34 Set Up Warehouse Locations

This chapter contains this topic:

After you have defined the format for your locations, you must define all of the locations in a warehouse. To locate items more easily, you can create a hierarchy of locations within the warehouse and enter information about zones.

34.1 Setting Up Warehouse Locations

From Inventory Management (G41), enter 29

From Inventory System Setup (G4141), choose Define Warehouse Locations

You can also define a primary location to store basic information about items in a warehouse. A primary location is not an actual physical location. For example, you could designate a primary location as "Location A," and then assign every item in the warehouse to a location that begins with "A."

You can also define a blank location as the primary location for inventory items. How the system displays the primary location depends on the location format specifications that you defined for the branch/plant.

34.1.1 Before You Begin

  • Define the location format in Branch/Plant Constants

  • Verify that location control is activated in Branch/Plant Constants

To set up warehouse locations

On Define Warehouse Locations

Figure 34-1 Define Warehouse Locations screen

Description of Figure 34-1 follows
Description of "Figure 34-1 Define Warehouse Locations screen"

  1. Complete the following fields:

    • Branch/Plant

    • Location

  2. To create a hierarchy of locations within a warehouse, complete the following field:

    • LOD (Level of Detail)

  3. To define a primary location, complete the following field, but do not use a separator character:

    • Location

    The system displays an asterisk (*) to indicate the primary location.

Field Explanation
Location A code that identifies inventory locations in a branch/plant. You define the format of the location identifier by branch/plant.

Form-specific information

A location format is composed of elements and, optionally, a separator character. The total length of all elements in this field, including separators, cannot exceed 20 characters.

If you leave this field blank and do not use a separator character, the system displays the location as an asterisk. If you use a separator character, the system displays the location with the correct number of spaces for each element, followed by the separator character.

Detail Level A code that summarizes or classifies locations and provides a hierarchy of locations for review purposes. For instance, you can assign aisles to level 3, and individual racks within the aisle as level 4.

Form-specific information

Use the Detail Level field to specify the beginning level of detail that you want the system to display.

Use the Level of Detail field in the lower portion of the form to identify the level of detail for the location.

See Also: