88 Account Consolidation Processing Options

This chapter contains these topics:

88.1 Consolidated Trial Balance (P09218)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
The first three processing options are for use with the Business Unit Selection screen. The remaining options are for the Trial Balance screen.  
1. Enter an index name to be preloaded on the Business Unit Selection screen.

Leave blank to not preload an index.

2. Enter a "1" to display the Index Name, Description and Store Index (1/0) option.  
3. Enter a "1" to display the Index Name and Description only.  
4. Enter a "1" to omit displaying accounts with zero balances.  
5. Enter the ledger type for column 1.

Leave blank for default ledger type 'BA' - Budget Dollars.

6. Enter the User Defined Code value for column heading 1. UDC table 14/CH will be used for this search.

See NOTE 1.

7. Enter the ledger type for column 2.

Leave blank for default ledger type 'AA' - Actual Dollars.

8. Enter the User Defined Code value for column heading 2. UDC table 14/CH will be used for this search.

See NOTE 1.

9. Select one of the following for column 3 calculation:

1 - Column 1 - Column 2

2 - Column 1 / Column 2

3 - Column 1 x Column 2

4 - Column 1 + Column 2

This option applies only to the three column screen format.

10. Enter the Level of Detail to be displayed.

Default of blank will use the value from the Data Dictionary.

11. Initial screen format to display:

' ' = Three column format

'1' = Four column format (NOTE 2)

12. Enter the scaling factor to be used on displayed amounts.

Default of blank will use the value from the Data Dictionary.

13. Enter the default date:

' ' = Use Current Period Date

'1' = Use Financial Reporting Date

14. Choose Balance Sheet or Income Statement display.

' ' = Display accounts in a trial balance format. (Default)

'0' = Display the net income/loss calculations for the balance sheet net income/loss calculations.

'1' = Display the interim totals for the income statement accounts.

15. Enter a '1' to print expense and liability accounts as negative amounts.

If left blank, the accounts will print as positive amounts.

Note 1: The column titles are defined in User Defined Codes System Code '14' Record Type 'CH'. Specifying an Option of AA means that you have a Code value of 'AA' in this table whose description will be used as the Column heading on the video.

Note 2: When using the four column format, the ledger type and default headings for columns 1 and 3 are the same as those used for column 1 on the three column format. Columns 2 and 4 are the same as column 2 on the three column format.


88.2 Refresh Consolidations (P10862)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
Enter the pseudo company number for consolidations.  

88.3 Account Balance Comparison (P092121)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the ledger type for column 1.

Leave blank for default ledger type

'BA' - Budget Amount.

2. Enter the User Defined Code value for

column heading 1. UDC table 14/CH

will be used for this search.

NOTE: The column heading that appears

on the screen is the description

that is assigned to the user

defined code you specify.

3. Enter the ledger type for column 2.

Leave blank for default ledger type

'AA' - Actual Amount.

4. Enter the User Defined Code value for

column heading 2. UDC table 14/CH

will be used for this search.

NOTE: The column heading that appears

on the screen is the description

that is assigned to the user

defined code you specify.


5. Select one of the following for

column 3 calculation:

1 = Column 1 - Column 2 (Default)

2 = Column 1 / Column 2

3 = Column 1 x Column 2

4 = Column 1 + Column 2

This option applies only to the three

column screen format.

6. When using the three column screen

format, enter the number of decimals

to use when displaying column 3.

Default of blank will use the company

decimal positions. If a scaling

factor is used, it will override this



7. Enter a '1' to sequence by Business

Unit, Subsidiary. (Note: This

option will not work if you are

using the Flex Chart of Accounts).

Default of blank will sequence by

Business Unit, Object.


8. Enter the Level of Detail to be

displayed. Default of blank will use

the value from the Data Dictionary.

9. Enter the sequence numbers (1-3) to

indicate the order in which formats

will appear. If all are left blank

they will appear in default order:

Two Column Format

Three Column Format

Four Column Format

NOTE: For the four-column format, the

ledger type and heading for

columns 1 and 3 are the same as

those for column 1, and columns 2

and 4 are the same as those for

column 2 on the two and three-

column format.

10. Enter the scaling factor to be used

on displayed amounts. Default of

blank will use the value from the

Data Dictionary.

11. Enter a '1' to display the Account

Number with the Account Description

in the fold area. Leave blank to

display the Account Description with

the Account Number in the fold area.

12. Enter a '1' to display amounts

without commas. Leave blank to

display amounts with commas.

13. Enter a '1' to omit displaying

accounts with zero balances.


88.4 Delete Prior Consolidations (P10861)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
Enter the pseudo company number to be deleted.

Note: This procedure will delete all account master, balance and ledger (F0901, F0902, and F0911) records for the pseudo company entered.

Enter the next number to be used when refreshing the consolidation accounts.

You should enter a number high enough to avoid your normal account numbers.

If left blank, it will default the next number to 90000000.