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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Uses of Class

Packages that use DBException
oracle.ide.db Classes for representing database objects in the IDE. 
oracle.ide.db.dialogs Dialogs for working with database objects in the IDE. 
oracle.ide.db.transfer Contains an API for transfering database object from one DBObjectProvider to another. 
oracle.ide.db.util Utility classes for dealing with database objects in UI in the IDE. 
oracle.javatools.db Contains a metadata API for describing database objects, and retrieving them from a provider of database objects - for example a database. 
oracle.javatools.db.datatypes Classes related to datatypes in the database API. 
oracle.javatools.db.ddl API for generating DDL in the database API. 
oracle.javatools.db.dictionary Contains a Database implementation (DictionaryDatabase) that retrieves information for retrieving object information using dictionary queries (instead of the JDBC metadata). 
oracle.javatools.db.execute Utility classes for executing statements, queries and pl/sql against a database. 
oracle.javatools.db.ora Contains the database api implementation for Oracle databases, and additional DBObject implementations for objects specific to Oracle. Contains classes for extending the object support that comes as standard in the database api (e.g. 
oracle.javatools.db.sql Contains an API for declaratively parsing SQL queries (SELECT statements). 
oracle.jdeveloper.db Classes for accessing database connections in JDeveloper (and other FCP products). 
oracle.jdeveloper.db.panels UI panels that are useful when listing, selecting or displaying database connections in dialogs and wizards. 
oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb Database API extension for saving database object definitions in XML files. 
oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.handler Utilities for handling complicated offline database actions, for example delete. 
oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.wizard Wizard and dialogs that can used when working with the offline database. 


Uses of DBException in oracle.ide.db


Methods in oracle.ide.db that throw DBException
 SchemaObject SchemaObjectDescriptor.unwrapDescriptor(DBObjectProvider source)
static SchemaObject[] SchemaObjectDescriptor.unwrapDescriptors(SchemaObjectDescriptor[] descs, DBObjectProvider source)
          Unwraps a set of descriptors and returns an array of SchemaObjects.
 SystemObject SchemaObjectDescriptor.unwrapSystemObjectDescriptor(DBObjectProvider source)
static SystemObject[] SchemaObjectDescriptor.unwrapSystemObjectDescriptors(SchemaObjectDescriptor[] descs, DBObjectProvider source)
          Unwraps a set of descriptors and returns an array of SystemObjects.


Uses of DBException in oracle.ide.db.dialogs


Methods in oracle.ide.db.dialogs that return DBException
 DBException DBEditorConfig.getException()
          If the dialog result is Result.FAILED this method will return the exception encountered in commiting to the DBObjectProvider.


Methods in oracle.ide.db.dialogs with parameters of type DBException
 void DBEditorConfig.setException(DBException exception)
          If the commit operation fails with a DBException, this method is used by the framework to specify the failure.
static boolean DBExceptionDialog.showConfirmDialog(java.awt.Component parent, java.lang.String title, DBException error)
          Shows a confirm dialog to the user for the given DBException and returns whether or not they pressed "OK" or "cancel".
static boolean DBExceptionDialog.showConfirmDialog(java.awt.Component parent, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String helpTopic, DBException error)
          Shows a confirm dialog to the user for the given DBException and returns whether or not they pressed "OK" or "cancel".
static void DBExceptionDialog.showErrorDialog(java.awt.Component parent, java.lang.String title, DBException error)
          Shows an error dialog to the user for the given DBException.
static void DBExceptionDialog.showErrorDialog(java.awt.Component parent, java.lang.String title, DBException error, java.lang.String helpid)
          Shows an error dialog to the user for the given DBException.
static void DBExceptionDialog.showErrorDialog(java.awt.Component parent, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String extendedDescription, DBException error, java.lang.String helpid)
          Shows an error dialog to the user for the given DBException.


Uses of DBException in oracle.ide.db.transfer


Methods in oracle.ide.db.transfer that throw DBException
static java.lang.String TransferHelper.getUpdateDDL(DBObjectProvider source, SchemaObject[] schemaObjects, DBObjectProvider target, Schema targetSchema)
          Update a target schema so that it contains the list of source objects.


