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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Class AuditPreferencesMigrator

  extended by oracle.ide.migration.ExtensionMigrator
      extended by oracle.jdevimpl.audit.preferences.AuditPreferencesMigrator

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AuditPreferencesMigrator
extends ExtensionMigrator

Nested Class Summary


Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class oracle.ide.migration.ExtensionMigrator


Field Summary


Fields inherited from class oracle.ide.migration.ExtensionMigrator


Fields inherited from interface oracle.ide.migration.Migrator


Constructor Summary


Method Summary
protected  boolean addToProductPreferences()
          Determines whether the migrated preferences should be added into the Preferences object or remain separate.
protected  ExtensionMigrator.AdjustedObject[] adjustObject(java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object object)
          Unset any migrated values that are at the default values.
protected  java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> getClassNamesToIgnoreErrorsOn()
          Provides a way to suppress errors from Object2Dom when the preferences file is read and contains preferences that are not in the same class loader as the preferences you are migrating.
protected  java.lang.String getExtensionID()
          Get the extension ID for which settings should be persisted.
protected  java.lang.ClassLoader getMigratorClassLoader()
          Override to provide a class loader other than the one that supplies the subclass of ExtensionMigrator.
protected  java.util.List getSettingKeys()
          Get a complete list of all key values for persisting in the ClientSetting object associated with an extension.
protected getSourceFile( sourceDir)
          Get the source File from the given directory.


Methods inherited from class oracle.ide.migration.ExtensionMigrator
canMigrate, copyPreferenceObject, copyPreferenceObjectsAsIs, getDescription, getDestFile, getIde1013ExtensionDirectory, getMigrationCategories, getRootTag, getSourceFileOrJDevExtrasFile, isSelected, loadClass, migrate, setSelected


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public AuditPreferencesMigrator()

Method Detail


protected java.util.List getSettingKeys()
Description copied from class: ExtensionMigrator
Get a complete list of all key values for persisting in the ClientSetting object associated with an extension.
Specified by:
getSettingKeys in class ExtensionMigrator
a list of String keys.


protected java.lang.String getExtensionID()
Description copied from class: ExtensionMigrator
Get the extension ID for which settings should be persisted.
Specified by:
getExtensionID in class ExtensionMigrator
an extension ID. Must not return null.


protected java.lang.ClassLoader getMigratorClassLoader()
Description copied from class: ExtensionMigrator
Override to provide a class loader other than the one that supplies the subclass of ExtensionMigrator. Only need to do this if the class being migrated cannot be loaded by the same class loader.
getMigratorClassLoader in class ExtensionMigrator


protected getSourceFile( sourceDir)
Get the source File from the given directory. By default assumes a File located in sourceDir of the name ClientSetting.FILENAME, else IdeSettings.FILENAME
getSourceFile in class ExtensionMigrator
sourceDir - the source directory.
the settings File located in the given directory.


protected boolean addToProductPreferences()
Description copied from class: ExtensionMigrator
Determines whether the migrated preferences should be added into the Preferences object or remain separate. This can only be done for preferences which have been modified to use HashStructureAdapter. If the preferences are to be added into the preferences object override this method and return true.
addToProductPreferences in class ExtensionMigrator


protected ExtensionMigrator.AdjustedObject[] adjustObject(java.lang.String key,
                                                          java.lang.Object object)
Unset any migrated values that are at the default values.
adjustObject in class ExtensionMigrator


protected java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> getClassNamesToIgnoreErrorsOn()
Description copied from class: ExtensionMigrator
Provides a way to suppress errors from Object2Dom when the preferences file is read and contains preferences that are not in the same class loader as the preferences you are migrating. For example the preferences file in o.jdeveloper contains preferences for Ant, Audit, Profiler, and others which are all in different extensions. No matter who tries to migrate this there will be failures as some of the classes may not be found. Override this to provide a list of class names that should not generate errors when your migrator is run
getClassNamesToIgnoreErrorsOn in class ExtensionMigrator

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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