83 Journal Entry Processing - Processing Options

This chapter contains these topics:

83.1 Journal Entry (P09101) (Release A9.3 Update)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. To override standard journal entry processing (DREAM Writer XT0911Z1, version ZJDE0001), enter an override version.

Warning: This should only be changed by persons responsible for system-wide setup.

2. Does the default ledger type from the journal entry processor version have to balance (1/0)?

The default of 0 will require balancing.

3. Enter the sequence numbers (1-7) to indicate the order in which formats will appear.

If all are left blank they will appear in default order:

Standard Journal Entries

Journal Entries with Sub Ledger

Journal Entries with Energy Info

Journal Entries with F/A

Journal Entries with Units

Journal Entries with Phase Code

Journal Entries with Debit/Credit

Note: This is used with the Format Selection function key.

4. Enter a '1' to retain the G/L Date and Document Type on the screen between entries.  
5. Enter a '1' to display the Home Business Unit in the top portion of the screen (does not apply to the Fixed Assets format because it is included in the detail section).  
6. Enter a '1' to display the Document Pay Item on the Debit/Credit screen format.  
7. Enter a '1' to display Reference 1.  
8. Enter a '1' to display amounts to billions without commas.

Leave blank to display amounts to millions with commas.

9. For Fixed Assets systems enter a '1' to require the entry of an Asset ID if an account is in an AAI asset account range.

Leave blank to not require an entry.

10. Enter a '1' to protect the Exchange Rate field.

If left blank, the Exchange Rate will not be protected.

11. Enter a '1' to display units to billions without commas. Leave blank to display units to millions with commas.  
12. Enter a '1' to disallow automatic entries (Document Type = 'AE') from being added or changed manually.

If left blank, automatic entries will be allowed to be added or changed manually.


83.2 Journal Entry Functional Server (XT0911Z1)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
Processing option 1 Enter the Ledger Type for entry.

If left blank, Ledger Type AA will be used.

Processing option 2 When you enter a 1 in this field, no Account Ledger records are created if a journal entry line does not have an amount or a unit. If you use a model journal entry with several lines of account distributions, and you only enter amounts for certain accounts, no Account Ledger records are created for the lines with amounts. If you leave this option blank, you need to field exit through the distribution lines on a model journal entry that should not be created in the Account Ledger table.
Processing option 3 For currency conversion, enter a '1' to edit the exchange rate Effective Date period against the G/L period for the transaction.
Processing option 4 Specify a tolerance limit to warn you when you key an override currency exchange rate that is over or under this limit. For example 15.0 indicates +/-15%.
Processing option 5 Enter a 1 to disallow entry to the domestic side of a foreign transaction. If left blank, entry of the domestic side of a foreign transaction will be allowed.
Processing option 6 Enter the User Exit Program name. I

f left blank the default of 'XT0911Z1E' will be used.

83.3 Journal Entries with Tax (P09106)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. To override standard journal entry processing (DREAM Writer XT0911Z1, version ZJDE0001), enter an override version number. This should only be changed by persons responsible for system wide setup.  
2. Enter a '1' to protect the Exchange Rate field.

If left blank, the Exchange Rate will not be protected.

3. Select default screen format:

BLANK = Exclusive Tax

'1' = Inclusive Tax


83.4 General Ledger Post (P09800)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
Processing option 1 Enter the Ledger Type for entry.

If left blank, Ledger Type AA will be used.

Processing option 2 When you enter a 1 in this field, no Account Ledger records are created if a journal entry line does not have an amount or a unit. If you use a model journal entry with several lines of account distributions, and you only enter amounts for certain accounts, no Account Ledger records are created for the lines with amounts. If you leave this option blank, you need to field exit through the distribution lines on a model journal entry that should not be created in the Account Ledger table.
Processing option 3 For currency conversion, enter a '1' to edit the exchange rate Effective Date period against the G/L period for the transaction.
Processing option 4 Specify a tolerance limit to warn you when you key an override currency exchange rate that is over or under this limit. For example 15.0 indicates +/-15%.
Processing option 5 Enter a 1 to disallow entry to the domestic side of a foreign transaction. If left blank, entry of the domestic side of a foreign transaction will be allowed.
Processing option 6 Enter the User Exit Program name.

If left blank the default of 'XT0911Z1E' will be used.

1. Enter Batch Number or Batch Date or Batch User ID  
2. Identify how to print amount fields on Post Journal:

'1' = to Millions (w/ commas)

'2' = to Billions (w/o commas)

Blank (Default) = No Journal Printed.

