60 Job Schedules Processing Options

This chapter contains these topics:

60.1 Cost Code Schedule (P51901)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter 1 to 5 characters for the beginning of every Cost Type (6 digit Object). The remaining characters will be displayed on the screen.

For example, if 1 character is entered, 5 are displayed; if 2 are entered, 4 are displayed, and so on.

2. Enter the Cost Code range to display:

a. From Cost Code:

b. Thru Cost Code

3. Enter the Cost Type range to display:

a. From Cost Type:

b. Thru Cost Type:

4. Select the account sequence to display:

"1" = Account Code Category 1

"2" = Account Code Category 2

"3" = Account Code Category 3

"A" = Alternate Cost Code

Blank = Cost Code sequence (default)

5. Enter a "1" to display detailed heading entry and selection.

Leave blank for simple heading.

6. Enter a "1" to display the "speed" format (dates and cost code/type will be displayed on the left side).  
7. Enter the override Level of Detail.

Leave blank to default the value from the data dictionary ('9').


60.2 JDE to Primavera Download - Job 501 (P5150)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the period ending date of the fiscal period that you wish to download actuals for. Leave blank (default) to use the current fiscal period.  
2. Enter a '1' to print an exception listing showing all accounts for the job which are in error and will not be downloaded. Leave blank (default) to not produce the exception listing.  
3. Enter the Job category code that contains the P3 Project ID (valid category codes are 21, 22, or 23).

This information is required.

4. Enter the Account Master category code that contains both the P3 Resource ID and Resource Designator (valid category codes are 21, 22, or 23).

This information is required.

5. Enter a '1' to use the Schedule Number from the F51901 file as the P3 Activity ID. Leave blank (default) to use the JDE Cost Code.  
6. Enter a '1' to use the JDE Cost Type as the P3 Cost Account. Leave blank (default) to not use the Cost Account.