternalTool tool)
          Programmatically adds an external tool.
protected  void ExternalTool.copyToImpl(ExternalTool copy)
          Deprecated. since 11.1.1 with no replacement. The persistence mechanism for external tools changed in the 11.1.1 release, and no longer requires subclasses to implement this method. ExternalToolType.getDefaultIconURL(ExternalTool tool)
          Get the default icon URL to use for the specified external tool of this type.
static ExternalProgramToolProperties ExternalProgramToolProperties.getInstance(ExternalTool tool)
static ExternalToolBaseProperties ExternalToolBaseProperties.getInstance(ExternalTool tool)
 ExternalToolType ExternalToolManager.getType(ExternalTool tool)
          Gets the type of the specified external tool
abstract  boolean ExternalToolManager.invokeEditDialog(java.awt.Component parent, ExternalTool tool)
          Invokes the Edit External Tool dialog programmatically.
 void ExternalToolOptionsPage.loadOptions(ExternalTool tool, boolean isCreateMode)
          The options page should populate the UI from the specified ExternalTool object.
abstract  void ExternalToolManager.removeExternalTool(ExternalTool tool)
          Removes an existing external tool.
 void ExternalToolOptionsPage.saveOptions(ExternalTool tool, boolean isCreateMode)
          The options page should save the contents of the UI into the specified ExternalTool object.


Method parameters in oracle.ide.externaltools with type arguments of type ExternalTool
abstract  ExternalTool[] ExternalToolScanner.findTools(java.util.Collection<ExternalTool> existingTools)
          Search for external tools.
static java.util.Set<java.lang.String> ExternalToolManager.scannerTags(java.util.Collection<ExternalTool> tools)
          Returns the set of scannerTags used by a collection of tools.


Constructors in oracle.ide.externaltools with parameters of type ExternalTool
ExternalToolEvent(java.lang.Object source, ExternalTool tool)
          Creates an ExternalToolEvent.


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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