Utility commands


You can access utility commands through "java -jar".

java -jar KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar <command>

This appendix contains the following information on the commands:


java -jar KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar makebootconfig [-verbose]
-root <rootDirectory> -host <hostname> -hahostname <hostname>
-harange <startPort,endPort> -port <port> [-admin <adminPort>]
[-config <configFile>][-storagedir <path>] [-capacity <n_rep_nodes>]
[-num_cpus <ncpus>][-memory_mb <memory_mb>] 
[-servicerange <startPort,endPort>]
[-mgmt {snmp|jmx|none}] [-pollport <snmp poll port>]
[-traphost <snmp trap/notification hostname>]
[-trapport <snmp trap/notification port>] 


  • -admin <adminPort> The port on wich the web-based Admin Console is contacted. It only needs to be free on the node which runs the admin process. The value defaults to "0", which means that there will be no admin on this node.

  • -capacity <n_rep_nodes> The total number of Replication Nodes a Storage Node can support. The value defaults to "1".

  • -config <configFile> Only specified if more than one Storage Node Agent process will share the same root directory. This value defaults to "config.xml".

  • -hahostname <hostname> Can be used to specify a separate network interface for store replication traffic. This defaults to the hostname specified using the -host flag.

  • -harange <startPort,endPort> A range of free ports which the Replication Nodes use to communicate among themselves. These ports should be sequential and there must be at least as many as the specified capacity for this node.

  • -host <hostname> Identifies a host name associated with the node on which the command is run. This hostname identifies the network interface used for communication with this node.

  • -memory_mb <memory_mb> The total number of megabytes of memory that is available in the machine. If the value is 0, the store will attempt to determine the amount of memory on the machine, but the value is only available when the JVM used is the Oracle Hotspot JVM. The default value is "0".

  • -num_cpus <ncpus> The total number of processors on the machine available to the Replication Nodes. If the value is 0, the system will attempt to query the Storage Node to determine the number of processors on the machine. This value defaults to "0".

  • -port <port> The TCP/IP port on which Oracle NoSQL Database should be contacted. Sometimes referred to as the registry port. This port must be free on the node on which this command is run.

  • -root <rootDirectory> Identifies where the root directory should reside.

  • -servicerange <startPort,endPort> A second range of free ports that may be used by a Storage Node or a Replication Node when exporting RMI based services. These values default to using anonymous ports for network services on the node.

  • -storagedir <path> Specify a path to the directory to be used for a Replication Node. This flag may be used more than once in the command to specify multiple storage directories, but the number should not exceed the capacity for the node. If no storage directory is specified, Replication Nodes use a directory under the root directory.

    The use of the -storagedir argument must be coordinated with the use of the capacity argument. For example, if your Storage Node hosts four disks, you would specify a capacity of four and have four -storagedir arguments.

Creates a configuration file used to start a not-yet-deployed Storage Node to be used in an instance of Oracle NoSQL Database. The file must not already exist. You only need to specify the admin option(the Admin Console port) on the node which hosts the initial Oracle NoSQL Database administration processes.

OracleNoSQL Database allows Java Management Extensions (JMX) or Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) agents to be optionally available for monitoring, in addition to the native monitoring provided by the Admin CLI and the Admin Console. In order to enable JMX or SNMP in the storage node's boot configuration file, you can use the -mgmt, -pollport, -traphost and -trapport options. See Standardized Monitoring Interfaces for more information.


java -jar KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar start [-verbose]
-root <rootDirectory> [-config <bootstrapFileName>] 

Starts the Oracle NoSQL Database Storage Node Agent (and if configured, store) in the root directory.


java -jar KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar stop [-verbose]
-root <rootDirectory> [-config <bootstrapFileName>] 

Stops the Oracle NoSQL Database Storage Node Agent and services related to the root directory.


java -jar KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar restart [-verbose]
-root <rootDirectory> [-config <bootstrapFileName>] 

Stops and then starts the Oracle NoSQL Database Storage Node Agent and services related to the root directory.


java -jar KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar runadmin [-verbose]
-host <hostname> -port <port> [single command and arguments] 

Runs a utility which provides a command line interface (CLI). It is used to perform store configuration.


java -jar KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar load [-verbose]
-source <backupDir> -host <hostname> -port <port> 
-store <storeName> [-status <pathToFile>] 


  • -host <hostname> identifies the host name of a node in your store.

  • -port <port> identifies the registry port in use by the store's node.

  • -source <backupDir> identifies the on-disk location where the snapshot data is stored.

  • -status <pathToFile> is an optional parameter that causes the status of the load operation to be saved in the named location on the local machine.

  • -store <storeName> identifies the name of the store.

Program used to restore a store from a previously created snapshot. By using this tool, you can restore the store to any topology, not just the one that was in use when the snapshot was created. Load should be used only to restore to a new, empty store. Do not use this with an existing store because it only writes records if they do not already exist. See Using the Load Program for more information.


java -jar KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar ping [-verbose]
-host <hostname> -port <port> 

Attempts to contact a store to get status of running services. By using the ping command, you can ensure that the Oracle NoSQL Database client library can contact the Oracle NoSQL Database Storage Agent(SNA). You can use the -host option to check an SNA on a remote host.


java -jar KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar version 

Prints version.


java -jar KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar generateconfig [-verbose]
-host <hostname> -port <port> -sn <StorageNodeId> -target <zipfile> 

Generates configuration files for the specified storage node. The generateconfig command creates the target zipfile which contains the required configuration to re-create the storage node. The top-level directory in the zipfile is the store's root directory.


java -jar KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar help <commandName> 

Prints usage info. With no arguments the top-level shell commands are listed. With a command name, additional detail is provided.