B Batch Input Setup

This appendix contains these topics:

B.1 Overview of Tables

To successfully upload batch invoices from outside sources, such as PC data entry, third-party or customer systems, or Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) to the Invoice Transactions - Batch table (F0311Z1), you must enter data into certain fields.

Table 1 in this appendix lists the fields required by the Batch Input Invoice Processing program (P03110Z) for uploading. Tables 2 and 3 list optional fields that might be useful to you in organizing the data, but are not required by the program. Table 4 lists fields that the system ignores during the upload process. The functional server does not pass ignored fields to the JD Edwards World fields.

Each field in tables 1-3 is shown as required, conditional, or optional, as follows:

  • R = Required entry. You must enter data into this field to successfully upload the transactions to the F0311Z1 table.

  • C = Conditional entry. Under certain conditions, you must enter data into this field to successfully upload the transactions to the F0311Z1 table The conditions are listed in the table under Explanation.

  • O = Optional entry. You can enter data in this field.

Other information in the tables include the following:

  • Value. The valid input value is edited. If no value is listed, you can enter any value that meets the field's alpha/numeric specifications. If a table or user defined code (xx/xx) is listed in the table, the system validates the value you enter against that table or user defined code.

    If the table shows DD as the value, the system takes valid values from the data dictionary specifications for the data item. The system can validate data dictionary specifications against user defined codes, allowed values, or upper/lower allowed values.

  • Default. The default value that the system assigns if you leave the field blank. If no default is listed, the system uses the initialization value for the data item, with blanks for alpha fields and zeros for numeric fields. If DD is listed, the system uses the default value for the data item from the data dictionary. You can revise some of the defaults through the functional server processing options (XT0311Z1).

  • Formats. Julian Date. The JD Edwards World Julian date format is CYYDDD, where C is the century (1900=0, 2000=1), YY is the year, and DDD is the day of the year.

    • Numeric amounts. The data dictionary shows amounts with 0 data file decimals. The data item size includes the decimal values. For example, if the display decimals = 2, the table stores $5.50 as 550. If display decimals = 0, the table stores $1000 as 1000.

    • Multi-currency. If you are working in a multi-currency environment, the system uses the company or account display decimals for ledger type AA (domestic), and the transaction currency code for ledger type CA (foreign).

    Other special format considerations appear under Explanation for the specific field. If no format is listed, use the data dictionary specifications for the data item to enter the field.

B.2 Table 1 - Required or Conditionally Required Fields

The A/R Batch Table Processing program (P03110Z) requires the fields in the following table for adding or deleting A/R transactions.

Field Description R C O Explanation Value Default
ACR Foreign Amount R Required to enter amounts in foreign mode (CRRM=F) Not zero Calculated from AG if working in multi-currency and domestic mode
AG Amount R Required to enter amounts in domestic mode (CRRM=D) Not zero Calculated from ACR if working in multi-currency and foreign mode
AN8 Address Number R Required to add a transaction (EDTC=A or blank) F0101 Address Number  
CO Company R Required to add a transaction (EDTC=A or blank) F0101 Address Number  
DCT Document Type R Required to delete a transaction (EDTC=D or blank) F0005 00/DT RI if VJAG > 0 RM if VJAG < or = to 0
DGJ G/L Date R Required to add a transaction (EDTC=A or blank) Valid date  




Invoice Date R   Valid date  
DOC Document Number R Required to delete a transaction (EDTC=D) If you leave this field blank when you add a transaction, the system uses Next Numbers to assign a document number. If you enter a document number, it must not already exist for an add. F0311 Document For an add, this is assigned by Next Numbers.
EDTC Transaction Action R Required to delete a transaction (EDTC=D) Enter only one line to indicate the JD Edwards World document and document type to be deleted. A = Add D = Delete A
EDTN Transaction Number R The user transaction, invoice number, or sequential number for batch processing. This field, or this field in combination with EDUS and EDBT, should contain unique identification for a specific A/R invoice transaction.    
ICU Batch Number R This field must be left blank. The system assigns the number through the Batch Edit/Update program. Each change in the EDBT field drives the creation of a new batch number.   Assigned by Next Numbers
KCO Document Company C This field is required for a delete transaction (EDTC=D) and if assigning next numbers by company or fiscal year. If you enter a Document Company, it must not already exist for an add, but must exist for a delete. F0010 CO

B.3 Table 2 - Optional Control Fields

The fields in the following table can be useful in processing and organizing batch data.