Constructors in oracle.ide.db.transfer with parameters of type DBException
TransferFailedException(DBException dbe)


Uses of DBException in oracle.ide.db.util


Methods in oracle.ide.db.util that throw DBException
 boolean SchemaObjectBuilder.ensureObjectBuiltEx(SystemObject... objs)
          Ensures that all of the given SystemObjects are fully loaded from their metadata source (e.g.


Uses of DBException in oracle.javatools.db


Subclasses of DBException in oracle.javatools.db
 class CancelledException
          This exception is thrown if a query to the database is cancelled mid-execution by an action of the user/api.
static class CascadeManager.NoCascadeRequiredException
          Exception thrown when a cascade is requested for an object that has no referers.
 class CascadeRequiredException
          Subclass of DBException that is thrown when an attempt to delete or update an object is made when there are dependent objects in the given DBObjectProvider.
 class DBSQLException
          DBException subclass that is thrown when a SQLException is encountered while talking to the database.
 class InvalidNameException
          ValidationException thrown when an object's name is invalid.
 class MissingProviderException
          Thrown if you attempt to resolve the ID when the provider has not been set.
 class MissingValidatorException
          Indicates that the validation of the database object failed because no DBObjectValidator was registered to handle the validation.
 class NameInUseException
          ValidationException thrown when a name is already in use.
 class ValidationException
          Indicates that the validation of the database object failed.


Methods in oracle.javatools.db that return DBException
 DBException DBException.getNextException()
          Retrieves the exception chained to this DBException object.


Methods in oracle.javatools.db with parameters of type DBException
 void DBException.setNextException(DBException ex)
          Adds an DBException object to the end of the chain.