3. Identify which account number to print on report:

'1' = Account Number

'2' = Short Account ID

'3' = Unstructured Account

'4' = (Default) Number Entered During Input

4. Enter a '1' to post F/A entries to Fixed Assets.

Note: DREAM Writer version ZJDE0001 of Post G/L Entries to Assets (P12800) is executed when this option is selected. All transactions selected from that DREAM Writer will be posted rather than just the current entries being posted to G/L.

5. Enter a 'Y' if you wish to explode parent item time down to the assembly component level. Component billing rates will be used. (This applies to batch type 'T' only.)  
6. Enter a '1' to create and post Cash Basis accounting entries. (Applies to batch type G, K, M, W, & R only.)  
7. Enter units ledger type for Cash Basis Accounting entries.

(Default of blank will use "ZU" ledger type.)

8. Enter a '1' for 52 Period Post.

Note: DREAM Writer data selection is used for 52 period posting ONLY. It is NOT used for the standard post to the F0902. Additionally, 52 period date patterns must be set up.

9. Identify when to update the Tax Work file (F0018):

'1' = V.A.T. or Use Tax only

'2' = for All Tax Amounts

'3' = for All Tax Explanation Codes

Blank (Default) = No Update to File

Note: When using Vertex Taxes the Vertex Tax Register file will be updated instead of the Tax Work file for methods '1', '2', and '3'.

10. Adjust VAT Account for Cash Receipt Adjustments and Write Offs. Tax explanation must be a 'V'.

'1' = update VAT amount only

'2' = update VAT amount, extended price and taxable amount

11. Adjust VAT Account for Discount Taken. The Tax Rules file must be set to Calculate Tax on Gross Amount, including Discount and Calculate Discount on Gross Amount, including Tax. Tax explanation must be a 'V'.

'1' = update VAT amount only

'2' = update VAT amount, extended price and taxable amount

12. Enter DREAM Writer version of Property Management G/L Transaction Creation to be executed.

Default is version ZJDE0001. (This applies to batch types '2' and '/'.)

13. Enter '1' to update short ID number, company, fiscal year/period number, century, and fiscal quarter in unposted transaction records selected for posting. (May be required for custom input programs.)  
14. Enter a '1' to print the Posting Journal in a 198 character format.

The default of blank will print the format with 132 characters.

15. Enter a '1' to create currency restatement entries. This creates records in the XA, YA, and/or ZA ledgers depending on the version you are running.  
16. Enter the version of the Detailed Currency Restatement (P11411) to execute.

Default of blank will execute ZJDE0001.

17. Enter a '1' to update the Cross-Environment Reconciliation file. Blank will not update the reconciliation file.

Note: The Cross-Environment Reconciliation file can also be updated through the stand-alone Cross-Environment File Creation program.

18. When normal number of periods = 12 or 13 and posting a reversing entry into period 12 or 13, enter a '1' to create reversing journal entries to the first period of the following year. This is to avoid posting reversing entries to an adjusting period.

Example: Normal number of periods = 12. Period 12 ends 12/30/xx and period 13 ends 12/31/xx. Journal Entry date of 12/30/xx will post reversing entry to period 01 of next year if processing option is set to '1'.


Note: This option should NOT be changed by User.


83.5 General Journal By Batch (P09301)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Select Account number to print:

'1' = account number

'2' = short account ID

'3' = unstructured account

'4' = number entered during input.

If left blank, the number entered during input will be printed.

2. Enter a '1' to print units.

If left blank, units will not be printed.

3. Enter a '1' to suppress commas when displaying amount fields. This will allow the printing of additional significant digits in each amount field.  
4. Select which account category code (1 - 23) to print in place of the account number.

Default of blank will print the account number specified in option number 1.

5. Enter a '1' to print the generic text for journal entry lines in a 40-character width, a '2' to print text in an 80-character width.

If left blank, generic text will not be printed.


83.6 General Journal by Account (P09311)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Select the Account number to print:

'1' = account number

'2' = short account ID

'3' = unstructured account

'4' = number entered during input.

If left blank, the number entered during input will be printed.

2. Enter a '1' to suppress commas when displaying amount fields. This will allow the printing of additional significant digits in each amount field.  
3. Enter a '1' to print the generic text for journal entry lines in a 40 character width, a '2' to print text in an 80 character width.

If left blank, generic text will not be printed.