Field Description R C O Explanation Value Default
ATXA Taxable Amount O Ignored if both EXR1 and TXA1 are blank.   C00TX or calculated if working in multi-currency and foreign mode
CRCD Currency Code O If multi-currency is activated, the system edits this field. You can use this field to control the currency calculations if you are working in a multi-currency environment. F0013 F0101
CRR Exchange Rate O     F0013 for CRCD if CRRM = F or D. Calculated from AG and ACR if CRRM = 3 for both AG and ACR
CRRM Mode of Entry O If multi-currency is activated, the system edits this field. You can use this field to control the currency calculations if you are working in a multi-currency environment. D Domestic F Foreign 3 Pre-calculated DD
CTAM Foreign Tax Amount O Ignored if both EXR1 and TXA1 are blank.   C00TX or calculated if working in multi-currency and domestic mode
CTXA Foreign Taxable Amount O Ignored if both EXR1 and TXA1 are blank. C00TX C00TX or calculated if working in multi-currency and domestic mode
EDAN User Address Number O A number you assign in both the invoice record and the address book record, when the actual address number is assigned by the system using Next Numbers. This number is used to link the new address number to this transaction.    
EDBT User Defined Batch Number O This field, in combination with EDTN and EDUS, uniquely identifies a specific invoice entry. This field also acts as a level break and drives the assignment of a JD Edwards batch number each time this value changes.    
EDUS User ID O User defined ID number This field, in combination with EDTN and EDBT, uniquely identifies a specific invoice entry. PC processing uses this field as the PC terminal ID number.    
EXR1 Tax Explanation Code O If you enter a code here, the system will perform tax calculations. 00/EX  
ICUT Batch Type O This field identifies the system the to which the batch pertains. For example: G = General Accounting V = A/P Vouchers I = A/R Invoices 98/IT  
STAM Tax Amount O Ignored if both EXR1 and TXA1 are blank C00TX C00TX or calculated from CTAM if working in multi-currency and foreign mode
TXA1 Tax Rate/Area O If you enter a code here, the system performs tax calculations. F4008 MCTXA1 or ABTXA2 (if EXR1 is not blank)

B.4 Table 3 - Additional Fields

The fields in the following table are optional. You can use them to provide additional information about the A/R transactions. Some of these fields are for future use with EDI processing.

Field Description R C O Explanation Value Default
AAP Open Amount O     AG if domestic, calculated from FAP if working in multi-currency and foreign mode
AC01- AC10 Category Codes O     F0101 ABAC01-10
ADSA Discount Taken O     Calculated from CDSA if working in multi-currency and foreign mode
ADSC Discount Available O   Less than the gross amount Calculated from CDS if working in multi-currency and foreign mode
AFC Apply Finance Charges O   DD DD
BAID Override Bank Account O      
BALJ Balanced JE's O     Y
CDS Foreign Discount Available O   Less than the gross amount Calculated from ADSC if working in multi-currency and domestic mode
CDSA Foreign Discount Taken O     Calculated if working in multi-currency and domestic mode
CLRC Collection Reason O   00/CL  
COLL Collection Report Y/N O   DD DD
CRC Check Routine Code O      
DCTM Matching Document Type O   Blanks  
DCTO Order Type O      
DD# Due Date Net Century O      
DDM DDD DDJ DDY Due Date Net O   Valid date From G/L or Invoice Date
DI# Invoice Date Century O      
DMCD Domestic Multi-Currency Code O      
DMTM DMTD DMTJ DMTY Matching Document Date O   Zeros  
DMT# Matching Document Date Century O   Zeros  
DOCM Matching Document O   Zeros  
DRF Number of Payments C Required if RF not blank    
DSV# Service/Tax Date Century O      
EDCT Transaction Type O      
EDDL Number of Detail Lines O This number should be the number of detail lines included in the specific transaction. For user verification only.    
EDDT Transmission Date O   Valid calendar date Date processed Format: YYDDD (Julian)
EDER Send/ Receive Indicator O Future EDI field DD  
EDFT Translation Format O Future EDI field A valid translation format set up through the third-party translators for EDI.  
EDGL Create G/L Record O Future use    
EDLN Line Number O This field might be useful in identifying specific transaction lines.    
EDSP Processed (0/1) O The batch processing program bypasses transactions marked 1 (processed). 0 = No 1 = Yes 0
EDSQ Record Sequence O      
EDST Transaction Set O Future EDI field A standard EDI set number.  
EDTR Transaction Type O Identifies the type of invoice to be added or deleted. I = Invoice I
EDTY Record Type O Future EDI field    
FAP Foreign Open Amount O     ACR if working in multi-currency and domestic mode
GLC G/L Offset O   AAI F0101 ABAPC
ITM Item Number (short) O      
MCU Business Unit O   F0006 F0101 ABMCU
NBRR Number of Reminders to Send O   DD DD
OBJ Object Account O      
OPSQ Operation Sequence Number O      
PDCT Order Type C Required if PO not blank 00/DT DD if PO not blank
PKCO Order Key Company C Required if PO not blank F0010 CO if PO not blank
PO Purchase Order O      
POST G/L Posted Code O      
PST Pay Status O   DD DD
PTC Payment Terms O   F0014 F0101 ABTRAP
PYIN Payment Instrument O     F0101 ABPYIN
RDS# Reminder Stop Date Century O      
RDSM RDSD RDSM RDSY Reminder Stop Date O   Valid date  
RF Recurring Frequency C Required if DRF not blank    
RMK Remark O      
RP1 RP2 RP3 Misc. Codes 1, 2, and 3 O Used for tax editing purposes    
SBL Subledger O      
SBLT Subledger Type O      
SDCT Sales Document Type O      
SDOC Sales Document        
SFX Pay Item O Ignored for delete transaction (EDTC = D) If left blank, will be assigned by the Batch Edit/Update Program.   Assigned
SFXM Matching Document Line O   Blanks  
SKCO Sales Document Company O      
SUB Subsidiary Account O      
TRTC Input Type O      
U Units O      
UM Units of Measure O      
VLDT Value Date O   Value date  