Methods in oracle.javatools.db that throw DBException
 void AbstractDBObjectBuilder.buildObject(T object)
 void DBObjectBuilder.buildObject(T object)
          Requests that the specified object be completed.
 void AbstractDBObjectBuilder.buildObjectComponent(T object, java.lang.String key)
          Uses canBuildComponents() to work out whether this builder can build just the given (key) subcomponent.
 void DBObjectBuilder.buildObjectComponent(T object, java.lang.String key)
          Requests that part of the specified object, signifed by the given key, is built.
<T extends SystemObject>
AbstractDBObjectProvider.checkCachedObject(T object)
          Use by getObjectImpl to verify that the given object in the cache is still valid.
protected  SystemObject AbstractDBObjectProvider.createByIDImpl(DBObjectID id)
protected  SystemObject AbstractDatabase.createByIDImpl(DBObjectID id)
static java.sql.Connection DatabaseFactory.createConnection(Database db)
          This will return a new Connection for the given database if possible.
protected abstract  java.sql.Connection DatabaseFactory.ConnectionCreator.createConnectionImpl(java.lang.String connName)
          Creates a Connection from a registered connection store if a connection of given name exists.
static Database DatabaseFactory.createDatabase(java.lang.String connName, DatabaseFactory.ConnectionCreator factory)
          Creates a Database using the given ConnectionCreator to create a connection for the given connection name.
protected abstract  Database DatabaseFactory.DatabaseCreator.createDatabaseImpl(java.lang.String connStore, java.lang.String name, java.sql.Connection conn)
 void DBObjectProvider.createObject(SystemObject object, boolean replace)
          Causes the creation of the object described by the specified meta data.
 void AbstractDBObjectProvider.createObject(SystemObject obj, boolean replace)
protected  SystemObject AbstractDBObjectProvider.createObjectImpl(java.lang.String type, Schema schema, java.lang.String name)
          Uses listObjectsImpl to find or create an object with the given type, schema and name.
 void DBObjectProvider.createObjects(SystemObject[] objects, boolean replace)
          Causes the creation of the objects described by the specified meta data.
protected  DBObjectProvider DatabaseFactory.createProviderImpl(java.lang.Object identifier)
          Creates a provider for the given identifier if that identifier is a valid Database identifier.
protected abstract  DBObjectProvider DBObjectProviderFactory.Creator.createProviderImpl(java.lang.Object identifier)
          If this factory can, it creates a provider implementation from the given identifier.
 void DBObjectProvider.createSchema(Schema schema, boolean replace)
          Causes the creation of a new Schema in the persistent storage.
 void AbstractDBObjectProvider.createSchema(Schema schema, boolean replace)
static Database DatabaseFactory.createStandaloneDatabase(java.lang.String name, java.sql.Connection conn)
          Creates a standalone Database for the given Connection.
 void DBObjectProvider.deleteObject(SystemObject object, boolean cascade)
          Deletes the object.
 void AbstractDBObjectProvider.deleteObject(SystemObject obj, boolean cascade)
 void DBObjectProvider.deleteObjects(SystemObject[] objects, boolean cascade)
          Deletes the objects.
 void DBObjectProvider.deleteSchema(Schema schema, boolean cascade)
          Deletes the schema.
 void AbstractDBObjectProvider.deleteSchema(Schema schema, boolean cascade)
 void CascadeManager.doCascadeDelete(SystemObject deleted, SystemObject referer)
protected  void AbstractDBObjectBuilder.ensureComponent(T obj, java.lang.String key)
          Ensures that the given component has been built.
static void DBUtil.ensureDerivedPropertiesBuilt(SystemObject object, DBObjectProvider pro)
          INTERNAL ONLY - this is not a finished API yet.
static void DBUtil.ensureObjectBuilt(SystemObject object, java.lang.String... props)
          Ensures that the given object is loaded from its DBObjectProvider.
protected  void AbstractDBObjectBuilder.fillInObject(T object)
          Fills in the entire object definition - i.e.
protected  void AbstractDBObjectBuilder.fillInObjectComponent(T object, java.lang.String key)
          Builds the whole object by default.
protected  DBObject AbstractDBObjectProvider.findByID(DBObjectID id)
static Database DatabaseFactory.findOrCreateDatabase(java.lang.String name, java.sql.Connection conn)
          Deprecated. - use DatabaseFactory.createStandaloneDatabase(java.lang.String, java.sql.Connection) to create a Database for an isolated connection. If a Database is required for a given connection name in the product use the appropriate connection store (e.g. Application Connections, or central IDE Connections).
static Database DatabaseFactory.findOrCreateDatabase(java.lang.String storeName, java.lang.String connName)
          Utility method that calls DBObjectProvider.findOrCreateProvider with the correcty provider type for Databases, and a fully qualified name encoded from the given store name and connection name.
protected  SystemObject AbstractDatabase.findOrCreateObject(java.lang.String type, Schema schema, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object idVal)
          Checks the cache for an existing object and if there isn't one creates a new object using the registered builder and marks it for lazy initialization.
static DBObjectProvider DBObjectProviderFactory.findOrCreateProvider(java.lang.Object identifier)
          Deprecated. use DBObjectProviderFactory.findOrCreateProvider(String,Object)
static DBObjectProvider DBObjectProviderFactory.findOrCreateProvider(java.lang.String providerType, java.lang.Object identifier)
