57 Cost Code Structures Processing Options

This chapter contains these topics:

57.1 Copy Selected Master Codes (P510921)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter 1 to 5 characters for the beginning of every Cost Type (6 digit Object). Remaining characters will be displayed on the screen.

For example, if 1 character is entered, 5 are displayed; if 2 are entered, 4 are displayed, and so on.

This eliminates duplication where the beginning characters are the same.

2. Enter a '1' to prevent changes to records copied from the Cost Code Master. Leave blank to allow changes before copying.  
3. Enter a '1' to prevent changes to the Workers Compensation field.  
4. Enter a '1' to move budget units and amounts to the main subfile line.

Leave blank to display Category Codes on the main line and budgets in the fold.

5. Enter the budget amount ledger type to update. Leave blank (default) to update Ledger Type "JA".  
6. Enter the budget unit ledger type to update. Leave blank (default) to update Ledger Type "JU".  
7. Enter the Budget Entry (P510121) DREAM Writer version for the related function key. The default is version "ZJDE0001".  

57.2 Copy Similar Job (P518042)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the Budget Entry (P510121) DREAM Writer version for the related function key.

The default is version "ZJDE0001".

2. Enter the Job Search (P51200) DREAM Writer for the related function key.

The default is version "ZJDE0001".

3. Enter the budget amount ledger type to update.

Leave blank (default) to update Ledger Type "JA".

4. Enter the budget unit ledger type to update.

Leave blank (default) to update Ledger Type "JU".


57.3 Account Master Sequences (P510141)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Select the account sequence to display:

"1" = Account Category Code 1

"2" = Account Category Code 2

"3" = Account Category Code 3

"A" = Alternate Cost Code

Blank = Cost Code sequence

2. Enter the Cost Code range to display

a. From Cost Code:

b. Thru Cost Code:

3. Enter the Cost Type range to display:

a. From Cost Type:

b. Thru Cost Type:

4. Enter a "1" to display detailed heading entry and selection.

Leave blank for simple heading.

5. Enter a "1" to suppress the edit of G/L Category Codes against User Defined Codes.  

57.4 Global Update Alt. Sequence - Company 50 (P09807)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description

Notes and examples are provided on the last screen.

1. Global Update G/L Category Code 1:

This will copy the selected digits of the Cost Code to G/L Category Code 1. This is used by Job Cost Inquiry in Category Code 1 sequence.

2. Global Update G/L Category Code 2:

This will copy the selected digits of the Cost Code to G/L Category Code 2. This is used by Job Cost Inquiry in Category Code 2 sequence.

3. Global Update G/L Category Code 3:

This will copy the selected digits of the Cost Code to G/L Category Code 3. This is used by Job Cost Inquiry in Category Code 3 sequence.

4. Global Update Alternate Cost Code This will copy the selected digits of the Cost Code to G/L Alternate Cost Code. This is used by Job Cost Inquiry in Alternate Cost Code sequence.  

Up to 3 digits may be selected for Category Codes 1, 2, and 3. Up to 8 digits may be selected for the Alternate Cost Code. Enter a "+" to identify blank spaces. Selected digits must be in numerical sequence.

For example, "234" would copy the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th digits of the cost code.

"2+4" would copy the 2nd and 4th digits of the cost code with a blank embedded in the middle. "243" would not be a valid numerical sequence.