B.5 Table 4 - Ignored Fields

If you enter data into these fields, the functional server does not pass it to the JD Edwards World fields. The A/R Batch Table Processing program (P03110Z) supplies blank, zero, or the default shown in the following table.

Field Description Value Default
AID2 G/L Credit Account    
ALPH Alpha Name   F0101 ABALPH
ALT6 Cash Basis for Post Code    
AM Account Mode   F0901
AM2 Account Mode    
AN8J Alternate Payee Address    
AR Adjustment Reason    
ATO Owner Y/N   F0101 ABATO
AT1 Search Type   F0101 ABAT1
AT2 AR/AP Netting   F0101 ABAT2
AT3 Address Type 3   F0101 ABAT3
AT4 Address Type 4   F0101 ABAT4
AT5 Address Type 5   F0101 ABAT5
ATE User Code 3   F0101 ABATE
ATP Payables Y/N   F0101 ABATP
ATPR User Code 4   F0101 ABATPR
ATR Receivable Y/N   F0101 ABATR
ATXN Non-Taxable Amount   C00TX or calculated from CTXN if working in multi-currency and foreign mode.
CLD# Sent to Collection Date Century    
CLDM CLDD CLDJ CLDY Sent to Collection Date    
CM Flash Message   F0101 ABCM
CMC1 Commission Code 1    
CTL A/R Checks Control    
CTRY Fiscal Century   G/L Date Century
CTXN Foreign Non-Taxable Amount   C00TX or calculated from ATXN if working in multi-currency and domestic mode.
DDN# Due Date (Net) Century    
DDNM DDND DDNJ DDNY Due Date (Net)    
DIC# Batch Date Century    
DICM DICD DICJ DICY Batch Date   F0011 Batch Header
DPR# Date Promised Century    
DPRM DPRD DPRJ DPRY Date Promised    
FNLP Closed Item    
FY Fiscal Year   G/L Date Fiscal Year
GLBA G/L Bank Account    
ITI# Interest Invoice Date Century    
ITIM ITID ITIJ ITIY Interest Invoice Date    
JOBN Workstation ID   System
LNID Line Number    
MCU2 Business Unit    
NSF NSF Check Return    
NUMB Item Number    
ODCT Original Document Type   Document Type
ODOC Original Document   Document
OKCO Original Document Company   Document Company
OSFX Original Pay Item   Pay Item
PA8 Parent Number   F0101 PA8
PID Program ID   System
PN G/L Period   Current Company Period
PRT1 Print    
RDD# Last Sent Reminder Date Century    
RDDM RDDD RDDJ RDDY Last Sent Reminder Date    
RDRL Level Last Reminder Sent    
RMDS Total Sent Reminders    
SFXO Order Suffix    
SMTM SMTD SMTJ SMTY Statement Date    
SMT# Statement Date Century    
TORG Transaction Originator   System
UNIT Unit Number    
UPMJ Date Updated   System
UPMT Time Last Updated   System
USER User Profile   System
VINV Vendor Invoice Number    
VR01 Reference