Chapter 2. Plans

Table of Contents

Using Plans
Feedback While a Plan is Running
Plan States
Reviewing Plans

You configure Oracle NoSQL Database with administrative commands called plans. A plan is made up of multiple operations. Plans may modify state managed by the Admin service, and may issue requests to kvstore components such as Storage Nodes and Replication Nodes. Some plans are simple state-changing operations, while others may be long-running operations that affect every node in the store over time.

For example, you use a plan to create a Data Center or a Storage Node or to reconfigure the parameters on a Replication Node.

Using Plans

You create and execute plans using the plan command in the administrative command line interface. By default, the command line prompt will return immediately, and the plan will execute asynchronously, in the background. You can check the progress of the plan using the show plan id command.

If you use the optional -wait flag for the plan command, the plan will run synchronously, and the command line prompt will only return when the plan has completed. The plan wait command can be used for the same purpose, and also lets you specify a time period. The -wait flag and the plan wait command are particularly useful when issuing plans from scripts, because scripts often expect that each command is finished before the next one is issued.

You can also create, but defer execution of the plan by using the optional -noexecute flag. If -noexecute is specified, the plan can be run later using the plan execute -id <id> command.

Feedback While a Plan is Running

There are several ways to track the progress of a plan.

  • The show plan -id command provides information about the progress of a running plan. Note that the -verbose optional plan flag can be used to get more detail.

  • The Admin Console's Topology tab refreshes as Oracle NoSQL Database services are created and brought online.

  • You can issue the verify command using the Topology tab or the CLI as plans are executing. The verify plan provides service status information as services come up.


    The Topology tab and verify command are really only of interest for topology-related plans. For example, if the user is modifying parameters, the changes may not be visible via the topology tab or verify command.

  • You can follow the store-wide log using the Admin Console's Logs tab, or by using the CLI's logtail command.