Installing and Configuring SPARQL Gateway

Download the RDF Graph .zip File
Deploy SPARQL Gateway in WebLogic Server
Modify Proxy Settings
Add and Configure the SparqlGatewayAdminGroup Group

To install and configure SPARQL Gateway, follow these major steps, which are explained in subsections that follow:

  1. Download the RDF Graph .zip file.

  2. Deploy SPARQL Gateway in WebLogic Server.

  3. Modify Proxy Settings, if necessary.

  4. Configure the OracleSGDS Data Source, if necessary.

  5. Add and configure the SparqlGatewayAdminGroup Group, if desired.

Download the RDF Graph .zip File

If you have not already done so, download the RDF Graph feature from My Oracle Support. For download details, see Prerequisite Software.

Note that the SPARQL Gateway Java class implementations are embedded in sdordfclient.jar.

Deploy SPARQL Gateway in WebLogic Server

Deploy the SPARQL Gateway web application (sparqlgateway.war) which is bundled in into Oracle WebLogic Server. Verify your deployment by using your web browser to connect to the URL http://<host-name>:7001/sparqlgateway (This assumes that the Web application is deployed at port 7001).

Modify Proxy Settings

If your SPARQL Gateway is behind a firewall and you want the SPARQL Gateway to communicate with SPARQL endpoints on the internet as well as those inside the firewall, you might need to use the following JVM settings:


You can specify these settings in the script.

Add and Configure the SparqlGatewayAdminGroup Group

The following JSP files in SPARQL Gateway can help you to view, edit, and update SPARQL queries and XSL transformations that are stored in an Oracle database:


These files are protected by HTTP basic authentication. In WEB-INF/weblogic.xml, a principal named SparqlGatewayAdminGroup is defined.

To be able to log in to either of these JSP pages, you must use the WebLogic Server to add a group named SparqlGatewayAdminGroup, and create a new user or assign an existing user to this group.