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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Package oracle.javatools.buffer

The TextBuffer package assists in the manipulation of in-memory text content, whether it is read-only text, or read-write text.


Interface Summary
LineMap A LineMap is an interface for accessing the line structure information of a TextBuffer.
OffsetMark The OffsetMark is used by the TextBuffer to provide bookmark services.
ReadTextBuffer The ReadTextBuffer interface provides a subset of the TextBuffer methods for read-only access to text data.
TextBuffer The TextBuffer interface describes a class which can be used for managing the raw text content of a document.
TextBufferListener The TextBufferListener interface should be implemented by observers interested in receiving notifications of changes to the associated TextBuffer.
WriteLockRequestListener A listener notified by a ReadWriteLock when a thread requests a write lock.


Class Summary
AbstractTextBuffer The AbstractTextBuffer class is a starting point for classes implementing the TextBuffer interface.
AbstractTextBuffer.UndoState The UndoState is a layer of indirection between the TextBuffer and UndoableTextEdit's to allow undo's to be detached from the TextBuffer and reattach to a TextBuffer with the same buffer contents.
CharArrayReadTextBuffer The CharArrayReadTextBuffer is a wrapper implementation that provides a ReadTextBuffer interface on top of a String datasource.
ForwardingTextBufferListener A support class to forward text buffer events for a decorating text buffer.
MultiLock Acquires and releases a set of ReadWriteLock as a unit.
ReadTextBufferDecorator The ReadTextBufferDecorator is a base decorator for a ReadTextBuffer.
ReadWriteLock The ReadWriteLock class is an implementation of a reentrant multiple-reader/single-writer lock.
SafeArrayList The SafeArrayList is an array List implementation that provides basic thread-safety by implementing a copy-on-write scheme.
SafeArrayList.SafeListIterator A list iterator implementation based on a static array.
TextBufferDecorator The TextBufferDecorator is a base decorator for a TextBuffer.
TextBufferFactory The TextBufferFactory is a static factory class for creating TextBuffer instances for use.
Util Buffer related utilities.
Utilities The Utilities is a static utility class for TextBuffer instances.


Enum Summary
ReadWriteLock.Implementation An enumeration of the implementation types for a ReadWriteLock.
ReadWriteLock.Options An enumeration of the configuration options for a ReadWriteLock.


Exception Summary
ExpiredTextBufferException An ExpiredTextBufferException is thrown when clients attempt to access an ExpirableTextBufferSnapshot after that snapshot has expired, due to the underlying text buffer being modified.
ReadOnlyException An ReadOnlyException is thrown when clients attempt to modify a TextBuffer instance marked as read only.


Package oracle.javatools.buffer Description

The TextBuffer package assists in the manipulation of in-memory text content, whether it is read-only text, or read-write text. All text data is stored in normal Java Unicode format as a sequence of char's.

Text buffers can be accessed through two interfaces:

To create a TextBuffer instance or ReadTextBuffer, use the TextBufferFactory factory class. For more details about how to use this package, please refer to the JavaDoc for these two interfaces.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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