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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Package oracle.ide

Contains classes that allow addins access to the IDE integration objects.


Interface Summary
Addin The Addin interface provides a mechanism for extensions to carry out programmatic initialization during the startup sequence of the IDE.
Condition The condition interface defines the contract for all conditions.
IdeActivationListener A listener for IDE activation and deactivation events.
IdeListener Deprecated without replacement.
IdeMainWindow.ControllerContext Internal only.
TitleProvider A product may provide a TitleProvider implementation to provide a custom title for the main window.


Class Summary
AddinManager The AddinManager class is responsible for loading addins to the IDE.
ComponentVersionManager Adds the component name and version number to the list of registered component/version sets.
Context The Context interface provides information about the current IDE state.
ExtensionRegistry The extension registry provides access to information about extensions loaded from JSR-198 extension manifests during initialization of the IDE.
Ide This class is responsible for coordinating startup of the IDE.
IdeActivationEvent Event object representing activation or deactivation of the IDE.
IdeAdapter The default implementation of IdeListener
IdeArgs This class represents the command-line arguments used to launch the IDE.
IdeClipboard Provides means to install and access IDE clipboard.
IdeConstants Class defining IDE constants such as command IDs.
IdeCore Core IDE functionality.
IdeEvent An event representing a step in the IDE startup and shutdown
IdeHook Deprecated. since 11.0.
IdeMainWindow This class implements the main application window.
IdePropertyConstants This class holds constants for the names of properties stored in the file.
IdeRunner The interface for the implementation of a command to be executed in a running IDE.
IdeRunStatus This class encapsulates the persistence of initialization of extensions and the copying of extension data between runs or executions of any particular version of the ide.
IdeStarter The interface for the starter of a command to be executed in a running IDE.
IdeUIManager Defines the API for handling look-and-feel specific actions in the IDE.
IdeUIManager.ThemeInfo Provides information about a look-and-feel color theme, for the sake of initializing or configuring an application that supports themes.
ProductInformation This class provides product-level information such as the product name, icon, copyright text, welcome page, and any other information stored in the <product-hook>.
Version Internal use only.


Exception Summary
ExitNotAllowedException Exception thrown by the IDE's SecurityManager when client code attempts to call System.exit() illegally.


Package oracle.ide Description

Contains classes that allow addins access to the IDE integration objects. In general, addins use the oracle.ide.Ide class to gain access to other objects such as the oracle.ide.MainWindow and oracle.ide.Menubar in order to add their own menu items to the JDeveloper.

Related Documentation

See Extending JDeveloper Using the Addin API for additional details.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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