          Finds or creates a provider with the given type and identifier.
static DBObject TemporaryObjectID.findOriginalObject(TemporaryObjectID id)
          Recurses through the original objects id and beyond (if it's another temp id) until it finds an object that has either no id, or an id that isn't a temp id.
protected  Schema AbstractDBObjectProvider.findSchema(java.lang.String name)
          Method for use within the provider that retrieves a schema and doesn't check the database if the schema is found in the cache.
protected  void AbstractDatabase.finishCreate(SystemObject[] objects, SystemObject[] oldObjects)
          Use to finish the create or update of objects after the changes have been made in the db.
static void DBUtil.forceObjectReset(SystemObject obj, DBObjectProvider pro)
          Forces the provider to reset the given object so that its properties will all be rebuilt from the underlying provider.
 java.sql.Connection Database.getConnection(boolean reconnect)
          Gets the JDBC connection associated with this database.
 java.sql.Connection AbstractDatabase.getConnection(boolean reconnect)
protected  SystemObject AbstractDatabase.getCreatedObject(java.lang.String type, Schema schema, java.lang.String name)
          Used by finishCreate() to get the object that's just been created back from the database so that it can be verified before returning to the user.
 java.lang.String Database.getDatabaseSource(java.lang.String objectType, Schema schema, java.lang.String objectName)
          Retrieves the source for an object in the database.
 java.lang.String AbstractDatabase.getDatabaseSource(java.lang.String objectType, Schema schema, java.lang.String objectName)
 java.lang.String Database.getDatabaseSource(java.lang.String objectType, Schema schema, java.lang.String objectName, java.lang.String sourceType)
          Retrieves the source for an object in the database.
 java.lang.String AbstractDatabase.getDatabaseSource(java.lang.String objectType, Schema schema, java.lang.String objectName, java.lang.String sourceType)
 Schema DBObjectProvider.getDefaultSchema()
          Returns the default schema for the provider.
 Schema AbstractDatabase.getDefaultSchema()
          Returns the default schema for the connection or null if there isn't one.
protected  java.lang.Long AbstractDBObjectProvider.getExternalTimestamp(SystemObject object)
protected  java.lang.Long AbstractDBObjectProvider.getExternalTimestampImpl(SystemObject object)
          Retrieves the external timestamp for the specified object.
<T extends SystemObject>
DBObjectProvider.getObject(DBObjectCriteria<T> criteria)
          Retrieves the SystemObject representing a specific database object.
<T extends SystemObject>
AbstractDBObjectProvider.getObject(DBObjectCriteria<T> criteria)
 SchemaObject DBObjectProvider.getObject(java.lang.String objectType, Schema schema, java.lang.String name)
          Retrieves the SchemaObject representing a specific database object.
 SchemaObject AbstractDBObjectProvider.getObject(java.lang.String objectType, Schema schema, java.lang.String name)
<T extends SystemObject>
AbstractDBObjectProvider.getObjectImpl(DBObjectCriteria<T> criteria)
<T extends SystemObject>
AbstractDatabase.getObjectImpl(DBObjectCriteria<T> criteria)
static DBObject DBUtil.getProviderDefinition(DBObject obj, DBObjectProvider pro, java.lang.String schemaName)
          Gets the definition for the given object from the provider by querying name and type in the given schema on the top (schema) level parent and then recursing the heirachy to find a match by name and type of the object given.
static DBObject DBUtil.getProviderDefinition(ReferenceID refID, DBObjectProvider pro)
          Attempts to locate the referenced object in the given provider.
<T extends DBObject>
DBUtil.getProviderDefinition(T obj, DBObjectProvider pro)
          Gets the definition for the given object from the provider by querying name, schema and type.
<T extends SchemaObject>
DBUtil.getProviderDefinition(T obj, DBObjectProvider pro, java.lang.String schemaName)
          Gets the definition for the given object from the provider by querying name and type in the given schema.
<T extends SystemObject>
DBUtil.getProviderDefinitions(T[] objs, DBObjectProvider pro)
          Gets the definitions for the given objects from the database by querying name, schema and type.
protected  Schema AbstractDBObjectBuilder.getSchema(java.lang.String name)
          Gets the schema with the given name from the underlying provider.
 Schema DBObjectProvider.getSchema(java.lang.String name)
          Retrieves the Schema object associated with a specific name.
 Schema AbstractDBObjectProvider.getSchema(java.lang.String name)
 java.lang.Long DBObjectProvider.getTimestamp(DBObjectID id)
          Retrieves the timestamp for the object represented by the given ID.
 java.lang.Long AbstractDBObjectProvider.getTimestamp(DBObjectID id)
 java.lang.Long DBObjectProvider.getTimestamp(java.lang.String objectType, Schema schema, java.lang.String name)
          Retrieves the timestamp representing the last modification time of the specified object's metadata.
 java.lang.Long AbstractDBObjectProvider.getTimestamp(java.lang.String type, Schema schema, java.lang.String objectName)
 java.lang.String Database.getUserName()
          Retrieves the username used to connect to the database
abstract  java.util.Collection<DBObjectLister.ObjectInfo> DBObjectLister.listObjects(DBObjectCriteria criteria)
          List the objects that the given criteria has restricted the list to.
<T extends SystemObject>
DBObjectProvider.listObjects(DBObjectCriteria<T> filter)
          Lists the objects from this provider that match the given criteria.
<T extends SystemObject>
