Verifying the Store

Verification is a tool you can use to:

You run store verification using the verify command in the CLI. It requires no parameters, and by default it runs in verbose mode. For example:

> java -jar KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar runadmin -port <registry port> \
-host <hostname>
kv-> verify
Verify: starting for mystore based upon topology sequence #1008, 1000 
partitions and 3 Storage Nodes, version:11gR2.1.1.0
See <nodeHostname>:/KVRT1/mystore/log/mystore_{0..N}.log for progress 

Verify: == checking storage node sn1 ==
Verify: Storage Node [sn1] on <nodeHostname>:5000    
Datacenter: baskin [dc1]    Status: RUNNING   Ver: 11gR2.1.1.0
Verify:     Admin [admin1]          Status: RUNNING
Verify:     Rep Node [rg1-rn1]  Status: RUNNING,REPLICA at 
sequence number:2,025 haPort:5011
Verify: == checking storage node sn2 ==
Verify: Storage Node [sn2] on <nodeHostname>:5100    
Datacenter: baskin [dc1]    Status: RUNNING   Ver: 11gR2.1.1.0
Verify:     Rep Node [rg1-rn2]  Status: RUNNING,REPLICA at sequence 
number:2,025 haPort:5110
Verify: == checking storage node sn3 ==
Verify: Storage Node [sn3] on <nodeHostname>:5200
Datacenter: baskin [dc1]    Status: RUNNING   Ver: 11gR2.1.1.0
Verify:     Rep Node [rg1-rn3]  Status: RUNNING,MASTER at sequence 
number:2,025 haPort:5210

Verification complete, no problems.  

A silent mode is available which shows only problems.

kv-> verify -silent
Verify: starting for mystore based upon topology sequence #1008, 1000 
partitions and 3 Storage Nodes, version:11gR2.1.1.0
See <nodeHostname>:/KVRT1/mystore/log/mystore_{0..N}.log for progress 

Verification complete, no problems.  

Problems with the store are clearly reported. For example, if a Storage Node is unavailable, then in silent mode that problem is displayed in the following way:

kv-> verify -silent
Verify: starting for mystore based upon topology sequence #1008, 1000 
partitions and 3 Storage Nodes, version:11gR2.1.1.0
See <nodeHostname>:/KVRT1/mystore/log/mystore_{0..N}.log for progress 

Verification complete, 2 problems found.
Verify: sn2:    ping() failed for sn2 : Connection refused to host: 
<nodeHostname>; nested exception is: Connection refused
Verify: rg1-rn2:    ping() failed for rg1-rn2 : Connection refused to 
host: <nodeHostname>; nested exception is: Connection refused

In verbose mode, the above problem is shown in the following way:

kv-> verify
Verify: starting for mystore based upon topology sequence #1008, 1000 
partitions and 3 Storage Nodes, version:11gR2.1.1.0
See <nodeHostname>:/KVRT1/mystore/log/mystore_{0..N}.log for progress 

Verify: == checking storage node sn1 ==
Verify: Storage Node [sn1] on <nodeHostname>:5000
Datacenter: baskin [dc1]    Status: RUNNING   Ver: 11gR2.1.1.0
Verify:     Admin [admin1]          Status: RUNNING
Verify:     Rep Node [rg1-rn1]  Status: RUNNING,REPLICA at sequence 
number:2,025 haPort:5011
Verify: == checking storage node sn2 ==
Verify: sn2: ping() failed for sn2 : Connection refused to host: 
<nodeHostname>; nested exception is: Connection refused
Verify: Storage Node [sn2] on <nodeHostname>:5100
Datacenter: baskin [dc1] UNREACHABLE
Verify: rg1-rn2: ping() failed for rg1-rn2 : Connection refused to 
host: <nodeHostname>; nested exception is: Connection refused
Verify:     Rep Node [rg1-rn2]  Status: UNREACHABLE
Verify: == checking storage node sn3 ==
Verify: Storage Node [sn3] on <nodeHostname>:5200
Datacenter: baskin [dc1]    Status: RUNNING   Ver: 11gR2.1.1.0
Verify:     Rep Node [rg1-rn3]  Status: RUNNING,MASTER at sequence 
number:2,025 haPort:5210

Verification complete, 2 problems found.
Verify: sn2:    ping() failed for sn2 : Connection refused to host: 
<nodeHostname>; nested exception is: Connection refused
Verify: rg1-rn2:    ping() failed for rg1-rn2 : Connection refused to 
host: <nodeHostname>; nested exception is: Connection refused 


The verify output is only displayed in the shell when the command is finished. You can tail or grep the Oracle NoSQL Database log file in order to get a sense of how the verify is progressing. Look for the string Verify. For example:

grep Verify /KVRT1/mystore/log/mystore_0.log