Using the SPARQL Gateway Graphical Web Interface

Main Page (index.html)
Navigation and Browsing Page (browse.jsp)
XSLT Management Page (xslt.jsp)
SPARQL Management Page (sparql.jsp)

SPARQL Gateway provides several browser-based interfaces to help you test queries, navigate semantic data, and manage SPQARQL query and XSLT files:

Main Page (index.html)

http://<host>:<port>/sparqlgateway/index.html provides a simple interface for executing SPARQL queries and then applying the transformations in the default.xslt file to the response. The following shows this interface for executing a query.

Graphical Interface Main Page (index.html)

Enter or select an endpoint, specify the SPARQL SELECT Query Body, and press Submit Query.

For example, if you specify as the SPARQL endpoint and use the SPARQL query body shown in the previous figure, the response will be similar to that shown in the next figure. Note that the default transformations (in default.xslt) have been applied to the XML output in this figure.

Query Main Page Response

Navigation and Browsing Page (browse.jsp)

http://<host>:<port>/sparqlgateway/index.html provides a simple interface for executing SPARQL queries and then applying the transformations in the default.xslt file to the response. The following figure shows this interface for executing a query.

Graphical Interface Navigation and Browsing Page (browse.jsp)

Enter or select a SPARQL Endpoint, specify the SPARQL SELECT Query Body, optionally specify a Timeout (ms) value and the Best Effort option, and press Submit Query.

The SPARQL response is parsed and then presented in table form, as shown in the following figure:

Browsing and Navigation Page: Response

In the previous figure, note that URIs are clickable to allow navigation, and that when users move the cursor over a URI, tool tips are shown for the URIs which have been shortened for readability (as in being displayed as the tool tip for dc:title in the figure).

If you click the URI in the output shown above, a new SPARQL query is automatically generated and executed. This generated SPARQL query has three query patterns that use this particular URI as subject, predicate, and object, as shown in the next figure. Such a query can give you a good idea about how this URI is used and how it is related to other resources in the data set.

Query and Response from Clicking URL Link

When there are many matches of a query, the results are organized in pages and you can click on any page. The page size by default is 50 results. To display more (or fewer) than 50 rows per page in a response with the Browsing and Navigation Page (browse.jsp), you can specify the &resultsPerPage parameter in the URL. For example, to allow 100 rows per page, include the following in the URL:


XSLT Management Page (xslt.jsp)

http://<host>:<port>/sparqlgateway/admin/xslt.jsp provides a simple XSLT management interface. You can enter an XSLT ID (integer) and click Get XSLT to retrieve both the Description and XSLT Body. You can modify the XSLT Body text and then save the changes by clicking Save XSLT. Note that there is a previewer to help you navigate among available XSLT definitions.

XSLT Management Page

SPARQL Management Page (sparql.jsp)

http://<host>:<port>/sparqlgateway/admin/xslt.jsp provides a simple SPARQL management interface. You can enter a SPARQL ID (integer) and click Get SPARQL to retrieve both the Description and SPARQL Body. You can modify the SPARQL Body text and then save the changes by clicking Save SPARQL. Note that there is a previewer to help you navigate among available SPARQL queries.

SPARQL Management Page