AbstractDBObjectProvider.listObjects(DBObjectCriteria<T> criteria)
 SchemaObject[] DBObjectProvider.listObjects(java.lang.String[] objectTypes, Schema schema)
          Lists the objects of multiple types available from this provider.
 SchemaObject[] AbstractDBObjectProvider.listObjects(java.lang.String[] objectTypes, Schema schema)
 SchemaObject[] DBObjectProvider.listObjects(java.lang.String[] objectTypes, Schema schema, java.lang.String ref)
          Lists the objects of multiple types available from this provider.
 SchemaObject[] AbstractDBObjectProvider.listObjects(java.lang.String[] objectTypes, Schema schema, java.lang.String ref)
 java.lang.String[] DBObjectProvider.listObjects(java.lang.String objectType, Schema schema)
          Lists the objects of a given type available from this provider.
 java.lang.String[] AbstractDBObjectProvider.listObjects(java.lang.String objectType, Schema schema)
 java.lang.String[] DBObjectProvider.listObjects(java.lang.String objectType, Schema schema, java.lang.String ref)
          Lists the objects of a given type available from this provider.
 java.lang.String[] AbstractDBObjectProvider.listObjects(java.lang.String objectType, Schema schema, java.lang.String ref)
protected abstract
<T extends SystemObject>
AbstractDBObjectProvider.listObjectsImpl(DBObjectCriteria<T> criteria)
          Internal listObjects implementation.
protected  java.util.Collection<SystemObject> AbstractDBObjectProvider.listObjectsImpl(java.lang.String[] objectTypes, Schema schema, java.lang.String ref)
          Internal listObjects implementation.
protected  java.lang.String[] AbstractDBObjectProvider.listObjectsImpl(java.lang.String type, Schema schema, java.lang.String ref)
          Retrieves the list of objects by using a registered builder.
 Schema[] DBObjectProvider.listSchemas()
          Retrieves the list of schemas available from this provider regardless of their visibility to the user.
 Schema[] AbstractDBObjectProvider.listSchemas()
protected  Schema[] SchemaObjectManager.listSchemas()
 Schema[] DBObjectProvider.listSchemas(boolean showAll)
          Retrieves the list of schemas available from this provider.
 Schema[] AbstractDBObjectProvider.listSchemas(boolean showAll)
 java.lang.String DBObjectProvider.quoteIdentifier(java.lang.String name, boolean force)
          Quotes the specified identifier name, if needed.
 java.lang.String AbstractDBObjectProvider.quoteIdentifier(java.lang.String internalName, boolean force)
          Determines if internalName needs quoting to make it a valid external name, and if so returns a quoted copy of it.
 java.lang.String DatabaseDescriptor.quoteIdentifier(java.lang.String internalName, boolean force)
          Determines if internalName needs quoting to make it a valid external name, and if so returns a quoted copy of it.
protected  void AbstractDatabase.reconnect()
protected  void AbstractDBObjectBuilder.registerObject(T object)
          Shared between buildObject and buildObjects to perform any post-build tasks that are needed (e.g.
protected  DBObject AbstractDBObjectID.resolveFromParent()
          If the id's parent is non-null this tries to resolve the parent ID and then search the parent's children for an object with this ID.
 DBObject DBObjectID.resolveID()
          Resolves the id into the object referenced.
 DBObject DBReferenceID.resolveID()
          Deprecated. This ID is used to reference an object in the database.
 DBObject TemporaryObjectID.resolveID()
 DBObject ReferenceID.resolveID()
 DBObject BaseObjectID.resolveID()
protected  DBObject BaseObjectID.resolveIDWithoutType()
protected  DBObject BaseObjectID.resolveIDWithoutType(java.lang.String schemaName)
static DBObject DBUtil.resolveInOtherProvider(BaseObjectID id, DBObjectProvider pro)
          Attempts to resolve the given ID in a provider that is not the id's own.
 DBObject TemporaryObjectID.resolveOriginalID()
          Get the original object which this temporary one was copied from.
 DBObject DBReferenceID.resolveReference(Database db)
          Deprecated. Use DBUtil.resolveInOtherProvider(oracle.javatools.db.BaseObjectID, oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectProvider)
 void Database.testSQLStatement(java.lang.String sql)
          Tests that the given SQL executes against the database.
 void AbstractDatabase.testSQLStatement(java.lang.String sql)
 void DBObjectProvider.undeleteObject(SchemaObject object)
          Undeletes the object, i.e.
 void DBObjectProvider.undeleteObjects(SchemaObject[] objects)
          Undeletes the objects, i.e.
 void DBObjectProvider.updateObject(SystemObject oldObject, SystemObject newObject)
          Updates the definition of an object.
 void AbstractDBObjectProvider.updateObject(SystemObject oldObject, SystemObject newObject)
 void DBObjectProvider.updateObjects(Difference rs, boolean replace, boolean cascade)
          Updates the definition of a set of objects.
protected  void CascadeManager.updateObjects(java.util.List<SystemObject> originals, java.util.List<SystemObject> updates, boolean bulkOperation)
 void DBObjectProvider.updateObjects(SystemObject[] oldObjects, SystemObject[] newObjects)
          Updates the definition of a set of objects.
 void AbstractDBObjectProvider.updateObjects(SystemObject[] oldObjects, SystemObject[] newObjects)
 void DBObjectProvider.updateSchema(Schema oldSchema, Schema newSchema)
          Updates the definition of a Schema.
 void AbstractDBObjectProvider.updateSchema(Schema oldSchema, Schema newSchema)
 void AbstractDBObjectBuilder.updateTimestamp(DBObject object)
          Sets the timestamp of the given object if the underyling DBObjectProvide supports timestamping.
protected  void AbstractDBObjectBuilder.updateTimestamp(DBObject object, boolean force)


