9 Overview to Versions with Row Specifications

This chapter contains these topics:

9.1 Objectives

  • To create a version with row specifications

  • To create a version with row specifications by business unit

  • To create a version with row specifications by category code

  • To create a version with percentage calculations

9.2 About Versions with Row Specifications

Versions with row specifications are column versions with additional parameters that you define. You create versions with row specifications when you have certain parameters that you cannot set up in a column only version, such as:

  • Row underlines

  • Blank lines

  • A description not found in the chart of accounts

  • Special row calculations

Unless you copy a version that already has rows, you must define rows individually or use the Row Duplication feature when you create a version with row specifications. Row specifications add detail to your version, but take longer for the system to process than a column only version. For this reason, you should specify rows on versions only if necessary.

Versions with row specifications consists of:

  • Creating versions with row specifications

  • Working with row specifications

  • Creating row specifications by business unit

  • Creating row specifications by category code

  • Overriding specifications

  • Setting up percentage calculations