Constructors in oracle.javatools.db that throw DBException
ReferenceID(DBObjectID id)
          Creates a ReferenceID to the object that the given id resolves to.
ReferenceID(DBObjectID id, DBObjectProvider pro)
          Creates a ReferenceID to the object that the given id resolves to, but sets the new reference up with the given provider.


Uses of DBException in oracle.javatools.db.datatypes


Subclasses of DBException in oracle.javatools.db.datatypes
 class DataTypeValidationException
 class DefaultValueValidationException


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.datatypes that throw DBException
static DataType DataTypeHelper.getDataType(DataTypeUsage usage)
          Returns the DataType that usage is an instance of, or null if usage is null
 DBObject DataTypeID.resolveID()


Uses of DBException in oracle.javatools.db.ddl


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.ddl with parameters of type DBException
protected  boolean DDLDatabase.isCauseNameInUse(DBException dbe)
          Used by processCreateException to determine whether the given failure in DDL execution should be rolled back (i.e.
protected  void DDLDatabase.processCreateException(DBException dbe, SystemObject object)
protected  void DDLDatabase.processDeleteException(DBException dbe, SystemObject object)
          When an exception is encountered during delete of an object it may be for legitimate reasons that we want to ignore (e.g.


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.ddl that throw DBException
 void DDLDatabase.createObjects(SystemObject[] objects, boolean replace)
 void DDLDatabase.createSchema(Schema schema, boolean replace)
 void DDLDatabase.deleteObjects(SystemObject[] objects, boolean cascade)
 void DDLDatabase.deleteSchema(Schema schema, boolean cascade)
protected  boolean DDLDatabase.executeDDL(DDL ddl, boolean ignoreErrors)
protected  java.util.Collection<SystemObject> DDLDatabase.listObjectsImpl(java.lang.String[] objectTypes, Schema schema, java.lang.String ref)
 Schema[] DDLDatabase.listSchemas()
protected  void DDLDatabase.processCreateException(DBException dbe, SystemObject object)
protected  void DDLDatabase.processDeleteException(DBException dbe, SystemObject object)
          When an exception is encountered during delete of an object it may be for legitimate reasons that we want to ignore (e.g.
 void DDLDatabase.undeleteObject(SchemaObject object)
 void DDLDatabase.undeleteObjects(SchemaObject[] objects)
 void DDLDatabase.updateObjects(Difference rs, boolean replace, boolean cascade)
 void DDLDatabase.updateSchema(Schema oldSchema, Schema newSchema)


Uses of DBException in oracle.javatools.db.dictionary


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.dictionary that throw DBException
protected  SystemObject DictionaryDatabase.createByIDImpl(DBObjectID id)
protected  java.lang.Long DictionaryDatabase.getExternalTimestampByID(DBObjectID id)
protected  java.lang.Long DictionaryDatabase.getExternalTimestampImpl(SystemObject obj)
          Retrieves the timestamp for this object from the database.
<T extends SystemObject>
DictionaryDatabase.listObjectsImpl(DBObjectCriteria<T> criteria)


Uses of DBException in oracle.javatools.db.execute


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.execute that throw DBException
abstract  T
          Implementations should: Exclusively use ConnectionWrapper.SQLCallable.getConnection() to get the Connection to use Not explictly close the Connection
<T> T<T> c)
          Calls the given SQLCallable.
<T> T
StatementWrapper.doExecute(StatementWrapper.ExecutionRunnable<T> r)
 boolean QueryWrapper.execute()
 boolean StatementWrapper.execute()
          Executes the statment against the database.
<T> T
StatementWrapper.ExecutionProxy.execute(StatementWrapper.ExecutionRunnable<T> r)
          Execute the given Runnable in whatever manner necessary (e.g.
 void PlSqlWrapper.executePlSql(PlSqlWrapper.PlSqlRunnable runner)
          Executes the stored procedure and processes the resulting ResultSet and CallableStatement with the given runner.
 void QueryWrapper.executeQuery(int fetchSize, QueryWrapper.QueryRunnable run)
          Execute the query against the builder's connection using the appropriate parameter substitutions.
 void QueryWrapper.executeQuery(QueryWrapper.QueryRunnable run)
          Execute the query against the builder's connection using the appropriate parameter substitutions.
 T StatementWrapper.ExecutionRunnable.getResult()
 void PlSqlWrapper.PlSqlRunnable.prepareCall(java.sql.CallableStatement cs)
          Called once the statement has been created, but before execution so that any output parameters can be registered.
 void PlSqlWrapper.PlSqlRunnable.processCall(java.sql.CallableStatement cs)
 void PlSqlWrapper.PlSqlRunnable.processResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet rs)
 void QueryWrapper.QueryRunnable.processResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet rs)
          Iterate through the result set as appropriate.
abstract  void
          Implementations should: Exclusively use ConnectionWrapper.SQLCallable.getConnection() to get the Connection to use Not explictly close the Connection
 void r)
          Runs the given SQLRunnable.
abstract  T StatementWrapper.ExecutionRunnable.runImpl()
 void StatementWrapper.throwDBException(DBObject obj, java.sql.SQLException sqe)
          If a SQLException is caught during the processing of this query, or its Difference then it can be wrapped in a DBException which can then be displayed to the user.
protected  void StatementWrapper.throwDBException(DBObject obj, java.lang.String text, java.sql.SQLException sqe)
 void StatementWrapper.throwDBException(java.sql.SQLException sqe)
          If a SQLException is caught during the processing of this query, or its Difference then it can be wrapped in a DBException which can then be displayed to the user.


Uses of DBException in oracle.javatools.db.ora


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.ora that throw DBException
 void OracleDatabase.alterSessionParameterValue(java.lang.String parameter, java.lang.String value)
          Changes the value of given session parameter using
ALTER SESION SET parameter = value.


Uses of DBException in


Subclasses of DBException in
 class MissingPropertyException
          Exception class thrown by the property support when a given property is not known for the given object.


Uses of DBException in oracle.javatools.db.sql


Subclasses of DBException in oracle.javatools.db.sql
 class AliasInUseException
          SQLQueryException thrown when an attempt is made to add an object whose alias is already in use.
 class AmbiguousColumnException
          Exception thrown when the name of a column in a query is ambiguous - i.e.
 class IDException
          Exception thrown when a DBObject is missing an ID.
 class InvalidAliasException
          Exception thrown when a select or from object has an invalid alias (e.g.
 class InvalidSQLException
          SQLQueryException for representing errors in the sql (e.g.
 class SQLParseException
          Subclass of SQLQueryException used for parse errors in the sql.
 class SQLQueryClauseException
          Exception thrown by a SQLQueryBuilder when there is an error with a clause in the query, but that this error doesn't stop the query being declarative.
 class SQLQueryException
          Superclass for all Exceptions thrown by the SQLQuery API.


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.sql that throw DBException
 Column[] AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.getColumns()
 Column[] SQLQueryBuilder.getColumns()
          Retrieves Column objects mapped to the columns in the SQL query that has been built, thereby giving the name and type of each column the query has.
protected  SchemaObject AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.getObject(java.lang.String type, Schema sch, java.lang.String relation)


Constructors in oracle.javatools.db.sql with parameters of type DBException
IDException(DBObjectID id, DBException cause)
          Constructor to use when an ID won't resolve.


Uses of DBException in oracle.jdeveloper.db


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.db that throw DBException
 Database ConnectionInfo.getDatabase()
          Returns a Database for the connection.
 Database DatabaseConnections.getDatabase(java.lang.String connName)
          Returns a Database for the given connection name.
 Database DatabaseConnections.getDatabase(java.lang.String connName, boolean create)
          Returns a Database for the given connection name if one is already cached and only creates a new one if create is true.


Uses of DBException in oracle.jdeveloper.db.panels


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.db.panels that throw DBException
protected  java.lang.Object DatabaseFinder.doWork()


Uses of DBException in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb


Subclasses of DBException in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb
 class DependentProviderUpdateException
          If an attempt is made to update or delete an object that exists in a dependent offline provider, rather than the current provider then this exception is thrown.


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb that throw DBException
static void OfflineDBUtil.canCreateFile(SystemObject obj, OfflineDBObjectProvider pro)
          Checks that create is available on the given object url.
static void OfflineDBUtil.canCreateURL( url, DBObject obj)
          Checks that create is available on the given object url.
static void OfflineDBUtil.canUpdateFile(DBObject obj, OfflineDBObjectProvider pro)
          Checks that update is available on the given object.
static void OfflineDBUtil.canUpdateFile(OfflineDBObjectNode node, OfflineDBObjectProvider pro)
          Checks that update is available on the given object.
static void OfflineDBUtil.canUpdateURL( url, DBObject obj)
          Checks that update is available on the given object url.
static void OfflineDBUtil.checkURLIsWritable( url, DBObject obj, boolean doit)
          Checks that the URL is, or at least can be made, writable.
protected  SystemObject OfflineDBObjectProvider.createObjectImpl(java.lang.String type, Schema schema, java.lang.String name)
          Creates a schema object by looking on the filesystem (using listAllObjects) for the appropriate filename.
 void OfflineDBObjectProvider.createObjects(SystemObject[] objects, boolean replace)
          Used to create (or replace) the given SystemObjects.
 void OfflineDBObjectProvider.deleteObjects(SystemObject[] objects, boolean cascade)
          Deletes a set of objects together.
protected  DBObject OfflineDBObjectProvider.findByID(DBObjectID id)
          Finds a given object by ID.
 DBObject OfflineDBObjectProvider.getObject(OfflineDBObjectNode node)
          Retrieves the object from the given node ensuring that the object's ID is correctly setup for this provider.
 SchemaObject OfflineDBObjectProvider.getObject(SchemaObjectNode node)
          Retrieves the SchemaObject from the given node ensuring that the object's ID is correctly setup for this provider.
abstract  SystemObject OfflineDBObjectProvider.getObject( url)
          Retrieves the SchemaObject from the given URL ensuring that the object's ID is correctly setup for this provider.
<T extends SystemObject>
OfflineDBObjectProvider.getObjectImpl(DBObjectCriteria<T> criteria)
 Schema OfflineDBObjectProvider.getSchema(java.lang.String name, boolean incBuiltInSchemas)
          Offline specific method for retrieving the schema with a given name without looking through the built-in schemas.
<T extends SystemObject>
OfflineDBObjectProvider.listObjectsImpl(DBObjectCriteria<T> criteria)
 void OfflineDBObjectProvider.undeleteObject(SchemaObject object)
          This method is not currently supported in the offline provider.
 void OfflineDBObjectProvider.undeleteObjects(SchemaObject[] objects)
          This method is not currently supported in the offline provider.
abstract  void OfflineDBObjectProvider.updateObjects(Difference rs, boolean replace, boolean cascade)
          Updates the definition objects held in this provider.


Uses of DBException in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.handler


Subclasses of DBException in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.handler
 class HandlerFailedException
          Subclass of DBException used by the offline handlers.


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.handler that throw DBException
 void DeleteHandler.handleDelete(java.util.Collection<? extends Element> elems, OfflineDBObjectProvider pro, boolean confirm)
 void DeleteHandler.handleDelete(Context c, OfflineDBObjectProvider pro)
 void DeleteHandler.handleDelete(SystemObject[] objs, OfflineDBObjectProvider pro)
          Handles the delete of the given schema objects from their provider.
 void DeleteHandler.handleDelete(SystemObject[] objs, OfflineDBObjectProvider pro, boolean confirm)
          Deprecated. - confirm is automatically controlled by the offline database.
 void DeleteHandler.handleDeleteProvider(Context c)
          Deletes a schema, or number of schemas if more than one is selected.


Uses of DBException in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.wizard


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.wizard that throw DBException
static OfflineDBObjectProvider ProviderWizard.findOrCreateProviderNode(Project p, ProviderSettings settings)


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